\\sЬt<i by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a fraternal non-profit association| ШrainianWeekl V Vol. LVi No. 29 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1988 50 cents Pope joins thousands of Ukrainian pilgrims at IVIillennium events by Marta Kolomayets and in her care I place the entire fate of Ukrainian Catholic Church and his renewal of faith. As the people rejected the Ukrainian Catholic community. O. bishops. Also present was Cardinal Satan, the seven deadly sins and all evil ROME - Pope John Paul II Mother of God, cover us with all of your Ugo Poletti, vicar general of the pope, deeds, they accepted Christ in their bestowed his apostolic blessing on more protection and safeguard us from all who is marking the 50th anniversary of hearts. They then proceeded with lit than 7,000 Ukrainian pilgrims gathered evil." his ordination to the priesthood. The candles, led by all the hierarchs of the here at St. Peter's Basilica on Sunday, These were the words delivered by the cardinal delivered a homily in Italian, Ukrainian Catholic Church, down the July 10, for a pontifical divine liturgy holy father to Ukrainian Catholics and Bishop Innocent Lotocky of the steps of St. Peter's. celebrating the Millennium of Christia­ gathered here from all parts of the Chicago eparchy also spoke to the 7,000 Hierarchs present were: Metropoli­ nity in Kievan Rus'-Ukraine. world, including Poland, Yugoslavia, faithful. tan-Archbishop Maxim Hermaniuk of This religious service was but one Germany, England, France, Belgium, Afterwards, Cardinal Lubachivsky Winnipeg, Bishop Demetrius Greschuk facet — albeit the focal one — of joyous Austria, Canada, the United States, conducted a moving ceremony of the (Continued on page 11) and colorful five-day commemorations Brazil, Argentina and Australia, as they here that were the centerpiece of the celebrated a 1,000-year-old heritage and Ukrainian Catholic Church's world­ mourned the continuing religious wide Millennium events. persecution of their brothers and sisters Reagan welcomes freed Ruban "With all my heart I embrace all in Ukraine. of you, and together with you, the entire The pontifical liturgy, the culmi­ at Captive Nations ceremony Ukrainian nation; and I embrace all of nation of the spiritual celebration, was you with the kiss of peace as your preceded by a moleben and candle­ by Eugene Iwanciw Zelaya, a commander in Nicaragua's brother and the first pope of Slavic light vigil on Saturday evening, July 9, UNA Washington Bureau Contra Army; Archbishop Abune descent in the history of our Church," at St. Peter's Square. The solemn Matthias, head of the Ethiopian the pontiff told the faithful. evening, which included a moleben to WASHINGTON - In a public Orthodox Church and an opponent of "Together with you, in spirit I travel St. Volodymyr the Great, commemo­ ceremony in the White House Rose the country's Marxist government; to the Kievan hill overlooking the rated the spiritual bond with the suf­ Garden, President Ronald Reagan on Sichon Siv, a Cambodian refugee; and broad-banked Dnieper River, where St. fering Church in Ukraine. The out­ July 13 signed the 1988 Captive Nations Anna Faltus, chairperson of the Volodymyr stands. I fall on my knees door service, which began at 8:30 p.m., Week Proclamation before an audience Committee for the Support of Human before the icon of the Mother of God, was concelebrated by Cardinal My- of over 150 guests - including newly Rights in Czechoslovakia. Oranta, in the St. Sophia Sobor in Kiev, roslav Lubachivsky, primate of the freed Ukrainian political prisoner Petro The president opened his remarks by Ruban - and members of the press stating that "just nine days ago, as corps. America celebrated Independence Day, Arriving at 1:20 p.m., the president we reaffirmed the universal ideal on and Vice-President George Bush which this country is founded — a greeted the six individuals chosen to vision of liberty not just for one nation, share the dais with the nation's chief but for all nations." executive. The individuals were: Mr. After recounting the fall of nation Ruban and his son, Marko; Dr. Henry (Continued on page 5) Pope John Paul II and Ukrainian Catholic hierarchs celebrate pontifical divine liturgy in St. Peter's Basilica. Flag of independent Estonia is granted official status MOSCOW - Authorities in Soviet recognized by the Presidium of the Es­ Estonia have granted official status to tonian SSR's Supreme Soviet in a June the flag of independent Estonia (1918- 25 decree. 