-i'V ■ ••:i4 "a - u 0-V-E-R T-H-E T-O-P” OUR TOWNES HABIT CANNOT BE BROK ===============^ CIRCULATION STATEMENT THE WEATHER. Average daily circulation of THB Partly cloudy tonight and Wed­ EVENING HERAIJ) for nesday ; cooler interior; moderate montb of April was 2,995 west to northwest winds. Established as a Weekly 1881. Try THE HERALD’S WANT COL- Established as a Semi-Weekly 1888. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 28. 1918. U M S.C ost one cent per word for PRICE TWO CENTS VOL. m V I L NO 204 Established as a Daily 1914. first insertion, half cent thereafter. ENEMY CROSS AISNE RIVER; LOCAL RED CROSS FUND REACHES $103,376 FOUR OF STATE AMERICANS TOO MUCH ITALIANS BEGIN UKKrDEHClENCV GERMANS PUSH WAY ACROSS AISNE* HELP AMONG CASUALTIES FOR STORMING FOE; OFFENSIVE ALONG BILL PASSES SENATE A REPORTED TODAY LOWER PIAVE MANCHESTERS MANY PRISONERS TAKEN AHACKS BECOME MORE VIOLENT ON RED CROSS Appropriation of $90,000,000 Ezra Woods of New Milford Killed Advanced 750 Yards in Action Sun­ DRIVE FOR in Action— A. M. Hubbard, Severely day Night in Caposlle Sector, Cap­ For War Expenses is W 1 FRONT NORTHWESf OF RHEIMS Wounded, R. C. Kirby, Missing, Gas and High Explosive Shells turing Seven Officers and 433 Pris­ Both of New Haven— F. J. Allano oners— Attack Thought Designed 865000 of Bristol Missing in Action. to Aid Allies on French-FIanders Provided For British and French Retire Withont Disorder— New Battles Precede Attack by Teuton Front. Developing on 33-Mile Front in Sector of Pinon-4lew A Infantry Washington, May 28.— Thirty- HOUSE AND REVENUE eight casualties in the American Rome, May 28.— ^The Italians have Attacks Made in Flanders as WeD as Northern France— . overseas forces were announced to­ begun an offensive^gainst the Aus- IQQPM 98000 day by the War Department. Seven tro-German armies On the southwest­ 90000 U.S. HOSPITALS, Amiens .StiU Worst Point Menaced . 94.000 were reported killed in action, one ern, (Italian front.) Lower Body Begins Work on Army 92.000 died of wounds, one by drowning, The war office announced today Appropriation Bill of Twelve Bil­ 90.000 London, May 28.— The Germans Baooo five of disease, eighteen were wound­ EVEN, BOMBARDED that on Sunday night the Italians lions— Likely to Pass. Voormezeele on the Franco-Belgian 66.000 have forced a crossing of the Aisne 64.000 ed severely and six were reported broke through the Austro-German frontier, the lull In the big scale In- 62.000 river west of the British sector, the 80000 as missing in action. defences In the Paposile sector of faiptry operations on the Picardy German Flyers Still Bomb Hospital British war office announced today. 78000 The death of Major Raoul Lut- the Lower Plav© to a, depth of 750 front continues. 76000 Areas, Where Red Cross Nurses Washington, May 28— The Senate (The sector held by the British 74000 bery, the American flyer killed In yards. Seven officers and 433 pris­ this afternoon passed an urgent de­ Worst Menace to Amiens. 72.000 and Others are at Work. was astride the Aisne river at Berry- "However formidable Monday’s at­ 70000 action, was officially announced to­ oners were taken.- ficiency bill carrying an appropria­ eaooo au-Bac, between ine and ten miles tack, the point holding the greatest day. The New Englanders were: (A previous report issned by the tion of approximately $90,000,000 66.000 «----------^ « northwest of Rhelms. The British menace is still before Amiens,’’ said 64.000 Killed in Action: * Private Ezra Italian war offic^.tpld of numerous with authorization for making con­ 62.000 Italian thrusts alKflong the line and front was apparently about 16 miles the military critic of the Times to­ 60000 Woods, New Milford, Conn. "VVlth the American Army In tracts to the extent of $33,000,000. 56000 the capture of of prisoners. wide, stretching from Bermicourt to day. "We may take it to be rea­ 56.0 00 Die<l of Wounds: Private Joseph Picardy, May 27.— (Delayed)— Ger­ Tho appropriation covers war ex­ S4000 many’s picked storming troops were It Is possible t] Italians may Craonelle, in the district of the Che- sonably certain that the addition of 52000 Ash, Phillip Ash, 345 Park street, penses of the various government have beat the A Hungarians to min des Dames.) another 13 miles to the battle front 50.000 Lawrence, Mass. outmatched at every point by the bureaus and includes wages for a 46000 it by launchingf^ 8. to lighten The Germans have continued their does not mean abandonment of the 46.000 Missing In Action: Privates Frank Americans holding front line posi­ large number of temporary employ­ 4AOOO tions here early today, in a battle pressure against,^ Allies on the pressure along the whole of Monday’s thrust against Amiens in the Somme 42.000 J. Allano, Bristol, Conn.; Raymond ees. Western fronLl fighting front, to the sector of Plnon estuary, or the abandonment of the j i s m C. Kirby, Joseph Kirby, 50 Wolcott that lasted from six to nine o’clock. House Works on Revenue. 