WELCOME TO HERITAGE OPEN DAYS 2015 Heritage Open Days celebrates our architecture and culture by allowing free access to interesting properties, many of which are not normally open to the public, as well as free tours, events, and other activities. It is organised by a partnership of Chester Civic Trust & Cheshire West and Chester Council, in association with other local societies. It would not be possible without the help of many building owners and local volunteers. 2015 is the 21st anniversary of HODS, which began in 1994 as a Council of Europe initiative. Chester has participated every year and has one of the largest programmes in the region. We also celebrate these landmark anniversaries - *The 175th anniversary of the opening of the Crewe to Chester railway line. * The 400thDQQLYHUVDU\RI%LVKRS/OR\GҋV3DODFH *The 70th anniversary of the end of World War II *The 40th anniversary of European Architectural Heritage Year 1975. 7KLVKDVSURPSWHGWKHFKRLFHRIFRYHUIRUWKLVGLUHFWRU\DV&KHVWHUҋV High Cross was put back in its original position (by Chester Civic Trust) as part of the celebrations in 1975. European Architectural Heritage Year gave Chester international recognition for pioneering conservation work - the legacy of which we can all enjoy during HODS . The front cover watercolour, painted by George Thompson, is in the collection of the Grosvenor Museum. JOIN US! If you share our interest in the heritage & future development of Chester we invite you to join Chester Civic Trust. Membership is open to everyone, whatever your interests & regardless of where you live. For details please visit our website www.chestercivictrust.org.uk or write to the Membership Secretary, Chester Civic Trust Office, %LVKRS/OR\GҋV3DODFH:DWHUJDWH5RZ&KHVWHU&+/( 1 2 Sat 12th 10am to 4pm. No BUILDINGS parking. %LVKRS/OR\GҋV3DODFH 2OG/HFKH+RXVH :DWHUJDWH5RZ 6RID:RUNVKRS Two early C17th town houses :DWHUJDWH5RZ reconstructed above medieval This town house retains its undercrofts. The western gable beautiful fireplace and Tudor bears the date 1615 making this RYHUPDQWOHRQ&KHVWHUҋV5RZV year its 400th anniversary. The Thurs 10th to Sat 12th - 9.30am building contains ornate plaster to 5.30pm, Sun 13th - 11am to ceilings and elaborate carvings 5pm . Please can HODS visitors on the front gable. It is now home note that the shop is open for to Chester Civic Trust. Take 27 business and customers will have will be demonstrating computer priority from the staff. No parking. PRGHOOLQJRI5RPDQ&KHVWHURQ Saturday and Sunday. %RRWK0DQVLRQ Fri 11th, Sat 12th & Sun 13th - :DWHUJDWH6WUHHW 10am to 4pm. No parking. No This early Georgian mansion wheelchair access. FRQFHDOVWZR&WK medieval town houses. Evidence 6WDQOH\3DODFH of the early structures can be /RZHU:DWHUJDWH6WUHHW seen within the rear of the Timber-framed house, dating EXLOGLQJDQGDORQJWKH5RZZKHUH from 1591. Interior has a long there are two massive stone oak-beamed hall with a great oak arches. Alderman George stair leading to a gallery. %RRWKҋVLQWHUYHQWLRQLVHTXDOO\ Sat 12th - 10am to 4pm. At other impressive and the building now times subject to occupation by hosts a variety of art exhibitions other users. Ring the doorbell for and music recitals in the elegant admission. No parking. Partial UHFHSWLRQURRPVDERYH5RZOHYHO wheelchair access. Thurs 10th - Sat 12th 10.30am to 7pm and Sun 13th 11am to 5pm. :DWHUJDWH+RXVH Wheelchair access & passenger /RZHU:DWHUJDWH6WUHHW lift. This fine Grade II* listed building was designed as a town house by 6W3HWHUҋV&KXUFK Thomas Harrison for his friend The Cross 7KRPDV3RWWV&OHUNRIWKH Located at the heart of the city. 3HDFHLQ Founded in AD907, & rebuilt in 3 the 14th century with later &KHVWHU+LVWRU\DQG alterations by Thomas Harrison +HULWDJH6W0LFKDHOҋV and John Douglas. Interesting &KXUFK%ULGJH6WUHHW galleries and fragment of 0HGLHYDOFKXUFKUHEXLOW medieval fresco. E\-DPHV+DUULVRQ Thurs 10th to Sat 12th -10am to Features include 15th century 3.30pm. Sun 13th 1pm to 3.30pm. carved oak chancel ceiling,and Eucharist on Fri 11th at 1pm, Victorian stained glass. Matins at 10am on Sunday. Sat 12th - 11am to 4pm. Family Wheelchair access. Toilets, and local history service. refreshments. Quiet room. Current local history exhibitions. &DVWOH*DOOHULHV No parking.No wheelchair access. 6W0LFKDHOҋV5RZ &&9L\HOOD An in-situ section of black and %ULGJH6WUHHW ZKLWH5RPDQPRVDLFIORRULQJFDQ This timber framed building dates be seen in the basement, which from the C17th and houses a once decorated part of 'HYDҋV C14th stone undercroft of six rib large bathhouse complex. vaulted bays with an unusual Thurs 10th to Sat 12th - 9am doorway and window. Known as to 5.30pm, Sun 13th - 11am to Cowper House, and home to 5pm. Public visiting to look at the 5R\DOLVW0D\RU7KRPDV&RZSHU Roman remains please notify a with the inscription TC 1664 on member of staff. No wheelchair the main facade. access, steep steps. Thurs 10th to Sat 12th -10am 6SXG8/LNH to 4pm, Sun 13th 11.30am to %ULGJH6WUHHW 3.30pm. Ramp available for wheelchair access. Disabled In the basement are the remains parking to rear in Commonhall St RIDQLQVLWX5RPDQK\SRFDXVW which heated part of the massive 0DG+DWWHUV7HDURRP Legionary bathhouse complex. 