EN."R • t ',II t .... _hb.. • ...., ~ 11&1-........ " ' ... 1'4'~ January 4" )991 ENSft RotCfOOOO No : '7 ~' · ~ "ENSR 00c:um0n1 No.: EAS-8068 MS, MlWI'eon RatblU EnvIronmentalAnao'ysI l.Iossachu$eltt DopL of ErN\rorvnenLai PrOlOCl«t !5 Common ....'UIttl Avonue W~, MA 01801 RE: Fonner Co,uf, Dump SIlo. La... ". , ~ as.uehu$O n, OEP 5.10 No. 3-713 Dear Ms. Rabbet!: In ,PIoparing the Phaso In RomodlAl Response Plan, ENSR tw disOo\loflld a Olaaopancy in Iho gJouod wr1&CQ oIoVlllion data. T~ data In I1lO Phaso U rOpoi't are 'l,WTY'nwizod In !ho altachod table. The ground surface elovalklo cakUao!ed Irom wol WIIM (,lata does not C.OlrOSpond to elovolion do)la ptO'Adod In the bonng logs, t'IOI' doe!I R corrospond 10 oIevalion 01 PVC ol lhe wells, ..... flIct1 are ~ mo~od kOOfo:Mg 10 thO logs Ho"... ovor. YlsuailnspoctJon or the ....-elllln<flcates that IOITICI orlhe morVlOfl'lg wei' Iocal&d In tho rO!l of lhe PfOJ*fY aro not lush mourned. ~\'o would apptoOalO you 3$Si5tanoe In c:IariIy(ng \his I:uoo. tv provld.ng us .... utI lIllY addillonaJ InlOfmatlon ....fIIch you may haVo available. S."."Iy . •no . .. ,."... SCAkhb • , ELEVATION DATA (1) Source; Wehren Engineering, 'Phase II Site Investigation Report lor the 93 Billerica Street Site', November 1989, Table 4-1. (2) Calculation: Addition of Depth 01 Well Screen (BGS) to Elevation. (3) Source: Wehren Engineering, ·Phase II Site Investigation Report for the 93 Billerica Street Site", November 1989, Appendix D. • • ENSR Con,uhing and Engineering 35 Nagog Park Acton, Massachusetts 01720 ENSR Document No. 1765-012-002 (508) 635-9500 ENSR Reference No. 053-RLM-119 (508) 635-9180 (FAX) August 24, 1990 Maureen Rabbett Environmental Analyst MA DEP 5A Commonwealth Avenue Woburn, MA 01801 RE: Supplemental Investigation Former Costa's Dump, 89-103 Billerica Street DEP Case No. 3-{)713 Dear Maureen: Enclosed please find the sampling results from the Supplemental Investigation conducted at the Billerica Street Site in Lowell, MA. We have enclosed the tabulated analytical data, the hand auger and test pit logs, and a figure showing the sample locations. All work was performed in accordance with ENSR's work plan dated January, 1990, with the following exceptions. Test pit excavations were not performed on the 121 Billerica Street property, due to the fact that backhoe access was not feasible, because most of the property consists of dense woods and wetland. Four hand auger samples were collected from this property instead, as shown on the enclosed figure. In addition, due to an administrative error by the subcontract laboratory, New England Testing (formerly Cambridge Analytical Associates), samples submitted for cyanide analysis were only analyzed lor total cyanide, and not weak and dissociable cyanide. Observations in On-site Test Pits Seven additional test pits were excavated on site. Test pit nos. TP-20 and TP-21 showed visual evidence of potential coal gasification wastes; TP-20 contained lenses of blue material, and TP-21 showed traces of black tar-like material. No coal gasification wastes were noted in test pits TP- 18 and TP-23, however, these test pits had a slight coal tar odor. In TP-22, no coal gasification wastes were present, however, an empty rusted drum and other refuse were noted. The HNu reading was 0.4 units inside the drum, but was not above background in the test pit. Based on these observations, the demarcation line showing the approximate extent of coal gasification wastes was redrawn as shown on the figure. • • Maureen Rabbelt August 24, 1990 Page 2 121 Billerica .Street Property Four hand auger samples, HA-l1 to HA-14. were collected from this property. Each was a composite from zero to three feet. Clinker and ash material was found in the top six inches in holes HA-l1, HA-13, and HA-14. HA-12 did not contain any visual evidence of' material such as clinker or ash. Silt and was present from six inches to three feet in all four holes. No blue material was noted in any of the four holes. Total concentrations of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in these samples ranged from not detected in HA-14 to 23.53 mg/kg (ppm) in HA-12. Total concentrations ranged from <1.2 mg/kg (HA-14) to 21 mg/kg (HA-12). Cadmium, and silver were below detection limits In all four samples. Concentrations of other metals ranged from 0.6 mg/kg mercury in HA-12 to 1200 mg/kg lead in HA-13. The above sampling results are consistent with the