NorthBringing the Good News to the Diocese Texas of Fort Worth Catholic Vol. 22 No. 16 October 6, 2006 OCTOBER IS RESPECT LIFE MONTH Cardinal Keeler praises progress in pro-life efforts, mourns developments harmful to life WASHINGTON (CNS) — Al- human life is a mere problem, or though there are signs of hope even an object of research and ex- and progress in pro-life efforts, ploitation, rather than the divine other developments in the past mystery it truly is,” he said in the year “are regressive and harmful Sept. 26 statement. in their effects on human life,” Among the signs of progress Cardinal William H. Keeler of Bal- mentioned by Cardinal Keeler timore said in a message marking were the “enthusiastic involve- Respect Life Sunday, Oct. 1. ment in pro-life education and The cardinal, chairman of activism” by young people and the U.S. bishops’ Committee on the growing number of them Pro-Life Activities, compared “committed to living chastely the atmosphere in the U.S. now until marriage, a trend that has to 1973 when the U.S. Supreme contributed substantially to POPE MEETS ISLAMIC LEADERS — Pope Benedict XVI shakes hands with the Kuwaiti ambassador to the Vatican, Court, in its Roe v. Wade decision, the continuing decline in abor- Ahamad Abdulkareem Al-Ibrahim, before a meeting with ambassadors of Islamic nations and Italian Islamic leaders in found “a constitutional ‘right’ to tions.” Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Sept. 25. The pope assured Muslims that he respected them and was committed to dialogue. (CNS abortion.” Other encouraging signs in- photo/L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO via Reuters) “Today, in the same way, pow- clude growing public sentiment erful groups in our society would against “the policy of virtu- Pope expresses respect for Muslims, ignore basic facts to promote a ally unlimited abortion,” and narrow and divisive view of the especially against partial-birth pledges to continue dialogue human person — a view in which SEE CARINDAL KEELER…, P. 12 CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy of violence,” the pope said. resentatives at Castel Gandolfo, (CNS) — Meeting with Islamic “As for us, religious authori- the pope alluded only briefl y Religious leaders push ambassadors and representa- ties and political leaders, we must to the earlier speech. Instead, tives, Pope Benedict XVI ex- guide and encourage them in this he focused on assuring Muslim against late immigration bills pressed his deep respect for direction,” he said. communities that his papacy was By Patricia Zapor for midterm elections. Muslims, pledged to continue The unprecedented encounter not backtracking on the dialogue WASHINGTON (CNS) — Re- As the Senate considered dialogue, and said Islamic and at the pope’s summer residence opened by the Second Vatican ligious leaders joined senators legislation to which some im- Christian leaders should cooper- Sept. 25 was designed to soothe Council and developed in large from both parties in a fi nal push migration measures had been ate to curb violence. Muslim resentment over a recent part by his predecessor, Pope to prevent the passage of immi- attached, Auxiliary Bishop Jaime “Faithful to the teachings of papal speech that cited a his- John Paul II. gration bills that House leaders Soto of Orange, California, said their own religious traditions, torical criticism of Islam and the The pope expressed his “es- threatened to add to last-minute at a Sept. 26 press conference in Christians and Muslims must concept of holy war. The pope teem and profound respect” legislation, including a federal Washington that “this is not the learn to work together, as indeed later distanced himself from for Muslim believers and said appropriations bill, in the days time to make political points.” He they already do in many common the quoted material and said he wanted to continue to build before the congressional recess SEE BORDER FENCE…, P. 13 undertakings, in order to guard he was sorry Muslims had been bridges, especially between Mus- against all forms of intolerance offended. lims and Christians. Productive and to oppose all manifestations Addressing the Islamic rep- SEE REGENSBURG SPEECH…, P. 14 After long struggle, Catholic radio is fi nally a reality in North Texas By Joan Kurkowski-Gillen Network (GRN) that it would the Ave Maria Radio Network. Correspondent begin broadcasting in the Fort A daily local program, featuring Bill Schnieders greeted the Worth/Dallas Metroplex Oct. 1. topics pertinent to North Texas news with the exuberance of a The Midland-based company, Catholics, will debut on the sta- Texas lottery winner. which owns eight radio stations tion in January. “I’m so happy!” he cried out in West and Central Texas and