Eastern Illinois University The Keep 1974 Programs 1974 8-27-1974 Gigi starring Jean-Pierre Aumont Little Theatre on the Square Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/little_theatre_1974_programs Part of the Theatre History Commons Recommended Citation Little Theatre on the Square, "Gigi starring Jean-Pierre Aumont" (1974). 1974 Programs. 8. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/little_theatre_1974_programs/8 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1974 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1974 Programs by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Guy S. Little, Jr - * . - '- - 9 !k I+#+: Yre~ents.~. .- . Ir L2rner and Loewe's - -- \ Book and Lyrics by Music by Alan Jay Lerner Frederick Lc Based on a novel by Colette As produced by Edwin Lester for the Los and San Francisco Civic Light Opera And fby Saint Subber for Broadway Also Starring. DAVID WATSON with PAMELA DANSER MARY BEST 'I Bernard Erhard John Kelso Dennis GridL * and Lorraine Denham as Gigi ! l~irectedby CHARLES ABBOTT[ Choreographed by DENNIS GRAMALDI Ptnduction Derkned by -ROBERT SOULE .. - '~ortumerDer&ned by MATHRN JOHN HOFFMAN Ill Lighting Desbned by KIM HANSON Mbsicol Director BRUCE KlRLE Production Stage Manager Tech nlcal Director C. G. CARLSON JEROME ROBENBERGER - As~istantto the Musical Director . Assistant to the Costumer Barbara Bossert Jones CARL QSHEA , "GIGI' 4 The Little al&ttre's 18th Seamfi Our 44th Yew P. N. ~IIESCHCO. Vidt our nm location 113 Esst Joffwum Sullivan Phone 728-71 13 Family I Routes 121 and 32 Sullivan Shoe Center Hush Puppk U~arrnStop Jarrnan Rmd Wing Air Conditioned Chlldnn's Stmp Master Tokvkion West Side of Square, Sullivan Conviently located near Phone: (217)728-7750 Lake Shelbyville. The Little Thoatreon Tha Square & Sullivan Businer District Sullivan, Ill. Phone 721-1394 READY MIX CEMENT CONTRACTORS Nitu's Knits 7 Wrt Harrison Street - Sullivan, lllinois Our SpcciPfty-Stretch Fabrics Stretch Patterns-Neck Ribbing Lingerie and Swim Wear SEWING CLASSES PHONE (217) 720-7361 109 E. Jefferson Sullivan, Illinois Auburn, Illinois & - - -*.-- L FITZGERALD 99 u3h+hLed Uiv&htv Farms and Resideat'ial JUNIOR - MISSES - PETITE SIZES Bethany, 111. 305 WEST LINCOLN CHARLESTON, ILL. Phone 217 345-9313 2 1 7/665-35 13 Homelike Atmosphere For Fine Home Cooked Food Daily Luncheon Specials Steaks - Chops - Chicken Banquet 8 Party Focilities TUES. - SAT. 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. SUN. & MON. 6:00 - 2:30 P.M. SON SULLIVAN, ILL. IF- PRAIRIE STATE MOTEL ti \ it(J ~hone'(217)268-4971 Illinois Route 133 and Interstate 47 ARCOLA, ILLINOIS DISCOUNT PUNCH CARDS [W.WI Discount Punch Cards are an excellent way to attend the productions of your choice, and at a substantial savings. Only two punches may be used on Fridays for matinees, or for any musical productions. For plays, as many punches as you wish may be used for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 8:00 or Sunday at 7:OO. Rhodes Lumber Go. Lum bering-Roofing MARKET Cement-Paint-Hardware 1 17 West Jackson Strwt Plrasant Ihgppnne WIU Frtedly People Sullivan, Illinois 106 W. Main Sullivan r f - KAISER AGffICULWffAL CHEMf CALS WELCOME TO SULLIVAN ENJOY THE SHOW a d I .. TEXTILE CENTER 1923 WESTERN AVE. 602 South Hamilton St MATTOON. ILLINOIS 61938 PHONE 728-7515 - SULLIVAN OWNERS: EARL 6 JOAN ESTES k ESTABLISHED 