Catholic Church Community of St. Thomas More 115 Kings Highway Hauppauge, NY 11788-4204 Pastoral Staff Rev. Msgr. Francis S. Midura, Pastor Rev. Robert Dahlke, SJ, Weekend Priest Deacon Robert D. Weisz Deacon Edward R. Vigneaux Deacon John S. Rapacki Religious Education Patricia Chapin, Co-director Mary Ellen Carroll, Co-director Parish Outreach Justice & Peace Ralph Molinaro, Chairperson Music Ministry Emilia Savarese, Facilitator Youth Ministry Joe Gast, S.C., Youth Minister OUR PARISH SACRAMENTAL LIFE - EUCHARIST Weekend Masses: Saturday: 5pm Sunday: 8am, 9:15am, 10:45am, 12:15pm Weekday Mass: 9am, Monday through Saturday except Thursday when there is Morning Prayer. October 2, 2011 BAPTISM —As soon as your child is born, Twenty-Seventh Sunday please call the Church Office to make Baptism arrangements. Preparation session and Ordinary Time welcoming Mass attendance are required. Parish Mission Statement: MARRIAGE —As soon as a couple decides to St. Thomas More Roman Catholic Church is a marry, and BEFORE making any other arrange- parish community striving to share the Spirit of Love through ments, call the Church Office to schedule an Prayer, Worship, the Sacraments appointment with Fr. Midura or one of the The Teachings of the Church, and deacons. Our concern for others through Christian Stewardship. RECONCILIATION —Celebrated in Church every Saturday from 4pm to 4:45pm, or by previous appointment with Fr. Midura. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK —Call the Church Office to request visitation of the sick. CONFIRMATION —Those who have not been Telephones: confirmed should call the Church Office to Rectory— 234-5551 FAX 234-6412 receive further information. Religious Ed— 234-0397 FAX 234-1199 HOLY ORDERS —Contact Fr. Midura for more Outreach— 234-3149 FAX 234-1199 information about the priesthood or diaconate. Church Lobby— 348-9378 Page 2 Twenty-Seventh Ordinary Sunday — October 2, 2011 Masses Growing through the for this coming week Sunday Scriptures October 2, 2011 October 9, 2011 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 5:1-7 Isaiah 25:6-10a Psalm 80-9, 12, 13-14, 15-16, 19-20 Psalm 23: 1-3A, 3b-4, 5, 6 Philippians 4: 6-9 Philippians 4: 12-14, 19-20 Matthew 21:33-43 Matthew 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Saturday—October 1 (Anticipated Mass for Sunday) 5 pm—John Barry by Mary Barry A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew: Sunday—October 2—Twenty-Seventh Ordinary Sunday Jesus again in reply spoke to the chief priests and elders of 8am--Louis Giuliano by Phyllis Senner the people in parables, saying, "The kingdom of heaven 9:15am—Thomas Atkinson by Betty Atkinson may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for his 10:45am—Robert Covino by Geraldine Covino son. He dispatched his servants to summon the invited 12:15pm—Victor Alvarez by John & Maryann Egan , John guests to the feast, but they refused to come. A second time Barry by Mary Barry, Mary Barry by Lillian & Len Munzer, he sent other servants, saying, "Tell those invited: "Behold, Steven Caggiano by Tricia Murphy, Vanette DeSanto by Paul I have prepared my banquet, my calves and fattened cattle & Rita Goebler. Jane Eldard by Deacon John & Christine are killed, and everything is ready; come to the feast."' Rapacki, Larry Forgione by Mary Brienza, Deacon Ed & Some ignored the invitation and went away, one to his Laura Vigneaux, Esther Funicelli by Eileen & Al Weidig, farm, another to his business. The rest laid hold of his Thomas P. Koehler by Friends at CA, Richard Parsons by Rita servants, mistreated them, and killed them. The king was Goebeler, Ann “Pinkie” Rohl by Kathi & Peter Sclafani, enraged and sent his troops, destroyed those murderers, Elinor Warren by Mae Devine, Constantine “Sam” Zuzzolo by and burned their city. Then he said to his servants, 'The Mary Anne Walker feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come. Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite Monday—October 3 to the feast whomever you find.' The servants went out into 9am—For the People of the Parish the streets and gathered all they found, bad and good alike, Tuesday—October 4—St. Francis of Assisi and the hall was filled with guests. But when the king came 9am—Kenny Ferrizzo by Aunt Dorothy & Family in to meet the guests, he saw a man there not dressed in a Wednesday—October 5 wedding garment. The king said to him, 'My friend, how is 9am—Dominick Butindari by the Butindari Family it that you came in here without a wedding garment?' But Thursday—October 6—St. Bruno; Blessed Marie-Rose he was reduced to silence. Then the king said to his atten- Durocher dants, 'Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the 9am—Janet Josephberg by Virginia Beach darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding Friday—October 7—First Friday— of teeth.' Many are invited, but few are chosen. Our Lady of the