SECTION 4 :DWHU4XDOLW\&RPSOLDQFH 7KLVVHFWLRQRIWKH6:53SURYLGHVDQRYHUYLHZRI SWRP CHECKLIST GUIDELINES EHQHILFLDOXVHVRIZDWHUVZLWKLQWKH5XVVLDQ5LYHU ZDWHUVKHG ZDWHU TXDOLW\ UHJXODWRU\ VWDQGDUGV ܈ Plan identifies activities that generate or contribute SRWHQWLDOVRXUFHVRISROOXWDQWVDQGDQH[SODQDWLRQ to the pollution of storm water or dry weather runoff, or that impair the effective beneficial use of RIKRZWKH6:53LVFRQVLVWHQWZLWKH[LVWLQJDQG storm water or dry weather runoff. SODQQHGUHJXODWRU\UHTXLUHPHQWVDQGSHUPLWV ܈ Plan describes how it is consistent with and assists in, compliance with TMDL implementation :$7(548$/,7<35,25,7,(6 plans and NPDES permits. See also Section 7.3.2. 7KH 1&5:4&% KDV LGHQWLILHG D YDULHW\ RI ܈ Plan identifies applicable permits and describes how it meets all applicable waste discharge EHQHILFLDOXVHVIRUWKHZDWHUVRIWKH5XVVLDQ5LYHU permit requirements. 7KH XVHV DUH RXWOLQHG LQ WKH 1&5:4&%¶V :DWHU4XDOLW\ &RQWURO 3ODQ IRU WKH 1RUWK &RDVW 5HJLRQ%HQHILFLDOXVHVDUHLGHQWLILHGE\WKH6WDWH:DWHU5HVRXUFHV&RQWURO%RDUG 6:5&% IRUDOO ZDWHUVRIWKH6WDWHDVGHILQHGE\&DOLIRUQLD:DWHU&RGHDQGPD\LQFOXGHDQ\RIWKHXVHVOLVWHG LQ7DEOHVXFKDV x $JULFXOWXUDODQG,QGXVWULDO6XSSO\ x *URXQGZDWHU5HFKDUJH x 1DYLJDWLRQ x :DWHU&RQWDFW5HFUHDWLRQ x 1RQ&RQWDFW:DWHU5HFUHDWLRQ x &RPPHUFLDODQG6SRUW)LVKLQJ x :DUPDQG&ROG)UHVKZDWHU+DELWDW x :LOGOLIH+DELWDW x 5DUH7KUHDWHQHGRU(QGDQJHUV6SHFLHV x 0LJUDWLRQRI$TXDWLF2UJDQLVPV x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uly 2018 4-1 Russian River Watershed Association s\c\592\10-16-05\wp\4.10\Section 4\012418_Sec 4 Storm Water Resource Plan Section 4 Water Quality Compliance 7DEOH %H QHIL FLD O8VH 'HILQ LWLRQ VIR UWKH 5XVV LDQ 5LYH U:DWHUVKHG Beneficial Use Abbreviation Description of Use Municipal and Water for community, military, or individual water supply systems including, but not MUN Domestic Supply limited to, drinking water supply. Water for farming, horticulture, or ranching including, but not limited to, irrigation, stock Agricultural Supply AGR watering, or support of vegetation for range grazing. Water for industrial activities that do not depend primarily on water quality including, but Industrial Service IND not limited to, mining, cooling water supply, hydraulic conveyance, gravel washing, fire Supply protection, or oil well repressurization. Industrial Process PRO Water for industrial activities that depend primarily on water quality. Supply Groundwater Water for natural or artificial recharge of groundwater for purposes of future extraction, GWR Recharge maintenance of water quality, or halting of saltwater intrusion into freshwater aquifers. Freshwater FRSH Water for natural or artificial maintenance of surface water quantity or quality (e.g., salinity). Replenishment Navigation NAV Water for shipping, travel, or other transportation by private, military or commercial vessels. Hydropower POW Water for hydropower generation. Generation Water for recreational activities involving body contact with water, where ingestion of Water Contact water is reasonably possible. These uses include, but are not limited to, swimming, REC-1 Recreation wading, water-skiing, skin and scuba diving, surfing, white-water activities, fishing, or use of natural hot springs. Water for recreational activities involving proximity to water, but not normally involving body contact with water, where ingestion of water is reasonably possible. These uses Non-Contact Water REC-2 include, but are not limited to, picnicking, sunbathing, hiking, beachcombing, camping, Recreation boating, tidepool and marine life study, hunting, sightseeing, or aesthetic enjoyment in conjunction with the above activities. Water for commercial, recreational (sport) collection of fish, shellfish, or other aquatic Commercial and Sport COMM organisms including, but not limited to, uses involving organisms intended for human Fishing consumption or bait purposes. Warm Freshwater Water that supports warm water