1872 You Can Depend H. POST & SONS On Our Service" JEWELERS OVER 100 YEARS Wq$& Corner Prairie & Merchant Streets Sullivan Telephone 423-9781 eat Packing Co. DECATUR, ILLINOIS Route 32 South of Sullivan Open Mon. through Fri. 1:00 to 5:00 Sat. 7:00 to Noon *Beef by Side or Quarter DICK BROWN .Wholesale or Retail .Cuts of Beef and Pork .Complete Processing GENERAL CONTRACTOR .Custom Butchering .Home Freezer Specials FREE PHONE (217) 728-7831 PLANNING & ESTIMATING Phon Bothany 6653054 f STUDENT-TEACHER GROUP DISCOUNTS SCHOOLS CHURCHES 8 INSTITUTIONS' MAKE PLANS NOW FOR SEVERAL SHOWS! - GR9UPS OF 30 OR MORE MAY MAKE ADVANCE RESERVATIONS FOR TUESDAY NIGHT PERFORM- - ANCES AT THE LIB~ALS~~T~ATE For Information, Contact Us ;a"dn* dl wnhhing ht.yayariis$$it , = - C n3 since 1851 qtnqm7~tnoi MATTOON, ILLINOIS - - -- -- it- dKi- w rr f Ha ~~72g.)J-423-b"1 304 South Frankli ANTIOUE- Finest selection of Civil War and Frontier weapons and accoutrements in Central Illinois. ON THE SQUARE SULLIVAN, ILLINOIS LEIPER FURNITURE ON THE SQUARE C MONTICELLO Serving central ~ilinoisfor almost a half-century with three and one-half floors of quality home furnishings. Be sure to visit the new Colonial Shoppe on our lower level. \ FURNITirSE CARPET CUSTOM DRAPERIES BEDDING VINYL FLOORING INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICE 109 WEST MAIN, MONTICELLO - 762-9771 I * - '=(r 1. W. McMULLIN FUNERAL HOME SULLJVAN, ILLLNQIS IN SULLIVAN 1131 W. JACKSON ST. 728-4309 SULLIVAN. ILL. 61951 IN BETHANY 665-3221 IN LOVINGTON 873-4800 STUBBLEFIELD, INC. .AIR CONDITIONED FULLY CARPETED COLOR TELEVISION .TELEPHONES -- Route 32, south Sullivan, Illinois CORLEY INTERNATIONAL, INC. For the Finest in Sales and Service in International a Trucks and Farm Equipment. PHONE 728-7364 " UTES 121 AND 32. SULLIVAN, ILLrnors 0. K. JOBBERS Auto & Implement Supplies LYNN R. HUNTSBURGER, Owner 404 W. Roane St.-Ph. 728-7378 SULLIVAN, ILLINOIS .. SULLIVAN, ILLINOIS 61951 1.7976445 . - the dishes the lawn the unexpected All The GOOD TIMES In Your Life Are Even Better with SENOformalwear rental & sales' I BLOOMINGTON I Colonial Plaza Mall 662-3361 CHAMPAIGN- URBANA Lincoln Sq., Urbana 328-3474 ARTHUR CHEESE COMPANY Open Monday Through Friday 8:00 to 4:00 Saturday 8:00 to 12:00 Arthur, Yllinois EAST SIDE OF SQUARE, SULLIVAN PHONE: (217) 728-7551 tru-Test Paint All Occasion Gifts Sporting Goods Brides Gift Tables Power Tools Large Selection of Toys Tor0 Mowers Housewares - Glassware Electric Supplies Garden Supplies Plumbing Supplies Bicycles - Tricycles I TRAVEL and TOUR AGENCIES .... CHARTER BUS COMPANIES.... Look into our exciting, profitable GROUP THEATRE I TOURS PLAN .... Write The Little Theatre-On The Square, P.O.Box 155, kllivan, I(linois or Phone (2 17) 728-7375 STUDENT-TEACHER GROUP DISCOUNTS 3 SCHOOLS CHURCHES INSTITUTIONS MAKE PLANS NOW FOR SEVERAL SHOWS! GROUPS OF 30 OR MORE MAY MAKE ADVANCE RESERVATIONS FOR TUESDAY NIGHT PERFORM- ANCES AT THE LIBERAL STUDENT RATE For Information, Contact Us tality and Excellent Foods rm 1 ~hbyCordially Inviter You To His Gallery Of Stars ' / I 1 -)one Block North of Square 21 7/728-8031 GROUPS INVITED 3 PI!B!-WFDtn~ng Room Available - ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE SAVE MONEY at The State Bank of Sullivan State Bank of Sulliva~- SullivanI llliinois 6 1961. I NEWLY REMODELED STEAKS - SEAFOOD - BAR-B-QUE NEW COCKTAIL LOUNGE GROUP FACILITIES RESERVATIONS 728-4040 EAST SIDE OF THE SQUARE SULLIVAN, ILLINOIS .formerly . 