2,860,037 United States Patent Office .Patiented Nov. 11, 1958 1. 2 The basis of this invention is the finding that molten calcium carbide produced by the reduction of calcium phosphate-containing minerals with carbon can be com 2,860,037 pletely freed of its calcium phosphide content by a short PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF CALCIUM treatment with gaseous nitrogen. The end-product ob CARBDE AND PHOSPHORUS tained by this process is completely suitable for the gen eration of acetylene, as well as for further nitrification, in Jonas Kamlet, Easton, Conn. a separate operation, to form calcium cyanamide. Un like the teachings of Caro and Frank (German Patent No Drawing. Application December 4, 1952 0 616,988), this invention envisages the intermediate for Serial No. 324,143 mation of a fused or partially fused calcium carbide. 11 Claims. (CI. 23-208) The raw materials for this process are a calcium phosphate-containing material and a source of carbon. As a source for the calcium phosphate, the following This invention relates to a novel chemical process and, 15 minerals can be employed: more particularly, to a chemical process for the joint (a) Fluorapatite-3Ca(PO4)2, CaF2 electrothermal manufacture of elemental phosphorus and (b) Chloroapatite-3Ca(PO4). CaCl2 calcium carbide. - (c) Hydroxyapatite-3Ca(PO4)2Ca(OH) In German Patent 92,838 (1895), Hilbert and Frank 20 have described a process for the manufacture of ele formed by the calcination or defluorination of phos mental phosphorus and calcium carbide which com phate rock at advanced temperatures, or by prolonged prises reducing calcium phosphate with carbon in the geologic degradation of other apatites electric furnace. The primary reaction which occurs is: (d) Phosphorite-3Ca(PO4)2, CaF2 25 Phosphorus is volatilized and recovered by scrubbing the (e) Bone, bone ash or bone products containing off-gases with water and condensation of the phosphorus Ca3 (PO4)2, with varying amounts of CaCO3 The presence of calcium fluoride and/or calcium containedHowever, therein. a major disadvantage of this process resided- chloride in the apatite minerals serves a very useful and in the fact that a secondary reaction occurred. 30 important purpose in the present invention, viz.--as flux ing agents to reduce the temperature at which the cal cium carbide will fuse or melt. Most of these minerals with the result that the end-product calcium carbide con also contain varying amounts of silica, which reacts with tained from 3% to 8% of calcium phosphide. On re the calcium phosphate at the temperature of the electric action with water, an explosive mixture of acetylene and 35 furnace to form calcium silicates of varying composi phosphine would be generated. This drawback was so tions. These calcium silicates also serve as fluxes for serious that it was even impractical to cool and store the the calcium carbide and reduce the temperature at which end-product calcium carbide since it would react with the calcium carbide will fuse or melt. Any iron oxide atmospheric moisture to form poisonous and inflam present in these Cag (PO4)2-containing minerals will: mable mixtures of acetylene and phosphine. 40 be reduced to elemental iron. The latter takes up part To overcome this difficulty, Caro and Frank developed of the elemental phosphorus formed and is tapped from a process whereby phosphorus formation is combined the furnace as ferrophosphorus in accordance with the with the manufacture of calcium cyanamide in a single well-known industrial procedure. operation. A charge of a briquetted mixture of calciurin The source of carbon for this process may be anthra phosphate and carbon is heated in three steps at different 45 cite or bituminous coal, coke, pitch, petroleum coke, temperature levels while nitrogen is passed through the coal tar pitch, petroleum pitch, charcoal of any nature charge (first at 1200-1600 C. for several hours, then and, in fact, any material yielding carbon under the for three hours at 1850-1870° C., then for three hours conditions of the reaction. at 1000) (German Patent 609,730 (1935); French The process is effected in an electric furnace of any Patent 720,098 (1931); Dutch Patent 34,424 (1934)). 