ecosystems including, but not limited to, preservation WARM Habitat or enhancement of aquatic habitats, vegetation, fish, or wildlife, including invertebrates. Cold Freshwater Water that supports cold water ecosystems including, but not limited to, preservation or COLD Habitat enhancement of aquatic habitats, vegetation, fish, or wildlife, including invertebrates. Water that supports terrestrial ecosystems including, but not limited to, preservation Wildlife Habitat WILD and enhancement of terrestrial habitats, vegetation, wildlife (e.g., mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates), or wildlife water and food sources. Water that supports habitats necessary, at least in part, for the survival and successful Rare, Threatened, or RARE maintenance of plant or animal species established under state or federal law as rare, Endangered Species threatened or endangered. Migration of Aquatic Water that supports habitats necessary for migration or other temporary activities by MIGR Organisms aquatic organisms, such as anadromous fish. Spawning, Water that supports high quality aquatic habitats suitable for reproduction and early Reproduction, and/or SPWN development of fish. Early Development Water that supports habitats suitable for the collection of filter-feeding shellfish (e.g., Shellfish Harvesting SHELL clams, oysters, and mussels) for human consumption, commercial, or sports purposes. Water that supports estuarine ecosystems including, but not limited to, preservation or Estuarine Habitat EST enhancement of estuarine habitats, vegetation, fish, shellfish, or wildlife (e.g., estuarine mammals, waterfowl, shorebirds). Water for aquaculture or mariculture operations including, but not limited to, Aquaculture AQUA propagation, cultivation, maintenance, or harvesting of aquatic plants and animals for human consumption or bait purposes. July 2018 4-2 Russian River Watershed Association s\c\592\10-16-05\wp\4.10\Section 4\012418_Sec 4 Storm Water Resource Plan 7DE OH %HQ HILFLD O8VH V D Municipal and NCRWQCB USGS HUC12 Domestic Freshwater Hydropower Shellfish Estuarine HSAs Subwatersheds Supply Replenishment Generation Harvesting Habitat Aquaculture Lower Russian River Subregion Green Valley Creek Dutch Bill Creek Guerneville EEPPEP Porter Creek Willow Creek East Austen Creek Austin Creek E P P Ward Creek Middle Russian River Subregion Upper Laguna de Santa Rosa Laguna PEEP P Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa Upper Santa Rosa Creek Santa Rosa E PP P Lower Santa Rosa Creek Porter Creek Mark West EEPP P Windsor Creek Soda Spring Creek Galloway Creek Lake Sonoma Warm Warm Springs Creek EEE E Springs Pena Creek Mill Creek West Slough Oat Valley Creek Gill Creek Sausal Creek Geyserville EEPP P Maacama Creek Franz Creek Brooks Creek Big Sulphur Alder Creek E P P Creek Little Sulphur Creek Upper Russian River Subregion East Fork Russian River Ackerman Creek Orrs Creek Nill Creek Morrison Creek Ukiah Robinson Creek EEEP P McNab Cree Feliz Creek Dooley Creek Cummiskey Creek Pieta Creek Burright Creek Coyote Lake Mendocino EEE P Valley Cold Creek Forsythe Forsythe Creek E P P Creek Salt Hollow Creek (a) The definitions of Beneficial Use are located in Table 4-1. P = Potential beneficial use E = Existing beneficial use s\c\592\10-16-05\wp\4.3\WQA\072017_3 Water Quality Russian River Watershed Association Last Revised: 12-22-17 Storm Water Resource Plan Section 4 Water Quality Compliance &OHDQ :D WHU$FW 6HFWL RQ G /LVW 6HFWLRQ G RIWKH&OHDQ:DWHU$FWOLVWVZDWHUERGLHVWKDWGRQRWPHHWZDWHUTXDOLW\VWDQGDUGV DQG DUH GHHPHG ³LPSDLUHG´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uly 2018 4-4 Russian River Watershed Association s\c\592\10-16-05\wp\4.10\Section 4\012418_Sec 4 Storm Water Resource Plan Section 4 Water Quality Compliance 7DEOH G 3ULRUL W\3ROOXWDQW VLQWKH5XVVLDQ 5LYHU:DWHUVKHG D Location in the Watershed
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