ARCHIVUM MATHEMATICUM open parenthesis BRNO closing parenthesis n centerlineTomus 47 openfARCHIVUM parenthesis MATHEMATICUM 201 1 closing parenthesis ( BRNO ) commag 309 endash 327 ELLIPTICITY .. OF .. THE .. SYMPLECTIC .. TWISTOR COMPLEX n centerlineSvatopluk KryacuteslfTomus 47 ( 201 1 ) , 309 −− 327 g Abstract period .. For a Fedosov manifold open parenthesis symplectic manifold equipped with a n centerline fELLIPTICITY nquad OF nquad THE nquad SYMPLECTIC nquad TWISTOR COMPLEX g symplectic torsion hyphen free affine connectionARCHIVUM closing MATHEMATICUM parenthesis (admitting BRNO ) a metaplectic structure comma we shall investigate two sequences of first orderTomus differenti 47 ( 201 a-l 1 ) operators , 309 { 327 c-a t ing n centerlineon sections off SvatoplukELLIPTICITY certain infinite Kr rankn 'f y vectorg OFs l g bundles THE defined SYMPLECTIC over this manifold TWISTOR period COMPLEX The differential operators are symplectic analoguesSvatopluk of the twistor Krysl´ operators n centerline f Abstract . nquad For a Fedosov manifold ( symplectic manifold equipped with a g known from RiemannianAbstract or Lorentzian . For spin a Fedosov geometry manifold period ( symplectic It is known manifold that equipped the with a mentioned sequences formsymplectic complexes torsion if the - free symplectic affine connection connection ) admitting is of a Ricci metaplectic structure , n centerline f symplectic torsion − free affine connection ) admitting a metaplectic structure , g type period In this paperwe shall comma investigate we prove two sequences that certain of first part order s differenti of thesea complexes− l operators arec elliptic− a t ing period 1 period .. Introduction on sections of certain infinite rank vector bundles defined over this manifold . n centerline fwe shall investigate two sequences of first order differenti $ a−l $ operators $ c−a $ In this article comma we proveThe differential the ellipticity operators of are cert symplectic ain parts analogues of the so ofthe called twistor symplectic operators t ing g twistor complexes periodknown The symplectic from Riemannian twistor or Lorentziancomplexes spin are geometry two sequences . It is known of first that the order differential operatorsmentioned defined sequences over Ricci form type complexes Fedosov if the manifolds symplectic admitting connection is of Ricci n centerline fon sections of certain infinite rank vector bundles defined over this manifold . g a metaplectic structuretype period . In thisThe paper mentioned , we prove parts that of certain these part complexes s of these will complexes be called are elliptic . truncated symplectic twistor complexes and will1 . be definedIntroduction later in this text period n centerlineNow commaInfThe let this us article differential say a few, we words prove the about operators ellipticity the Fedosov of are cert manifolds ainsymplectic parts of period theanalogues so Formally called symplectic speaking of the twistor comma twistor complexes operators g a Fedosov. The manifold symplectic is a triple twistor open complexes parenthesis are two Mto sequences the power of first of 2 order l comma differential omega operators comma nabla defined closing over parenthesis where openn centerline parenthesisRiccifknown M type to theFedosov from power Riemannian manifolds of 2 l comma admitting or omega Lorentzian a closing metaplectic parenthesis spin structure geometry is a open . The parenthesis . mentioned It is for known parts definiteness of that these the g 2 l dimensionalcomplexes closing will beparenthesis called truncated symplectic symplectic manifold twistor and nabla complexes is a symplectic and will be torsion defined hyphen later in free this affine text n centerlineconnection. periodf mentioned Connections sequences satisfying form these complexestwo properties if are the usually symplectic called Fedosov connection is of Ricci g connections in honor of BorisNow Fedosov , let us who say used a few them words to obtain about the a deformation Fedosov manifolds . Formally speaking , n centerlinequantizationa Fedosovf fortype symplectic manifold . In this manifolds is a triple paper period (M 2 ,l; !;we openr prove) whereparenthesis that(M 2l;! See certain) is Fedosov a ( for part open definiteness square s of bracket these 5 complexes closing square are bracket elliptic period . g closing parenthesis2l dimensional Let us also ) symplectic mention that manifold and r is a symplectic torsion - free affine connection . Con- n centerlinein contrarynectionsf to1 torsion . satisfyingnquad hyphenIntroduction these free two Levi properties hypheng Civita are usually connections called commaFedosov the connections Fedosov onesin are honor not unique of Boris period We referFedosov an interested who used reader them to to Tondeur obtain