KJON 850 AM, previously a with excitement. “Finally ... fi - one in New Mexico, signed a Tejano music station, is providing nally ... fi nally! It’s been a long, long-term lease with Border Spanish-language Catholic radio hard struggle to get where we Media Partners to assume con- from sunrise to sunset. The new are, but it’s fi nally happening. trol of KJON 850 AM and KXEB Metroplex stations give Catholic Catholic radio is here, and it’s 910 AM. Formerly the home of radio access to one of the largest NEW U.S. CITIZENS — Some of the more than 8,700 new U.S. citizens from going to stay!” liberal talk radio Air America, audiences in the country, with the 100 countries recite the Pledge of Allegiance while being sworn in as citizens at a Schnieders, a member of St. the 910 AM frequency will now potential of reaching 4.5 million naturalization ceremony in Los Angeles Sept. 22. About a half-million immigrants Michael Church in Bedford, offer 24-hour-a day-program- people. Approval of the venture became naturalized citizens last year in the United States. The top fi ve countries was reacting to an announce- ming from the EWTN Global is expected to come from the they represented were Mexico, India, China, the Philippines, and Cuba. (CNS ment from the Guadalupe Radio Catholic Radio Network and SEE GUADALUPE RADIO…, P. 3 photo/Lucy Nicholson, Reuters) Page 2 North Texas Catholic, October 6, 2006 Diocesan Th e call to proclaim Th e Gospel of Life in our words and deeds is one that applies to us each and all Dear Friends in the response in Faith to the Lord of Life for each of us. Diocese of Fort Worth, The resource packet provided by his I think ... of the witness of so many at the Secretariat for Pro-Life Activi- ties of the USCCB gives us much past the various pregnancy and pre-natal to think about in this month of week October, dedicated to Respect Life, T when it says,” “Living with a heart the priests care centers throughout our Diocese, open to God’s will has enormous of the Dio- implications. Different people will cese of Fort and the heroic witness to life of the realize that God calls them to dif- ferent things. For an adolescent, it Worth and workers and volunteers. Through may mean resisting peer pressure I met at the to take part in drinking or unchaste Bishop Kevin W. Vann activity. For the single adult, it could Fall Pres- prayer (such as praying the rosary at require offering personal time in byteral Assembly in Denton. service of a needy person. A busi- Our guest speaker was Mr. John abortion centers), counseling, care, nessman may fi nd that honesty and fairness requires a certain course of Carr, of the staff of the United action. A married couple could real- States Conference of Catholic hospitality for the mothers, families, ize that they should have another child. A frightened pregnant woman Bishops. He gave very thorough and others, they truly live the Gospel of may understand that she needs to and excellent presentations on ask for help to resist the temptation to abortion. The sick person might the challenges which face all of Life in a visible way. have to accept his illness and join his us to live the Gospel of Life in suffering to that of Christ …. Doing this Western culture, a culture God’s will is not always easy. We Gospel of Life) by Pope John Paul II, of us. usually have plans for our lives. It which can be violent and very and Living the Gospel of Life, A Chal- I think, for example, of the is good to have plans, but never at lenge to American Catholics, a publica- much opposed to the values of witness of so many at the vari- the expense of our growth in rela- tion of the U.S. bishops conference ous pregnancy and pre-natal care tionship to God….” the Gospel and the proclaiming that was published before Faithful centers throughout our Diocese, The week in Denton was a Citizenship. of the Gospel by the Church. and the heroic witness to life of the great occasion to spend time with One of the points that Mr. Carr workers and volunteers. Through our priests in prayer, study, and Mr. Carr spoke on a number made is that our commitment to life prayer (such as praying the rosary at recreation. I thank them for their of aspects addressed in Faithful is something that should not just be abortion centers), counseling, care, kindness to me, their advice, and Citizenship. This is a publication relegated to the St. Vincent de Paul hospitality for the mothers, families, encouragement. They are faithful of the United States Conference of Society, for example, or a parish pro- and others, they truly live the Gos- servants of the Lord in our parishes Catholic Bishops and is currently life or justice committee, thinking pel of Life in a visible way.
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