Annual Review of Pteridological Research - 2004 Annual Review of Pteridological Research - 2004 Literature Citations All Citations 1. Abbink, O. A., J. H. A. van Konijnenburg–van Cittert, C. J. van der Zwan & H. Visscher. 2004. A sporomorph ecogroup model for the northwest European Upper Jurassic Lower Cretaceous II: Application to an exploration well from the Dutch North Sea. Neth. J. of Geology/Geologie en Mijnbouw 83: 81–92. 2. Abbink, O. A., J. H. A. van Konijnenburg–van Cittert & H. Visscher. 2004. A sporomorph ecogroup model for the northwest European Upper Jurassic Lower Cretaceous I: Concepts and framework. Neth. J. of Geology/Geologie en Mijnbouw 83: 17–38. 3. Abdul–Salim, K., T. J. Motley & R. Moran. 2004. Elaphoglossum (Elaphoglossaceae) section Squamipedia: phylogenetic relationships based on chloroplast trnL–trnF and rps4–trnS sequences. In Abstracts of Botany 2004, July 31 – August 5, No. 824. 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Effects of thinning on forest understory vegetation structure in southeast Alaska. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts 89: 9. [Abstract] 12. Aldasoro, J. J., F. Cabezas & C. Aedo. 2004. Diversity and distribution of ferns in sub–Saharan Africa, Madagascar and some islands of the South Atlantic. Journal of Biogeography 31: 1579–1604. 13. Alkorta, I., J. Hernandez–Allica & C. Garbisu. 2004. Plants against the global epidemic of arsenic poisoning. Environment International 30: 949–951. [Pteris vittata] 14. Allen, C. M., S. Thames, S. Trichell & J. White. 2004. A quantitative study of the vegetation surrounding yellow lady–slipper orchid (Cypripedium kentuckiense, Orchidaceae) populations at Fort Polk in west central Louisiana. Sida Contributions to Botany 21: 409–417. [Thelypteris hexagonoptera] lit2004.html[2/22/17, 5:01:58 PM] Annual Review of Pteridological Research - 2004 15. Allison, M. & M. Ausden. 2004. Successful use of topsoil removal and soil amelioration to create heathland vegetation. Biological Conservation 120: 221–228. [Pteridium aquilinum] 16. Allison, S. D. & P. M. Vitousek. 2004. Extracellular enzyme activities and carbon chemistry as drivers of tropical plant litter decomposition. Biotropica 36: 285–296. [Cibotium glaucum, Dicranopteris linearis, Diplazium sandwichianum, Elaphoglossum alatum, Sphaeropteris cooperi] 17. Allison, S. D. & P. M. Vitousek. 2004. Rapid nutrient cycling in leaf litter from invasive plants in Hawai'i. Oecologia 141: 612–619. [Dicranopteris linearis, Diplazium sandwichianum, Elaphoglossum alatum, Sphaeropteris cooperi] 18. Alonso, J. L., I. Benedicto, M. Gomez–Gonzalo, J. P. Pivel, S. Gonzalez & M. Lopez–Cabrera. 2004. Regulation of UV–mediated activation of the transcription factors AP1 and NF–kB by an extract of Polypodium leucotomos. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 122: A144. [Abstract] 19. Alonso–Amelot, M. E., A. Oliveros & M. P. Calcagno–Pisarelli. 2004. Phenolics and condensed tannins in relation to altitude in neotropical Pteridium spp. A field study in the Venezuelan Andes. Biochemical Systematics & Ecology 32: 969–981. 20. Alverson, E. R. 2004. The current status of pteridophyte conservation in Washington. Fiddlehead Forum 31: 9–11. 21. Amakura, Y., A. M. Patten, L. B. Davin & N. G. Lewis. 2004. Metabolic profiling and chemical markers in primitive tracheophytes and Arabidopsis thaliana and their evolutionary implications. Abstracts of Papers American Chemical Society 228: U236. [Abstract] 22. Amarowicz, R., R. B. Pegg, P. Rahimi–Moghaddam, B. Barl & J. A. Weil. 2004. Free–radical scavenging capacity and antioxidant activity of selected plant species from the Canadian prairies. Food Chemistry 84: 551–562. [Equisetum] 23. Ambrosio, S. T. & N. F. de Melo. 2004. Interaction between sucrose and pH during in vitro culture of Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott (Pteridophyta). Acta. Bot. Bras. 18: 809–813. 24. Amigo, J., L. G. Quintanilla & M. I. Romero. 