data from the hand auger samples (HA-3, HA-4, and HA-5) collected from this property by Wehran Engineering in September, 1988. Sample HA-4 contained PAH compounds at concentrations ranging from 0.4 to 11 mg/kg, with a total PAH concentration of 64.7 mg/kg. Total cyanide concentrations In these samples ranged from 7.5 to 170 mg/kg. Metals concentrations in HA-4 ranged from 0.43 mg/kg of mercury to 300 mg/kg of lead. 87 Billerica Street Property Hand auger samples HA-15 and HA-16 were collected from this property. Both samples contained sand and with some clinker and ash material. HA-16 contained a higher proportion of clinker and material than HA-15. Total PAH concentrations in HA-15 and HA-16 were 7.74 mg/kg and 39.74 mg/kg, respectively. Total cyanide was detected only in HA-15, at a concentration of 1.6 mg/kg. Sample HA-16 contained higher metals concentrations than HA-15. Concentrations ranged from 0.39 mg/kg mercury to 760 mg/kg lead in HA-16. The above sampling results are consistent with the data from the hand auger samples (HA-9 and HA·1O) collected from this property Wehran Engineering in September, 1988. Sample HA-9 contained PAH compounds at ranging from 0.3 to 14 mg/kg, with a total PAH concentration of B6 mg/kg. Total cyanide concentrations in HA-9 and HA-l0 were < 1.2 and 3.1 mg/kg, respectively. Metals concentrations in HA-9 ranged from 0.25 mg/kg of selenium to 120 mg/kg of lead. • • Maureen Rabbett August 24, 1990 Page 3 Summary of Findings Fill material in the form of ash and clinkers appears to extend at least part way onto both the 121 and 87 Billerica Street properties. This fill material was found at depths up to 8 Inches on the 121 Billerica Street property, and down to 3.5 feet on the 87 Billerica Street property. PAH compounds and cyanide were detected on the 121 Billerica Street property, 20 feet west of the eastern fenceline. PAH compounds and a trace level of cyanide were detected on the 87 Billerica Street property, and appeared to be correlated with the presence of ash and clinker fill material. The data obtained during this supplemental investigation will be used during the Phase III study of this sile. If you have any questions regarding the results of this investigation, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, ~7l1~ Rosemary Mattuck Environmental Scientist 1:.:, !/!:-lr Project Manager co: Jack Rourke, Colonial Gas Lawrence Putnam, III, Colonial Gas Ralph Child, Palmer and Dodge Robert Clemens iiIJII,,= - • / /~ LEGEND s "'H~-l • "HA-2 0 BORING AND IDENllFlER 1988) --- .IoIE-1 SHALLOW MONITORING WELL • BY ENGINEERING :Ii. "".... UW-lOiStIlLtW_1S W£TlANO III HAND AUGER SIolW-2S AND IDENllFIER SURFACE .0- SEDIMEN u AND IDENllFlER (JUNE. 1988) C:J TESTPIT AND IDENllFlER (JUNE, 1 \ 6-S0 ~ CHAIN UNK FENCE w STOCKADE FENCE ~.. DELINEA llON OF WOODED AREA 1 j C'rIOe'Ai"'''' C'AIJCH j III @ CJ TEST PIT LOCAllONS HAND AUGER * SAMPLE LOCA llON ....... ~ .. BILLERICA STREET I3IHA-6 ) FIGURE 1 SAMPLING LOCATIONS BILLERICA STREET SITE SAMPLING DATA JUNE,1990 SAMPLE NO. Weh,an Eng. Sampling Data, Sept. 1988 HA-ll ~ HA-13 HA-14 HA-15 HA-16 E!l;:l ~ ~ !:!1!=l! tia:.lQ BASElNE\JTRI\L COMPOUNDS NO NO (Results In mglkg) 3-NITAOANILINE ACENAPKTHENE 0.97 1.00 UlO O'SENZOFURAN 1.10 1.00 2.00 J = Estimated result below detection limit BILLERICA STREET SITE SAMPLING DATA JUNE,1990 SAMPLE NO, I Wehran Eng, SamQling Data, SeQt, 1988 HA-ll HA-12 HA-13 HA-14 HA-15 HA-16 FB-1 HA-3 HA-4 .!:!a:.§ HA-9 HA-10 BASEINEUTRAL COMPOUNDS (cont'd) (Results In mglkg) FLUORENE 0.78 1.00 2.00 4-NITROANILINE 9:« .J 3'<l0 ANTHRACENE 0.5.5 J 1.00 2.10 3.70 Ol-N-BUTYLPHTHALATE Me FLUOAANTHENE 0.65 3.00 0.00 1.30 4.S0 9,20 1~.00 2,4Q 0.15 3.10 BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE 0.211 J 1.80 0.34 J 0.66 3.30 4.00 6,00 0,43 J 2.70 0.42 J 0 .• ' 3.80 5.10 0.50 .' BENlO(A)PYRENE 0,42 J UO 0.:11 0.68 2.80 4.50 6.10 INOENO(I,2,3.-COIPVRENE 0.38 J 2.00 0.25 0.66 2.00 2.00 3.70 OIBENZ(A,H)ANTHFlACENE 0,73 1,00 o.sO BENlO(G.H,I)PERYLENE 0,38 J 2.00 0.24 0.65 1.IlO 2.00 3,30 TOTAL PAH (mglkg) 4.28 23.5.'1 4.14 0,00 7.14 311.7' 0,00 64.70 66.00 J '" estimated result below detection limit BILLERICA STREET SITE SAMPLING DATA JUNE,1990 SAMPlENQ, Wehlan Eng, Sampling Data, Sapt 1988 HA-l1 HA-12 ~ HA-14 HA-15 HA-16 FB-l ~ ~ HA-9 !J&:lQ METAlS (mg/l<g) .13 '"A 2.5 CADMIUM BOl BOL SOL BOl BOL BOl 2.5 I 2.9 l!6 •.3 16 24 a.o 23 1.
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