Relevant Representations – Rail Central (Strategic Rail Freight Interchange)

Relevant Representations – Rail Central (Strategic Rail Freight Interchange)

Relevant Representations – Rail Central (Strategic Rail Freight Interchange) RR-001 Anthony Marsh RR-002 Ashley Warden RR-003 Christine Barber RR-004 J Javes RR-005 Jane Hill RR-006 Matthew Foster RR-007 Neil Jagger RR-008 Nick Paul RR-009 R Lowin RR-010 Stoke bruerne Parish Council RR-011 Andrew Bell RR-012 Andrew Eames RR-013 Barbara King RR-014 Bryony Kedros RR-015 Caroline Cater RR-016 Charlotte Etheridge RR-017 Christie Pearson RR-018 Christopher Mair RR-019 Clare East RR-020 Elaine Reagon RR-021 Frank Finch RR-022 Gary Ward RR-023 Ian Fraser RR-024 John Chick RR-025 Jon Dunckley RR-026 Karen Wharfe RR-027 Mr P Thornton RR-028 Mrs Eva Mair RR-029 Paula Chaplin RR-030 Peter Lea RR-031 Phyllis Power RR-032 R Graley RR-033 Robert Jeffery RR-034 Rosemary Warner RR-035 Sarah Coyle RR-036 Sharon Mackenzie RR-037 Simon Alan George Mitchell RR-038 Simon Duggleby RR-039 Steve Rowe RR-040 Stop Rail Central Ltd RR-041 Stuart Dean RR-042 Tess Scott RR-043 William Lindon RR-044 C.P. Eads RR-045 Carl Johnson RR-046 Carol Thorn RR-047 Laura Herrington RR-048 Mrs Sarah Smith RR-049 Nicola Wood RR-050 Ruaridh Hook RR-051 Steve Borondy RR-052 Andrew Vincent RR-053 Jamie Cooke RR-054 Lyn Bird RR-055 Marie Gale RR-056 Mr Simon P Jones RR-057 Sarah Sharp RR-058 Bedford Borough Council RR-059 Dr Andrew Gough RR-060 Graham Ferrie RR-061 Grazyna Ferguson RR-062 Mrs Sarah Smith RR-063 Pam McManus RR-064 Simon Jelley RR-065 Tom McManus RR-066 William Root RR-067 Alan Hargreaves RR-068 Andrew Bodman RR-069 Barbara Mary Clarke RR-070 David Leslie Clarke RR-071 Geoffrey Mellors RR-072 Michael Wreford RR-073 Mrs Mavis Brewer RR-074 Mrs Pauline Mellors RR-075 NATS LTD RR-076 Northampton Rail Users Group RR-077 Angela Passmore RR-078 Barry Elliott STEER RR-079 Denis Passmore RR-080 Dennis Bryan RR-081 Geoffrey Binks RR-082 Gillian Jaynes RR-083 Jane Braband RR-084 Lesley Anne Pyke RR-085 Mrs Brenda Binks RR-086 Robert Pyke RR-087 Robert Walder RR-088 Valerie Hayward RR-089 Andrew Lewis RR-090 Cheryl Gannon RR-091 David Walter RR-092 James Sharp RR-093 Karen Lewis RR-094 Matt Gannon RR-095 Nick Dougill RR-096 The Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs & Northants RR-097 Trish Kumar RR-098 Wendy Steer RR-099 Andrew Maisey RR-100 Catherine Capewell RR-101 Field Operations RR-102 Joel Burton RR-103 Margaret Moss RR-104 Mrs Jane Pinnock RR-105 Mrs M Murphy RR-106 Neil Mcconchie RR-107 Office of Rail and Road (ORR) (Office of Rail and Road (ORR)) RR-108 Daniel Marchant RR-109 Mrs E Weeks RR-110 James Wood RR-111 Jill Hope RR-112 Loredana Harley RR-113 Sam Green RR-114 Shaun Hope RR-115 Anthony Brinkman RR-116 Anthony Lunch RR-117 Ben Redding RR-118 Beverley Czyz RR-119 Brian Lewthwaite RR-120 Ella Georgina Redding RR-121 Hamid Hashim RR-122 Hywel Davies RR-123 Ian Harley RR-124 Jean Halcrow RR-125 Katie Redding RR-126 Kenneth Johnson RR-127 Anthony Brinkman on behalf of Laurie Brinkman RR-128 Mark Green RR-129 Matthew Heavens RR-130 Mrs Sandra O'Connor RR-131 Paul Marchant RR-132 Robert Morrison RR-133 Sarah Edwards RR-134 Alan Sorkin RR-135 Amanda O'Brien RR-136 Elizabeth Dyke RR-137 