'3504 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUARY 21, of pension to Michael McNally-to the Committee on Invalid ' · By Mr. REYBURN: Petition of the National Institu_te of .Pensions. Arts and Letters, for a liberal copyright law-to the Committee By 1\Ir. MAHON: A bill (H. n. 25766) granting an increase of on Patents. pension to William Martin-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ Also, petition of William II. Rau (relative to the copyrigllt sions. law), against unjust discrimination touching American pho­ tography-to the Committee on Patents. Also, petition of Post No. 77, Department of Pennsylvania, PETITIONS, ETC. Grand Army of the Republic, against abolition of pension Under clau e 1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions and agencies-to the Committee on Appropriations. papers were laid on t.bc Clerk's desk and referred as follows: By 1\Ir. SHEPPARD : Paper to accompany bill for relief of By the SPEAKER: Petition of >arious organizations in the Samuel G. Smith (previously referred to the Committee on States and the Di trict of Columbia, against the Littlefield bill­ War Claims)-to the Committee on Claims. to the Committee on the Judiciary. · By 1\fr. RIORDAN: Petition· of the National Institute of Arts AI o, petition of the Council of Jewish Women of San Fran­ and Letters, for the enactment of a liberal copyright bill-to cisco, again t strict legislation on immigration-to the Commit­ the Committee on Patents. tee on Immigration and Naturalization. By Mr. SCHNEEBELI : Paper to accompany bill for relief of By l\Ir. ACHESON: Petition of Washington (Pa.) Legion, David Everett-to the Committee on In>alid Pensions. No. G25, Order of t.he National Protective Legion, against re­ By 1\Ir. SPERRY: Petition of the Connecticut Oyster Growers' cla si.fication of second-class mail matter-to the Committee on 4-.s ociation, against legislation tending to destroy the oyster the Post-Office and Po t-Roads. industry-to the Committee on Agriculture. AI o, petition of Typographical Union No. 456, of Washington, By Ur. SULZER: Petition of the New York Bank Note Com­ Pa., for bills S. 6330 and H. R. 19853-to the Committee on pany, against bills S. 81!>0 and H. R. 25133-to the Committee Patents. on Patents. · By Mr. BATES: Petition of the California State Federation By 1\Ir. THO:\IAS of North Carolina : Petition of the Engi: of Labor, of San Franci co, for bill H. R. !>754 (increase of sala­ neering Society of tlJe Carolinas, for the Appalachian and 'Vhite ries of postal clerks) -to the Committee on the Post-Office and Mountains reser>ation bill-to the Committee on Agriculture. Pot-Roads. By Mr. V\T ASKEY: Petition of citizens of Alaska, for an ap­ AI o 11etition of the aliforuia State Federation of Labor, propriation to protect· the fisll in Alaskan waters-to the Com­ again t the po ition of the President relati>e to the status of mittee on the Territories. the Japanese in an Francisc-o-to the Committee on Foreign Also petition of citizens of .Alaska, for an appropriation for a Affair.. sawmill and indush·ial school, and a skilled mechanic for teach­ By :Mr. BONY ... ~GE: Petition of the Colorado State Commer­ ing proper methods of building-to the Committee on the Terri­ eial As ociation, again t any legislation tending to segregate or tories. cia ify the plains region of Colorado-to the Committee on the By .Mr. WOOD: Petition of the Trenton (N. J.) Social Turn Public Lands. · Verein against bill H. R. 13655 (the Littlefield bill)-to the By Mr. B RKE of Pennsylvania : Petition of Park A>enue Committee on the Judiciary. Presbyterian Church, of Pittsburg, Pa., for an amendment to Also, petition of Hopewell (N. J.) Council, No. 73, Junior the Con titution abolishing polygamy-to tbe Committee on ·the Order United American Mechanics, against the bill to amend .Judiciary. and codify the statutes relating to cia sipcation of second-class C By .l\Ir. CALDER : Petition of the National ln titute of Arts matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. nnd Letters, for a liberal copyright law-to the Committee on Patents. · By l\Ir. CLARK of Florida : Paper to accompany bill .for re­ SENATE. lief of Adolphus N. Paretty-to the Committee on Pensions. • By Mr. DRAPER: Petition of the National Institute of Arts Tn RSDAY, February fdl, 1907. nnd Letters, for enactment of a liberal copyright law-to the The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. • ommittee on Patents. · Prayer by the Chaplain, Re>. Enw ARD E. HALE. By Mr. DUNWELL: Joint resolutions of the Chamber of The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's ommerce and the Board of Trade of Porto Rico, for deepening proceedings, when, on request of l\Ir. OVER:UAN, and by