• llrnqunis nst AND MATILDA ADVOCATE VOL. X.XIIII, No. 9 IROQUOIS, ONT•• THURSDAY. JULY 5, 1945 $1.50 per Year in Advance •:-:.. :••:••=··=••:-:• •!••:••:••:.. :••:-:• ❖❖❖1•:••:••;-:~-❖❖•!••=••:-:••:-:••:••:•❖•!••!••:•❖• ❖❖•!•❖❖❖❖•!• ❖•:~:.. :-: ••:-:• ! ❖ .i. "The Store That Appreciates Your Trade" ::: Entrance Results Rev. C. W. Hutton Matilda Women's A ❖ ❖---------------------------•!• Ear Rings Y X Dundas County Inducted At Iroquois Institute Meeting The pupils named below have On Wednesday, June 27th, at 8 Many Styles and Prices =i=❖ Hay1· ng :i:❖ The regular monthly meeting of the •!••.. .•!•.. qualified for certificates aamitting_ o'clock the Hev. C. W. Hutton, B.A., Mntilda \\·omen's In~titute for July will to Choose Prom. ~ ❖ them to High School. Most of the B. D. was duly inducted as minister take the form of :1 Picnic and will be ;.. •i• of the Iroquois United Church lield at the :11emorial Park, Brinston on candidates wrote the Departmental charge. Thursday.July 1:2. Lunch will be ser\·ed examinations, only a very limited The Rev. R. R. ~icholson, B..~., of at 1 o. m. number being granted standing on Kemplville, the retirinl!: chairman of All those who collected money for J. c. GILDER Equipment I the basis of the year's work. the Dundas-Grenville .E-resby_j;ery, the ,J:im for Rritain Fund are asked to .Jeweler & Optician I hac.l charge of the impressive service. •!• •!• pleaRe bring it to this meeting. ·❖ •!• Iroquois-Lol'l'aine Ault, Merrill The Rev. Dr. E. Sexsmith, of St. IROQUOIS ONTARIO · : The Haying Season is just around the :i: Bogart, Beverley Brouse, Muriel John's United Church, Cardinal, ,CARD OF THANKS 1 Carkner, Beverley Coulter, Richard preached the sermon from the te-xt, .:~': • ' • • ~~ - ••• ~- •• J -' . ' , ' •..Y Corner. Now is the time to get every- :::.:. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me . 1 wi;;h in this ,my to t bank tbP. friends I "i' thing in shape. ,:, Fraser, Alice F isher, Hon., James because He h'ath anointed me to 10 Iroquois and surrounding district who ______________.,. Gibbons, Robertson Gibbons, Gordon Preach the Gospel.'' The speaker de­ ~ent 1110 ca rds while I was a patient in ll!e Brnckville General Ho•pit:d. These 1 CARD OF THANKS 3: :?: Lindsay, Edward Martin, Hon., Lee clared that the purpose of an induc­ .:. We have a complete line of Hay Forks, ... kmdly ac1s "ill long be remembered. Tj desire iu this way to express gmte-- Merkley, Doreen Peskett, Euclide tion sermon was primarily to set ! :~: Horse Forks, Scythes and Snaths, Pul- :i: forth the ideai of the Christian 1\IRS. HILLIARD STElNBERG ful thanks to those who visited me and Sauve, Reg. 10-3, Anne Vanbridger, ministry. Dr. Sexsmith declared J\forrisburg, Ont. those who sent flowers, letters and ca.rM :~: leys, Scyth Stones, etc. :;: ; durin i my stay in the Brockville Genera.[ •!• •!• Myrtle Levere. that the text chosen sugg·ested three Hospital. These kindly acts were greatly :;: A full line of Rope in 1-4. 5-16. 