Bn/oy Life with Afllfer High Life! Fishing has few thrills to match the explosive blast of a savage muskie ... or the sudden sock of a fighting bass. But when the time comes for a pleasant "break" . and that favorite plug is replaced with bobber and bait . nothing can equal the satisfaction of enjoying a bottle of cool, delicious Miller High Life . the National Champion of Quality! Make Miller High Life your favorite for every refreshment occasion! Brewed and Bottled by the Miller Brewing Company only . and only in Milwaukee, Wis. mm nst THE NATIONAL C 1907 KNOX WATERLESS was advertised as the "car that obviates the tow." The makers claimed that their air-cooled engine never overheated, thanks to hundreds of corrugated pins that were screwed into the cylinder walls to carry off engine heat. 1902 CADILLAC featured a single-cylinder hp engine under the seat. About 1700 of these Cadillacs were sold for around $750 each. C ON THE BEST G4S0 4*S THEIR BEST Z% 1922 JULIAN featured an airplane-type radial engine RUN mounted on its side over the rear springs. The en- gine had six cylinders, developed sixty horsepower, and its backers claimed that it delivered twenty- five miles to the gallon. "The better the gasoline, the better the engine" is more than a catch phrase. Ever since automobiles were invented, engine progress and fuel progress have gone forward hand in hand. And the com- bination of a modern high compression engine and high octane "Ethyl" gasoline gives today's car owners the power, economy and all-round performance that was only a dream a few years back. 1938 BUICK offered the Dynaflash engine, designed "Ethyl" gasoline is high octane gasoline. It's the fuel modern to squeeze maximum power from every gallon of gasoline. The high performance of this and other high compression engines need to develop top power and effi- Buicks did much to make the name "Buick" one ciency. It's the gasoline you ought to buy. Remember, there's a of the greatest in automobile history. powerful difference between gasoline and "Ethyl" gasoline. 1952 CADILLAC, the "Golden Anniversary Cadil- lac," has a 190-horsepower engine, the most power- ETHYL CORPORATION ful engine ever offered in a Cadillac car. This high compression engine delivers magnificent per- with gasoline-saving mileage. 17, N. Y. Ethyl Antiknock Ltd., in Canada formance t ; PREVENT II.SUMMER. DRYNESS- THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZif:; CONTENTS FOR JUNE, 1952 THE MAN WHO SAW PARIS (fiction) 11 BY HAROLD HELFER A rollicking story about a small-town Bohemian. EVERYONE HAS TWO VOTES 13 BY NATIONAL COMMANDER DONALD R. WILSON When sun, wind, water dry out hair and Sparking the Legion's drive to get out a record vote. sc;ilp, try 50 seconds' brisk massage with Along about Novem- THE ABC's OF VOTING 14 Vitalis Hair Tonic. Its exclusive formula ber 5th a lot of people Proving that it's easy when you know how. will be crying the blues prevents dryness . feels stimulating, re- because their candi- freshing. You feel the difference right away! dates were not elected. WEATHER REPORT -JUNE 6, 1944 16 This cover is to re-i BY M. O. GRAY mind you to prepare. Your life may have depended on this vital forecast. POSTMASTER: Ple-ise send copies returned under labels Form 3579 YOUR CHILD IS THEIR TARGET 18 to Post Office Box BY IRENE CORBALLY KUHN 105 5, Indianapolis 6. Indiana. How a small group wants the schools to promote "a new « social order." The American tegion Magazine is the official publication of The Ameri- HOW TO TRAVEL WITHOUT A CAR 20 can Legion and is owned BY SAM G. WINGFIELD exclusively by The Ameri- can Legion. Copyright A lot of people have lost the knack of riding trains, 1952 by The American planes, buses. Legion. Published month- ly at 1 100 W. Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Acceptance THESE WORKERS SHARE THE WEALTH 22 for mailing at special rate BY BERNARD McOUAID of postage provided for in Section 1 103, Act of Oct. One answer to labor strife, if they'd give it a chance. 3, 1917, authorized Jan. 5, 1925. Price single copy, WHAT'S WRONG WITH THESE SNAPSHOTS? 24 15 cents; yearly subscrip- tion, $1 .50. Entered as Angela Calomiris makes some mistakes to improve your second class matter June picture-taking. 30, 1 948, at the Post Office at Louisville, Ky. # under the Act of March VARMINT HUNTING -THE PRECISION SPORT 2G 3, 1879. Non-member sub- BY WILLIAM CORSON scriptions should be sent to the Circulation Depart- The trick is to try to do the impossible. ment of The American Legion Magazine, P. O. Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, THE NATIONAL LEGIONNAIRE 29-36 Ind. EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Features Indianapolis 6, Indiana You SEE the difference in your hair, after OFF! 4 CLUB... EDITORIAL AND SOUND ROD AND GUN 28 10 seconds' combing. It's far handsomer, ADVERTISING EDITOR'S CORNER . 6 NEWSLETTER 41 healthier-looking — and it in stays place 580 Fifth Avenue longer. (Vitalis contains PRODUCTS PARADE 8 PARTING SHOTS 64 new grooming dis- New York 36, N. Y. covery.) Use Vitalis this summer — you'll WESTERN OFFICE flul and see the difference! 333 North Michigan Avenue Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not returned unless self-addressed, envelope is included. Chicago 1, Illinois be a stamped PROOF: VITALIS ALSO KILLS DANDRUFF GERMS Please notify the Donald R. W Ison, Notional Commander, I nclianapolts Laboratory tests prove Vitalis Circulation Depart- John Stelle, McLeans- Lang Armstrong, Spo- L. Sears, Toledo, Ohio; kills germs associated with in- ment. Publications boro, Illinois, Chairman kane, Wash.; Charles George D. Levy, Sum- fectious dandruff on contact, Huntington, Division, P. O. Box of the Legion Publica- E. Booth, ter, S. C; Rolond Coc- as no mere oil dressing can. tions Commission; Dan W. Va. Dr. Charles R. 1055, Indianapolis, ; reham. Baton Rouge, W. Emmet Ventura, Logan, Keokuk, Iowa; Indiana, if you have # La.; George D. Baron, \ California, and Earl L. Dave H. Fleischer, St. changed your ad- Bethany, Conn.; Her- Use Meyer, Alliance, Ne- Louis, Mo.; Emmett dress, using notice schiel L. Hunt, Austin, r braska, Vice-Chairmen. Safay, Jacksonville, v Tex. Eorl Hitchcock, form which ; 22S you Members of the Com- Flo.; Clovis Copeland, VITALIS may Glen; Falls, N. Y. secure from mission: Max Slepin, Little Rock, Ark.; Paul Edgar St. your Postmaster. Be Philadelphia, Pennsyl- B. Dague, Downingtown, G. Vaughan, Paul, sure to cut off the vania; J. Russell Lar- Pa.; Josephus Daniels, Minn.; Harold A. address label on combe, Malta, Mont.; Jr., Raleigh, N. C; D. Shindfer.Newburgh, Ind. Vitalis your Magazine and Director of Publications A dvtsory Editor Advertising Director paste it in the space F. Alexander Gardiner Fred L. Maguire provided. James O'Neil HAIR TONIC Always New York, N. Y. give your 1952 Managing Editor Eastern Adv. Mgr. membership card Consultant Boyd B. Stutler William M.DeVitalit and +he James F. Barton A rt Editor number and both Western Adv. Mgr. ' Indianapolis, Ind. Al Marshall your new and your H. J. Prussing, Jr. '60-Secohd Workout old address. A ss t to Director Associate Editors Frank Lisiecki Robert B. Pitkin Detroit Adv. Rep. A Piotlua of Biisiol-M yers Editor Joseph C. Keeley Irving Herschbein John D. Gillman 2 • The American Legion Magazine • June, 1952 DOROTHY COLLINS says: Yes, you can give Luckies by the case, tax-free, to the boys in . * Veterans Administration Hospitals Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Hospitals * The Armed Forces in Korea Buy as many cases as you like for the service group of your choice. Send today for your Lucky Strike order blank. Just fill out the cou- pon below and mail to: The American Tobacco Company, 1 1 1 Fifth Ave., New York 3, N. Y. SEND COUPON TO: 1 111 Fifth Ave., New York 3, N.Y. In a cigarette Dear Sirs: Please send me Lucky Strike order blank (s) with which I may taste makes buy TAX-FREE Luckies by the case for: the difference (Check those desired) ( ) Veterans Administration Hospitals —and ( ) Army, Air Force, Navy & Marine Hospitals ( ) Armed Forces in LUCKIES Korea TASTE Your Name. Address BETTER City or Town. .State. A.L. injector shavers! If you're not satisfied with the shaves you're getting, you owe Sound Off! it to your face to try Writers must give name and address. Name withheld ij re- quested. So many letters are being received it is not possible to promise ansioers. Keep your letters short. Address: Sound Off, PAL The American Legion Magazine, 580 Fifth Ave.. York 36, N. Y. New INJECTOR BLADES DISLIKES "COMMIE" air strike and what did we get—four planes at most if we were lucky. The same men Sir: There has crept into recent issues of Does your face smart after shaving? had to stay on the lines for 65 to 75 days I he American Legion Magazine the word because there was no relief. I'm coming "commie" to which I wish to call your Does lotion or even cold water sting? home soon after fourteen months over here attention. While dictionaries say that, tech- and I'm actually afraid to meet the people Perhaps you're not using the right nically, the diminutive of any w ord can be at home. I can sec them asking me, "Well, used to express contempt, it w ill take a blade! Usually blades are ground where have you been? Haven't seen you pretty assiduous search to find any diminu- around lately." Cpl. William F.
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