t • - »« . winners received saving bonds, - Contest — „nll the queen's trophy was Daylight Saving presented by Jay Dineen. disc, Time (Continued from Pape One) HAMPTON imkey fur the record hops at HARBOR AS THE ONLY STORE AT HAMPTON BEACH DOING BUSINESS the Casino this season Thursday 10:07 a.m. 8.6 I advertising manager of the Aug. 24 DIRECTLY WITH THE EASTMAN KODAK CO.. WE BRING YOU THIS Hartford Times and the New Following the coronation each 10:28 p.m. 10.1 EXTRAORDINARY SERVICE: England manager for Gannet the winners wns interviewed Friday 11:03 a.m. 9.2 newspapers; Daniel Martin, £r .. Radion tape-recorded Station WBBX, broadcast Ports- Aug. 25 11:23 p.m. 10.4 Movie and other Kodachrome and Ektachrome film manager of the resort adver­ Saturday 11:55 a.m. 9.8 tising of the Springfield, Mass, mouth. Aug. 26 left with us for developing is rushed daily by special newspapers; Dinny Whit marsh, Sunday 12:17 a.m. 10.6 courier to the Kodak laboratories in Rochester, New photo editor of the WBZ-TV 28 Square Dancers Aug. 27 12:46 p.ra. 9.9 News, Boston, Mass.; Walter Monday 1:10 a.m. 10.5 York. It is returned to us just 48 hours later, excluding Green, Associated Press photo­ Complete Course Aug. 28 1:38 p.m. 10.0 graphic editor of the New Eng­ Tuesday 2:02 land district; and Jack McLean, The Spindrifters Square a.m. 10.2 Sundays. Aug. 29 2:30 p.m. 9.9 editor of the Boston American, Dance group of Rye graduated Black-and-White film is processed locally within 24 hours. Boston, Mass. 28 new members at a combina­ Wednesday 2:56 a.m. 9.7 Miss Sandie Kay, Miss New tion graduation and anniversary Aug.30 3:23 p.m. 9.6 dance recently. Anderson Hart, Thursday 3:52 a.m. 9.0 England of I960, relinquished Aug. 31 i her crown to Miss Gustavson in club president, conducted the 4:18 p.m. 9.1 DONOVAN the coronation ceremonies which exercises. , , FALLON followed the final decision of the Graduates included Mr. and CORPORATION judges. Crown-bearer \vas Miss Mrs. Stanley Berry, Mr. and Ellen Centerbar, a contestant Mrs. Thurston Caswell, Mr. and and Miss Foliage of Vermont. Mrs. Thomas Craven, Mr. and The fur-trimmed red velvet robe Mrs. Robert Fleck, Mrs. Verne Hampton Beach's PHARMACY Since 1926 was placed on the new queen’s Grant, Robert Hart, Mr. and! shoulders by other contestants, Mrs. David Junkins. Just South of the Casino on Ocean Boulevard and floral bouquets were pre­ Also Mr. and Mrs; Donald sented to the winners by Miss Lilly, Mr. and Mrs. Chqjrles Nut­ Priscilla Smith, Miss Coast ter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pat­ Guard of 19(10. Each of the terson, Mrs. Laura Pittroff, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lasapio, Sgt and Mrs. Frank Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. William Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tobey, and James Wicks, Jr. Program chairman for the affair was Herbert Babkirk, and James Wicks served as caller for dances after the graduation ceremonies. wtbtni -DEATHS- MRS CECILE M. STAPLES I Mrs. Cecile M. Staples, 62, wife of Carl Staples, owner of Stuples Hardware store at 16 B street, died suddenly at the Exeter Hospital Tuesday morn­ ing. The couple have been in business at Hampton Beach for eight years. Funeral services will be held from the Sturgis Funeral Home, Hampton, at 8:30 a. ra. on Tnursday morning. The serv­ ice will be followed by a high FERNCROFT Mass of Requiem at 9 u.m. from “A ” STREET RECREATION CENTER Our Lady of the Miraculous TEL. 6-3410 Medal church, Hampton. HAMPTON BEACH OPEN YEAR 'ROUND BICYCLING OUR BUSINESS BOV/LING BILLIARDS 150 Bikes In Excellent Condition W ith Automatic Pinsetters In the Penthouse 20" - 24" - 26" Well Ventilated Tandems Good Alleys 3-Speeds Good Pins Fluorescent Courteous ________Regulars Lighted Equipped with Lights at Night Friendly Service 7 Brunswick Strollers & Trikes for Tots A ir Cooled 8 ^ 1 Pocket Tables ‘ Bowl to Stay S lim " Open Weekdays & Sundays BOWLING BILLIARDS WEEKDAYS 10:00 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT BICYCLES 7:30 A M. TO MIDNIGHT SUNDAYS BOWLING 1 • •. e r BILLIARDS 1:00 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT BICYCLES PRESCRIPTIONS 8:00 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT 1° COmPound your physician'* When In Exeter, Why Not Try Pr«*Cf.p»ion* W|th I fie ulmod lih r ' 0n l% ,he P'lm * respon- EXETER BOWLING LANES ' Y ot fh© registered phar­ 10 Columbus Ave. Tel. PR 8-8948 Exeter, N H macist. OPEN ALLEYS EVERY DAY AND EVERY NIGHT BOWLING’S GREAT FOR A DATE” P h a r m a c y “ NOW . * . A ir Conditioned For Your Coinfort ft P A iM fg .g S REG PH •HVAup £ $ick ftoOM SUPPLlC^ Hig h Sr Parkjn ^ Col- Hdmpf '<v* --------- . Rockingham Guards Page Young Hen Land-O-Lake 0f the New Hampshire mil- i>amuei VYiison, originator of Kia* were organized on July 3, The ocean-side of the Hamp. Rood/ To Efl* W eather XS ?ymo01 ,a n d th€ ^ ‘nal ton Beach Bath-house was given ___ Staffed A Gravy Lrncle Sam,’ once lived in 1823. Mason, N.H. to the state by the Town of Hampton in 1033. Ready To tot Stuffed & Gravy Barn Restaurant Hurt Resort ROOM MARY ANNETTE’S SANDWICHES - FRIED CLAMS | The Associated Press put the] the Federal Communications AT THE BARN MOTEL LEAN - To The CAR HOP - 5 to 12 P.M. nanu* of Hampton Beach on the Commission as a follow-up to Right In The Barn •HAM SHOULDER 4IJ.70 Opp. Coast Guard Station j front pages of many leading a news release the previous dav BEAUTY SALON Opp. Coast Guard Station HOME MADE PASTRIES Jc». Rt. 101 -C & No. Shore Blvd Isles of Shoals Eastern Lmted States news- by orchestra leader Guy Lorn- ON THE OCEAN FRONT Baked Twke Daily — 8A.M/&7P.M. A m u se m e n t Arcade Enjoy Family Style Breakfast 99c Leave Daily 11 AJH. papers this past week when the bardo. Have Your Hair Styled With An Ocean View Served Daily 8 A.M. till Noon Open Daily ‘Til 12 P.M. local Chamber of Commerce of-1 Lombardo, who produces the ■LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DONUTS Dinners Served 5 - 8:30 P.M Returns 4 P-M. finals forwarded a telegram to. Paradise bland show at Jone! GREYSTONE HOTEL For Information or Rcitrvotion* DAILY SPECIAL FOR Honty - Plain - Jelly - Cinnamon 4 Cruller* Coll GE 6-7927 HOME MADE BREAD — WHITE & OATMEAL Beach, Long Island, fired 6-2498 at Oc.an Bivd., Cor. x - st. Open Year Round TWO Between 10-11 A.M. blast at weather commentators 2y4 lb. U S. Choice Porter House 23c (sliced) Also Availoblo To when he stated that opinionated Steak d,nit?2 $4.95 Groups For Moonlight Smith's Pharmacy weather forecasts by radio and Pa rties CASINO MARKET ■«. T\ commentators are hurting Evening Meals PRESCRIPTIONS the resort business. He noted Served Daily Featuring S. S. Pierce Company's Groceries ASHWORTH HOTEL BLOCK DRUGS — COSMETICS — FOUNTAIN that he had no quarrel what­ Margaret M. Junkins Everyone Invited Leaves Portsmouth From The Park In Front Of Market While You Shop soever with the official U.S. WAverlv 6-2587 Ceres Wharf, off Bow Street Across from Marine Memorial W A 6 - 9 1 9 4 weather forecasts, but only in | the way that some broadcast­ MICHAEL ARQUETTE ers dramatize them. Home Made Candies Following suit, the Hampton Arquette Featured Beach Chamber of Commerce DEEP SEA FISHING sent a telegram to the head of In Playhouse Hit the FCC, Mr. Newton Minnow’9 Try our Hand-Dipped Chocolates y TRIPS TWICE DAILY GIGANTIC REMOVAL and to Senators Styles Bridges REMNANTS Michael Arquette, the son of and Norris Cotton. one of America’s great come­ The telegrams read: “We dians. Cliff Arquette, better heartily endorse the stand tak­ MADE ON THE PREMISES COTTONS - WOOLENS - SILKS - SYNTHETICS known as “Charlie Weaver”, will be featured this week in en by Guy Lombardo in yester­ day’s news release. As recently the Hampton Playhouse pro­ SEE IT CANDT duction of the wacky comedy, as last weekend, weather re­ OCEAN BOULEVARD ports did irreparable harm to M A D E I M A ILED FUN on a RAINY DAY “Slightly Married”. WE RE MOVING TO MANCHESTER In the play. Michael will this and many other resorts on portray the young man who the N.H. coast. People were Exeter Handkerchief Co. naively believes that getting advised to refrain from going married is simply the process SAVE UP TO 40% AND 50% to beaches or seaside resorts of obtaining a marriage license because of a northeast blow. without the beneht of clergy: The Ttorm failed to materialize, and, although it was cloudy Near B&M RR Sta. Lincoln St. Exefer the ensuing plot complications The Ric Roc, 40 Ft. Party Boat many items going at cost and even below cost c / ' i u r Hotel make for an hilarious evening Saturday, the sun appeared here on Sunday and from 11:45 in the theater. m _____ ' _____ ^ ^Slightly Married” will mark on, it was the nicest beach day - DINING ROOM - Mike’s major debut in summer j of the season. m _______________________________ __ NEW ENGLAND’S GREATEST AL GAURON Now For Christmas ! “At 1:30 p.m. radio stations stock. In the past, his father, Cliff, has attended »the Play­ ACROSS FROM THE STATE PARK were still using the early morn­ house and at one time even ing reports of ‘rain all day and JUST 2 MORE LEFT! KODAK BROWNIE 8 ARG US C-3 O U TFIT surprised his son and the cast fog.* We were so upset that we Aug.
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