Mill Supplies and Tools, Seattle Hardware Co. ,_• j© • _ % 3 844 POLK'S SEATTLE DIRECTORY CO.'S >H <v> • ' _ •? '*& BALLARD DIRECTORY. • DC ^ ~j DC 05 :5 w r Incorporated as a city of the third class. Located at the head ^ibu o of Salmon Bay, adjoining the northern boundary of Seattle, on a S<^ plateau gently sloping to the water. -The town was started a g ° i> little over three years ago and has now a population of about S 2000, with planked and graded streets, water works and an © > electric railway connecting with Seattle. The following is a to -*3 partial list of the principal industries: Five shingle mills, sash 3§ & and door factory, three saw mills, steel and iron works, two school houses, seven churches, boiler works,threeshipyards,three blacksmith shops. Fine deep-water harbor, Salmon Bay being the mouth of the proposed ship canal connecting Lake Washing­ ton with the Sound. The Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern Railway CO passes along the water front, and the Great Northern Railway ^mfgSZ through the western end of the town. CITY GOVERNMENT. City offices w s Ballard ave bet 2d and 3d aves. Mayor, J. H. Rinehart; city clerk, Andrew McCann; city treasurer, T. W. Lake; city attorney, Edmund Peters; city marshal, Charles Landers; city councilmen, William M. Curtiss, F. W. Frazier, Abraham Looney, A. E. Pretty, H. B. Pederson, Otto H. Larson, R. T. Hawley; health officer, Dr. Walter Johnston; city engi­ neer, S. K. Smith; justice of the peace and police magistrate, John Keane. CS9 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Wm. H. Lake, Chief Fire Department. ^^ Shilshole Hose Co. No. 1—Frank W. Frazier, foreman, s s Ballard 2J5 ave opp Park place. °^-*y Ballard Hose Co. No. 2—Frank T. Finnerin, foreman, s s Ballard ^^ ave opp Park place. ^ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ^5 John J. Holland, president; F. M. De Moss, treasurer; CO Charles Hadfield, secretary. Meets second Monday of each «^C month at City Council chambers, brick block s s Ballard ave bet H2g 2d and 3d aves. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER 000 Djnnppr Drift H. N. BURPEE, General Agent. UUU lil)l|UUl DIUIJ, Seattle Safe Deposit k Trust Eo.iSIKy^L8 BALLARD DIRECTORY. 845 CITY SCHOOLS. School Board—J. F. Diggs, G. W. Emerson, Matthew Dow, directors; Andrew McCann, clerk. Meets every Thursday evening at Justice of Peace office, Ballard ave. Ballard Union School—District No. 50; n s Tallman ave s of Broadway. J. M. Layhue, principal and superintendent. BALLARD BRASS BAND. H. E. Leader, mngr, Broadway s w cor Burke ave. CHURCHES. Ballard Presbyterian—Broadway n e cor 1st ave W. Rev. S. C. Head, pastor. Sunday services 11 a. m., and 7:45 p. m.; prayer meeting Thursday evening 7:45 ; Sunday school at 10 a. m. Gilman Park M. E.—Albertson n w cor 2d ave E. Rev. R. Z. Fahs, pastor. Sunday services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m'.; Sunday school 10 a. m.; class mee;ing 12 m.; Epworth League 6:30 p. m.; Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 p. m.; Saturday Junior League tsmrmi 2:30 p. m. Q St. Stephens Episcopal—n s Holbrook 2 w of Main. Services fetf held in First Ave Baptist church. Sunday services 7:30 a. m. |?S S St. Casimir (Polish) Catholic—Sunday service at 10:30 a. m. »jJJ g First Avenue Baptist Church—First ave W, n e cor Day. B^E^ No regular pastor. Sunday services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. fV^5 Sunday school 10 a. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening g-J 7:30 p.m. ' g-ro B Scandinavian Lutheran Church—Services held in Gilman Park 5*-* e«^ M. E. Church morning and evening each Sunday. German Lutheran Church—Church being erected. No regular 0ton s service. g£g Young Men's Christian Association—s s Ballard ave bet. 1st and gpj 3 2d aves W. W. O Hays, sec. Gospel service every Sunday at ^o y 4 p. m. gjj; INCORPORATED COMPANIES. g->> Enterprise Publishing Co.—n s Ballard ave 4 s of 1st ave ; in- §• © corporated May, 1892; capital $20,000 ; D. P. Callaghan pres, S. D. Murphy treas. 2 McMullen-Winsor Lumber Co.—s s Shilshole ave w of 2d ave H incorporated March, 1891; capital $10,000; D. H. McMullen £*? pres and bus mngr, Thomas Winsor vice pres and mngr of mills. ^^5 Seattle Cedar Lumber Co.—s s Shilshole ave w of 2d ave W. In- % g™ corporated August^ , 1889 ;, capital $10,000 ; Wm. H. Weldon pres_ ,. *h* egn |r Wm. A. McDonald treas, A. F. McEwan sec. &C to­ West Coast Manufacturing & Investment Co.