September 26, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2021 Bill Number: H.R. 2638. battery system. The objective is to increase RECOGNIZING THE HONORABLE Account: Research, Development, Test & the rate capability by an additional 65 percent BUD CRAMER AND THE HONOR- Evaluation (RDTE), Army. so as to support the high power requirements ABLE TERRY EVERETT ON Legal Name of Requesting Entity: PPG In- for equipment used in military and commercial THEIR RETIREMENT FROM CON- dustries, Inc. applications. The subject zinc-air battery will GRESS Address of Requesting Entity: 43245 provide the same energy and power of the in- Rosanna Drive, Allison Park, PA 15101. cumbent battery (lithium-sulfur dioxide) for SPEECH OF Description of Request: Provide an earmark about half the weight and in a 60 percent HON. MIKE ROGERS of $1,600,000 for Phase 2 of an Advanced smaller package. Approximately $1,575,000, OF ALABAMA Composite Armor for Force Protection project or 63 percent, is for labor; and $925,000, or IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES being conducted with the Army Research Lab 37 percent, is for materials and other allow- Wednesday, September 24, 2008 (ARL). Approximately 70 percent of this fund- able indirect costs. ing is for advanced materials research, devel- On average, a U.S. soldier consumes the Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I opment and process optimization; 15 percent equivalent of 1 AA battery per hour in combat, respectfully request to include the accom- is for ballistic testing and 15 percent is for in- and an infantry platoon, for a 3-day mission, panying article in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD tegration of these advanced materials into will require approximately 2,500 batteries, to supplement my remarks which were en- armor solutions. Work performed with ARL weighing a total of almost 400 lbs. Carrying tered during the Special Order in honor of two discovered novel, high performance poly- this added weight induces fatigue and ulti- Members of the Alabama delegation who are urethane plastics which exhibit extraordinary mately limits their effectiveness and ability to retiring. weatherability and energy dissipation prop- carry out their missions. Thus, with our heavily [From the Dothan Magazine, March/April 2008] erties. Combined with new fiberglass tech- armed and battery-laden troops increasingly nologies, these materials form the foundation confronting light and irregular forces, issues of MAN OF THE HOUSE—CONGRESSMAN TERRY EVERETT, DOTHAN’S VOICE IN THE US. HOUSE of an advanced ballistic system. This com- battery weight and equipment reliability are posite solution can be further optimized to OF REPRESENTATIVES, EARNED RESPECT more important than ever. The total project FROM ALL SIDES AS AN HONORABLE LEGIS- meet evolving threat levels and other applica- cost is expected to be approximately LATOR DURING HIS SIXTEEN YEARS IN WASH- tion specific requirements. The research ob- $14,000,000. Energizer will provide the bal- INGTON, DC. NOW HE’S COMING HOME jectives will be to develop advanced com- ance of this funding and will continue to de- (By Ann Varnum) posite ballistic panel solutions that incorporate vote tens of millions of private R&D dollars to Congressman Terry Everett recently these new technologies in three phases. This support the continued development of this shared a laugh with the audience at a lunch- request is consistent with the intended and au- technology for high power military and com- eon for the Dothan Area Chamber of Com- thorized mission of the Army Research Labs. mercial applications. merce. Back in 1992 when he started his cam- This is the second of three years of funding paign for Congress, the polls indicated that that will be needed to complete the study. he only had four-percent name recognition f throughout Southeast Alabama. That fact 5. Requesting Member: Congressman HOW- BREAST CANCER was made no less comforting by his lovely ARD COBLE. wife, Barbara, who was quick to point out Bill Number: H.R. 2638. that the poll had a plus or minus accuracy SPEECH OF Account: Research Development Test & rating of four percent, so Terry’s true name Evaluation (RDTE), Air Force. recognition actually fell within the margin Legal Name of Requesting Entity: The HON. RUSH D. HOLT of error. Timken Company. OF NEW JERSEY Of course, that was sixteen years ago, and Address of Requesting Entity: 1835 Dueber IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES all of that has radically changed. Terry Everett has become one of the most re- Avenue, Canton, OH 44706. Tuesday, September 23, 2008 Description of Request: Provide $1,600,000 spected congressmen on Capitol Hill. One of Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the reasons for this is his innate ability to for Timken’s Hybrid Bearing project. Specifi- reach across the aisle and make friends even cally, funds will be used to develop a high the Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act, and I am proud to be a cosponsor of this important though the opposite side most certainly had speed