Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09813-8 - Ranking the World: Grading States as a Tool of Global Governance Edited by Alexander Cooley and Jack Snyder Index More information Index Abdelal, Rawi, 4, 18–19, 25–26, 35–36, Bangladesh, 137 39–59, 187–88 bankruptcy laws, 42, 49–50, 54, 171 Adcock, Robert, 122 Baraka, Amiri, 122 advocacy, by ratings organizations, Barnett, Michael, 16, 24 20–22, 36, 40, 61, 115 Basel accords on banking regulations, Afghanistan, 79, 86 19, 203 African National Congress (ANC), 80 Becker, Gary S., 26 aggregating data sources, 28–29, Belarus, 29, 131, 136, 140, 206 105–8, 125–27 Belgium, 137 Aid Transparency Index, 3n10, 21, 203 Bendukidze, Kakha, 166, 171, 174 Alvarez, Angel, 125–26, 133 Bertelsmann Transformation Indices, Alvarez, Michael, 121–22 195, 197 Andersson, Staffan, 74, 79 Better Life Index, 2n6, 201 Andreas, Peter, 13 Bhuta, Nehal, 16–17, 19, 28, 36, Arab Democracy Index, 197 85–111, 179, 186 Arab Spring, 120–21 Blyth, Mark, 18–19, 25–26, 35–36, Aristotle, 70 39–59, 187–88 Armenia, 6; democracy indices Bo Xilai, 80–81 for, 36–37, 129, 131, 136–45, Bogaards, Mattjis, 116, 130 205 Bollen, Kenneth A., 123 Armstrong, David A., 125 Bowman, Kirk, 123 Arndt, Christiane, 22n91 Boyce, James K., 76 Aron, Raymond, 120 branding, by rating agencies, 21–23, Arrow, Kenneth, 56–57 39, 61 Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, 82–83 Bretton Woods system, 44 Association for Accountancy and Bribe Payers Index (BPI), 203 Business Affairs Offshore Watch, 84 bribery, 65–66, 72; index of, 73–75, 84; Athenian democracy, 120 Noonan on, 68; OECD convention Atkinson, Michael, 80 on, 72, 74, 77 Avant, Debora, 11, 24 Brookings Institution, 22–23, 90, 198 Azerbaijan, 6, 81; business climate in, Bukovansky, Mlada, 16, 36, 60–84, 188 33–35, 189; democracy indices for, Burgess, John, 119 129, 131, 136, 140, 205 Büthe, Tim, 12, 26–27 Bahamas, 78 Cambodia, 107 Bahrain, 32 Cameroon, 107 Bakiyev, Kurmanbek, 20, 31n117 Campbell’s Law, 5, 33, 167 Baltic states, 8, 29, 129, 131, 136–40, Capoccia, Giovanni, 114n6 206–9 Car, Dev, 76 234 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09813-8 - Ranking the World: Grading States as a Tool of Global Governance Edited by Alexander Cooley and Jack Snyder Index More information Index 235 Carruthers, Bruce, 54 16, 61, 75–81; methodology of, Cartwright-Smith, Devon, 76 22–23, 30, 188; OECD and, 62, 77; Casper, Gretchen, 124 USAID and, 62, 79, 81. See also Center for American Progress, 200 Transparency International Center for International Policy Council of Europe, 187 (Washington, DC), 76 Country Policy and Institutional Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 86, Assessment (CPIA) report, 87 93–94, 97, 147n57 CPI. See Corruption Perceptions Index Chad, 94, 95 credit rating agencies (CRAs), 4, 7, 13, Charities Aid Foundation, 202 35–36, 39–59, 183; accuracy of, 30, Cheibub, José Antonio, 121–22 39, 53–58; as advocates, 40; Chernomyrdin, Viktor, 145–46 criticisms of, 48, 53–57, 187–88; China, 26; business climate in, 4; functions of, 39–41, 43, 50, 53–54; corruption in, 80–81 history of, 41, 43–46; as judges, Christensen, John, 76 25–26; paradoxical role of, 41–43, Cingranelli, David L., 96, 105, 197 55, 58, 69, 76, 153; SEC’s choice Civicus (organization), 3n14, 197 of, 44–45, 57; after 2007 global civil liberties, 1, 19–20; crisis, 50–53, 57–58; during 2007 democratization and, 190; media global crisis, 46–50. See also ratings freedom and, 29. See also human and rankings organizations rights Croatia, 33 Civil Society Index, 3n14, 197 Cold War, 9, 114n6, 119n17, 189 Davis, Kevin E., 2, 106–7 collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), DBI. See Ease of Doing Business Index 46–50 democracy, 7, 59; Athenian, 120; college rankings, 5, 178, 180–82, 184 definitions of, 19–20, 112–18, Collier, David, 122 120–21, 124n36, 125; election Collier, Paul, 110 quality measure for, 130–33; in Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), former Soviet states, 8, 36–37, 26, 27, 185, 199 112–13, 128–50; indices of, 1, 16, competitiveness ratings, 155–57. See 25–27, 29, 112–50, 197–98, also Ease of Doing Business Index 205–12; statistical measures of, Conflict Assessment System Tool 116–27. See also individual (CAST), 29–30, 96–99 countries Congo, Democratic Republic of, 94, 95 Department for International Cooley, Alexander, 1–38, 85–86, Development (UK), 19, 87 178–93 Djankov, Simeon, 34–35, 166, 171 Coppedge, Michael, 116n7, 122–23, Dodd–Frank Act, 39n3, 48 125–26, 149; correlations with, Doing Business Index. See Ease of 132–35, 138, 147, 148, 204–12 Doing Business Index corruption, 7, 19–23, 60–84, 183, Dominion Bond Rating Service (DBRS), 184; crony capitalism and, 83, 112; 196 defining of, 65–71, 179–80; Donnelly, Jack, 122 economic