SOCIAL CRITICISM AS REFLECTED BY WILLIAM BLAKE’S SELECTED POEMS THESIS Submitted to the Board of Examiners In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for Literature Degree at English Literature Department By MONALISA NIM.AI.150315 ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY THE STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI 2019 MOTTO بِ ْس ِم هَّللاِ ال هر ْح َم ِن ال هر ِحيم ُ ْ َو ْلتَ ُك ْه ِم ْن ُك ْم أ َّمةٌ يَ ْد ُعى َن إِلَى ا ْل َخ ْي ِر َويَأ ُم ُرو َن بِب ْل َم ْع ُرو ِف َويَ ْنهَ ْى َن َع ِه ا ْل ُم ْن َك ِر ۚ َٰ 1 َوأُولَئِ َك هُ ُم ا ْل ُم ْفلِ ُحىن ََ ―And let there be among you a community calling to virtue, and advocating righteousness, and deterring from evil. These are the succesful‖.2 ―Dan hendaklah diantara kamu ada segolongan orang yang menyeru kepada kebajikan, menyuruh berbuat yang makruf, dan mencegah dari yang mungkar. Dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang beruntunng‖.3 1 Alqur’an dan Terjemahannya “Sepecial for woman”. Surah Ali-Imran :104. p.63 2 Al-Qur’an Arabic and English Translation. Surah Ali-Imran Ayat 104 3 Alqur’an dan Terjemahannya “Sepecial for woman”. Surah Ali-Imran :104. p.63 DEDICATION بِ ْس ِم هَّللاِ ال هر ْح َم ِن ال هر ِحيم In the name of Allah SWT for the blessing and the merciful, with deep thanks and proud, sholawat to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his coming really changed the world. Special thanks to: My parents, my beloved father (Bandung) and my beloved mother (Badria) who always give me everlasting love, guidance, motivation and praying. My beloved old brothers (Syamsuddin and Abdul Kadir) and my beloved old sister (Dahlisa) thanks for your support and praying. My big family who has support me in finishing this thesis My beloved friends (Mahya, Dayah, Ina, Lusi, and Rika) thanks for your support, suggestion, and motivation. My friends English Literature 2015. Especially class A thanks for your kindness, supports, and togetherness during my study at English Literature department. May Allah Subhanahu Wata‘ala bless us. Amin Ya Robbal ‗Alamin. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT بِ ْس ِم هَّللاِ ال هر ْح َم ِن ال هر ِحيم Firstly, the writer would like to say Alhamdullilahirabil‟alamin, all the praise to Allah SWT the lord of all creatures, for His Blessing from the starting point of my study until now the end of my study. After that, Shalawat and salam be upon to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, hopefully we will get His syafa‟at later at The Last Day.To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to many people. So, the writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are: 1. Prof. Dr. H. Su‘aidi Asy‘ari, MA,. Ph.D as the rector of the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. 2. Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd. I as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty. 3. Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed as the first Dean of Academic. Dr. H. M. Fadil, M.Ag as the second Dean of Finances, and Dr. Roudhoh, S.Ag., M.Pd.I as the third Dean of University Student of Adab and Humanities Faculty. 4. The Head of English Literature Department Ulfatmi Azlan, SS., MA and The secretary of English Literature Department Dian Mukhlisa, MA. 5. My supervisors Bahren, S.S, M.A and Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd I would like to express deepest gratitude to people who helped the writer in accomplishing this thesis. I would like to thanks a lotto helped, adused, supported and suggested me in writing this thesis and finish this thesis. ABSTRACT Monalisa, 2019: Social Criticism as Reflected by William Blake‘s selected poems. English literature Department Adab and Humanities Faculty, The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Supervisor I : Bahren, S.S. M.A Supervisor II : Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd This study discusses social criticism in literary works, poem by William Blake. Which poem that the writer wants to analyze is based on the real-life of the author. The purpose of this study is (1) to find social criticism in William Blake's poems (2) to find out the problems social criticism in William Blake's poems based. This writer uses the descriptive qualitative method. In this research, the writer uses Expressive theory and social criticism theory to support the writing of this thesis. In addition, the writer also uses a sociological approach. Data sources from this research are some poems by William Blake in which there are social criticisms, namely: Earth‘s Answer, The Little Black Boy, The Chimney Sweeper, and London. From the results of this study, the writer finds four problems of social criticism that exist in William Blake's poems: (1) social criticism of gender issues in the Earth Answer poem, in which the poetry describes the suffering of women (2) social criticism of moral problems in the poem Little Black boy, who explains the difference in skin color between white people and black people (3) social criticism of technological problems in the poem The Chimney Sweeper, which explains the suffering of children due to technological progress (4) social criticism of economic problems in London poem, which explains about the economic decline of the community at that time. Keywords: Social criticism, Literary work, Poem, Expressive theory ABSTRAK Monalisa, 2019: Social Criticism as Reflected by William Blake‘s selected poems. English literature Department Adab and Humanities Faculty, The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Supervisor I : Bahren, S.S. M.A Supervisor II : Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd Penelitian ini membahas tentang kritik sosial yang ada didalam karya sastra yaitu puisi karya William blake. Yang mana puisi yang ingin dianalisis penulis ini berdasarkan kehidupan nyata dari pengarang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk menemukan kritik sosial yang ada didalam puisi karya William Blake (2) untuk mengetahui masalah kritik sosial yang ada didalam puisi karya William blake. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif descriptive. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan teori ekspressive dan teori social criticism untuk mendukunng penulisan thesis ini. Selain itu penulis juga menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi. Sumber data dari penelitian ini adalah beberapa puisi karya William Blake yang didalamnya terdapat kritik sosial, yaitu: Earth‘s Answer, The Little Black Boy, The Chimney Sweeper, dan London. Dari hasil penelitian ini, penulis menemukan empat masalah kritik sosial yang ada didalam puisi karya William Blake: (1) kritik sosial masalah gender didalam puisi Earth Answer, yang mana puisi tersebut menjelaskan tentang penderitaan para wanita (2) kritik sosial masalah moral didalam puisi The Little Black boy, yang menjelaskan tentang perbedaan warna kulit antara orang kulit putih dan orang kulit hitam (3) kritik sosial masalah teknologi didalam puisi The Chimney Sweeper, yang menjelaskan tentang penderitaan anak masyarakat akibat kemajuan teknologi (4) kritik sosial masalah ekonomi didalam puisi London, yang menjelaskan tentang menurunnya ekonomi masyarakat pada masa itu. Kata kunci: Kritik sosial, Karya sastra, Puisi, Teori ekspressive TABLE OF CONTENT COVER....................................................................................................................i APPROVAL..................................... .....................................................................ii LETTER OF RATIFICATION...........................................................................iii ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT..................................................................iv MOTTO..................................................................................................................v DEDICATION.......................................................................................................vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................................................................vii ABSTRACT...........................................................................................................ix ABSTRAK..............................................................................................................x TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem……………………………………………..1 B. Formulation of the Problem………...…………………………………...4 C. Limitation of the Problem………………...…………………………….4 D. Purpose of the Research...........................................................................4 E. Significance of the Research……………………………………………5 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Expressive Theory...................................................................................6 B. Sociological Approach.............................................................................8 C. Poem......................................................................................................10 D. Social Criticism......................................................................................11 E. England Social Life History...................................................................18 F. Review of Related Research...................................................................21 CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH A. Design of Research................................................................................ 24 B. Source of Data........................................................................................25 C. Technique of Data Collection................................................................ 25 D. Technique of Data Analysis.................................................................. 26 CHAPTER IV FINDING
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