bearing for aerospace applications that completely different viewpoints from his will provide exceptional hot hardness, excep- bill. In New Jersey, 132 of every 100,000 of own. He has earned the greatest respect from tional fatigue life, exceptional wear resistance, our mothers, daughters, and grandmothers Republicans and Democrats alike. and exceptional fracture toughness. Defense were diagnosed with breast cancer between During his almost sixteen years in Con- applications would include the JSF main shaft 2000 and 2004. It is difficult to find a person gress to date, Representative Everett has who doesn’t know someone who is affected by been known as an honest legislator and true bearing application, as well as other weapons gentleman. Reading through transcripts of platforms or devices requiring high speed it. Despite the prevailing medical standard of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on bearings. Furthermore, this project will review Strategic Forces hearing from May of 2007, it various corrosion resistant steel, including two to four days to recuperate and gain phys- is quite evident how much Congressman CSS–42L, for use in the bearing, as well as ical and emotional strength after breast cancer Everett is respected by his colleagues. the introduction of new ball and retainer mate- surgeries, ‘‘drive-by mastectomies’’ increas- California Democrat Representative Ellen rials in the final bearing design (such as sil- ingly have become the norm. Women have Tauscher, the chairwoman of the sub- icon nitride balls, and a light weight carbon- been regularly faced with being sent home committee, opened the legislative hearing by referring to Everett’s prior service: ‘‘I’d like carbon composite material for the retainer ma- from the hospital a few hours after surgery by HMOs that refuse to pay for longer stays. to begin by saying it has been an absolute terial). The hybrid bearing technology, which pleasure crafting this mark with my friend, includes a variety of material and coating tech- This bill would guarantee a minimum hos- Mr. Everett . He has been both coopera- nologies, is being incorporated into the Joint pital stay of 48 hours for a woman having a tive and straightforward. Thank you very Strike Fighter engine, and other platforms. mastectomy, and 24 hours for a woman un- sincerely, Mr. Everett.’’ This request is consistent with the intended dergoing a lymph node removal. Importantly, In 2001, when Representative Joseph Moak- and authorized purpose of the Air Force’s this bill will ensure that any decision to have ley, a Democrat from Massachusetts, died, a special memorial was held in the House RDTE account. a shorter hospital stay will be made by the pa- tient and her doctor—not an insurance com- Chambers. Democrat Representative Richard 6. Requesting Member: Congressman HOW- Neal, also from Massachusetts, remarked ARD COBLE. pany more concerned with the bottom line that Moakley was ‘‘. an old school Demo- Bill Number: H.R. 2638. than the health of the patient. crat. But do you know who he liked to have Account: Research Development Test & Forcing women to leave the hospital too dinner with? This is going to kill them in Evaluation (RDTE), Navy (Marine Corps). soon after surgery is dangerous and demean- Alabama when they find this out, the voters Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Energizer ing. This bill will provide breast cancer patients down there—Sonny Callahan, Terry Ever- Battery Manufacturing, Inc. undergoing one of the most physically and ett—that was the group he assembled with Address of Requesting Entity: 25225 Detroit emotionally traumatic experiences of their after hours. He enjoyed their company so- cially and loved their stories about Alabama Road, Westlake OH 44145. lives, the care and dignity they deserve. I urge and how they had come to Washington.’’ Description of Request: Provide $2,500,000 my colleagues to join me in supporting this There is no doubt that Everett had a gift of for the continued development (Phase II) of a bill, and I hope the Senate acts quickly to get making friends out of even total political op- high-rate capability, air electrode for a zinc air this bill to the President’s desk. ponents. He never wavered from his ideals VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:27 Oct 09, 2008 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD08\RECFILES\E26SE8.REC E26SE8 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E2022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 26, 2008 and conservative viewpoint, but it never was declared the new Congressman for Con- Here are some of Congressman Everett’s interfered with making friends. gressional District Two. key accomplishments in office: Perhaps his outstanding record in Congress Both Everetts admit that there are chal- First Chairman of the House Armed Serv- had been forged earlier by the many roles lenges and rewards every day for people in- ices Subcommittee on Strategic Forces (cur- Everett played in other areas of achievement volved in holding a public office.
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