<> .Ch,ange in bowel or THE HI-FI TREE bladder habits. <> ' A sore that does not he'al. ,specializing <> Unusual bleeding or in discharge., <> Thickening or lump in . quality audio: equipment · breast or elsewhere. <>Indigestion or difficulty in and ,swallowing. service <> Obvious change in wart · or mole . <> Nagging cough or 100 CENTER I'm sick.,. not in the pink of condition, dining My nose is as stuffed as a rush­ hall food takes another step toward ·hoarseness. MISHAWAKA hour traffic jam on the Dan Ryan the absurd ..:..- everything tastes the Expressway. My" eyes are watering, same. This evening's' main course . 259-1813 my head aches and it's an accom­ could, for all your taste buds tell you, The plishment of superhuman propor­ be tOday's, or even yesterday's, lunch. tions to'drag my aching bones out Gravy that once was soup is of little of bed in the morning. consequence, when your tongue' feels Some 'people Having any sort of illness at like the roof of a Mississippi shanty. Last Notre Dame is an unforgettable ex­ And there is nothing quite as'stun­ .· •.. CaITt ... perience at· best. 'Friends, offer hot ningly pointless as· eating ice cream toddies and sympathy, but little else. during "the season." Other than rec­ IS YOUR SECTION After all; what can they, really do? ognizing a cold,' lumpy substance Word No' one else knows how badly you' traveling down your esophagus,' the remember NUTTY? are feeling,' and a sick Domer must aesthetic pleasure stemming .from by Jake' M~rrissey bear. his illness with as much humor taste is minimal at best. RAMBLIN'? and magnanimity as he or she can Doctors.tell us (or at least com­ muster, confident in the fact, that; these· mercialssaying that doctors tell us) PRINTABLE? in a few days, his roommate' will to Uget .plenty of sleep" when strick­ r :~. have ,it; unless of ,course ,he is the en with a cold. At Notre Dame, this source. ' is a' pleasant theory with no real even when· Write a story ,about your wild and craiy section' The fun begins when you attempt practical application. Show me.' a and Scholastic will print the best-to your sat- , to lead a normal exist'ence_withcold Notre ,Dame student who gets . isfaction and· your rector's chagrin. ' or flu germs! wreaking. havoc on enough, sleep and I'll show you ··theirlives your energy level. Going to class is someone who.'. takes three' classes: a real treat.: Imagine attempting to Even if there is enough 'time to sleep, I;: . ... de1Qend . glean facts from an· interesting there ,isalways ,a'stereo fanatic next lecture, let alone a boring one, while door or Fifi, your roommate's high under the influence of aspirin. (or school sweetheart, who" insists . on your favorite aspirin substitute); calling: at 2 a.m. because the rates onthem•. cough drops or Vick's Vapo 'any~ are cheaper.,' , thing; .. ,Fortunately,my condition is tem­ If you have a warning signal, It is also suggested, by those in porary. In a few days I·· will rejoin . ' you should see a doctor. the know, that one ·develops better the ranks of the, 80, per .cent who We want to cure cancer in your lifetime.