6W0LFKDHOҋV5HFWRU\ Also a medieval rock-cut cellar. Thurs 10th to Sat 12th - 9am to %ULGJH6WUHHW5RZ 6pm, Sun 13th -10am to 5pm. Listed Grade II* building (C1650), Public visiting to look at Roman originally the rectory of St. remains please notify a member 0LFKDHOҋV&KXUFKKDVPDQ\WK of staff on entering premises. No century features including a front wheelchair access.Refreshments wall, galleried great hall, moulded FHLOLQJV3HUIHFWIRUOXQFKRUWHD 4 Thurs 10th & Fri 11th - 10am first floor level. The Falcon was to 4.30pm, Sat 12th and DQLQQIURPXQWLOEXW Sun 13th - 11am to 4.30pm. after repairs by John Douglas in Access to row level, disabled WC LWEHFDPHDWHPSHUDQFH on this level. Galleried hall only FRFRDKRXVH5HVWRUHGDVD viewable using stairs, no lift. SXEOLFKRXVHLQWKHV Some of front wall visible from Thurs 10th to Sat 12th - 11am row level. to 11pm, Sun 13th - 12 noon to 10.30pm. No parking. No 6DOO\ҋV6HFUHW*DUGHQ wheelchair access. 7KH'XWFK+RXVHV %ULGJH6W5RZ:HVW *URVYHQRU0XVHXP A Grade II listed building erected *URVYHQRU6WUHHW C1670 with timber framing and 3XUSRVHEXLOWPXVHXPRSHQHGLQ brickwork dating from the 17th 'HVLJQHGE\7KRPDV0 century. Ornate Carolean ceiling, Lockwood to hold the collections open fireplaces and exposed of Chester Archaeological beams. Walled courtyard to rear. Society, Charles Kingsley,and the Thurs 10th to Sat 12th 9.30am to Chester Society of Natural 5.30pm, Sun 13th 11am to 5pm. Science, Literature and Art. Refreshments available. Garden Thurs 10th to Sat 12th 10.30am seating area.Toilet on first floor. to 5pm, Sun 13th - 1pm to 4pm. Partial wheelchair access to Special museum tours on Sat & ground floor only. Ramp access Sunday 2pm to 2.30pm & 3pm to to Rows. 3.30pm. Free drop in - no booking required. Limited disabled parking 7KH)DOFRQ and wheelchair access to ground *URVYHQRU6WUHHW floor only. Accessible toilet 2ULJLQDOO\EXLOWLQWKHWKFHQWXU\ facilities. Pay parking nearby on the site was purchased in 1602 Little Roodee. E\6LU5LFKDUG*URVYHQRUDVKLV &KHVKLUH0LOLWDU\ town house, and was in family ownership until the 20th century. 0XVHXP&KHVWHU&DVWOH In 1979 it was donated to the Free entry to the museum for the Falcon Trust by the Grosvenor weekend. Discover what army life Estate. This building once had a was like for Cheshire soldiers 5RZZKLFKZDVHQFORVHGLQ IURPWRWKHSUHVHQWGD\ to create extra space. Clues to its Sat 12th to Sun 13th - Museum existence are visible inside the open from 10am to 5pm. (Last entry 4pm) Disabled access. 5 %UHZHU\7DS 6W0DU\ҋV&HQWUH DW*DPXO+RXVH 6W0DU\ҋV+LOO /RZHU%ULGJH6WUHHW Formerly the church of St. Mary- This pub was once a late RQWKH+LOO&RPPLVVLRQHG& medieval town house. It has a partly to serve the growing needs spectacular great hall, which was of the garrison at Chester Castle, refronted with brick at the and restored by the Victorians. EHJLQQLQJRIWKHWKFHQWXU\ Several notable monuments. The great hall has a 17th century Display of photos by Chester plaster ceiling and a massive History and Heritage. Centre carved sandstone fireplace. staffed by Heritage Volunteers King Charles I was entertained of Chester DFAS who will be here when he visited the KDSS\WRWDONDERXWWKH6RFLHW\ҋV besieged city in 1645. activities in Chester. Thurs 10th to Sat 12th - 12 noon Fri 11th - 10am to 4pm, Sat 12th to 11pm, Sun 13th - 12 noon to 10am to 2.30pm. Full wheelchair 10.30pm. No wheelchair access - access. No parking. steep stairs. Food served until 9.30pm, and 9pm on Sunday. &KHVKLUH5HFRUG2IILFH 'XNH6WUHHW 2GGIHOORZV For the 40th anniversary of /RZHU%ULGJH6WUHHW European Architectural Heritage Built in 1676, Oddfellows (then Year we have a special preview Bridge House), marked a radical of the Insall Collection. Sir Donald departure from the half timbered ,QVDOOGURYH&KHVWHUҋV tradition characterised by the conservation in the 60s & 70s, Bear & Billet (built only 12 years and kept meticulous photographic HDUOLHU 5HQRYDWHG UHIXUELVKHG records. Also a behind the scenes LQDQGWKHEXLOGLQJLV tour to discover the history of the now a stylish and unusual 5HFRUG2IILFHZLWKDVKRUWWDONE\ ERXWLTXHKRWHOEDU UHVWDXUDQW a conservator working on building with a rear extension and plans. spectacular walled garden. Sat 12th - 10am to 3pm,please Thurs 10th to Sun 13th 12 noon pre-book for timed tour & talk on to 11pm. Please visit 01244 972559. Disabled access www.oddfellowschester.com for for
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