50 suitable design, such as is at present used for the manu These inventors have also found that, in their process, facture of phosphorus. This furnace need be modified it is necessary to avoid fusion of the charge if efficient to permit a stream of nitrogen to be passed through nitrogen fixation is to take place. They therefore ad the calcium carbide melt (which will occupy the same vise the use of a silica-free or silica-poor source of car approximate position in the furnace as is now occupied bon (e.g. foundry coke, anthracite, etc.) to obviate the 55 by the calcium silicate slag). -: , , formation of calcium silicates which act as fluxes for the The following reactions occur in the furnace: intermediate calcium carbide. (Caro and Frank, German Patent 616,988 (1935).) This finding is counter to the (a) As a primary reaction: teaching of the art. It is customary industrial practice in the cyanamide process at the present time to add cal 60 Cas (PO4)2-14C-> 3CaC+2P+8CO-748,900 calories cium chloride or calcium fluoride to the calcium carbide charge prior to nitrification to serve as a flux since the (b). As secondary reactions: - - reaction is believed to occur in the liquid phase. This Ca3(PO4)2--8C->CagP--8CO-664,920 calories . fusion is known to occur during the nitrification reaction since the reagents are charged in a briquetted form and Caa (PO4)2+5C+(1 to 3 SiO2)->(CaO)3(SiO)1 -- the end-product calcium cyanamide is recovered as a 65 2P--5CO-(365,350 to 376,450 calories) well-sintered pig (Kasten and McBurney, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 43, 1020-1033 (May 1951). When the calcium carbide melt is treated with nitrogen This combined process of Caro and Frank has never to free it of calcium phosphide, the following reaction is attained any industrial significance, largely because of believed to occur: the great difficulty involved in carefully controlling the 70 temperature ranges and gradients in the electric furnace, an essential feature of the process. No calcium cyanamide is formed at the temperature of 2,860,087 3 4 molten calcium carbide. However, as the calcium carbide of 4.0 parts by weight of the phosphate rock to 3.6 cools to within the nitrification range (900-1200 C.), parts by weight of the coke (about 3Ca(PO4)2 to 2C). it is believed that the following reaction occurs: The mixture is then pelletized in the usual manner. CaN--5C->2CaCCaCN2 The pelleted charge is fed to the electric furnace, where an internal temperature of 1800° C. to 2200 C. is at Thus, the overall reaction involved in the calcium phos tained during the furnacing. After phosphorus evolution phide removal step is believed to be: is complete, nitrogen gas (preheated to 1000-1800 C.) CasP+N+5C->2CaC+CaCN,+152,480 calories is passed through the charge for an hour. During this The charge to the electric furnace should contain at entire process, the phosphorus and carbon monoxide are least fourteen moles of carbon per mole of calcium phos O recovered in the usual manner. phate (i. e. as required by theory), and preferably a After removal of the calium phosphide by the nitrogen 20%-30% excess of carbon, i. e. about three parts of treatment, the ferrophosphorus is tapped from the bot Ca(PO) to two parts of carbon. These proportions tom of the furnace. It is also feasible to tap the ferro are by no means critical. The charge may be widely phosphorus prior to the nitrogen treatment of the charge. varied in composition without materially affecting the 5 The molten or partially molten calcium carbide is then process of the present invention. tapped into suitable receptacles, e.g. iron cars or buggies, The furnace charge is prepared by grinding the reagents and allowed to solidify and cool. The calcium carbide separately or together, followed by one of the well-known is then crushed and ground in ball mills in the usual procedures used in the art for such preparation, i. e. ac. - pelletizing by tumbling or extrusion, briquetting with a 20 Yields may vary widely, but a typical materials balance suitable binder (such as pitch, mollasses, or similar or would give the following results: ganic material which will not interfere in the subsequent 7.5 tons of phosphate rock, 6.8 tons of coke, 20,000 kwh. furnacing), agglomeration by nodulizing at advanced ten of electricity will yield 1.0 ton of phosphorus, 3.6 tons peratures or sintering together a mixture of powdered of calcium carbide, 0.13 ton of ferrophosphorus, 9.5 coke and phosphate fines. - 25 tons of carbon monoxide. The charge is fed to the phosphorus furnace in the well known procedure of the prior art. The furnace may The calcium carbide analyses about 85% CaC and be operated at a temperature between 1200 C. and 2% calcium cyanamide, the remainder being calcium 2200° C., and preferably between 1800° C. and 2200 C. silicates, calcium fluoride, some carbon, and less than Actually, the temperature in the furnace will vary over 30 0.10% unchanged Ca(PO4)2. This material is com quite a broad range and is by no means critical in the pletely suitable for use in the generation of acetylene, in process of this invention. At 1200° C., all of the phos the manufacture of calcium cyanamide, as a reducing phate in the charge will have been completely converted agent in the manufacture of metallic magnesium and in either to elemental phosphorus, calcium phosphide or fact for all the uses to which calcium carbide made by ferrophosphorus.
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