2004. Pteridofitos (Division Pteridophyta). Pp. 165–255. In A. Rigueiro (Ed.). Proyecto Galicia, Vol. 42: Botanica II. Hercules Ediciones S. A., Coruna. [Spanish] 25. Amigo, J., C. Ramirez & L. G. Quintanilla. 2004. The Nothofagus nitida (Phil.) Krasser woodlands of southern Chile in the northern half of their range: phytosociological position. Acta Botanica Gallica 151: 3–31. [Hymenophyllaceae] 26. Andersson, U. B. 2004. Botany day in Orebo county 2004. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 98: 263–267. [Swedish; Asplenium ruta–muraria, A. trichomanes ssp. quadrivalens, Woodsia alpina] 27. Anonymous. 2004. Taxonomic study of Deparia petersenii (Woodsiaceae) based on cytological study and molecular genetic information. Bunrui 4: 185–189. 28. Anonymous. 2004. Lithinini looper moths – Class Insecta – Order Lepidoptera – Family geometridae – Subfamily ennominae – Tribe lithinini. Fauna of New Zealand 49: 5–7. [Pteridium esculentum] 29. Anonymous. 2004. Professor B. K. Nayar (1927–) fellow and life member Indian Fern Society – Publication on pteridophytes (1952–1995). Indian Fern Journal 21: 162–166. 30. Anonymous. 2004. Classification, phytogeography and conservation of the pteridophytes from Hainan Island. Newsl. Chinese Fern Soc. 9: 9–10. 31. Antonisamy, R., V. S. Manickam, V. Irudayaraj & M. Johnson. 2004. Scanning electron microscopic studies on the lit2004.html[2/22/17, 5:01:58 PM] Annual Review of Pteridological Research - 2004 spores of Athyroid ferns from the wester Ghats, South India. Phytomorphology 54: 215–222. 32. Anzotegui, L. M. 2004. Megaflora of the chiquimil formation (Late Miocene) in the Santa Maria and Villavil valleys, Catamarca and Tucuman provinces, Argentina. Ameghiniana 41: 303–314. [Spanish] 33. Aoki, K., T. Hattori & N. Murakami. 2004. Interspecific sequence variation of chloroplast DNA among the component species of evergreen broad–leaved forests in Japan II. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 55: 125–128. 34. Aoki, K., T. Suzuki, T. W. Hsu & N. Murakami. 2004. Phylogeography of the component species of broad–leaved evergreen forests in Japan, based on chloroplast DNA variation. Journal of Plant Research 117: 77–94. [Arachniodes aristata, A. sporadosora] 35. Aragon, C. F. & E. Pangua. 2004. Spore viability under different storage conditions in four rupicolous Asplenium L. taxa. American Fern Journal 94: 28–38. 36. Arana, M. D., M. Ponce & N. B. Vischi. 2004. Synopsis of ferns and allied plants (Pteridophyta) from the province of Cordoba, Argentina. Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 39: 89–114. [Spanish] 37. Archangelsky, S. 2004. Cretaceous statistical palynology of the Austral Basin, Continental Platform, Argentina. II. Six wells of the Gallegos Area. III. Discussion and conclusions. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Nueva Serie 6: 245–255. [Spanish] 38. Archer, M. J. G. & R. A. Caldwell. 2004. Response of six Australian plant species to heavy metal contamination at an abandoned mine site. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 157: 257–267. [Pteridium esculentum] 39. Armitage, R. P., M. Kent & R. E. Weaver. 2004. Identification of the spectral characteristics of British semi–natural upland vegetation using direct ordination: a case study from Dartmoor, UK. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25: 3369–3388. [Pteridium aquilinum] 40. Arnold, A. E., S. Sarvate & F. Lutzoni. 2004. Diversity and specificity of endophytic fungi associated with representatives of major plant lineages in a temperate forest. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts 89: 22–23. [Abstract; Equisetum, Polystichum, Huperzia] 41. Arora, A., A. Sood & P. K. Singh. 2004. Hyperaccumulation of cadmium and nickel by Azolla species. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 9: 302–304. 42. Arreguin–Sanchez, M. de la L., J. Huerta–Zavala & B. A. Gutierrez–Becerril. 2004. Un nuevo registro para Mexico de Pleopeltis xsordidula (Maxon ex Weath,
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