development and, 150, Dun & Bradstreet, 44 188; human rights and, 73; neoliberalism and, 66–67, 71, Eagan-Jones Ratings Company, 196 81–82; patronage and, 68, 69; as Ease of Doing Business Index (DBI), 2, “state capture,” 82 151–77, 188–89; acceptance of, 21, Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), 2, 22n91, 151–52; calculation of, 36, 60–67, 71–84, 203; criticisms of, 160–62, 168; criticisms of, 4, 15–16; © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09813-8 - Ranking the World: Grading States as a Tool of Global Governance Edited by Alexander Cooley and Jack Snyder Index More information 236 Index Ease of Doing Business Index (cont.) Failed States Index (FSI), 16, 23, 90, Global Competitiveness Index and, 94–100, 108–9, 197; methodology 37, 156–63; indicators of, 169; Putin of, 29–30, 36, 95–97; website of, on, 1, 4; website for, 3n8. See also 3n16 World Bank Fainsod, Merle, 120 Economic Freedom Index, 3n15, FATF. See Financial Action Task Force 19–23, 32, 195 FDI. See foreign direct investment Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Fearon, James, 105 3n12, 36, 128–30, 195; correlations Financial Action Task Force (FATF), with, 133, 134, 138, 147, 148, 84 204–12; Democracy Index of, 118, financial crises, 46–53; Eurozone, 4, 19, 197; Global Food Security Index of, 35–36, 40–41, 51–53, 58 201; Political Instability Index of, Financial Transparency Coalition, 200; Where to be Born Index of, 202 84 Ecuador, 6 Finnemore, Martha, 24 Egan Jones rating agency, 26 first amendment rights, 7, 39, 118. Egypt, 33, 120 See also media freedoms Eigen, Peter, 72 Fitch rating agency, 41–43, 57, 58, 196; Elkins, Zachary, 122 factual accuracy of, 39, 48; history of, endogeneity problem, 55–56, 45–46 105, 191 foreign direct investment (FDI): in Energy Sustainability Index, 199 Afghanistan, 79; competitiveness Enron Corporation, 49–50 ratings and, 157; in Georgia, 152–63, environmentalism, 73, 189, 199 172–75; in Singapore, 154 Ernst & Young Globalization Index, 195 Foucault, Michel, 17–18 Espeland, Wendy Nelson, 106 Fraser Institute, 195 Estonia. See Baltic states Freedom House, 2, 7, 14, 16, 29–31, 190; ethnography, 67–68, 163–71 criticisms of, 25–27, 37, 115, 119–20, Euben, J. Peter, 70 123–25; democracy definition of, European Bank for Reconstruction and 19–20, 112–15, 117, 124n36; media Development, 7, 198 freedom indices of, 3n13, 14, 26, 28, European Financial Stability Fund 199; methodology of, 27, 117n12, (EFSF), 36, 40–41 123–24, 126, 128; Polity IV and, 124, European Foreign Policy Scorecard, 16, 132–50, 204–12; websites of, 3n12; 20, 23, 200 women’s rights and, 202. See also European Union, 18, 58; admittance individual countries standards of, 21, 56, 187; on fragile Friedman, Milton, 41 states, 89; Open Method of Fund for Peace. See US Fund for Peace Coordination of, 18; rating agency for, 57–58 GCI. See Global Competitiveness Index Eurozone financial crisis, 4, 19, 35–36, Gender Inequality Index, 201 40–41, 51–53, 58 Georgia, 8, 151–77; corruption in, 165, Extractive Industries Transparency 169n14; democracy indices for, 129, Initiative (EITI), 84 131, 136, 137, 139, 140, 207; Ease extraterritoriality, state, 152–55 of Doing Business Index and, 13, 25, 33–34, 37, 152–53, 163–71, 188–89; failed/fragile states, 36, 85–111, 200; foreign direct investment in, 152–63, definitions of, 85–90, 100–101, 172–75; Rose Revolution of, 33, 165; 185; symptoms of, 90–93; USAID’s Russia’s invasion of, 163; tax system index of, 100–109 in, 168–69, 171 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09813-8 - Ranking the World: Grading States as a Tool of Global Governance Edited by Alexander Cooley and Jack Snyder Index More information Index 237 Germany, 19, 119, 120 impartiality principle, 69–70 Gerring, John, 116n7, 123, 125, 149 infant mortality, 100, 103n52 Gerschenkron, Alexander, 156 International Centre for Asset Gleditsch, Kristian S., 123 Recovery, 203 Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), International Financial Corporation 151, 195; calculation of, 160–62; (IFC), 22n91 DBI and, 37, 156–63 International Food Policy Research Global Dynamism Index, 195 Institute, 2n7, 22–23, 201 Global Financial Integrity Project, 76, 84 International Monetary Fund (IMF), Global Hunger Index, 2n7, 23, 201 32, 36; Corruption Perceptions Index Global Innovation Index, 195 and, 62; data-gathering by, 18n72 Global Integrity Index, 21, 26, 84, 203 International Property Rights Index, Global Peace Index, 3n21, 200 195 Global Talent Competitiveness Index, international relations studies, 4–9, 21, 195 38, 72, 179 Goertz, Gary, 127 Iran, 190 Gourevitch, Peter A., 25 Iraqi elections, 120 Governance Indicators project, 60–64, Ireland, 42 67, 84, 102–3, 198 IREX, 26, 185,
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