- . -· . ·- - PARVIA AIR AVION MAIL >>.~>.~ LUFTPOST Students from Nantes, France, explore Seattle A group of 42 students (13-18 years old) and four teachers from Nantes, France, recently spent three weeks with their host families and attended 11 schools in Seattle. The schools that par­ ticipated in this first exchange were Blaine H.S., Bush School, Franklin H.S., Holy Names Academy, Lakeside School, Lake Washington H.S., Madi­ son Jr. H.S., Overlake School, Sealth H.S., University Preparatory Academy and West Seattle H.S. The students attended classes and also fulfilled requirements for their own schools. The teachers also visited the schools and their students. Many activities were planned by the host schools for their visitors, including Travel-weary, but enthusiastic students from Nantes, France, leave Bellarmlne Hall an excursion to Mount St. Helens and a at Seattle University after orientation for a three-week stay In the Seattle area. visit to city hall. Nantes Is Seattle's slater city. The 42 students Involved In the program visited 11 The Totem Girl Scout Council's Sen­ achoolaln Seattle. (Seattle-Nantes Slater City Aaan., photo) i~r Plai1Jling Board and Friends pre­ pared a program of western music, Camp River Ranch. from Seattle going to Nantes is planned Indian heritage and a barbecue at their A reciprocal exchange with students for AprillO-May 2. Christian Bretaudeau is coached by a teacher, Martine Ro ndenet, as he describes, in English, the beauty of this area . Frertah, Kids Get Eiffel of Seattle M 8~· Don Tc~ kesbur)· Mi\antes and Seattle have stmilar Ron(trnet, a fir~t-time ,·isitor ers in Amcriran bomr_,_ Such "gadget· ry" is not .as ~idcspread in France. St•attlt>ites arc talker~. not walk· populations. but !\antes is more con· aware of Americans' love affair ~ith ers. according to a vtsiting contingent centrated. \'ou can walk throu~b the large cars. "as surprised to see so of French studt•nts. -entire town center in an hour," she many small foreign cars on the road. • The habit or lcavmg an outdoor ~ll•mbers of the youngsters' host said. "After wallung from 5th and "Thlli must be something that has light burning all mght. The French familie!> "spend an a~ful lot of time Pine to 2nd and Cherry here, we occurred in the last hve years," she normall)' extinguisl1 all unnect>Ssary talking on the phone." according to decided to return by bus." !'aid. indoor an<J outdoor lights because- of the pupils, "ho are stud) ing here for She noted that the mailbox near· However. RoddPS was surprised to the htl!her- ekctrical co.,ts there. th~el' weeks a!. part of an exchange.. est her temporary home on Capttol find so manv large cars. in vtew of the Another \'Jsttmg instructor. An· program between St•attle and its Hill was a half-mile away. r<·<·etit gas · ~hortages and escalating nette Ga\ ouille, satd she was im· Frenrb stster city, Nante:>. Student Christian Bretaudeau. 14. fuel pri<'e5. pressed not only by Seattle's beautiful The 10 JUnior high students at !'aid M w~ thrilled by the beauty of "Other than that, America is ex· surroundings but by the mtxture of Lakc:.ide Middle School - who are the mountains and lakes be saw when ac-tly as I imagined it," said Roddes. "I races and nationalities. among 42 French pupils now attend· he arrived bere by air and during the ha\'c wanted to come here for as long The visiting high and junior higb ing Il local schools - also said yester· drive from 'the airport. But he was as I ran remember, and this trip is a school students from France arrived ' day that th<•y "rarely see people walk· disappointed, upon reaching his drPam come true." in Seattle last Saturday and will leave ing here, mcl uding the police." neighborhood residence. to reallte Other students said they have Feb. 13. They are attending Lakeside, One or four teachers accompany· that a car was required to "get any­ been impressed by: Lakeside Middle. Bush, Franklin High, ing the ~oungsters. Martme Rondenet. where. because of the long distances." • A more relaxed and less struc· Holy I'Oames Academy, Lake said she realiled why Seattle bad few· Automobiles h<>re were a so'urce turcd atmosphere in American school Washington High, Madison Junior er pede:;trians than Nante:; when the of surprise to both instructor Ron· classrooms. High, Overtake, Sealth lhgh. Universi· French visitors recently attempted a denet and student Gene,;e,·e Rodde~. • Thr proliferation of "ga,ligetry," ty Prcpacatory At'ademy and West do" ntown shopping tour on foot. 15 - for op~ift reason:; such as automatic garage door open. Seattle H,gil schools. - l[l[t'JINI... ~~J~Iola tMIIilt4udtitll .. therMptid•... programa and aclhfllet oecorded or made avallallla to ...... at the achooll. they do not clsc:riMiiiOII on the baalt of ,.., ..................... ..... In ........... of their ecluciolion polc:iel. ocfll I aiarw ....... ldtala•lhlp and loon progo-, and Clllllallc ... olher IChoal .......... progronll. .. ................... ~ .......... Crt1111.. 11ll ...,.. a.••• ..................... _.....,. ...... ........... ........... ....... W.LIIIIe ...... ,................................... , ... ........ .., ....... ....•••• •... .....................,., ,... ,. Pt i IS -- ........ ~----- page I· Capitol Hltl Times WMinelday, November 19,1910 Birkholz elected to Academy board capitol Hill resident carol A. Blrkbolz, CPA. bas been elected to tbe Board of Trustees of University PrepaTatory Academy (UPA). UPA ls an iadepeadent ~timal secondary acbool provldina a colleae preparatory liberal arts and sciences proanun. Bbldlolz. a partner in tbe ecaaaatina film of l.avel8ol IDd Horwath. CPA's. a11o .-vee es a member of tbe UniYenlty of Wasblqlon Accountlna Department Mvtsory Panel, and ill on tbe Board of Directors of tbe Wubiqton Society of Certified PUbllc Accoudantl, and United Way of Kina County. carol Birkholz 6. MARCH 18, 1981 ·MAGNOLIA NEWS U Prep names local women TWO ARBA WOMEN lMte 11eaJ ~ to the BoltN of nu.tca of VIIWenity ,.,.,_,..,017 Aaademy. Cbtl6rlac ,...._of,.,.. WI. .. ,_. elet:tlld. ,....,_. oltbe INMrd ud Queen AmJe raideat AileeD w.,..., ,.., ,.., .,_, elected an boaorary m.aber ol tbe btMnl. Both are --the~·· f~ Md .,., • f ....dinlt:ltw. Peferaea 16 • ...,,_of Deltla l(qpa Oaamul «<ucatioa /IOII«ary Ufl •IPOI*N of CluUtian CIJild,..•, Fund, lllc. W.,._ 16 a MIIOMI ollkw ofPhi Beta Phi Ufl a IIJCIIJber of tlte w--·• Vllh•llly Cub. FOUIIded lite ~ -.o, Ullhenlty Prep IIOW' ,_ 24 feculty meaben and an eatQ.II­ .IINDt ofliS Ia.,..., 7 fllrotwb 12. 12-APRIL 22. 1911 -MAGNOLIA NEWS Roger Bass on board members who work with a Maanolia resident traditional approach to Roter J . Bus, the Direc­ tor of University Prew&­ tachina the liberal ans .toi'Y Academy (UPA), has and sciences . Bass was also rec:endy been elected to the appointed Chair . the Academy's Board of o} Residential Care and Trustees. Family Services Panel of UPA is a fully ­ United Way of Kina accredited, independent County and reappointed coed college preparatory to the Superintendent's school with a current StateWide Advisory Com­ enrollment of II S mittee on Private Educa­ students in pades seven tion by Dr. Frank (Buster) throuah twelve. Founded five years qo, University Brouillet. Prep IOday has 24 faculty~---~----~-- Elected to Academy Board No~ate resident Ronald 1. Waldman has been elect,ct to Ule Board of :t.1uateea of uelver!f.ty P~f-~ Aca«<• my (UPA). UPA Ia a fully-accrecJif"', foCf~rident coecf colleGe preparatory school with a current enrollment of 115 etudenta In grades seven through twelve. Founded ftve years ago, University Prep haa 24 t.culty members who follow a traditional approach to teiiChlng liberal artl: and sciences. Waldman, as a11oclate member of tl1e American Chemical Society, Ia chair of..the Solenoe De­ Pif'bnent at University Prep. WASHINGTON CPA The Official Publication of the Washington Society of CPAs 347 Logan Building 624-7246 Seattle. Washington 98101 ----·------------------------- VQI_I _I ME X XII I. N<>. 7 DECEMBER. 1980 SOCIETY OFFICERS Pre$ident . ........ Thomas H. R ichardson Presrd"nt-Eicct . .... .. Vincent A . Gervais I '"'"'!CIIate Past Pr~><rdent . .. John F. Clearman ChaptPr Virf!·Pr esrdr.nt .... F rank H. Larner Vice-Presrdent at Large . .. Carol A . Birkholz Vice-President at Large .... Richard F. Clarke PENNEU. Secretary . Thomas E. Melang T r<;,uur~r . Alan B. Me Allister Elected to board (l(ecrllrve Dorector ...... Russell A. Davis Robert M. Pennell of Mercer Is­ ... ............ laild bu been elected to the Board af'l'rultees of University Prepara­ tory Academy <UPA), Seattle. UPA is an accredited indepen­ dent coed college preparatory Members in the News Bebool with a current enrollment of 115 students in grades seven GARY V. ANDERSON, Pacific First through twelve. Founded onlJ five Federal Savings and Loan, Tacoma. ,ean ago, University Prep today participated on a panel for the Mt. baa 24 faculty memben teaching Rainier Chapter NAA minicourse the liberal arts and sciences in a titled, " Internal Auditing ·· Organiz· traditional approach. PenDell, associated with Equi­ ing the Internal Audit Function in tec Financial Group, is president your Company". of tbe Puget Sound Harvard Buai- CAROL A. BIRKHOLZ, Laventhol and 118111 Scbool Club. Horwath, Seattle, has been elected to the Board of Trustees of the Uni· versity Preparatory Academy in Seattle. ART BROWN, N. R. Smith and Associ· ates, Inc., P.S., Seattle, spoke on "Non-national Firms as a Career Alternative" at the Pacific Lutheran University BP.ta Alpha Psi accounting honorary on October 20 . SHIRLEY DAHL, Price Waterhouse anrf Co .. S~a ttle. gave a speech ent it led "P10mote Yot rrself" at the August 11 mP.f!tintJ o f the Tacoma Chapter of thP. AmP.rt can Society of Women A'=countants. Also. she was appointed University Prep r;h;Ji rman 0 f the Pike Place Market seeks candidateS arf h•x r.t>mmittee to complete a University Preparatory A~­ survey of administrative staff levels; demy is seeking applicants to ftll ;~nd she was elected 2nd Vice President several seats on its new board of of the Pike Place Preservation and trustees.
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