October 2, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 20259 our country’s prosperity, some would her team bring home a second gold We should all remember the char- have us uproot such valuable members medal in as many Olympic Games. Lori acter of the 2000 Olympic Games, both of our society. has had an amazing softball career for the smile evoking and heartbreaking Let us not eject Honduran, Haitian, many years now, and since she grad- moments, and continue to support the Guatemalan, and Salvadoran nationals, uated from UNLV, Lori has won 13 Nevadan and American athletes who who have, for so long, woven into the international medals for the United have the integrity, dedication, and American fabric, making American States. Lori will be remembered in ability to represent our nation, now families, paying American taxes, build- Olympic history as the first softball and in the future. Congratulations to ing American homes and businesses, player to pitch a complete no-hitter all of our Olympic participants.∑ and working for American labor. game, which she accomplished this f Let us not revoke the American summer in the opening round game. This summer she lived up to the legacy HONORING THE KARNES ON THEIR promise of freedom, and help deport so 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY many valuable members of our society. that she blazed as a UNLV Runnin’ ∑ Let us vote for passage of this very Rebel, and her softball accomplish- Mr. ASHCROFT. Mr. President, fami- American legislation, the Latino Im- ments are properly hallmarked by her lies are the cornerstone of America. In- migration Fairness Act. retired jersey that UNLV has proudly dividuals from strong families con- displayed since 1998. tribute greatly to society. I believe it f Las Vegan Tasha Schwikert has been is both instructive and important to THE VERY BAD DEBT BOXSCORE the sweet surprise of the Olympic honor those who have taken the com- Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, at the Games. She was not one of the original mitment of ‘‘till death us do part’’ seri- close of business Friday, September 29, members of the U.S. gymnastics team. ously, demonstrating successfully the 2000, the Federal debt stood at However, she was later chosen as a sec- timeless principles of love, honor, and $5,674,178,209,886.86, five trillion, six ond alternate. An unfortunate injury fidelity. These characteristics make hundred seventy-four billion, one hun- to another gymnast gave Tasha the our country strong. For these important reasons, I rise dred seventy-eight million, two hun- chance that she deserved for an Olym- today to honor Dorothy and Eddie dred nine thousand, eight hundred pic appearance. Although Tasha didn’t Karnes, who on October 7, 2000, will cel- eighty-six dollars and eighty-six cents. medal, she still showed the world a ebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. One year ago, September 29, 1999, the strong performance. And because of her My wife, Janet, and I look forward to Federal debt stood at $5,645,399,000,000, youth and newly developed inter- the day we can celebrate a similar five trillion, six hundred forty-five bil- national experience, we can expect to milestone. The Karnes’ commitment to lion, three hundred ninety-nine mil- see Tasha as a leader in future gym- the principles and values of their mar- lion. nastic competitions. The United States women’s riage deserves to be saluted and recog- Five years ago, September 29, 1995, volleyball team was the underdog of nized.∑ the Federal debt stood at the Olympic indoor volleyball competi- $4,973,983,000,000, four trillion, nine f tion, and many did not even expect the hundred seventy-three billion, nine PRIVATE RELIEF BILL FOR team to contend for a medal in Sydney. hundred eighty-three million. FRANCES SCHOCHENMAIER With the help of Las Vegan, Charlene Twenty-five years ago, September 29, Tagaloa, the women’s volleyball team ∑ Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, on 1975, the Federal debt stood at played in the bronze medal math. September 28, 2000, the United States $552,824,000,000, five hundred fifty-two Nevada demonstrated its Senate unanimously approved legisla- billion, eight hundred twenty-four mil- miulticulturalism during the Olympic tion to provide private relief for lion which reflects a debt increase of Games, because six other current or Frances Schochenmaier of Bonesteel, more than $5 trillion— former UNLV Runnin’ Rebels competed South Dakota. Frances’ case clearly $5,121,354,209,886.86, five trillion, one for their native countries. These warrants action by the United States hundred twenty-one billion, three hun- unique individuals include four swim- Congress to correct an injustice in- dred fifty-four million, two hundred mers and two track runners. These ath- flicted upon her family over 50 years nine thousand, eight hundred eighty- letes are as follows: swimmers Mike ago. I am pleased that the Senate has six dollars and eighty-six cents during Mintenko of Canada, Jacint Simon of taken this important step by passing the past 25 years. Hungary, Andrew Livingston of Puerto the Private Relief Bill for Frances f Rico, Lorena Diaconescu of Romania, Schochenmaier, which I was proud to have introduced and was cosponsored ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS and sprinters, Ayanna Hutchinson and Alicia Tyson, of Trinidad and Tobago. by my friend and colleague from South Nevada’s contribution to the Olympic Dakota Senator TOM DASCHLE. I will NEVADA’S OLYMPIC ATHLETES Games does not end with the efforts of continue to work diligently with Mem- its athletes. bers of the House of Representatives to ∑ Mr. REID. Mr. President, the 27th Karen Dennis is not only the head of ensure the legislation is passed before Olympiad is now finished, and the the UNLV women’s track team, but she the end of this Congressional session United States of America should be was chosen to be the U.S. women’s and signed by the President. very proud of our participants. They track coach. Her talent and expertise Frances’ husband, Hermann showed the world that Americans put undoubtedly contributed to the mul- Schochenmaier, was one of the thou- their hearts and souls into everything tiple medals and stellar performances sands of young men who valiantly an- that they do. Part of the reason that I we saw from the U.S. track team this swered his country’s call to duty dur- support the Olympic tradition is that Olympics. ing World War II. While serving in Eu- these special games are a reflection of Las Vegan Jim Lykins was chosen to rope, Hermann was wounded—shot in the diversity, brotherhood, and spirit be one of the two umpires from the the arm in what medical personnel re- that the United States celebrates ev- United States to referee women’s soft- ferred to as a through-and-through’’ eryday. I am especially proud of my ball. He gleefully did not umpire the wound. Upon returning home, the De- state and the Olympic participants we championship game, because Olympic partment of Veterans Affairs awarded sent to Sydney, Australia. rules prevent umpires from working Hermann a 10 percent disability rating. Lori Harrigan, Tasha Schwikert, and any games played by their home coun- For 50 years, Hermann received dis- Charlene Tagaloa were three Nevadan try. Not being able to umpire the ability compensation for the injury he athletes who gave wholly to the U.S. championship match was a worthwhile received during his service in the team in their respective sports. sacrifice for the gold medal that we United States military. Then, in 1995, Lori Harrigan, a pitcher for the won in the fast pitch softball competi- the Department of Veterans Affairs ac- champion U.S. softball team, helped tion. knowledged that it was ‘‘clearly and VerDate jul 14 2003 11:17 Dec 21, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\S02OC0.001 S02OC0.
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