3694 THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 1881 Mease to its junction with the Trent, and Cowpasture, in the occupation of Hannah turning to the right along the river Trent to Lowish, on the north, south, and west. Drakelow Viaducts aforesaid. Yorkshire (West Riding\—So much of the town- (2.) So much of the parish of Tatenhill, in ship of Erringden, in the West Riding of the the county of Stafford, as lies within the follow- T county of York, as lies within the following ing boundaries, that is to sa3 , the foot-path from boundaries, that is to say, the river Calder on Yoxall Lodge l»y Lin brook to Range moor, the north, the Lancashire and Yorkshire Rail- thence by the highway to Dunstall cross-roads, way on the south, the fence dividing Stocks thence by the Shirall highway to Penny's turn, Hall farm from the farm of Robert Ashworth and thence by the carriage-drive to Yoxall on the east, and the fence dividing Stocks Hall Lodge aforesaid. farm from the farm of Lewis Sutcliffe on the (3.) The petty sessional division of Elford, west. except the portion of the parish of Edingale which lies on the northern side of the highway from Lullington through Edingale village to (SWINE-FEVER.) Croxall. THE following Areas are now Areas Infected (4.) The townships of Dunstall, Barton- with Swine-Fever under the above-mentioned Act under-Need wood, and Wichnor. (except the lines of railway within those areas as far as those lines are used or required for the Warwickshire.—(1.) So much of the hamlet of Erdington, in the county of Warwick, as lies transit of swine through those areas, without within the following boundaries, that is to say, untrucking):— the Midland railway on the south, Chester-road Buckinghamshire.—The whole of the parish of on the east, Grange-lane on the north, and the Stewkley, except the hamlet of Littlecote, in road leading from Bromford to Erdington on the county of Buckingham. the west. Wiltshire.—The petty sessional divisions of Calne, (2.) So much of the township of Amington, Chippenham, and Malmesbury, in the county in the county of Warwick, as lies within the of Wilt* following boundaries, that is to say, the road Veterinary Department, Privy Council Office, from the Tamworth Colliery to Shuttington 8th August, 1882. Bridge and the cart-road to Statfold Lodge on the east, the Ashby and Tamworth turnpike- road to the outside of Amington Old Hall farm Whitehall, August 7, 1882. on the north, the outside of Amington Old Hall farm and a straight line from thence to IN pursuance of the Act 31 and 32 Vic., cap. the London and North-Western Railway on the 22, the Lock-up belonging to the Justices of .the west, and the London and North-Western Rail- Peace for the West Riding ot Yorkshire, situate at way to the Tamworth Colliery on the south. Rotherham, has been constituted a place to. be used for the custody of such offenders as may be Wiltshire.—So much of the parishes of Stratford, liable to be detained in a Lock-up within the and Fugglestone St. Peter, in the county of jurisdiction of the Corporation of Rotherham. Wilts, as lies within the following boundaries, that is to say, on the north by the southern fence of the main-road from Wilton to Wood- TREASURY WARRANT. ford from the Direction Post at New Cut on WE, the Commissioners of Her Majesty's the Devizes-road to the top of Camp Hill, Treasury, in exercise of all powers enabling us in from thence by a straight line across the Down this behalf, do by this Warrant, made on the repre- to Little Durnford Lodge, and on the east by sentation of Her Majesty's Postmaster-General the eastern fence of and including the main- (testified by his signing the same), and under the road from Wooclford to Salisbury from Little hands of two of us, the said Commissioners, order, Durnford Lodge to the county bridge crossing direct, and declare as follows :— the river Avon at Stratford-&ub-Castle, and 1. The rate of postage to be charged by or on the south by a straight line from the under the authority of the Postmaster-General in county bridge at Stratford-Sub-Castle across an respect of a Reply Post Card conveyed or deli- orchard in the occupation of William Allen to vered for conveyance by Post within the United a hedge extending from the western side of Kingdom, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of the orchard to the Devizes-road, and on the Man shall be one penny. west by the eastern fence of the old turnpike- 2. All such Reply Post Cards as are herein- road from Salisbury to Devizes from the said before referred to shall be posted, forwarded, con- hedge to the Direction Post at New Cut on the veyed, and delivered under and subject to the Devizes-road aforesaid. several regulations, conditions, prohibitions, and Yorkshire (East Riding).