Eric Meakins RR-138 Julia Sparks RR-139 Lorraine smith RR-140 Martine Lunch RR-141 Mrs Anthea Meakins RR-142 Patricia White RR-143 Philip O'Brien RR-144 Tamasine Thompson RR-145 Tim Knights RR-146 Vicki Eads RR-147 Caroline Taylor RR-148 Charlotte Hook RR-149 Dr Eirwen Williams RR-150 Hayley Jelley RR-151 Michael Ideson RR-152 Philip East RR-153 Roland White RR-154 Roy Bunyan RR-155 Samuel Hogben RR-156 Susan Bland RR-157 Tim preece RR-158 Alfred Thompson RR-159 Annabel Bass RR-160 Chris Dancer RR-161 Derek Cook RR-162 Gary Rimmer RR-163 Gemma Jackson RR-164 Helen Bodfield RR-165 Helen Hannam RR-166 Jasper Hijink RR-167 Katy Marshall RR-168 Lesley Goodship RR-169 Mark Redding RR-170 Mary Thompson RR-171 Mr Kirk Trewin RR-172 Oliver Dancer RR-173 Paul Heath RR-174 Peter Anderson RR-175 Richard Wootton RR-176 Robert Hagan RR-177 Stacy Trewin RR-178 The Coal Authority RR-179 Tim Thornton RR-180 Anna Fox RR-181 Carol Thorn RR-182 Christine Larkins RR-183 Dominika Pawlitka RR-184 Emma Closier RR-185 Faith Fehr RR-186 Graham Closier RR-187 J Ward RR-188 Michelle Harvey RR-189 Mr Russell Langridge RR-190 Mrs E Turner RR-191 Mrs Emma Langridge RR-192 Mrs Lesley Johnson RR-193 Mrs Pam O`Shaughnessy RR-194 Mrs Tina Adams RR-195 Nicholas Turner RR-196 Nick Lincoln RR-197 Philip Elliott RR-198 Philip Westerman RR-199 Richard O`Shaughnessy RR-200 Terry Larkins RR-201 Howes Percival LLP on behalf of Willow Inns Limited RR-202 David Osborne RR-203 Fiona McKenzie RR-204 John Batten RR-205 Michael H Baker RR-206 Mrs June Baker RR-207 Suzie Batten RR-208 Dermot Roff RR-209 Gail Albrow RR-210 Janis Brown RR-211 Katie Lincoln RR-212 Lisa Franklin RR-213 Mrs Eunice Humphrey RR-214 Mrs Ruth Hazelgrove RR-215 Mrs Sarah Heavens RR-216 Peter Humphrey RR-217 Robert Scarfe RR-218 RogerLaurence TYLER RR-219 Shane McDermott RR-220 Shane McDermott RR-221 Shane McDermott RR-222 Tessa L Roff RR-223 Thomas Harries RR-224 Andrew Whitmore RR-225 Brian Gallen RR-226 Cadent Gas Limited RR-227 Caroline Matthews-Maynard RR-228 Faye Whitmore RR-229 Gemma Smith RR-230 Health and Safety Executive RR-231 Tom McManus on behalf of John Buckley RR-232 Judith Mackintosh RR-233 Margaret Scott RR-234 Tom McManus on behalf of Mary Buckley RR-235 Maura Clarke RR-236 Mrs Rebecca Whitmore RR-237 Rosie Whitmore RR-238 Ruth Steventon RR-239 Thomas Whitmore RR-240 William Yule RR-241 Bob Pollock RR-242 Tim Hancock Associates on behalf of BP Oil UK Limited RR-243 Jennifer Abbiss RR-244 Mike Haynes RR-245 Neil Douglas RR-246 Robert Garwood RR-247 Roger Abbiss RR-248 West Hunsbury Parish Council RR-249 Easton Neston Parish Meeting RR-250 Ian Burton RR-251 Keith Parker RR-252 Patricia Parker RR-253 Anthony Hillier RR-254 Carl Johnson RR-255 Katie Spruels on behalf of Harry Spruels RR-256 Katie Spruels on behalf of Jack Spruels RR-257 Jean Owen RR-258 Katie Spruels RR-259 Keith R Whitburn RR-260 Mr Malcolm Brice RR-261 Nicola Johnson RR-262 Roade Parish Council RR-263 Robin Kelso RR-264 Stephen Spruels RR-265 Susan West RR-266 The Friends of Milton School RR-267 Andy Ballinger RR-268 Colin R Seaton RR-269 Emma Parker RR-270 Graeme Joll RR-271 Heather Closier RR-272 K Foster RR-273 Margaret Joll RR-274 Mike Hawkins RR-275 Mrs Anita Tasker OBE RR-276 Rod Sellers on behalf of Parishes