Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust Part 1 Board Meeting Part 1 of the Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust meeting will be held on 8th October 2014 at Sentinel House, 4-6 Nuffield Road, Poole, Dorset, BH17 0RB commencing at 1:00pm If you are unable to attend please notify the Interim Trust Secretary on 01202 277017 at your earliest convenience. Yours Sincerely, Ann Abraham Chair Initials Paper Time 1. Welcome, Apologies and Previous 1:00 Meetings 1.1 Apologies AA 1.2 Patient Story FH App A 1.3 Quorum To confirm that the meeting is quorate before it proceeds further. 1.4 Declarations of interests in relation to AA Verbal agenda items 1.5 Minutes To approve the draft Minutes of the Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation AA App B 1:20 Trust Part 1 Board Meeting held on 10th September 2014 1 1.6 To receive the report from the Chair on matters arising from the minutes of Part 1 of AA App C 1:25 the previous meeting. 1.7 To receive the update of the Chair AA Verbal 2. Strategy Implementation: Current Affairs and Operational Performance 2.1 To receive the update of the Chief Executive RS Verbal 1:30 2.2 To receive the approved minutes from the Quality Assurance Committee held on the DB App D 1:40 28th August 2014 2.3 To receive the approved minutes from the Finance, Investment & Performance Board LH App E 1:45 Sub- Committee held on the 5th August 2014 2.4 To receive the approved minutes from the Charitable Funds Sub- Committee held on JC App F 1:50 the 4th June 2014 2.5 To receive the Integrated Corporate Dashboard and Report for August 2014 a) Quality performance FH App G 1:55 i) Safety performance ii) Clinical effectiveness iii) Patient experience b) Operational performance c) Workforce performance d) Financial Performance e) Blueprint deliverables 2.6 To receive the monthly update on People Management and Organisation CLH App H 2:15 Development 3. Strategy Development: Policy Formulation and Decision Making 3.1 To approve the Proposed Process of SH App I 2:20 Development of Trust Strategies 2 3.2 To approve the proposed renewed Memorandum of Understanding between Bournemouth University and Dorset LM-W App J 2:25 HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust 3.3 To receive background information for a presentation and discussion regarding the SH/SO’D App K 2:40 Better Together Programme and the Clinical Services Review 4. Regulatory and Compliance Matters 4.1 To note the progress on Board Governance MD App L 3:25 Housekeeping arrangements 4.2 To review the 3 month cycle of Board AA App M business 5. Other Matters 3:30 5.1 Any Other Business 6. Date and Time of Next Meeting The next formal Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday 12th November 2014 at Sentinel House (Training Rooms 1&2) 4-6 Nuffield Road, Poole, Dorset, BH17 0RB commencing at 1:00pm 7. Exclusion of the Public To resolve that representatives of the Press and other members of the public, be excluded from the remainder of this meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity of which would be prejudicial to the public interest. 3 Patient Story Part 1 Board Meeting 8th October 2014 Author Julie Whitmarsh, service user Sponsoring Board Member Fiona Haughey, Director of Nursing and Quality Purpose of Report To consider Julie’s experience with the Dorset Chronic Fatigue/ME Service Recommendation The Board is asked to discuss and consider the narrative from Julie’s experience. Engagement and Involvement Julie was supported by the Patient Experience Facilitator to narrate write her story. Previous Committee/s Dates None Monitoring and Assurance Summary This report links to . We will deliver high quality, safe patient care the following . We will support staff to innovate and improve care Strategic Objective(s) . We will work with partners to deliver joined up care closer to home . We will remain a high performing organisation I confirm that I have considered each of the Any action required? implications of this report, on each of the Yes Yes No matters below, as indicated: Detail in report All three Domains of Quality Board Assurance Framework Risk Register Legal / Regulatory People / Staff Financial / Value for Money / Sustainability Information Management &Technology Equality Impact Assessment Freedom of Information Patient Story - Julie Whitmarsh BACKGROUND Julie has suffered with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This is the story of her experience with the treatment and care she received from the Dorset Chronic Fatigue/ME Service based at Wareham Community Hospital Dorset CFS/ME Services (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/) for Adults and Child The Dorset CFS/ME Service