—(1.) So much of the restrictions contained in the schedule hereunder parish of Grindall, in the East Riding of • the written. county of York, as lies within the following 3. This Warrant shall come into operation on boundaries, that is to say, the highway leading the first day of October, one, thousand eight from North Burton to Boynton on the east and hundred and eighty-two. south, and a quickwood fence dividing a grass SCHEDULE. field and tillage fields on the north and west REGULATIONS, Conditions, Prohibitions, and sides in the same occupation and known by the Restrictions as to the posting, forwarding, name of the Back Garth. conveyance, and delivery of Reply Post Cards (2.) So much of the parish of Hunmanby, conveyed or delivered for conveyance by Post in the Dickering, petty sessional division, in the within the United Kingdom, the Channel East Riding of the county of York, as Ht3s Islands, and the Isle of Man. within the following boundaries, that is to say, 1. Reply Post Cards with an impressed stamp the highway leading from Hunmanby to Rudston of one halfpenny on each half thereof shall be on the east, certain quickwood fences dividing issued by the Postmaster-General, and the Cards fields from tb,e grass field known as so issued, and no others, shall be deemed, to be THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 8, 1882. 3695 Reply Post Cards within the meaning of this duties on profits arising from property, profes- Warrant. sions, trades, and offices : Now, we, two of the 2. The address, aridj nothing else, shall, after Commissioners of Inland Revenue, in pursuance the issue of a Reply Post Card, be written, of the powers vested in us in that behalf, do printed, or otherwise impressed on that side of hereby convene a meeting of the Land Tax Com- either half thereof which bears the impressed missioners for the county aforesaid, being respec- stamp, and no part of the address shall be tively qualified to-act as such Commissioners, to written, printed, or otherwise impressed across be holden at the Tax Office, Waterloo-street, Bir- such stamp. mingham, on Thursday, the 7th day of September, 3. Anything (including a letter or communi- 1882, at two o'clock in the afternoon, for the cation in the nature of a letter) may be written, purpose of choosing fit and proper persons to be printed, or otherwise impressed on that side of Commissioners to supply vacancies amongst the each half of a Reply Post Card which does not Commissioners for the general purposes of the bear the impressed stamp. Income Tax for the hundred of Hemlingford 4. Nothing whatever shall be in any manner aforesaid. Adam Young. attached to a Reply Post Card, nor shall a Reply Chas. Keith-Falconer. Post Card after the issue thereof be cut or folded or Inland Revenue, Somerset House, otherwise altered, except that that half of a Reply London, August 5, 1882. Post Card which is intended to be used for the purpose of a Reply (in these Regulations referred to as " the Return half "), may be severed from the other half thereof. OTICE is hereby given, that the Land Tax 5. If any Reply Post Card or the Return half N Commissioners for the district of Scars - thereof is sent by Post otherwise than in con- dale, in the county of Derby, will meet at the formity with these Regulations it shall be enclosed office of their Clerk, No. 7, Knifesmith-gate, in a sealed cover and forwarded to its destination Chesterfieldj in the said county, on the l(>th day charged on delivery with postage as an in- of August, 1882, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, sufficiently paid letter of the same weight. for the purpose of appointing gentlemen to act as 6. In the case of the re-direction of a Reply Additional Commissioners and Commissioners for Post Card, or the Return half thereof, made by an General Purposes of the Income Tax Acts, pur- Officer of the Post Office to a place within the suant to 5 and 6 Victoria, chapter 35, section 4. same free delivery as the original address, no —Dated this 5th day of August, 1882. re-direction postage shall be charged. Jno. Marsden^ 7, Knifesmith-gate, Chester- 7. In any case (not within the last preceding field, Clerk to the said Commissioners, Regulation) of the re-direction of a Reply Post Card, or the Return half thereof, a re-direction postage shall be charged and paid of one half- ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF penny, and such postage may be either prepaid by ENGLAND.
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