n a t her inis- oca t- ;to te SEA ND THE WAR' ;ain- ages Obituary Vietnam Day Talks vide GONE. TO GR AV EYARDS EVERYONE The following is a "do-it-yourself ()Wittily for all those male SJS students who have died or will die lAii-11-N WILL I HEY I VER LEARN To Seek Solutions in Vietnam in the coming years. Bs. RA I' 1:II.Es and CANIW BELL lessor of psychology, will discuss "Dis- The game is simple. just fill in the appropriate Daily Political Writers sent and Commitment" in the Pacifica of the people, by Room. Dr. Richard Kilby. professor names and dates iii the spaces provided. A demonstration, the people, and for the people, starts of psychology, will discuss "American Marine Cpl. was killed in Vietnam today at 10:30. Military Involvement --How Much and Although President Richard Nixon How Long?" in the Guadalupe Room. , 19 when the truck in which has said, "To allow government policy "Billions for Defense, Peanuts for he was riding struck an enemy mine north of ()ming to be made in the streets would destroy Cities" is the topic in the Costanoan the democratic process," most SJS Room with Dr. William Garvey, from Nam Province students, faculty, and administrators the student counseling service, mod- erating. Dr. Frederic Weed, professor son of Mr. and Mrs. feel strongly that today's convocation is a proper democratic way to express of political science, will discuss "Dis- of , was a 19 graduate of their concern over U.S. involvement sent and the Constitutfan" in the Cala- High School. in the Vietnam war. veras Room, and Or. Robert Sasseen, The convocation begins at 10:30 associate professor of pt finical science, took his basic training at Caul!) Pen- when Associated Students president will moderate a discussion of "The Bill Langan will present a statement Impropriety of a University Sponsored dleton and was transferred to Vietnam in January of support on behalf of the SJS Student Moratorium" in the Almaden Room. Council. Dr. Bruce Ogilvie, master of of 19 MORE ACTION ceremonies for a marathon of five A member of the First Platoon, First Reconais- speeches at the ROTC drilling field, For those who prefer more action will then introduce Rep. Don Edwards and less thought, the Student Mobiliza- Girl.; sance Battalion ACO, Cpl. was due to d call 1D-San Josel, Rep. Paul McCloskey tion Committee ISMC1 has planned a return home this month. (R-San Mateo), Dr. Hobert Burns, march to St. James Park. Marchers Lost Acting SJS President, Dr. Franz Shur- will convene on Seventh Street at 1 Besides bis pareittS, Call is survived by his man from the University of California p.m. and proceed down San Carlos at Berkeley, and Dr. Lewis Gann from Street to First Street. From there, ,quara of . a vi or the Hoover Institute at Stanford. they will go up First to St. James -4340. of ,and his Park. According to SMC co-chairman blond of RAIN? Addle Insel, the march "will be silent aed According to Dr. Lowell Walter, with people wearing black armbands." Call 1 Burial N% ill be this Saturday in Chairman of the Oct. 15 steering com- She explained that if a march permit mittee, the speakers will move to Mor- can be obtained from city council, the Cemetery. Photo by Conrad Malavazos ris Dailey auditorium in the case of march will be in the street. If not, it 1.1 rain. Speeches will be transmitted to will have to be on the sidewalks. only 4 4 lb, It. II, the corridors of the auditorium and to The San Jose Peace Center will have :onrse. the outside area to accomodate as six tables set up around the cafeteria many people as possible. and the ROTC drilling field to distri- daily The speeches will last until approxi- bute postcards. Nov. 15 march in San 1 294. mately 12:30. Pres. Burns has author- Francisco announcements, and other ized the dismissal of classes during war related announcements to students attrac- those hours. camp- and private citizens interested in going Dr. Walter said 6,000 plain white out into the community and "talking postcards will be handed out after peace." ontact the speeches and listeners will be asked to write their own personal comment 'NOTHING NEW A RTAN DAILY about the war on the cards. They will Pres. Nixon has said, "There is be collected and sent airmail special nothing new we can learn from the delivery to Pres. Nixon. Dr. Walter demonstrations." st. Ac- commented that to his Phone knowledge, SJS But the student marchers, the con- SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE is the only group planning such action. gressmen, Pres. Burns, and everyone apace. Discussion groups will meet on the involved today know that before the I. Call third floor of the new College Union Vietnam war stops, a lot more "learn- Vol. 57 -42P- SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1969 