1940), reported the Reuters news service Estonian Foreign Minister Arnold citing a story in the weekly Moscow Gren was quoted by Moscow News as News. explaining: "The blue represents the sky The flag, a nationalistic symbol of the above us, the black recalls the earth state that existed until the USSR's which feeds us, and the white means annexation of Estonia in 1940 — a hope for a better future." Mr. Gren forcible incorporation that still is not headed the Soviet's decree commission. recognized by the United States — was previously banned, and persons dis­ The decree also recognized the corn­ playing it risked prosecution and im­ flower as Estonia's national flower, and prisonment. the swallow as the republic's national President Ronald Reagan greets Petro Ruban in the White House Rose Garden The blue, black and white flag was bird. during Captive Nations ceremony. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1988 No. 29 Nagorno-Karabakh votes to secede; Lithuanian political prisoner Azerbaidzhan negates declaration reported in critical conrdition MOSCOW - The legislature of the strikes have been held on and off ever NEW YORK - The Lithuanian called up for a three-month military predominantly Armenian region of since then in both Armenia and Nagor­ Information Center has learned from exercise, even though he had already Nagorno-Karabakh voted on July 12 to no-Karabakh. reliable sources in Lithuania that the served in the military, to intimidate secede from the republic of Azerbaidz­ health of Petras Grazulis, a political organizers of this commemoration. Most recently, 100,000 people in The Grazulis case gained interna­ han, and to take on the ancient Armen­ Vilnius, capital of Lithuania, demons­ prisoner in the Pravieniskes labor ian name of Artsakh. camp, has seriously deteriorated, and tional prominence when Soviet Foreign trated in support of Nagorno-Kara­ Ministry spokesman Gennady Gerasi- The evening, however, the Presidium bakh's right to self-determination. The that he is in critical condition. of Azerbaidzhan's Supreme Soviet For the second time, he has been mov denied reports from eyewitnesses July 10 protest urged Soviet authori­ which said that Mr. Grazulis had been declared the secession declaration "null ties to hold a referendum on the issue. placed in a punishment-isolation cell, and void." where he has vowed to continue his beaten by police during his trial and that Thus, the stalemate continues in this The rally was organized by the Mo­ hunger strike in protest. Camp Com­ police outside the courtroom in Kapsu- five-month-long dispute. vement to Support Perestroika. Vytau- mandant Col. Arlauskas, a hard-line kas, Lithuania, had set dogs on people In accordance with the Soviet Cons­ tas Bogusis, a Lithuanian activist, told Stalinist, has stated, "If Petras Grazulis demonstrating in support of the man. titution, every subdivision of the Reuters in a telephone interview that rots in the punishment-isolation cell, An urgent appeal signed by 150 USSR has the right to self-determina­ the group read a memorandum suggest­ U.S.-Soviet relations will not suffer." friends and relatives — addressed to tion. But the constitution also stipu­ ing that the populace of Nagorno- Mr. Grazulis was sentenced February Amnesty International, Helsinki lates that the 15 constituent republics Karabakh, which is 75 percent Arme­ 2 for refusing on grounds of conscience monitoring groups, Keston College and have the right to approve any territorial nian, should vote on self-determination. to perform military reserve duty. He people of good will worldwide — changes that affect them. "The crowd voted unanimously in had been particularly active in peaceful recently made its way to the West. Its In February the Nagorno-Karabakh favor of this," he said, adding that the demonstrations condemning Soviet text, released by the Lithuanian In­ legislature had voted to request a document will be sent to the Soviet policies in Afghanistan and in the Baltic formation Center in Brooklyn, follows. reunion with Armenia. Protests and government. states. The 29-year-old church deacon was Petras Grazulis is an active fighter for an organizer of an effort by Lithuanian religious and national freedom, so the 20,000 Crimean Tatars demand activists to mark the 70th anniversary of Soviet court has sentenced him to 60 Lithuanian independence from Russia months' imprisonment. It is no longer last February 16. Leading dissident the Stalin era, so it was necessary to right to return to native land sources said that Mr. Grazulis was (Continued on page 12) NEW YORK - According to reports was beaten. from the Soviet Union, on June 26, a Arlen O. AbduUaev, a member of the demonstration of 20,000 Crimean Ta­ Communist Party, was removed from GLASNOST DIARY: tars demanding the return of their the post of director of the Yangiyul people to their native land and the Factory and was charged with criminal recording changes in the USSR reinstatement of the Crimean Autono­ responsibility for participating in the mous Republic took place in Tashkent, demonstration. An article published in the capital of Uzbekistan. Taskhentskaya Pravda on June 28, 1984 in 1988 The wrong club The New York-based Center for described Mr. Abdullaev's anti-Soviet Democracy in the USSR reported that activities.
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