36.0 00 Attacking in three sections the Ger­ sL^ forest, north of Solssons.) threat against the channel ports. $6.000 street, New Haven, Conn/; Charles ' •* Its ati4p*l9n, , i^Uacted |i$r Ura 34.000 mans were able to readl- The Oermaiu are develofiiiig at:. TJie war crJUc '■Mii 32000 M. McGovern, Mrs. B. Starbert, 119 le greatest war morning on the FTandeMftonfTeast lave the snprei measure of the session. of Lake Dlckebush. the Allies were not taken by surprlM. 16000 enemy lines. When the army appropriation 14.000 Using hand grenades and their &«hi Top of S^cdiii and Drive The British captured some prison­ when von Hindenburg saddenly 120 0 0 bill, carrying $12,000,000,000-in ap­ 10.000 bayonets the Americans inflicted Austrlo«Hungw($iis from Pardlsio ers in raids. switched the pressure of his assaults aooo propriations and authorizations, was Washington, May 28.— American heavy damage on the Germans, un­ Pass— Official Report. Artillery duels developed during to a new and untried field of battle, 6.000 called up, Chairman Dent of the mil­ 4000 casualties in the Picardy fighting til they were recalled by their com­ the night. was shown by the fact that British itary affairs committee and Repre­ yesterday, when the Germans pene­ manders. ' British Report. were there, standing shoulder to sentative Julius Kahn, ranking Re­ The text of the British war office shoulder with their brave French trated our lines at two points but Oct Some Prisoners. Rome, Ma3T^28.— "Italians at- publican member, predicted it would Allies to repel the attacks. were subsequently .driven out wei'c They brought several Germans lacked Austrian positions on May statement follows: pass before Saturday, All ‘of the element of surprise is liglit, said General I’crslilng in his back with them as prisoners. The 25, captured the defense of Maroc- Continuous pressure was main­ Chairman Dent was fortified with tained by tho enemy all day yester­ gone for the Germans, which Is a big communique issued this afternoon. German artillery heavily bombard­ caro Pass, gained! the summit of information gathered for him by tho day against tho British troops en­ obstacle in their path and a great The American commaihIcts’ message ed the American lines before the at­ Monte Zigolin and Maroccaro and gaged on tho Aisne front. Severe War Department on the progress of advantage to the Allies. ^ amplifying his communique of last tack. The Huns also dropped drove out the enemy from the Para- fighting is still going on along the the airplane and ordnance program. whole of the British sector. On Foo Gains Near Locre. night, also dwelt upon the “ fine of­ scores of mustard gas shells along (lislo Pass," says a semi-official an­ OVQt THE TOP Those features of the bill wore ex­ our right the 21st Division, in touch South of Lake Dlckebush, near the fensive spirit displayed by our the American front. nouncement on fighting activities. with our Allies, held their battle po­ pected to draw the principal fire of Locre sector of the Flanders front, triMips at all times," and spoke of According to military experts the "Tho enemy on Hill No. 2432 was sitions throughout the day and suc­ Administration opponents in the tho enemy seems to have gained a the action as a "notable success." Germans purpose in attacking the surrounded. The whole garrison cessfully withstood enemy attempts House. Rumors wore in circulation to advance. footing in 800 yards of French WITH $103,376 American lines was to feel out tho was destroyed and we captured two today that one pacifist member of (Part of ioxt missing.) trenches, according to unofficial ad­ strength of the French and American cable railways. North of Velon we The enemy is developing attacks the lower body would call for a roll vices from that front. At other forces. ■'As a result of their curios­ blew up a large enemy ammunition of great strength along tho whole of WOOD OBJECTS call on the bill when it comes to final points the Germans were thrown ity they got a severe trouncing. The dump.’ the Aisne battle front. FOR RED CROSS passage, in order that ho ifiay regis­ On the Lys river, (Flanders back from ground they were trying bombardment that preceded the raid ---------A ter his vote against it. front), local fighting recommended to occupy. TO BEING SHELVED was one of the heaviest American this morning in tho area oast of Lake Passage Likely.
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