“Vive tanto tiempo CATHOLIC OUTLOOK como puedas, y muere c Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tucson d cuando ya no puedas” OCTOBER 2017 | Vol. XI | Number III | diocesetucson.org — ver página 18 End-of-life issues force hard choices — see page 5 White elephant in the placita — see page 10 2 CATHOLIC OUTLOOK OCTOBER 2017 Rosary celebration set for Oct. 20-21 The annual Arizona Rosary Bishop Ramirez will provide the Celebration begins Oct. 20, 6 keynote, followed by adoration, p.m., with a Holy Hour at St. Mark the rosary and Benediction. A Church, 2727 W. Tangerine Rd., Oro reception will follow. Valley, led by retired Las Cruces, There is also a poster contest for all NM, Bishop Ricardo Ramirez. students in grades K-8, on the theme It will be followed by a dinner “Praying with My Family before Our in the parish hall, where Bishop Lady of Fatima.” Entries must be Ramirez will speak. submitted by Oct. 21 to Sam Kiser at The celebration the next day St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. will be held at St. Elizabeth For information on Friday’s Ann Seton, 8650 N. Shannon events, call St. Mark Parish office Rd., Tucson, with a musical at (520) 469-7835. For information introduction beginning at 9:40 on Saturday’s events and the poster a.m. At 10, there will be an contest, call Kiser at (520) 820-5808 entrance procession and Bishop or email [email protected]; or call Please join us on Thursday, Gerald F. Kicanas will offer Karen McEwen at (520) 219-7615 opening remarks. or email [email protected]. November 2nd for All Souls Day Mass at both cemetery locations. Scholarship fund established for early All are welcome! childhood education at Pio Decimo The Elizabeth Ann Parkman than opening doors to a • Mass will be celebrated at 8:30 a.m. Foundation, within the lifetime of learning for the • Complimentary refreshments provided Catholic Community Services youngsters of Pio Decimo,” Foundation, has created the said Roz Parkman, trustee of Open Door Scholarship Fund to the Parkman Foundation, and assist children attending the Pio daughter of the late Elizabeth Sacred places of prayer and remembrance Decimo Center’s preschool and Ann Parkman. pre-kindergarten classes. The Parkmans have a The scholarship fund was long relationship with CCS announced in August after and the Pio Decimo Center. the Parkman Foundation Both served as volunteers, designated $200,000 to support members of the board of the scholarship fund. The Pio directors and benefactors. Oracle Rd. at Prince Old Spanish Trail at Houghton Decimo Center, a CCS agency, Scholarships at Pio Decimo 520.888.0860 520.885.9173 provides early childhood are awarded based on the education to poor families. families’ financial situations. “I can’t think of a better For more information, Visit us online at: dotcc.org way to continue this contact Pio Decimo Center at longstanding relationship (520) 622-2801. A ministry of the Diocese of Tucson OCTOBER 2017 CATHOLIC OUTLOOK 3 Parish Stephen Ministry provides listening ear Ministry can help with information for the grieving; offers broader aid too By MICHAEL BROWN attorney or living wills, Stephen Ministers can provide contact Directors Association who have been Managing Editor Ministers can provide contact information to schedule a visit from brought in to discuss pre-burial plans, When Catholics are faced with information for groups and agencies an extraordinary minister of Holy and other experts speaking on hospice their own mortality, or dealing in the larger community, including Communion, she said. and nursing home care. with the slow decline of health in the Pima Council on Aging and the Frequently, that information will There are currently 10 Stephen someone they love, what resources 211 Arizona resource and referral arise in the screening process before a Ministers active in the parish, with are available to them within their website, 211arizona.org. Stephen Minister is assigned. A person three other retired ministers who own parish community? “(PCOA) is an incredible must be referred to be engaged with are available to help if needed. Klein Ministries vary from parish organization with lots of a Stephen Minister, and Klein, the meets with team members each to parish, although most have resources,” Klein said. The Eastside ministry coordinator, visits with the month for supervision. extraordinary ministers of Holy Neighborhood Association as another referred person to make sure there is During the last 28 years, there have Communion that make calls to the valuable service partner. permission to assign a minister. Only been 155 Stephen Ministers serving homebound, and chaplaincy teams Klein said it takes 50 hours of then can weekly visits begin. various lengths of time. Because of that visit parishioners admitted to training to prepare Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministers have contact the intensity of the experience, some local hospitals. volunteers. Stephen Ministry is not just information for other resources, only stay a few years, or move on to Several parishes in the Diocese for people facing