FINAL RESULTS 50m RIFLE 3 POSITIONS WOMEN Junior FINALS TUE 23 JUL 2013, START TIME 12:30 Rk Bib No Name Nat Kn Pr Standing - Elimination Total Remarks 1 1480 WESTERHEIM NOR 153.0 309.6 406.8 417.1 426.9 435.5 446.2 456.5 Malin 50.6 52.5 47.8 10.3 9.8 8.6 10.7 10.3 50.4 52.6 49.4 52.0 51.5 2 1320 ORTH GER 151.0 307.7 406.8 414.8 425.2 432.4 442.7 452.6 Jaqueline 49.9 52.2 49.4 8.0 10.4 7.2 10.3 9.9 50.0 52.4 49.7 51.1 52.1 3 1308 GSCHWANDTNER GER 149.6 301.9 402.6 412.2 421.7 432.1 442.2 Selina 49.1 50.9 50.3 9.6 9.5 10.4 10.1 49.8 50.7 50.4 50.7 50.7 4 1111 ZELJKOVIC CRO 151.7 305.3 402.3 411.4 420.5 430.8 Marta 50.5 51.8 48.2 9.1 9.1 10.3 49.6 49.1 48.8 51.6 52.7 5 1560 KARIMOVA RUS 151.4 305.3 399.8 409.6 419.6 Yulia 49.5 51.0 49.0 9.8 10.0 50.5 51.6 45.5 51.4 51.3 6 1074 DZIKAYA BLR 145.7 298.9 400.0 409.5 Yauheniya 48.1 51.5 51.0 9.5 48.0 50.4 50.1 49.6 51.3 7 1293 BEER GER 151.6 305.8 398.5 Jolyn 47.6 51.0 46.5 52.7 51.1 46.2 51.3 52.1 8 1647 HOFSTETTER SUI 148.1 298.5 395.5 Vanessa 48.7 50.1 47.0 48.0 50.2 50.0 51.4 50.1 Legend FB72D4DA Bib No Bib Number Kn Kneeling Nat Nation Pr Prone Rk Rank History Release: Approved Version 1 (23.07.2013 13:16:13) Version of 23 JUL 2013, 13:16 F300000IA2307131230.20.STR3X20.0.001.pdf 86F7 10 Page 1 of 1 RESULTS 50m RIFLE 3 POSITIONS WOMEN Junior QUALIFICATION TUE 23 JUL 2013, START TIME 09:30 (Records) WRJ 591 WANG Xian CHN 29 MAY 1998 WC Milan (ITA) ERJ 587 COMPELOVA Patricia SVK 8 JUN 2000 WC Munich (GER) Series Sub Rank Bib No Name Nat Position Total Remarks 1 2 Total 1 1480 WESTERHEIM Malin NOR Kneeling 100 100 200 Prone 100 98 198 Standing 97 90 187 585-28x QF 2 1293 BEER Jolyn GER Kneeling 97 98 195 Prone 99 98 197 Standing 96 95 191 583-33x QF 3 1074 DZIKAYA Yauheniya BLR Kneeling 92 98 190 Prone 100 99 199 Standing 97 96 193 582-27x QF 4 1308 GSCHWANDTNER Selina GER Kneeling 93 97 190 Prone 100 96 196 Standing 98 96 194 580-26x QF 5 1560 KARIMOVA Yulia RUS Kneeling 93 97 190 Prone 98 98 196 Standing 95 95 190 576-23x QF 6 1111 ZELJKOVIC Marta CRO Kneeling 97 97 194 Prone 95 100 195 Standing 91 96 187 576-20x QF 7 1647 HOFSTETTER Vanessa SUI Kneeling 97 95 192 Prone 97 97 194 Standing 96 94 190 576-20x QF 8 1320 ORTH Jaqueline GER Kneeling 94 97 191 Prone 100 99 199 Standing 93 92 185 575-29x QF 9 1586 ZYKOVA Yulia RUS Kneeling 96 92 188 Prone 97 98 195 Standing 96 96 192 575-21x 10 1761 OHER Svitlana UKR Kneeling 94 93 187 Prone 99 100 199 Standing 97 91 188 574-26x 11 1494 IWASZUK Zaneta POL Kneeling 94 96 190 Prone 99 97 196 Standing 93 95 188 574-25x 12 1752 KHOLOD Mariya UKR Kneeling 95 93 188 Prone 100 98 198 Standing 92 95 187 573-22x Version of 23 JUL 2013, 11:42 Q300000IA2307130930.20.STR3X20.0.001.pdf 10 Page 1 of 4 Series Sub Rank Bib No Name Nat Position Total Remarks 1 2 Total 13 1145 VRANKOVA Monika CZE Kneeling 92 95 187 Prone 95 98 193 Standing 97 96 193 573-20x 14 1257 WINTENBERGER Emilie FRA Kneeling 95 92 187 Prone 98 98 196 Standing 96 93 189 572-23x 15 1579 SOKOLOVA Lilia RUS Kneeling 94 91 185 Prone 97 99 196 Standing 95 96 191 572-20x 16 1639 CHRISTEN Nina SUI Kneeling 95 96 191 Prone 99 95 194 Standing 93 94 187 572-19x 17 1213 SIHVONEN Annika FIN Kneeling 96 95 191 Prone 94 100 194 