Rosary 9am—Mary Beth Corcoran by Mary Ann De Gaynor Focus Questions: Saturday—October 8 1) How does busyness interfere with your relationships with 9am—Margaret “Peggy” Munz by Eileen & Joel Frank other people or with God? (Anticipated Mass for Sunday 2) Describe a period in your life when you refused God’s 5pm—Anne & Joe Augustyn by Marsha & Elane , Anthony invitation. Buynak by the Buynak Family , Richard Clementi by Marsha 3) How do you prepare to enter into God’s banquet? Augustyn , Anna May McCarthy by the Baran Family , Kathleen McKinley by Lillian & Len Munzer , the Mickelson Family and children’s question: & Williams Families by Barbara Mickelson , Richard Parsons Talk about the different invitations you receive. How do you by Pamma MacKlee , Constantine Zuzzolo by Deacon Ed & decide which ones to accept? Do you consider the feelings of Laura Vigneaux the person who invited you when you decided not to ac- Sunday—October 9—Twenth-Eighth Ordinary Sunday cept? How does that compare to God’s invitation? 8am—Edward J. Duffy by Edward Duffy 9:15am—Dolores Walden by Victor & Ellen Cardinali 1045am—Edna Catalano by Emilia & Lou Savarese 12:15pm—Intentions of the Leopold Family (living) by the Constantine Family Twenty-SeventhSeventh Ordinary Sunday ofSunday Easter — October 2, 2011 Page 3 Parents or guardians are also invited to join with the children. PRAY FOR THE SICK If you would like more information, call Pat at 631.265.0722. James Basile, Daniel Labbe, Joseph Peter, Thomas McGuire, OCTOBER—RESPECT LIFE MONTH —During the month Yvonne Williams, Joseph Nappi, Felicia Spiers, Toniann of October we are asked to devote our prayers and efforts Dorohow, Daniel & Mary Skinnon, Mark Venezia, Terri towards promoting a respect for all human life, from Ilardi McKee, John Caffrey, Barbara Fratamico, Linda Sue conception until natural death. Let us consider praying the Cappisillo, Katherine Drechsler, Lucja Kostrzewa, Katie Rosary each day for a respect for all life and pray for all those Kiss, Joseph Hauk, Maureen O’Donnell, Robert Boney, affected by the evil of abortion. Jennifer Savarese, Mimi Dickson, Edward Duffy, Shawn BLESSING OF PETS —This coming Tuesday, October 4, is Cook, Arlene LaRosa, Eileen Immarino, Frank the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The custom of blessing of Vaccaro, Dennis LaRosa, Cookie Ferrero, Animals will be celebrated in his honor at St. Thomas More at Dennis Chase, Giovanni Dominick Cipriani, 5pm by the gazebo on the parish grounds. Everyone with a pet Alan Lathrop, Eamon Tuberide, Denise Zappia, is invited to come down to celebrate this blessing for their pet. Victor Baliunas, Mary Ann O’Gara, Denise WHAT’S HAPPENING AROUND OUR FACILITY—The Mays, Pat Chapin, Charleen & Jimmy Spiers, roof of the rectory was replaced this past week. The emergency Teresa Szepietowska, James & Phyllis Cable, lights in the Church have all been upgraded with new fixtures. Elaine Kleinstauber, Debra Lewis, Henry Kwiecinski, Tom The trees that were weakened by Hurricane Irene by the Devine, Jonathan Reardon, Linda Bucceri, Charles Boston, Religious Ed building were removed. We now have fire wood Carol Nische, Evelyn Hirsch, Kelly Rooney, Thuy Wilmott, for the rest of my life! The conduit for the irrigation system to Dale Grippo, Joseph Calvacca, Sam Prince, Anna LaRocca, the park by the first entrance was completed and the water Joseph Esposito, Josephine Sadowski, Judy Scott, Anthony lines now run from the Church to that area. Progress! Pagano, Jean Marsala-Kieffner, Lisa Codispoti, Chase GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY COUPLES—This Fall, couples Turano, Renee Munzer, Tom Stahura, Victor Buzzanca, Rita who have been married 50 years or more will be honored at Basile, Marie D’Anna, William Boyle, Charlie Parker, liturgies on Sunday, November 6, at Christ the King Church, Suzanne Coad, Geri Catapano, Clare LiBonati, Lenny Forte, Commack. Liturgy begin at 2:30pm. Adelaide Fallon, Mathilde Cormier. (We ask those who wish to have the sick listed in the bulletin to submit their names through the Registration forms are available in the Church Office. Deadline collection or drop the name(s) off at the Church Office. Please use the cut- for the Liturgy at Christ the King is October 20. out in the bulletin for your convenience. This current list expires the last BIBLE STUDY—Fr. Bob Dahlke presents a Bible Study on Sunday of November). the Book of Exodus at St. Thomas More. Sessions start at 7:30pm on Sunday evenings, with the same material repeated PRAY FOR THE DECEASED at 9:45am on Monday mornings, in the meeting room of the Rosina Madera, Norman Brodeur, Antonia Keegan, Church building. Please bring a Bible with you (NRSV and Bernadette Winzinger, our deceased loved ones and our NAB especially recommended) and perhaps a friend or deceased servicemen and women.
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