Memorandum to File Pre-bid Conference Summary ITB 13-0602 / As Needed Parts and/or Repair Services for Fleet and Other Operating Equipment and Vehicles May 14, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. The purpose of this memo is to summarize the pre-bid conference held on May 14, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Included with this summary are the Sign-in Sheet and Fleet Division report of past purchases under the prior contracts. Bids are due Wednesday, May 29, 2013 by 3:00 p.m. to Procurement Office, Room 441, 315 West Main Street, Tavares, Florida. Attendance at the pre-bid was non-mandatory. Be sure to submit all required items in your Bid Submittal and acknowledge any and all addenda that are issued. Registered vendors will receive a notification when an addendum is posted, but vendors can go to the website to check for addenda (www.lakecountyfl.gov – Doing Business with Lake County / Current Formal Solicitations). Addendum One has been posted. General Discussion: ITB Document: Reviewed bid document in general – where to find various information. Insurance requirement is found in Section 1.8 of Special Terms and Conditions. No bonds are required for this solicitation or resulting contract. Instructions on submitting a bid and delivery information is in Section 1.13 of Special Terms and Conditions. Contract Information: Multiple contracts will probably be awarded. Contract term will be one year with four one-year renewals possible (see Sections 1.5 and 1.6 of Special Terms and Conditions.) There is no guarantee that any purchases will be made, nor that a guaranteed quantity or dollar volume will be purchased, under any resulting contract (See Section 3.16 of General Terms & Conditions). Current contracts: 11-0811 and 11-0818 (View at: www.lakecountyfl.gov – Doing Business with Lake County / View Term and Supply Contracts.) Pricing: Attachment 2 of original ITB document – circle all brands you can support and submit with bid. Complete the Pricing Schedule (pages 18-22 of original ITB) and submit with the Bid. Note: Use pricing pages 19-20 of the original ITB document if you are offering a discount off list price. If you prefer to offer a markup percentage added to cost instead, use the Alternate Pricing Schedule included in Addendum One. Pre-bid Conference Summary ITB 13-0602 Questions asked at the Pre-Bid Conference: How many parts were bought over the past contract term and what are the most- stocked parts? Answer: Such a list of all purchases made over the prior contract proved too exhaustive to create. The Fleet Division has compiled a listing of vehicles and equipment which accompanies this summary. Parts for any of the equipment and vehicles on the list may be ordered at any given time depending on age, use, breakdowns, etc. What if a vendor does not use manufacturer’s list pricing – can pricing be submitted as cost plus a markup percentage (instead of list price less discount)? Answer: Yes – please use the Alternate Pricing Schedule included in Addendum One as Attachment A. What if a vendor can support other brands not listed in Attachment 2 of the original ITB – how can this be addressed? Answer: For non-listed parts, included in Addendum One is an additional form (Additional Brands Pricing Schedule, Attachment B) on which you may list other brands not listed in Attachment 2 of the original ITB document, with information for each. Can we submit a bid if we repair parts (i.e. radiators) but not vehicles or equipment? Answer: Yes, complete the bid forms as required, and include a brief description of the type of items your company can repair, with hourly rates and markup percentages for each. What if a vendor offers pick-up and delivery of vehicles or equipment? Answer: Please include this information on Addendum One where indicated and submit with your bid. Can other agencies piggy-back off this contract? Answer: Yes – see Section 3.13 of the General Terms and Conditions. End of Summary Page 2 of 2 FLEET DIVISION REPORT Year Make Model Serial # Class 2007 A OK 5X8X6 TRAILER 5C7EE12197D001939 0740 2008 ALJON 500 14568 9180 2007 ALUMA F61WA80EB4S812 1A9BB27266F729071 0740 1972 AMER MEP-015A QA6901-504622 0510 2000 AMER MEP-015A QA6901-507136 0510 2006 AMERICAN SIGNAL CMS-T333 1A9BS333562228104 0390 2006 AMERICAN SIGNAL CMS-T333 1A9BS333762228128 0390 2012 AMERICANMADE 5X8 1A9EE1217AD853500 0700 2010 AMERICANSIGNAL MESSAGE BOARD 1A9BS3333A2228725 0390 2006 ANDERSON TILT 4YNBN16286C041792 0720 1994 BALDERSON LOADER RAKE 3JL04677 0120 2012 BANDIT 255XP 4FMUS1610CR001951 0630 1999 BAYLINER 17' 1" USCA09FRA999 9700 2012 BENDRON 6X12 ENCLOSED 5UZBE1211CD020735 0740 2008 BIL-JAX 3522A DC 5CUAG16198A000096 9330 2006 BLUEBIRD L4RE2911C 1BAGEBPA96W100477 7793 2006 BLUEBIRD L4RE2911C 1BAGEBPA66W100484 7793 2006 BLUEBIRD L4RE2911C 1BAGEBPAX6W100486 7793 2006 BLUEBIRD L4RE2911C 1BAGEBPA86W100485 7793 2006 BLUEBIRD L4RE2911C 1BAGEBPA16W100487 7793 1996 BOBCAT 0953 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