See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327207095 Developing Collaborative & Social Arts Practice: The Heart of Glass Research Partnership 2014—2017 Technical Report · August 2018 CITATIONS READS 0 23 4 authors: Alastair Roy Lynn Froggett University of Central Lancashire University of Central Lancashire 51 PUBLICATIONS 162 CITATIONS 96 PUBLICATIONS 391 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Julian Yves Manley John Wainwright University of Central Lancashire University of Central Lancashire 27 PUBLICATIONS 54 CITATIONS 12 PUBLICATIONS 10 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Psychosocial and symbolic dimensions of the breast and breast cancer explored through a visual matrix View project Black families adoption project View project All content following this page was uploaded by Alastair Roy on 28 August 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Executice Summary Developing Collaborative & Social Arts Practice: The Heart of Glass Research Partnership 2014—2017 A study by the Psychosocial Research Unit Alastair Roy, Lynn Froggett, Julian Manley and John Wainwright 1 Heart of Glass Evaluation Report PSYCHOSOCIAL RESEARCH UNIT Heart of Glass Evaluation Report: November 2017 Alastair Roy, Lynn Froggett, Julian Manley and John Wainwright 2 Executice Summary Developing Collaborative & Social Arts Practice: The Heart of Glass Research Partnership 2014—2017 A study by the Psychosocial Research Unit Alastair Roy, Lynn Froggett, Julian Manley and John Wainwright 3 Acknowledgments We are extremely grateful to all those Our thanks also go to the artists, directors and producers whose work has been the subject of this who have supported this evaluation in report including: Joshua Sofaer – Your Name Here, diferent ways. Rhona Byrne - And, On That Note, Heather Peak Morison and Ivan Morison (Studio Morison) – Skate We gratefully acknowledge the feedback from Park project, Mark Storor – Baa Baa Baric (Rainford audience members and participants in the projects High Technology College), Claire Weetman – Maze who are also the subject of this research, and of Displacement, Scottee – Take Over Fest, Naoise who shared ideas, experiences, plans, as well as Johnson Martin and Rhyannon Parry – Another elements of their lives and views with us over the Place, Wendy Mumford – The Fabric of Light, Katie course of the work, and to whom we have ofered Musgrove and Alexander Douglas - Songs of Hope anonymity. and Joy, French & Mottershead – Brass Calls, Eggs Collective – Knees Up, Sophie Mahon – 2020 We thank the Heart of Glass staf who have Vision, and Michelle Brown - Invisible City, SICK! all supported the project in diferent ways: Festival - Before I Die. Patrick Fox We further thank those from partner organisations: Director Anna Hassan - Relationship Manager, Arts Council Kathryn Dempsey England, Dr Karen Smith – Critical Friend, and Sue Deputy Director Potts - Liverpool John Moores University. Angharad Williams We are also grateful to community partners who Lead Producer have contributed to interviews and case studies. Laura Swithenbank These include: Mike Palin - Chief Executive, St Programme and Operations Assistant Helens Council, Gordon Pennington – Chair of Suzanne Dempsey-Sawin Heart of Glass Steering Group 2014-2017, Fay Assistant Producer Lamb – Chief Executive, the Citadel Theatre Debbie Chan and Heart of Glass Project Steering Group Prototype Project Producer 2014-2016 Member, Mark Dickens - Senior Assistant Director Development and Growth, St Helens Council, Cath Emma Fry Shea – Arts Development Manager, St Helens Prototype Project Producer 2016 Council and Artist, Gabrielle Jenks - Director, Greg Pennington Abandon Normal Devices, Denislav Stoynev (Deni) - Marketing and Communications Ofcer Evolve, Manchester, Allan Davidge and Si Fletcher Stephen King from 51st Skate, Mandy Ladner – Volunteer, Documentation Associate Derbyshire Hill Family Centre, Rory Hughes – Head Naoise Johnson Martin and Rhyannon Parry of Arts, Rainford High, and Ian Young – Principal, Assistant Producers Rainford High. Contact details Dr Alastair Roy Psychosocial Research Unit Co-Director School of Social Work, Care and Community Email: [email protected] Faculty of Health and Wellbeing University of Central Lancashire Preston, PR1 2HE 4 The structure of the report This is a report based on the frst three years of the Heart of Glass programme. It presents fndings from a qualitative evaluation. In response to the idea that Creative People and Places (CPP) is an action research project, fndings have been fed back to the Heart of Glass team iteratively throughout the frst three years. In this report, we draw together those fndings, presenting a series of detailed case studies of commissioned projects, interviews with key stakeholders and Heart of Glass staf. We have used a range of methods which we introduce below. The structure of the report aims to help readers fnd routes through it according to their interests and priorities: An executive summary – synthesises the key themes and fndings from the report. Section 1: Introduction - provides information about the context of St Helens, the aims and objectives of the CPP programme, information about the formation and development of Heart of Glass, as well an overview of the research methodology. Section 2: Case Studies - develops fve detailed case studies which refect important models of working, which we have identifed in the frst three years of working with Heart of Glass. Not all of these models are settled or frmly established, and some of the projects are ongoing, however, in the report we evidence the Heart of Glass commitment to learning from experience, which suggests that over time these models will be developed and honed into a distinctive model of practice. Section 3: Project Pen Portraits - provides brief overviews of the other 10 projects we have looked at in the research, but which are not the subject of detailed case studies. These ofer much shorter presentations of the projects, in terms of overview and commentary. Section 4: Discussion - considers the fndings of the research under a series of key themes that address Heart of Glass’ programme philosophy, models of practice and the programme’s sustainable efects and impacts. Section 5: Sets out our main Conclusions. Appendices - includes additional information on the methodology and references. 5 Heart of Glass Evaluation Report 6 Contents Acknowledgments ............................................. 4 Case Study 2.3 Contact Details ................................................. 4 Rainford High Technology College, Mark Storor: The structure of the report .................................... 5 Transformation through creative space ........................ 42 Introduction ..................................................... 43 Executive Summary ............................................ 9 Artist and programme ambitions ............................... 44 Context .......................................................... 10 Process: mode of engagement ................................ 44 The Heart of Glass Legacy and sustainability ....................................... 48 programme and strategic development ....................... 11 Outcomes ....................................................... 49 Research ........................................................ 11 Conclusions ..................................................... 49 Case studies .................................................... 11 Third space and negative capability ........................... 14 Case Study 2.4 The producer role ............................................... 14 The Prototype Projects - Audience development ......................................... 15 Developing Social Practice in St Helens ....................... 50 Legacy and sustainability ....................................... 15 Introduction ..................................................... 51 Excellence in art and engagement ............................. 16 Programme ambitions .......................................... 51 Main conclusions ............................................... 16 Four case examples ............................................ 52 The Maze of Displacement .................................... 52 Section 1: Introduction ....................................... 17 Project Zei ....................................................... 55 Local context .................................................... 18 The Fabric of Light .............................................. 56 Creative People and Places .................................... 20 Songs of Hope and Joy ........................................ 57 The Heart of Glass programme & strategic development ..... 21 Legacy and sustainability ....................................... 58 The research .................................................... 23 Outcomes ....................................................... 58 Overview ........................................................ 23 Conclusion ...................................................... 59 Theoretical concepts ........................................... 23 Research methods .............................................. 24 Case Study 2.5 Research questions ............................................. 25 The Skate Park - Studio Morison, Heather Peak Morison Data collection target groups ..................................
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