3-8, 7-16, :!: Dixon's Corners _ Robert B ~oints, fir~t,. the Insp~ration which I n ppreciated and wi II al ways be remer:n...,. e 11 ' fitted a m1mster for Ins work; sec- IN MEMORIAM :i: 1-2, 5-8 and 7-8 inch diameter. :!: Harold Cr awford, Theresa E1chne1-, ondiy, the Authority of religious ex­ bered· HODGE-In loving memory of a dear JOHN ADAMS, Stewart Empey, J oyce McDermott, pericnce which gave a minister the husband and father. Edward F. Hodge, / :~: SPECIAL---Pure Manilla 7-8 inch Rope. :~: Hon. Shirley Robinson Lucy Wylie rig·ht to a pulpit, and finaliy, the Brinston, Ont_ ~ ❖ who pa~sed away July 7th. 1943. A A Merl~ H o! H ' ' Ideal of a minister's work-to preach J. .:. mes, on. the Gospel. "Ever Remembered." WINCHESTER A few quotations from the sermon Wife and Family. Subscribe for The Post j: SEELY BROS. * Herbert Augustine, Shirley Bailey were : "Over against discourng·e- t'!•❖• •••y ment a Christian minister has the as­ i· Phone 26 IROQUOIS, Ont :i: Hon., J. Clafr Bailey Hon., Ella surance that the Spirit of the Lord ❖ ❖ Coons, Hon., Goldia Dura ., .T . • ~n the side of the preacher and -C• •••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• ·:· Gibson, Frederick Holme~.. Hon., 1· ·1 correct the _world of sin, rig~~­ ,........................................................................... -.•····· .. ·-···· .. · ..· .. •·•···•··•·••··• .. · .. ·-·······-·-·-···· .. ····-·~ Joyce Howes, Hon., John ·ennecly , , ,nes_s _and a Judgment to come_; Just received a full line of Baby Goods in Elsie Laroe u R (, .. ' ' m1mster should enter a pulpit q e, eg. 10 •· ), Joytt: unless he has spent eight hours a day Rubber Pants, Rubber Sheets and Hubbel'" McPherson, Norma McKerch . Bar- fo , days in the week, in serm.)n Sheeting by the yard. Also Baby Toys. bara McLean, Donald Merkl , l ,j_J prcpar_ation;" "Th_e note of pit:Y was Rennick, Donald Rattray, Vivian I iuc_h m evidence _m_ the preachmg of See our Cotton Voile suitable for Window 1 hns., let the n11111ster beware lest Scott,_ Mary Shane, Hon., Enc St('eh,, t' f , -~et pity and substitute scold- Curtains and Dresses. Denms Summers, Hon., 1'Yilli1111 1_ •. , Woods, Ronald Workman, Dor, e•..- After the sermon the address to Also a nice assortment of Felt Mats for floors, Watts, Betty Helmer, Hon. ; 1 e !l' ple wa_s given by th~ Rev. F . 1,yl ,. B.A., B.D., of Matilda. ~Ir. The Owner Serve• The Buyer Save• SOUTH MOUNTAl r1.ylo1 urged close cop_peration be­ t,, e,·n the people and· the minister. Iroquois, Ont. Gerald Black, Shir ley BellingP1, H,, sti essed the thought that affec- Hon., Shirley Cleland, Doreen Do~·!t•, t1on , ,s the key to a successful pas;- Fresh Cereals Hon., Hazel De Clare, H on., harbai w tora · '= on'. any field. · Farrell, Michael Foley, Reg. 1 J ( 51 • t '. chairman of the P~esbyte1:y ,.., . ' .,01 inducted Mr. H utton mto his For the hot weather we have a splendid assortment of Marie Gilmer, Robert Gilme.-. .c;llld I i..l· it. ........_ ......• ..•-···· .. •••• .. • ..·-• .. ·-·-•-•..,• .. ·-•-• .. • ..• ..• ..• ..•- • ..• ..• •••••••••.. •······ · ·•.. •-·-·······-·••:.• :•J~•~.,..,..,.v.