is based at Wareham Hospital. It offers specialist diagnosis, assessment, treatment and review to adults and children with mild/moderate and severe levels of CFS/ME. Interventions are recovery focused and aim to work with individuals to achieve their optimum levels of function and independence in all aspects of life. Both adult and children's CFS/ME services operate Monday to Friday and there is an answering machine for messages outside of these hours. Referrals to the adult service can be made via a GP or consultant. If you are over 18, living in Dorset and would like to access the Dorset CFS/ME services please ask your GP for a referral according to the referral protocol for adults. Patients under 18 and living in Dorset, can discuss referral with any of the following; GP, school Doctor and other Paediatricians and specialists directly to the service. Teaching staff can refer for a screening assessment. Further details can be found on the children and young people's referral criteria. Dorset CFS/ME services have a long established collaborative relationship with the charitable Dorset ME Support Group. They can be contacted by telephone on 01305 777670 or email [email protected] or through their website www.dorsetmesupport.org.uk Patient Story My name is Julie and I want to tell you a bit about my experience of the Dorset Chronic Fatigue/ME Service, which is based at Wareham Hospital. But first a little background about how I ended up there. About 12 years ago I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid, a condition with countless symptoms, including extreme fatigue and depression. Although I have been on a fairly hefty dose of Thyroxin since then, I have never felt properly well and, despite trying dietary changes, acupuncture, job changes etc., have fairly continuously suffered from fatigue. You kind of put up with it and learn to manage and organize your life accordingly, but March last year (2013) I hit a brick wall and basically came to a complete standstill. I went back to my GP, who ordered yet another raft of blood tests to rule out the usual suspects, but all came back “normal” again, much to my (and probably his) frustration! It’s a measure of how this incessant fatigue and other debilitating symptoms were getting to me that I was actually hoping to find out that I had an identifiable illness. My partner had heard about the Chronic Fatigue Unit in Wareham so I asked my GP to refer me. With visible relief, he agreed to do so. I was initially told there was a 12-week waiting list before I could see the consultant. I was really disappointed, as I desperately wanted to get going on this possible “cure”. I was lucky as, due to a cancellation, I was in fact seen at the beginning of July and was told that I had a “classic case of ME”. I can’t tell you how relieved I was to finally put a name to my symptoms and to feel that I was being taken seriously. By this time, I was feeling so ill and could do so little that I gave up my job as a Teacher of English to Foreign Students and was feeling very low and despondent. The next step was to meet with an Occupational Therapist in the Unit. From the first moment, I felt at ease and positive about the treatment program and the therapists. I was offered the choice of 1 to 1 therapy sessions or small group (8 of us) therapy and it was made clear that I could swap if I later wanted to. I opted for group therapy as I wanted to hear others’ experiences. There were 7 fortnightly sessions, followed by one review session 8 weeks later. The sessions were extremely useful for several reasons: 1. Being in a group enabled me to validate my own feelings and experiences; I could finally be sure that I wasn’t imagining it all and that I wasn’t just being lazy! 2. Hearing others’ stories helped me realize some of the negative lifestyle choices I was making (and had been for years) and pushed me to make certain changes. 3. Each session started with a “how have you been over the past 14 days?” catch up, where we were encouraged to share experiences, feelings, changes we’d made and whether they’d helped or not. These sessions were invaluable as a therapy in themselves and a learning tool. 4. Each session also had a clear and clearly explained goal, such as an explanation of what ME/CFS actually is, the physical health problems which come with the condition (which explained my painful joints and muscles and the heart attack-like pains I had experienced, which had led to a day in Poole Hospital having heart tests!), relaxation techniques, activity management, an introduction to mindfulness and to cognitive behavioral therapy and how to incorporate these into everyday life.
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