Against Pollution (PAP) (Parishes Against Pollution (PAP)) RR-277 Richard Dimbleby RR-278 Robert Charles Mackintosh RR-279 Rod Sellers RR-280 Stephen Elliott RR-281 Beryl Andrews RR-282 David Taylor RR-283 Emma Bailey RR-284 Kelly Lea RR-285 Marcus Woolley RR-286 Marjory Drummond RR-287 Ruth O'Donegan RR-288 Emma Clayson RR-289 Heather Hudson RR-290 Jane Pritchard RR-291 Nicole Dowson RR-292 Paul Smith RR-293 Peter Bennett RR-294 Sarah Shaw RR-295 Trevor Pinfold RR-296 David Clarke on behalf of Edward Colin Anderson RR-297 Mr S Bunting RR-298 Mrs L Bunting RR-299 Roy Warren RR-300 Zoe Closier RR-301 Daphne Jones RR-302 Pamela Jackson RR-303 Bernice Hennessy RR-304 Ellie RR-305 Harry Bowman RR-306 Mrs Sharon Skinner RR-307 Richard Hennessy CEng RR-308 Alan Andrews RR-309 Anne Rackhan RR-310 Debbie Adams RR-311 Dr. Elizabeth Brown RR-312 Elaine Reagon RR-313 Elizabeth Shirley Yule RR-314 Emma Collins RR-315 Jane Percival RR-316 Leah Perry RR-317 Lee Hunt RR-318 Michaela Becker RR-319 Mr Stuart Cruickshank RR-320 Mrs J E Cahill RR-321 Mrs J Nelson RR-322 Nicholas Nelson RR-323 Sarah Glover RR-324 Alan John Lewis RR-325 Barbara Dillon RR-326 Brian Ash RR-327 Frances Andrews RR-328 Joan Walder RR-329 Kathryn Dodington RR-330 Kim Burn RR-331 Lynda Payton RR-332 M Brown RR-333 Mr A Adkinson RR-334 Mrs Marion Aveling RR-335 Mrs Mary Elisabeth Lewis RR-336 Paul Dillon RR-337 Richard Roberts RR-338 Rosemary Roberts RR-339 Suzanne Edwards RR-340 Terry Richardson RR-341 Duncan Riley RR-342 Felicity North RR-343 Helen Bodfield on behalf of George Richard Anderson RR-344 Graham Bellman RR-345 Jane Riley RR-346 Martin Entwistle RR-347 Michael Loftus RR-348 Roger Allen RR-349 Stephen Roasblade RR-350 Tom Andrews RR-351 Andrew Vincent RR-352 Compton Johnson RR-353 David Hunter RR-354 Helen Mander RR-355 Janet Pallister RR-356 John Percival RR-357 Kevin Dupont RR-358 Leslie Tebbutt RR-359 Northampton Ramblers RR-360 Stephen Ward RR-361 Tina Dupont RR-362 Wendy Johnson RR-363 Adrian Bottrill RR-364 Adrian Peacock RR-365 Douglas Gray RR-366 Susan Bland on behalf of Edward Bland RR-367 Gordon Johns RR-368 Susan Bland on behalf of Henry Bland RR-369 Henry Christopher Newby RR-370 Hilary Bottrill RR-371 Jason Ramskill RR-372 Jennifer Tufnell RR-373 Jessica Horton RR-374 John White RR-375 Jonathan King RR-376 Jonathon Horton RR-377 Julia Lindsay RR-378 June Patrica Hawkins RR-379 Kate Entwistle RR-380 Lisa Hayworth RR-381 Michael Withers RR-382 Michele Horton RR-383 Susan Bland on behalf of Oscar Bland RR-384 Paul Moss RR-385 Simone Gray RR-386 Susan Bland on behalf of Thomas Bland RR-387 Adam Woby RR-388 Aeryn Woby RR-389 Andrew Muir RR-390 Charrower on behalf of B harrower RR-391 C harrower RR-392 Charrower on behalf of David harrower RR-393 Hollie Underwood RR-394 Julie Alliott RR-395 Katherine Taylor RR-396 Lisa O'Connor RR-397 Louisa Woby RR-398 Menasakanian Janine RR-399 Paul Knox RR-400 Paul Miller RR-401 Peter Alliott RR-402 Peter Norris RR-403 Rebecca Howard RR-404 Sarah Bailey RR-405 Sarah Knox RR-406 Sean Woby RR-407 Will Brooks RR-408 Alastair Anderson RR-409 Paul Dillon on behalf of Alex Paul Dillon RR-410 Andrea Downhill RR-411 Anthony Hillier on behalf of Blisworth Parish

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