'me Red Fox' CHARLES ABBOTT (dkedm) retm to T Little Theatre-On The Samafter an ahnee JOHN KELSO (Sandomir, Manuel, M. Duclos) 10 years. who's name has almost become synonymous with Recently, he has directed productions of IW The Little Theatre-On The Square is now enjoying OKLAHOMA! with Harve Presaall and GIG1 wi his 13th season at Sullivan. 1973 found John M. Awnt at Canal FuItu~Thsstre. He has bt dled these posb for the off-hmdway didr appearing in productions of CAMELOT. AP- su PLAUSE, WAIT UNTIL DARK and BLITHE musical, "Speed Gets the Poppys", and for stcck produetiom as "Gypsy" with Margru SPIRIT. The current season has featured John in King LOVERS AND OTHW STRANGERS with Helen Whiting, "The and I", and "Music Man". FOI Wagner and Dennis Cole, ONE FLEW OVER THE ship cruise to Norway and Europe last summer, CUCKOO'S NEST with Leonard Nimoy. SUGAR directed "Lovers" and three other comedies und with Robert Morse and MAME with Rosemary the banner of "The Smallest Floating Reperta Prinz. In the recent production of FUNNY GIRL Company". As an actor-singer-dancer, be made t with Mimi Hines, he delighted audiences and eritia Broadway debut in a shortlived musical, "Bloc alike with his singing and dancing. Red Roses", speaking only Russian, and followc this with the hit. "Two Gentlemen of Verona playing an Irish .tenor. The German Emeee has appeared "Cabaret", however, is his favorite role; betwa IQFCUANE DENHAM (Gigi) in all of the year-and-a-half run in the National Towh the musical productions of this eeeson including hc Olga in SUGAR with Robert Morse, Pegeen in Company and two suhquent companies he MAME with Rcwemary Prina, Jw in FUNNY portrayed this demonic character for over M GIRL with Mimi Hines and the title role in NO, NO performances. He was in the National Company "Maratisade" as Kokol, a Frenchman, and for tl NANETTE with Andy Devine. Chicago-.area TV theatres have seen Miss Dehnam in prdcticma 6f , - film. "Shoot Anything with Hair That Mova STOP THE WORLD. 1 WANT TO GET, OFF, " CAiiNVAL, THE CESERT SONG and FMRA THE RED MENACE. ' in Toronto. ARE YOU ON OUR MAlLlNri 1.131 r IF NOT, PLEASE LEAVE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AT OUR BOX OFFICE SO WE MAY SEND YOU ALL FUTURE BROCHURES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. STANS' COURTESY CARS Comdiments of HERTZ SYSTEM LICENSEE. Lewis Tanner 239 ~ou'thNeil St. Champaign, Ill. Phone: 356-94 14 a - -- I __-I-. -- .Y - --- - ..--.-__--_- -.-- -_a-.- -- -- - Patrons wishing to donate props or costmes to TbLittle Theatre-On W- Square may do so by phoning: 1. 217/728-7375w -__ - THE FlN EST STEAKS GUARANTEED TO PLEASE YOUR TASTE - Family . I Steak House South Route 45 Just Off 1-57 North Mattoon, Illinois 234-2271 I I Group Reservations invited - Mr. Brewster, Mgr. Supper Club OTficial Host of the Stars .when in Springfield 130 West Mason - Springfield, Illinois 523-2346 CAST FOR "GIGI" &~tOn.maaaaa..a.a*aaamaaaaaaaa*aam*maaaa~DAVLD HATSON Lianeaamam~~aaa~~a~mmm~maam~~a~~m~~~I.meKARENCROSSLEY Gi~iaa..laaaa..aa.a~maamaa~a~mmaaa~~~am~KRAINEDENHAM Aunt Alicia~a*Jmrm~ml.~arm~ep..m,m.*..~,ra...b*MAHYBEST Jacrguesaaamaaa~aaaaa~aammm~aa.~~~aa~a.aaaMICHAELPAGE I Man~~el~~aaa~ammaa~~aa~I~.~~maataa..a....b.m.JOHNKEISO .
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