@rber st tbe :founlerri snb lpatriots 0t 9merics Wulletln Published by the General Court of the Order RALPH CLYMER HAWKINS, Secretary General 75 Wildwood Road, New Rochelle, N. Y. HAROLD DUDLEY GREELEY, Editor 12 East 41st Street, New York 17, N. Y. Vol. XXVIII-No. I January, 1955 Whole No. 83 ,41 It:,4 1 MAJOR GENERAL ULYSSES S. GRANT, 3d Governor General of the Order GOVERNOR GENERAL U. S. GRANT 3d Governor General Grant's career has been so important and varied that no short summary could be adequate' Readers who want more details can find some of thsm in Who's Who in America' General Grant had a patriotic birthday' the Fourth of July' 1881' His grandfather, Gen. Ulysses S' Grant, had made history in the civil war and later as President of the United States for two terms, and his father, Frederick Dent Grant, also was a Major General with a distinguished record in war and diplomacy' Gen' Frederick D. Grant, in tggO, helped organize our Order and became our first Governor General. From 1910 to l9I2 he served a second term as Governor General, thus setting a precedent for our present General Grant who served his first term fom 1933 to 1935 and now is serving his second, to whicti he was elected in 1954' our Governor General's basic education was both diversified and thorough. He spent 4 years in Vienna, then 4l years in the Cutier School in New York City, followed by part of a year in Columbia University. trn 1903 he was graduated from the U' S' Military Academy at West Point, as his father and grandfather had been before hi*, arrd because of his high scholarship standing he was commission ed a Znd Lieut' in the Corps of Engineers' He advanced through the intermediate grades to the high rank of Major General' H" sa* military service first in Minclanao, P' I', followed by similar service in Cuba and Mexico. But his schooling had not errded; 5 years after his graduation from West Point, he was graduated from the U. S. Engineer School, and later from the Army V/ar College. During his service as an Army officer, he had several assign- ments which were in part dipl.omatic' He was a member of the SupremeWarCouncilinVersailles,Franceinlgl8-1919,andwith the American Commission to Negotiate Peace' He was the Amer- ican member of the International Secretariat of the Peace Confer' ence in Paris in 19tr8 and i919' From 1920 to 1925' he was U' S' District Engineer, 2d san Francisco River and Harbor District, and commission. a member and executive offrcer of the california Debris Thetrnzodecadesbeginninginlg26werebusyonesforhirn.He wasDirectorofthePublicBuildingsandParksofourNational Capital; executive offrcer of the Arlington Memorial Bridge Corn- (of mission, of the National Capital Fark and Planning Commission which he was chairman from 1942 to 1949), of the Public Buildings Commission, and of a large number of special purpose Commissions, and a member of the Zoning Commission of the District of Colum- bia. He commanded the 1st Engineers and Delaware River Coast Defenses, at Fort Dupont, Del., and the Delaware Civilian Conserva- tion Corps District. He was Chief of Staff, znd Corps Area, at Governors Island, N. Y. In 1940 and 1941 he was Division Engineer of the Great Lakes Division, and a member of the Board of Engi- neers for Rivers and Harbors, followed by a year in command of the Engineer Replacement Training Center, at Fort Leonard Wood. Then for about two years he was Chief of the Protection Branch and representative of the Secretary of War in the office of Civilian Def ense. Our Governor General's affrliations with professional, learned, and patriotic societies are numerous. He is an honorary member of the American Institute of Architects, an associate member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and a corresponding member of the American Society of Landscape Architects. He is President of the American Peace Society, of the Columbia Historical Society, of the American Planning and Civic Association, and of Govern- ment Services, Inc., Vice Chairman of the National Trust for His- toric Preservation, Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Vet- erans, and a trustee of George Washington University, and of the Washington Housing Association. His clubs in New York are the Union League, and the Century Association; in Washington, the Cosmos, Army and Navy, and Metropolitan. Last, but certainly not least, he has been decorated with the D. S. M. and the Legion of Merit in the United States, and he has received decorations from six foreign countries. -3- COURT OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL ts54 - ts57 S. GRANT' 3d General MAT. GF]N. ULYSSES Governor ttis ztst Street, N. W' w"trt*it.tt o, bitt' of Columbia ADAMS ORVIS DeputY Govetnot General SCHUYLER 188 Devon Drive