~ Prepared Cereals, such as Shredded Wheat, Munchies. Hamilton, Hon., Teresa Hal', J ac · l h, ladies of the church gave the Locke, Reg. 1 O ( 3), Mary Lunnv, vi,it;r • Presbytery members a CQr- Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat Grapenuts, Grapenut Flakes, · 11111 lcome to a beautiful lunch Pep, Bran Flakes, Rice Krispies,· Shreddies, All Wheat R ose A nn M orrow, Hon., Bebe Mm- hour rPliASANt· ··~~d -· PROFiTABLE ·1 Flakes, Fluffs, etc , etc. dock, Hon., Margaret Nelso , . lier • r1, before lunch, Rev. Mr. Ro8s Nelson, Alta Porter, Yivi>11 , Rohw ~ t quois 1sbyterian church, 1 son, William Stewart, Lesli S • • j .Jradley the Holiness III To Shop at Gilmer's , 1t togethf'1 with the Rev. T . drick, Beatrice Thorpe, Hon., h•·'efl :xpressed joy at ::: Our in dern self-serve arran~ement allows you See our lines of Fresh Fruits, Peaches, Plums, Dillabough, H ou., Beryl • . l!:.:.t-,n a.; a ,niniste, ial ·i·';' to sl ) 1n -t:" :r.~..;··~. :a'•'t 6 • "~~1 • "' p,_..rl!Tiin ..• Melons, Bananas, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Hon. f' of the town, also officials •.. Mr Button's own church gave •.. the mt!rchandise if you desire or to do your HALLVILLE ,t. Lemons, etc. Also a good assortment of 1 ir .i.nation of cordial relations ,t, purchasing rapidly if that is your wish. And, .1. Ernest Anderson, Reg. lli \.l/, Lo ,:• ween ,11· 1bter nd people, and ex­ ,1. along with this you save money on your Fresh Vegetables, Doris Burleigh, William Hyndman, I pressed the_ hope that such _relations ,1. purchases, Hon., Donna Hyndman, H on., Jean - would contmue for a long time. .:.,1. ,t. --Visit Our Fruit and Vegetable Section- Kel.so, Marion Milne, Robe rt Milne, 1 H {· Get after those Potato Bugs, Flies etc. We have Arsenate Hon., Franklin Milne, Hon., Donald arness Races At ·:· We are rather proud of our increasing trade in Fresh Fruits and of Lead, Paris Green, Sudden Death Bug Killer, etc. ':' Vegetables. Women are uommenting both on the quality and Poole, Reg. 10 (3) . I ...·:· variety. This week we offer strawberries, peaches, plums, water• .:.•.. melons, oranizes, lemons, grapefruit, leti;uce: celery, tomatoes, car­ Also Fly Coils, Swatters, Wilson's Fly Pads, Spray for the CHESTERVILLE South Mountain rots, cucumbers. parsnips, onions, potatoes. etc. Drop around and Cecile M. Allen, Reg. 10 ( 3), Doris I ,f home, as well as a goo~ ~attle Spray. ':" look over our assortment. No obligation to buy. Ban, Robert Bolster, Hon., Donald The harness horse races held at '( Barkley, Hon., Burton Beckstead, I S th M t · M d ft ·:· THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL . ou oun am on on ay a e1·- ·=- Hon., Ellsworth Crozier, Hon., Don- I noon d rew a 1arge crow d o f m· t erest- ·:· Sunkist Oranges- 288 count. per doz . ... 36c •:··:­ Specials for Friday, Saturday & Monday ald Carr, Katheryn Durant. , Hon., e d f ans w h o were- we11 p 1ease d w1'th Stewart Edgerton. , Shirley Froats, th e c1 ose compet't' 1 1011 1· 11 a 11 three t t Hon., Elame Fader, Hon., Jean Fee- .Solid Pack canned Apples, 105 oz. tin . ......... 75c races carded. 5: Samples of oar Specials for Saturday and Monday t ley, Hon., Irene Faubert, Gordon Lynn Valley Peas, 8 tins ...... , . • • . • • • • • . 40c The 2.28 Stake race was won by ,:. Apple Juice, 20-oz. trns, 2 tins... • • • . • • • . 29c Giles, Hon., Leona Gallagher, Hon., Miss Sylvia Todd, owned by Mr. Ray- Chase & 8Rnbora's Coffee, lb. bag.............. 45c Odaline Hall,. Hon., Rae. Hummell, mon d a n d d nven· b y M r. D owser. Star A Tende1· Leaf Tea, lb. pkg . .....••• , . • • • • • . • • 75c .George Hamilton, Munel Julyan, B d b h' th 2 22 M · K .
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