unani­ of tlle harbor of San Juan-to the Committee on Ri>ers and Har­ mous con ent, the further reading was eli pensed with. bors . The VICE-PRESIDE~T. The Journal stands appro>ed. By l\Ir. FULLER: Petition of the National Institute of Arts DISTIUCT HEALTH DEPARTMENT. and Letters, for enactment of a liberal copyright ~aw- - to the The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Committee on Patents. AI o, petition of tile National Com·ention for the Extension of tion from the Commi ioner of the District of Columbia, trans­ the Foreign 'ommerce of the United States, for a dual tariff­ mitting, in respon e to a resolution of the 18th instant, the to the Connnittee on Way and l\Iean . name of all employee in the health department of the District nv l\Ir. GOULDEN: Paper to accompany bill for relief of of Columbia, their official duties and titles, and the amount of Heed B. Granger-to tile ommittee on Military Affairs. compensation in eacll case; which, with the accompanying ALa, petition of Cairo Commercial Club and Board of Trade, papers, was referred to the Committee on the District of Colum­ for an appropriation of $50,000,000 annually to impro>e the wa­ bia, and ordered to be printed. tenTay of the country-to the Committee on Ri>ers and Har­ SPECIAL EMPLOYEES OF TREASURY DEPARTMENT. bor. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ By l\Ir. HAl\IILTON: Petition of J. B. Steedman Post, Grand tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in re­ Army of the Republic, of Billingham, 'Yasll., for bill H. R. 15585 sponse to resolution of the 8th instant and 14th instant, state­ (additional relief to ex-prisoners of war)-to the Committee on ments showing the number and names of per ons employed by ln>alid Pen ions. · the Treasm·y Department during the fiscal year ended June 30, By 1\Ir. HOWELL of New Jersey: Petition of the Carpenters' 1906, or who are now so employed a ·special agents, etc., where Union of Red Bank, N. J., fa>oring arbitration of all national no specific appropriation in detail bas been made by Congress difficultie -to tlle Committee on Foreign Affair . for such employment; which, with the accompanying papers, By 1\Ir. JA~lES: Petition of citizens of the First district of was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered Kentucky, for reciprocal demur_rage-to the Committee on Inter­ to be printed. state and Foreign Commerce. LIEU FOREST-RESERVE LANDS. By 1\fr. LEE: Paper to accompany bill for relief of George W. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Srnitll (pre>iou ly referred. to tlJe Committee on War Claims)­ tion from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, in response to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. to a resolution of :March 19, 1906, an additional li t of names of By Mr. ~fcNARY: Petition of the Massachusetts State Asso­ those who conveyed or relinquished to the United States lands c-iation of Master Plumbers, for bill S. 6923, for cheaper post­ within the forest reserves prior to the act of March 3, 1905, and age-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. who failed to select other lands in lieu thereof, etc.; which, with By 1\Ir. NORHIS: Resolution of the senate of Nebraska, the accompanying paper, was referred to the Committee on against the ship-sub idy bill-to the Committee on the Mer­ Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. chant :Marine and Fi heries. By Ir. PADGETT: Paper to accompany bill for relief of the PHILIPPINE TARIFF. Lyman Creek Bapti t Church, of Gates City, Tenn.-to the Com­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before tlle Senate a communica­ mittee on War Claims. tion from the Secretary of War, transmitting a copy of a cable- 1907. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENA1,E. 3505 gram from the president of the Economic Association of the He also presented petitions of sundry citizens of New York Philippines requesting the enactment of legislation with respect City, N. Y., praying for the adoption of certain amendments to to the free enh-y of sugar and the abolishment of the refundable the present denatured-alcohol law; which were referred to the export duties on hemp; which was referred to the Committee on Committee on Finance. Finance, and ordered to be printe<L He also presented a memorial of the Linmean Society of New WILLIAM 0. BEALL. York City, N. Y., remonstrating against tile enactment of legis­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ lation to abolish the Bureau of Biological Survey in the Depart­ tion from the Secretary of the Interior, h·ansmitting, in re­ ment of Agr~_culture; which was ordered to lie on the table.
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