Clearwater, Florida DR. HARRIS ELWOOD STARR Chaplain General REV. 182 Cold SPring Street New Haven, Connecticut CLYMER HAWKINS SecretarY General RALPH 75 Wildwood Road i\iew Rochelle, New York THOMAS ALEXANDER Treasurer General EDWARD 352 Conestoga Road WaYne, PennsYlvania General EDWARD M. HALL AttorneY -lgso Union Commerce Bldg' Cleveland 14, Ohio ADAMS General PROF. ARTHUR Registrar 9 Ashburton Place Boston 8, Massachusetts MATHER HOOKER Genealogist General ROLAND 8521 Atlantic WaY Miami Beach 41, Florida SR. General TEAN A. HIBBARD, Histotian " totg Terry Avenue Seattle 1, Washington BALCH_ (ry. J.) General EVERETT PURDY Councillors - Farms, Mendham' N' J' 1954-1957 BeverlY --F:HENRY GARFIELD CLARK (5'I') O. Box 1514, Providence' R' I' HON. GEORGE CADWALADER CORSON (Pa') Butler Pike, PlYmouth Meeting' Pa' (li' v') HAROLD^-1tE";t DUDLEY GREELEY- 41st St., New York 17' N' Y' ALBERT McCOLLUM (Il1') GEORGE-ToZ-So. Jefferson St', Batavia' Ill' GARDNER OSBORN (N. Y')- -- 15 Pine Street, New York 5' N' Y' -4- ROBERT TREAT (Mass.) 16A Forest Street, Cambridge, Mass. MAJ. GEN. KARL TRUESDELL (Dist. of Columbia) 6312 Beechwood Drive Chevy Chase 15, Maryland COL. JAMES P. WESTERFIELD (Cal.) 5821 Valley Oak Drive Los Angeles 28, California CHAIRMEN OF STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE GENERAL COURT L954 - t957 Installations HON. ADDTSON PTERCE MUNROE (R. I.) 51 Adelphi Ave., Providence 6, R. L Nominations MILO FREDERICK McALPIN (N. Y. and Fla.) 27 West 44th St., New York 36, N. Y. Finance JAMES FRY STRONG (Pa.) 2519 Marshall Road, Drexel Hill, Pa. BuIletin HAROLD DUDLEY GREELEY (N. Y.) 12 East 41st St., New York 17, N. Y. Regisfer PROF. ARTHUR ADAMS (Conn. and Mass.) 9 Ashburton Place, Boston 8, Mass. National Patriotic GARDNER OSBORN (N. Y.) Activities 15 Pine St., New York 5, N. Y. Colors GARDNER OSBORN (N. Y.) 15 Pine St., New York 5, N. Y. Membership SCHUYLER ADAMS ORVIS (N. Y.and Fla.) 188 Devon Drive, Clearwater, Fla. Comity MAJ. GEN. ULYSSES S. GRANT, 3d (D. C.) 1135 21st St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Resolutions and EDWARD M. HALL (Ohio) Legislation 1990 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio Medals DR. JOHN A. SWARTWOUT (D. C.) 4817 14th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Insignia and HARRY F. MORSE (Conn.) Decorations 302 State St., New London, Conn. -5-- * Lif e Membets AND ASSOCIATES OFFICERS' COUNCILI,ORS, BY STATES THE NEW YORK SOCIETY COUNCILLORS OFFICERS LaY Hallock DuclleY GreeleY Robert Governor Harold LYon Budd John Augustus Govetnot John JosePh DeputY Hart Morgan John Wenzel, Jr' ChaPIain Rev. James Brinton C:ttt,".t Earle Dean George secretary Charles Livingston Sands Earl Prime III Lloyd Treasurer Ralph Cullom Davis Summers HawleY ShelbY States AttorneY E<imund Main Barlow DraPer Lewis HenrY Registrar George Bfti"*ood Halstead Alston MaYnard i^*", Genealogist Ernest ba*in DudleY Haskell Arthur Parsons Hibbard Historian errJ rot-"t Governors And Former DePutY Governors ASSOCIATES Richmond' Va' 7006 Hermitage Rd" Frank Vernon 5' N' Y' Baldwin, os Wufr Si'' N"w York Henry IVIain 28' N' Y' Barlow, tt East 87th St" New York O. Edwin N' Y' Barnes, e ii';"h St'' White Plains' Henrv R', Jr' N' Y' Barrett, o+ Sug"*o'" Rd'' Bronxville' Barrett, Oscar Ryder, Jr' Huntin'gton' N' Y' Young i"y C'"'t' Bartlett, Raymond Box 426' Madison' Conn' Reginald R' Belknap, Rear Admiral N' E' 44th St'' Miami 57' Fla' Co'Ui-tln 169 Y' Benedict, Howard Wall St'' New York 5' N' Y' Benedict, williston tt.. No'tt'""'-,^in Ave'' Bronxville 8' N' Edwin K' 22' N' Y' Bertine' ttO B' SSra St'' New York Bishop, Dr. Louis F' ;;;;",,br. w'bur starr "1"il11"^rt,ilfJ,l',l, il. I Leroy 6, N. Y. 'rBryant, John tO5 Broadway, New York N Y B:ll;i,:ltl:::ii '#:::*';^"'rff:iHi11' il;;;, Gerard L, rr '-l;Tj:l i|: $:fT":i'}, il I !liJ'l;lll'l3J#t"n"" - Y' "i:'ii"il;:,1;'1:::,"-11?;'l;.1'"1'i?Cfo"tt & Peabody' Troy' N' Sanford Lockwood N' Y' Cluett, "1"Madison Ave'' New York 17' Melvin 342 N' Y' Cole, John ia+ p"tt Ave'' New York' Wendetl Phillips 14' N' Y' Colton, ^ 10- Sheridan Sq'' New York ,r.Conant, Roger S. 4' Pa' 3420 Race St" Philadelphia Converse, John Holmes Spring Hill' Ala' Lt' Col' Percy Duryea 23' N' Y' Cornell, 1 W' 72nd St'' New York *Coykendall, Frederick -6- * Lif e Members Currier, George B. 151 Fenimore Rd., Mamaroneck, N. Y, *Davis, Shelby Cullom 110 William St., New York 38, N. y. Dean, Charles Earle 5825 Little Neck Parkway, Little Neck, N. y. De Beixedon, Daniel Frernaux Sag Harbor, N. Y. de Forest, Rev. William Jusserand Kyngeslegh Hall, Lenox, Mass, Dufort, Robert Hamilton 3330 West Franklin St., Richmond 21, ya. *Eaton, Stuart ApL 12,200 Dewey Way, Honolulu, Hawaii Edwards, Lt. Col. A.
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