issues around death including rides for medical other ministries, she said. of Tucson offer Stephen Ministry, a and dying, she added. It is to help appointments, volunteers for The parish hospital ministry broad outreach in which volunteers people facing any crisis in their lives. yardwork and access to the Meals includes 18 two-person ministry act as listeners, prayer partners “It’s for people dealing with on Wheels program. Klein said that teams visiting patients at Banner - and as a source of information for everyday life difficulties,” she there are also contacts for local utility University Medical Center South people in need. said, including “empty-nesters, companies if people need financial Campus on Ajo Way on Tuesdays Patsy Klein has been the director divorce, even grandparents assistance paying utility bills. and Thursdays. The Homebound of Pastoral Care at Our Mother raising their grandchildren. It is Besides Stephen Ministry, the ministry usually involves visiting of Sorrows Parish, Tucson, for not only for bereavement.” parish tries to provide its members 100 sites, including homes and three years. She oversees Stephen For example, if a shut-in is unable with information on the issues nearby nursing homes. Ministry, Ministry to the Sick and to attend Mass and wants someone surrounding death and dying. Klein “We try to help whatever way we Homebound and Hospital Ministry. to bring Communion, Stephen cited speakers from the state Funeral can,” Klein said. The parish has operated a Stephen Ministry for 28 years, and is working with St. Pius X in Tucson to establish Stephen Ministry there. Santa Online resources Catalina in Tucson and Our Lady of Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS): des.az.gov/services/disabilities/developmental-child-and-adult/altcs-home the Valley in Green Valley also have PIMA COUNCIL ON AGING: pcoa.org active Stephen Ministries. Guide to Services: pcoa.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Guide-to-Services.pdf Klein noted that a Stephen Online resources for older adults: pcoa.org/resources-2/ Minister’s first job is to listen and Long-term care ombudsman: pcoa.org/services/long-term-care-ombudsmen/ to pray with a person in need. It How to Be a Resilient Caregiver: pcoa.org/family-caregivers/resilient-caregiver is not to act as a referral service, advocate or social worker. CARONDELET HEALTH NETWORK “They are basically listeners – Living Wills: library.carondelet.org/1,2780 shoulders to cry on and people to Long-term Planning: library.carondelet.org/YourFamily/OlderAdults/Planning/subTopic.pg pray with,” Klein said. Caregiver Guide: library.carondelet.org/YourFamily/OlderAdults/Caregiver/subTopic.pg It is always left up to the Home care and hospice: library.carondelet.org/YourFamily/OlderAdults/Hospice/subTopic.pg individual – not the Stephen E-FORMS Minister - to make the contact. Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care: powerofattorney.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Arizona- At Our Mother of Sorrows, parish Medical-Power-of-Attorney-Form.pdf ministries such as St. Vincent de Paul Living Will: azag.gov/sites/default/files/sites/all/docs/lifecare/LCP_Packet_fillable_Livingwill.pdf can be options for people looking Do Not Resuscitate: azag.gov/sites/default/files/sites/all/docs/lifecare/LCP_Packet_fillable-DNR.pdf for transportation or material or RESOURCES IN SPANISH financial help. The parish also has a Pima Council on Aging: pcoa.org/?s=spanish Golden Agers club – comprised of Carondelet Health Network: carondeletqa.tenethealth.com/for-patients/bienvenidos local seniors – that gathers socially at the parish every Wednesday. Stephen OTHER RESOURCES Ministers just make people aware that For first responders: willsforheroesaz.org/ these opportunities exist, Klein said. Family Caregiver Alliance: caregiver.org/caregiving-101-being-caregiver When it comes to legal questions Caregiver Consortium: caregiverconsortium.org/resources.html relative to durable powers of 4 CATHOLIC OUTLOOK FROM THE BISHOP OCTOBER 2017 touch to this generation; it seemed that they were ready to dismiss much of what we have learned. While it is understandable and obvious that Our listening Church needs people think, feel and act differently from each other, we must wonder how much, if at to respect and understand all, people hold fast to core values or basic truths that should guide our thinking and acting. Should Church teaching and tradition different perspectives influence how people view reality and the biting questions of our times? It is one thing to prefer a certain baseball team, Our nation, one nation under God, struggles heavily biased or lacking accurate information. flavor of ice cream or a particular car model. with divisions. Perhaps more often than before, For many readers of these communications, However, it is quite another to believe that a people in our country disagree on so many the writers’ opinions hold sway despite lack of human being – unborn, elderly or of a certain critical issues before us.
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