· " hearing during the cold season, since are, irritated by the constant snif­ Give to the American Cancer Society .. the odds are that at least 20, pet fling and sneezing during a lecture. cent of a lecture hall will be sniffling No matter how loud it becomes; or coughing at any onetime, making however, I. will always' have. some American CancerSociety~. concentration extremely. difficult. sympathy for the students :who Meals, under, the influence of a have to 'tolerate both Notre. Dame cold germ are otherworlds:' When and a cold - no small task. .. 30 • SCHOLASTIC -., !. ." 100 CENTER scholastic. , . Vol. 120, No; 3, October 6, 1978 OKTOBERFEST' Notre Dame, Indiana Fri. and Sat; till midnight FEATURES 4 Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Notre Dame . Dave Satterfield - OCTOBER 6th, 7th, & 8th 6. New York City. Rosemary Mills 7: New Orleans ' ' "Ken Scarbrough Sunday noon to 6 p.rn., 8 Ne~ England Jay, Coleman 9 . California Sean Faircloth GERMAN 10 ,West Virgin,ia ,- Cindy Dykhoff DB 11 Chicago :' Mary Ryan OUR RECORD SELECTION o E 12 South 'America, , Patricia Martinez o E 18 The Street Where You Don't.Live Gina Giovanini SPEAKS FOR ITSELF Kathy Ryan F R 20 On the'Fighting' Irish' JUST FOR THE RECORD 22 •Women Take the Field ' Paul Mullaney Live Entertainment 24 (AII-American)2 ,'. Greg Solman , 100 CENTER COMPLEX 26 When Hell Freezes Over Jim Trausch FREE MISHAWAKA 29 Autumn Wonderland Joseph Evans 259-1813 Admission· and Parking Illustrations: Mike Cantwell, 4, 6, 10, 12, REGULARS 13, 15,26; Cindy Dykhoff, 21, 31; J. Lousteau, 18; M. Molinelli, 28: 13 Fiction Joe Carey Photographs: Anne Bennett, 22, 23; Phillip Johnson, 11, 19, 25, 28; Jeff Huhta, 24; 16 Gallery Dave Schiesher, Mike Cantwell arid Pat O'Brien Scholastic Archives, 3, 29. Front Cover: Patrick O'Brien. 28 People at N.D. Tom Balcerek A Public Servi~e of t~is newspaper &The 'Advertising Council ~ Back Cover: Mike Cantwell , . 30 The Last Word Jake Morrissey . .Today is the tint d~y· .. Editor Staff John Morrissey Cynthia Dykhoff, Keith Caughlin, Ken Scarbrough, Eileen Durkin, Eddie Holden, Betsey Managing Editor Sheridan, Sonia Chopko, Clay Malaker, Bob Barnes, Mike Brennan, Mike Greene, Tom, of the rest.of your life. Theresa Rebeck Lucid, John Cassidy, Jeff Young, Greg Vansueh, Paul Theil;' Kevin McCarthy, Sue Art Director Micinski, Mary Clare Toffanetti, Bill Scholl, Jim Trausch, Mike Walsh, Craig Smith, Mike Cantwell Greg G. Gregory, Leo J. Mulcahey, Dave Mayernik. Produc'tion Manager Bernie Valenti' News Editor Hall Representatives: , Liz Donovan Eddie Holden, Mark Sniegowski, Sean Berry, Brad, Engelland, Keith Caughlin, Ann Culture Editor Gleason, Sonia Chopko, Bill Swift,. Craig Smith, Kevin Courtois, Glenn Killoren, Dave Dave Satteriield Bartish, Lisa Jaquez" Mike Szkrybalo, John Ryan, Mary Fran Welch, John Cuckovich, Sports Editor ' Greg G .. Gregory, Leo J. Mulcahey, Dave Mayernik, Sean F. Faircloth, Paul ~urley. Mike Kenahan , . , Fiction Editor Tom Balcerek The opinions expressed in Scholastic are those' of the authors and editors of Scholastic Copy Editor '. and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the entire staff and editorial, board of .. so. it can be the tint day Bob Southard Scholastic or the University. of Notre Dame, its administration, faculty, or the student Layout' Editor • body. ,., . Lisa Hartenberger ", -,'; of somebody else's, too. Photography Editor . '"-' Phil Johnson . ."..". The magazine is represented for, national'<idvertising by National Educational'Advertising . ..' Business Manager. .' .. '" , Kimberlie Gumz' ' Services and CASS Student Advertising, Inc. Publishediortnightlyduring the school year except during vacation,and examination periods, Scholastic is printed at Ave Maria .Press, Advertisement Manager ~ Marcy ,Weigle , Notre Dame, Ind .... 