No. 16 immediately after the speeches. ing" must be done, for no one has Fast. , Dr. Brian Pendleton, assistant pro- answered the most basic question of the . Mrs. Vietnam war. saws, Why? . Rea- Diverse Factions Unite istgate 'Heavy' Rally on Seventh writer CUPB Sponsored por- War Films Honor nodels. Vast Vietnam Moratorium Day Support any Features Radical Leaders Kelso Viet Moratorium By MICHAEL CRONK Hallinan describe the nature of domes- mbrian Despite President Nixon's Vocal Rebuff Daily Wire Editor tic repression in this country. In honor of the Vietnam War Mora- S you There was a "heavy" rally yesterday Using such examples as the "perse- torium, the College Union Program DOR BRA( Is I.:FT 51)11 says he'll marcn, leportedly with Law School, President Nix,m's alma afternoon on campus. cution of the Black Panther Party, and Board will sponsor two films to be 86 per Daily Political %1rilcr his father's consent. maters, are holding demonstrations. A noon time Seventh Street rally, serted his belief that President Richard shown tonight. Also, M. Nixon is "the most despicable "Some Won't .,er 21. Despite President Richard Nixon's Comedian Woody Allen says he won't Dub Gulley, chairman of the Monitor- called by the Professors Against the Go," is an examination press conference statement that he will perform on Broadway, even though he's iurn Committee at Duke, .said Nixon War I PAW), featured such heavy- man in the United States," and con- of the many facets of draft resistance. cluded his speech by saying "the Nixon not "be affected whatever" by antiwar leaving himself open for a possible law- would be sent a telegram expressing weight radical spokesmen as Terence The film goes into the options of po- Administration and protests, support for Moratorium Day suit. "disappointment and disgust with his Hallinan, prominent San Francisco at- not SDS or any tential drat tees, and describes how they has snowballed to an extent that its The nation's high schools are even policies." torney who was one of the defense other radical group is bringing about a select protests and accept the conflicts confrontation in this country." ro York originators are cheerfully conceding getting into the act, with many follow- A survey of student participation on counsels for the Presidio "27" and the and consequences involved in their :ontaCt choices. they have little hope of coordinating ing the example of the nation's largest campuses in the Bay Area shows varied strikers at San Francisco State Col- MASSIVE the day's activities, public school system, in New York City, activities. President S.I. Hayakawa of lege; Bettina Aptheker, one-time lead- Also included, will be the film, "Viet- and ft, er of the Free Speech Movement at Hallinan urged support for nam: How Did We Get In? How Can after Senators, congressmen, governors, where 1.1 million pupils and their San Francisco State College is calling a confron- U.C. Berkeley; Bob Avakian, SDS na- We Get Out?" The program will begin mayors, city councilmen, and state leg- teachers were told they might skip for "business as usual." tation. He said it should be "not a vio- tional leader, and Black Panther In- lent one, at 8:15 in the Ballroom of the new islators (not Senator H.L. Richard- classes to protest. Acting Chancellor Robert E. Connick but a massive one." ternational Representative Connie Mat- College Union. There will be no admis- son), are joining businessmen, enter- In addition, Moratorium leaders ex- of the University of California at Bob Avakian, SDS leader, explained thews. sion charge. tainers, clergymen, teachers, and most pect support from thousands of sympa- Berkeley said the University will not to the audience his views on the nature of all thizers not allied with any organiza- participate, but left it up to individual of U.S. capitalism in terms of the re- students in what threatens to NOT DEPARTURE be the largest series of nationwide anti- tions. Many protesters around the teachers whether to hold classes. A pression of world peoples. and Black march from the UC campus to down- Coming one day before the planned Panther Connie Matthews told the 4ank. war protests ever held. country are expected to wear black College Union Open On the eve of the demonstration, war armbands to note the more than 40,000 town Berkeley will kick off a noon national moratorium on the Vietnam student gathering that "thc future of critics in congress claimed to have Americans killed in Vietnam, and lists rally. war and the convocation on campus. the world rests with you," and urged enough support to keep the House of of war dead will be read at memori..1 At Stanford, Student Moratorium Mrs.
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