Standing 92 94 186 571-22x 18 1466 DRAMSTAD Siw Anita NOR Kneeling 94 96 190 Prone 98 98 196 Standing 93 91 184 570-23x 19 1635 BOESIGER Marina SUI Kneeling 93 95 188 Prone 98 98 196 Standing 94 92 186 570-22x 20 1378 GALINSKY Lora Liron ISR Kneeling 96 90 186 Prone 99 97 196 Standing 95 93 188 570-20x 21 1196 SOBOLEVA Julia EST Kneeling 92 96 188 Prone 96 99 195 Standing 91 94 185 568-22x 22 1464 BUSK Sina Oleane NOR Kneeling 96 97 193 Prone 98 99 197 Standing 87 91 178 568-21x 23 1089 BABIC Ivana CRO Kneeling 95 92 187 Prone 96 96 192 Standing 94 95 189 568-18x 24 1622 SIMIC Marina SRB Kneeling 95 96 191 Prone 97 96 193 Standing 93 91 184 568-16x 25 1250 MUGLER Marine FRA Kneeling 93 93 186 Prone 96 97 193 Standing 93 95 188 567-18x 26 1766 SUKHORUKOVA Viktoriya UKR Kneeling 93 93 186 Prone 95 99 194 Standing 91 96 187 567-16x 27 1172 GARCIA Elena ESP Kneeling 90 94 184 Prone 98 97 195 Standing 95 93 188 567-16x 28 1489 CISAK Ewelina POL Kneeling 96 86 182 Prone 97 98 195 Standing 94 96 190 567-14x 29 1377 BEN HEFER Naomi ISR Kneeling 91 96 187 Prone 97 97 194 Standing 89 94 183 564-22x 30 1614 KOLARIK Tijana SRB Kneeling 92 94 186 Prone 96 94 190 Standing 94 94 188 564-17x Version of 23 JUL 2013, 11:42 Q300000IA2307130930.20.STR3X20.0.001.pdf 10 Page 2 of 4 Series Sub Rank Bib No Name Nat Position Total Remarks 1 2 Total 31 1691 ANDERSSON Ida SWE Kneeling 91 96 187 Prone 97 97 194 Standing 91 92 183 564-14x 32 1174 GRANDE Paula ESP Kneeling 93 96 189 Prone 92 94 186 Standing 94 94 188 563-11x 33 1121 DIVISKOVA Katerina CZE Kneeling 89 90 179 Prone 98 98 196 Standing 95 92 187 562-19x 34 1539 CONSTANTINESCU Gabriela ROU Kneeling 91 92 183 Prone 97 96 193 Standing 94 92 186 562-17x 35 1541 ILIE Laura Georgeta ROU Kneeling 89 92 181 Prone 95 98 193 Standing 93 95 188 562-15x 36 1409 SCHIAVA Maria ITA Kneeling 94 92 186 Prone 97 98 195 Standing 91 90 181 562-15x 37 1280 SYKES Larissa Nadya GBR Kneeling 92 91 183 Prone 96 95 191 Standing 91 97 188 562-14x 38 1144 VOGNAROVA Gabriela CZE Kneeling 90 97 187 Prone 96 97 193 Standing 91 91 182 562-11x 39 1611 BIRES Marta SRB Kneeling 94 93 187 Prone 99 94 193 Standing 89 93 182 562-10x 40 1381 MEDVINER Polina ISR Kneeling 94 93 187 Prone 96 98 194 Standing 90 90 180 561-15x 41 1540 CRISTEA Ioana Giorgiana ROU Kneeling 92 96 188 Prone 95 97 192 Standing 88 93 181 561-10x 42 1209 PARVIAINEN Riikka FIN Kneeling 97 93 190 Prone 97 96 193 Standing 88 89 177 560-17x 43 1208 LANGSTROM Katarina FIN Kneeling 94 93 187 Prone 96 96 192 Standing 90 90 180 559-17x 44 1348 HANAK Gabriella HUN Kneeling 86 91 177 Prone 96 100 196 Standing 95 91 186 559-16x 45 1424 CESYNAITE Jurate LTU Kneeling 92 89 181 Prone 95 92 187 Standing 95 96 191 559-13x 46 1195 SKABARA Valeria EST Kneeling 93 89 182 Prone 98 97 195 Standing 93 88 181 558-14x 47 1249 MATTE Romane FRA Kneeling 96 94 190 Prone 97 98 195 Standing 88 83 171 556-16x 48 1361 SZIJJ Katinka HUN Kneeling 94 94 188 Prone 93 89 182 Standing 92 94 186 556-11x Version of 23 JUL 2013, 11:42 Q300000IA2307130930.20.STR3X20.0.001.pdf 10 Page 3 of 4 Series Sub Rank Bib No Name Nat Position Total Remarks 1 2 Total 49 1090 BERIC Masa CRO Kneeling 91 87 178 Prone 96 95 191 Standing 94 92 186 555-19x 