46556. The subscription rate is $?OO a year and back, issue~ are available from Scholastic. PIE~aseaddress all manuscripts to Scholastic, Notre·Dame,lnd. 46556. All unsolicited material becomes the propertY of Scholastic.' " . '. Advisory Board " copyright 1978 Scholastic all righ'tS reserved) noneof'the contents' may be repro- Elizabeth' Christman, John' Reid, Thomas © I .~Cross·:· .~onyou. duced without permission. '. , ", ' ~ Werge, Thomas 'Jeinielity, 'John Miriam Jones, S.C: ' OcTOBER' 6, 1978 3 .. ' -., !. ." 100 CENTER scholastic. , . Vol. 120, No; 3, October 6, 1978 OKTOBERFEST' Notre Dame, Indiana Fri. and Sat; till midnight FEATURES 4 Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Notre Dame . Dave Satterfield - OCTOBER 6th, 7th, & 8th 6. New York City. Rosemary Mills 7: New Orleans ' ' "Ken Scarbrough Sunday noon to 6 p.rn., 8 Ne~ England Jay, Coleman 9 . California Sean Faircloth GERMAN 10 ,West Virgin,ia ,- Cindy Dykhoff DB 11 Chicago :' Mary Ryan OUR RECORD SELECTION o E 12 South 'America, , Patricia Martinez o E 18 The Street Where You Don't.Live Gina Giovanini SPEAKS FOR ITSELF Kathy Ryan F R 20 On the'Fighting' Irish' JUST FOR THE RECORD 22 •Women Take the Field ' Paul Mullaney Live Entertainment 24 (AII-American)2 ,'. Greg Solman , 100 CENTER COMPLEX 26 When Hell Freezes Over Jim Trausch FREE MISHAWAKA 29 Autumn Wonderland Joseph Evans 259-1813 Admission· and Parking Illustrations: Mike Cantwell, 4, 6, 10, 12, REGULARS 13, 15,26; Cindy Dykhoff, 21, 31; J. Lousteau, 18; M. Molinelli, 28: 13 Fiction Joe Carey Photographs: Anne Bennett, 22, 23; Phillip Johnson, 11, 19, 25, 28; Jeff Huhta, 24; 16 Gallery Dave Schiesher, Mike Cantwell arid Pat O'Brien Scholastic Archives, 3, 29. Front Cover: Patrick O'Brien. 28 People at N.D. Tom Balcerek A Public Servi~e of t~is newspaper &The 'Advertising Council ~ Back Cover: Mike Cantwell , . 30 The Last Word Jake Morrissey . .Today is the tint d~y· .. Editor Staff John Morrissey Cynthia Dykhoff, Keith Caughlin, Ken Scarbrough, Eileen Durkin, Eddie Holden, Betsey Managing Editor Sheridan, Sonia Chopko, Clay Malaker, Bob Barnes, Mike Brennan, Mike Greene, Tom, of the rest.of your life. Theresa Rebeck Lucid, John Cassidy, Jeff Young, Greg Vansueh, Paul Theil;' Kevin McCarthy, Sue Art Director Micinski, Mary Clare Toffanetti, Bill Scholl, Jim Trausch, Mike Walsh, Craig Smith, Mike Cantwell Greg G. Gregory, Leo J. Mulcahey, Dave Mayernik. Produc'tion Manager Bernie Valenti' News Editor Hall Representatives: , Liz Donovan Eddie Holden, Mark Sniegowski, Sean Berry, Brad, Engelland, Keith Caughlin, Ann Culture Editor Gleason, Sonia Chopko, Bill Swift,. Craig Smith, Kevin Courtois, Glenn Killoren, Dave Dave Satteriield Bartish, Lisa Jaquez" Mike Szkrybalo, John Ryan, Mary Fran Welch, John Cuckovich, Sports Editor ' Greg G .. Gregory, Leo J. Mulcahey, Dave Mayernik, Sean F. Faircloth, Paul ~urley. Mike Kenahan , . , Fiction Editor Tom Balcerek The opinions expressed in Scholastic are those' of the authors and editors of Scholastic Copy Editor '. and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the entire staff and editorial, board of .
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