—s s Shilshole ave es hjto foot 1st ave W. incorporated Nov. 18, 1889; capital $25,000; £z David McVay pres, A. E. Pretty vice pres and sec, 1ST. W. Fletcher p p> £ treas. i S ? FOB PRINTED MATTER, ^"^^ to^^J^4z7Tlf IM ^0^SStS>irMe' E8HELMAN. LLEWELLYN & CO. ^ Capital Stock, Paid Up, $50,000. * BOSTON BLOCK ^ ^ ^ g ^ 846 POLK'S SEATTLE DIRECTORY 00.'S S j§ NEWSPAPERS. .9 m Weekly News.—Published every Saturday evening; subscrip- jjj ^ tion $1 per annum. | PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. #F JS Ballard Opera House—Broadway s w cor Burke ave; G. J. An- g w derson mngr. # READING ROOMS, ^ Y. M. C. A. Reading Room—s s Ballard ave bet 1st and 2d aves W- £-£ open daily from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. SOCIETIES, SECRET AND BENEVOLENT. MASONIC. Oriental Lodge No. 70 A. F. & A. M.—T. H. Smith, acting mas­ ter ; F. M. DeMoss, treas. Meets 1st Saturday in'each month, 8 p. m., at Mannay's Hall, 3d ave n e cor. Broadway. I. O. OF FORESTERS. Court Salmon Bay No. 649—Thomas Comford, C. R.; N. J. Black, rec. sec; H. P. Gerring, fin. sec. Meets at Mannay's Hail, 2d and 4th Tuesday evenings in each month. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. ft Park Lodge No. 89—Wm. G. Cochran, C. C; H. E. Leader, K. •o 4-> of R. and S. Meets Friday evenings at Mannay's Hall. rQ 13 Tl KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. Pi CD a +3 Mt. Rainier Tent No. 3—Post Commander, G. W. Snyder; Com. >> rt r-H fH J. M. Donoghne; Lieut. Com., N. J. Black. Meets Mannay's •s PM Hall, 3d ave n e cor. Broadway. <v fe A. o. u. w. CO M. W., George Apker; Recorder, James Murdock. Meets 1st and 3d Tuesdays of each month at Mannay's Hall. i. o. G. T. SC Perseverance Lodge No. 121—L. R. Lambert, C. T,; Miss Lina Q- Emerson, secy. Meets every Monday evening at Mannay's Hall, •SS 3d ave n e cor. Broadway. ^^* I. O. O. F. ^^ Salmon Bay Lodge No. 100—J). Desnoyer, N. G.; A. Desnoyer, •••j V. G.; Wm. H. Cooper, rec. sec. Meets Wednesday evenings at Z» Mannay's Hall. ""^C G. A. R. GO Lieut, dishing Post No. 52—Post Commander, J. Conaway; 2HS£ S. V. C, I. H. Sprague; J. V. C, John P. Draper; Adj., Benjamin G3 Steinauer; Quartermaster, C. PI. Pells ; Surgeon, Samuel Pine CS* Chaplain, J. V. Ward; Meets every Friday evening Broadway °Q cor. 4th ave. W. KASNSFORD & STEWART 207 Pioneer Bldg. LEADING INSURANCE AGENTS. Telephone 241. Washington Loan and Trust Company* Heal f state Loans 811 FRONT ST., SEATTLE, WASH. n ms and Least Delay. Best Ten BALLARD DIRECTORY. 847 SONS OF VETERANS. jfcf. M. Holmes Camp No. 34—C. E. Brabon, post commander ; 30 Bobert S. Ward,S. V. C; Frank E. Pells, J.V.C.; L.S. Hawley, sec- OO retary; A. W. Preston, chaplain ; J. Schweitzer, quartermaster- **" sergeant; H. S. Hawley, color sergeant; E. J. Hopkins, sergeant = of the guard; Hugo Kath, camp guard; Russell Looney, picket «^3 guard; C. Wright, principal musician. Meet first and fourth £^ Wednesdays in each month, Broadway cor 4th ave West. sg" WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS. J™" Lieutenant Gushing Corps No. 23—Mrs. Jennie Pells, president; — Mrs. S. Draper, Sr. V.; Mrs. Clara Hight, Jr. V.; Mrs. D. Cham- Js^* berlain, treasurer; Mrs. Mary Emerson, secretary. Meets first Eg and third Saturday afternoon of each month in Berg's Hall, eo Ballard ave near 1st ave West. 22« BALLAEB MAEKTHEECHOIE. «' Henry Kreitz, president; Henry Hilke, vice president; Wm. $3& Case, secretary; H. Kath, treasurer ; A. Lueben, instructor. 2d ^^ ave s e cor Ballard ave. OO ALPHABETICAL LIST OF NAMES, 3 Adams Ernest, sectionman 8LS&E Ry, res 3rd ave W, n w co r3- § Wilbert. Adell David, lab Stimson Mill Co, bds n s North 2 e of 1st £ I* ave W. en gJ Aird Ronald M, planerman Stimson Mill Co, res s s C 1 w of § g. Main. ' g Allen Asher A, carp., res n s Times 1 w of 2d ave W. Allred Thomas, sawyer Seattle Cedar Lumber Co, bds American ^5 Hotel. American House, Daniel P Callaghan jr propr n s Ballard ave B™- w of 1st ave W. *"^ Anderson Andrew, lab Stimson Mill Co, res n s North 2 e of SE ' 1st ave W. |2L Anderson Bros, proprs Opera House saloon Broadway s w cor ~^ Burke ave. *™^ Anderson George, lab Stimson Mill Co. $J3 Anderson Gustave, edgerman Stimson Mill Co, rms over Evening p-a Star Saloon e s Ballard ave. ES M£ ^PHS tffol!&!^S? Buys and Sells Stocks, Bonds, Notes and Mort- F WBf i IfeHlliltBlnl0 gages, and makes advances at short rates • IB I llUUllW£ Bh on reasonable terms. ROOM "A" HALLER BLDG. All Business Strictly Confidential. R. O O P* B R Q HSUHHtB^ Dealers m all kinds of Roofing Material.
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