50 1599 VERNIK Petra SLO Kneeling 90 91 181 Prone 98 97 195 Standing 92 87 179 555-17x 51 1692 ANDERSSON Jenny SWE Kneeling 92 91 183 Prone 99 95 194 Standing 93 85 178 555-14x 52 1676 KOLAROVSKA Klaudia SVK Kneeling 94 92 186 Prone 97 97 194 Standing 81 92 173 553-17x 53 1427 KLIMOVA Svetlana LTU Kneeling 90 90 180 Prone 96 96 192 Standing 89 90 179 551- 9x 54 1511 STANKIEWICZ Aneta POL Kneeling 91 93 184 Prone 96 98 194 Standing 85 88 173 551- 9x 55 1426 JANCEVIC Jolanta LTU Kneeling 91 85 176 Prone 97 97 194 Standing 84 88 172 542- 8x 56 1189 KOLJUHHINA Valeria EST Kneeling 89 93 182 Prone 96 97 193 Standing 83 82 165 540-15x Summary Number of athletes on this list: 56; Total number of athletes: 56; Total number of teams: 15 Legend 089ACDE6 ___ Team Member Bib No Bib Number ERJ European Record Junior Nat Nation QF Qualified for Finals WC World Cup WRJ World Record Junior History Release: Approved Version 1 (23.07.2013 11:42:31) Release: Preliminary Version 1 (23.07.2013 11:18:07) Version of 23 JUL 2013, 11:42 Q300000IA2307130930.20.STR3X20.0.001.pdf 86F7 10 Page 4 of 4 RESULTS 50m RIFLE 3 POSITIONS WOMEN Junior TEAM TUE 23 JUL 2013, START TIME 09:30 (Records) WRJ 1747 FURRER Amanda; SCHERER Sarah; BEARD Sarah; USA 5 AUG 2010 WCH Munich (GER) ERJ 1736 PESKOVA Daniela; DULOVA Maria; COMPELOVA Patricia SVK 27 JUL 2001 ECH Zagreb (CRO) Series Sub Rank Bib No Name Position Total Remarks 1 2 Total 284 292 1 GER - Germany 299 293 287 283 1738-88x 1293 BEER Jolyn Kneeling 97 98 195 Prone 99 98 197 Standing 96 95 191 583-33x 1308 GSCHWANDTNER Selina Kneeling 93 97 190 Prone 100 96 196 Standing 98 96 194 580-26x 1320 ORTH Jaqueline Kneeling 94 97 191 Prone 100 99 199 Standing 93 92 185 575-29x 290 293 2 NOR - Norway 296 295 277 272 1723-72x 1480 WESTERHEIM Malin Kneeling 100 100 200 Prone 100 98 198 Standing 97 90 187 585-28x 1466 DRAMSTAD Siw Anita Kneeling 94 96 190 Prone 98 98 196 Standing 93 91 184 570-23x 1464 BUSK Sina Oleane Kneeling 96 97 193 Prone 98 99 197 Standing 87 91 178 568-21x Version of 23 JUL 2013, 11:42 Q300000TA2307130930.20.STR3X20.0.001.pdf 10 Page 1 of 5 Series Sub Rank Bib No Name Position Total Remarks 1 2 Total 283 280 3 RUS - Russian Federation 292 295 286 287 1723-64x 1560 KARIMOVA Yulia Kneeling 93 97 190 Prone 98 98 196 Standing 95 95 190 576-23x 1586 ZYKOVA Yulia Kneeling 96 92 188 Prone 97 98 195 Standing 96 96 192 575-21x 1579 SOKOLOVA Lilia Kneeling 94 91 185 Prone 97 99 196 Standing 95 96 191 572-20x 285 286 4 SUI - Switzerland 294 290 283 280 1718-61x 1647 HOFSTETTER Vanessa Kneeling 97 95 192 Prone 97 97 194 Standing 96 94 190 576-20x 1639 CHRISTEN Nina Kneeling 95 96 191 Prone 99 95 194 Standing 93 94 187 572-19x 1635 BOESIGER Marina Kneeling 93 95 188 Prone 98 98 196 Standing 94 92 186 570-22x 282 279 5 UKR - Ukraine 294 297 280 282 1714-64x 1761 OHER Svitlana Kneeling 94 93 187 Prone 99 100 199 Standing 97 91 188 574-26x 1752 KHOLOD Mariya Kneeling 95 93 188 Prone 100 98 198 Standing 92 95 187 573-22x 1766 SUKHORUKOVA Viktoriya Kneeling 93 93 186 Prone 95 99 194 Standing 91 96 187 567-16x 283 276 6 CRO - Croatia 287 291 279 283 1699-57x 1111 ZELJKOVIC Marta Kneeling 97 97 194
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