open a deformation square bracket 1 8 closing square bracket and Gelfand comma Retakh comma ShubinIn this open articlequantization square bracket , wefor symplectic6 prove closing the square manifolds ellipticity bracket . ( for See Fedosov of cert [ 5 ] ain . ) Let parts us also of mention the so that called in contrary symplectic twistormore informationto complexes torsion period - free . Levi The - Civitasymplectic connections twistor , the Fedosov complexes ones are are not two unique sequences . of first orderTo formulate differentialWe refer the result an interested on operators the ellipticity reader defined to of Tondeur the truncated over [ 1 Ricci 8 symplectic ] and type Gelfand twistor Fedosov , Retakh manifolds , Shubin [ admitting6 ] for more acomplexes metaplecticinformation comma structure one . should know . The some mentioned basic facts onparts the structure of these of the complexes curvature will be called truncatedtensor fieldTo symplecticof a formulate Fedosov connection the twistor result on period complexes the Inellipticity Vaisman and of open will the truncatedsquare be defined bracket symplectic 1 later 9 closing twistor in square this complexes bracket text , commaone . one can find a proof of a should know some basic facts on the structure of the curvature tensor field of a Fedosov connection n hspacetheorem∗fn. which Inf i Vaisman l l saysgNow that [ , 1 such 9let ] , curvature one us can say find atensor few a proof field words of splits a theorem about into two whichthe parts Fedosov says if l greaterthat suchmanifolds equal curvature 2 comma . tensor Formally field speaking , namely intosplits the into symplectic two parts Ricci if l ≥ and2; namely symplectic into Weyl the symplectic curvature Riccitensor and fields symplectic period If Weyl curvature tensor nnoindenthline fieldsa Fedosov . If manifold is a triple $ ( M^f 2 l g , nomega , nnabla ) $ where $ (20 10 M Mathematics ^f 2 l Subjectg , Classificationnomega :) primary $ is 22 a E ( 46 for semicolon definiteness secondary 53 C 7 comma 53 C 80 comma 58 J 5 period Key words and phrases : Fedosov manifolds comma Segal hyphen Shale hyphen Weil represent at ion comma Kost ant quoteright snnoindent spinors comma$ 2 l $ dimensional ) symplectic manifold and $ nnabla $ is a symplectic torsion − f r e e a f f i n e connectionelliptic complexes . Connections period satisfying these two properties are usually called Fedosov connectionsThe author of thisin20 10 honor articleMathematics was of supported Boris Subject Classification Fedosov by the grant who: primary GA used Ccaron 22 them E 46 R ; secondary 201 to slash obtain 53 8 C slash 7 a , 53 deformation 397 C 80 of , the 58 J Grant 5 . Agency of Czech RepublicKey words period and phrases The work: Fedosov is a part manifolds of the , Segal research - Shale project - Weil representMSM 21 at 620839 ion , Kost financed ant ' s spinors by , elliptic nnoindentcomplexesquantization . for symplectic manifolds . ( See Fedosov [ 5 ] . ) Let us also mention that M Scaron MT Ccaron R period The author thanks to Ondrcaronejˇ Kalenda for a discussion period inReceived contrary JulyThe 8to author comma torsion of 201this article1− periodf r was e e Editor supported Levi J− period byCivita the Slovaacutekgrant connections GA C periodR 201 / 8 , / the397 of Fedosov the Grant Agency ones areof Czech not unique . Republic . The work is a part of the research project MSM 2 1 620839 financed by M Sˇ MT Cˇ R . The author nnoindentthanksWe to refer OndˇrejKalenda an interested for a discussion reader . to Tondeur [ 1 8 ] and Gelfand , Retakh , Shubin [ 6 ] for more information . Received July 8 , 201 1 . Editor J . Slov´ak. To formulate the result on the ellipticity of the truncated symplectic twistor complexes , one should know some basic facts on the structure of the curvature tensor field of a Fedosov connection . In Vaisman [ 1 9 ] , one can find a proof of a theorem which says that such curvature tensor field splits into two parts if $ l ngeq 2 , $ namely into the symplectic Ricci and symplectic Weyl curvature tensor fields . If n begin f a l i g n ∗g n r u l e f3emgf0.4 pt g nendf a l i g n ∗g n centerline f20 10 Mathematics Subject Classification : primary 22 E 46 ; secondary 53 C 7 , 53 C 80 , 58 J 5 . g Key words and phrases : Fedosov manifolds , Segal − Shale − Weil represent at ion , Kost ant ' s spinors , elliptic complexes . The author of this article was supported by the grant GA $ ncheckfCg $ R 201 / 8 / 397 of the Grant Agency of Czech Republic . The work is a part of the research project MSM 2 1 620839 financed by M $ ncheckfSg $ MT $ ncheckfCg $ R . The author thanks to Ondnvf r g ej Kalenda for a discussion . n centerline f Received July 8 , 201 1 . Editor J . Slov n 'f agk
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