NCCW Plea ^Eat Less ado DENVER CATHOLIC So Others pos- the May Eat i ii. ^een At All' /ing THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1965 DENVER, COLORADO VOL. LIX No. 30 ad- In prosperous America, 3ed: Lent helps a person put a only small curb on appetite. Missioner^s Report But in many parts of the esus world, millions need no od.” rules on fasting, there’s im es nothing to eat anyway. t re- Mrs. Josephine Fitzgerald, Can Church foreign relief chairman for _4 the National Council of Cath­ 1 did olic Women, made these ome 1 think that 1 shall never see points in issuing the council’s one Any computer made like me request to ail women in the ;sors A me that likes martinis dry Help Africa United States to start a fami­ -suf- And on the rocks, a little rye. ly self-denial project during A me that looks at girls and Lent. such ator- But mostly girls — and very THE COST, HOWEVER aess. much. SolveRiddle? small, of a luxury item, a nter- A mvj that wears an overcoat meal or treat, omitted by any ?s. V, And likes a risque anecdote By Paul Page American man, woman or dary A me that taps a foot and The missionaiy is the “ man in the middle” of the child, could help our neigh- grins winds of economic and social revolution sweeping bor.s throughout the world, if Whenever Dixieland begins across southern Africa today. contributed for this purpose. They make computers for a So says Father Francis E. Brem of the Bethlehem “ But for the grace of Liod, fee Fathers of Denver, after a six-month visit in southern Jubiiaricsn we could be among the mil­ Evo. But only moms can make a lions who never have enough Africa, most of it at the order’s mission at Gwelo, The Rev. George M. Spe- me. Southern Rhodesia. to eat,” Mrs. Fitzgerald said, m of (From The Saturday Review) har, pastor of St. Joseph’s asking support of the Denver The dilemma, according to parish, Lcadvilic, will cele­ Archdiocesan Council of such Father Brem: Can the White munist takeover. brate his 25th anniversary in Tones Catholic Women for the Free­ European minority (250,000) “ But I think some of these the priesthood this Sunday, dom from Hunger Campaign, 3 not in control of the government persons are really desperate­ Jack Murphy: “ Why don’t .March 7 with a Mass of Hunger and poverty haunt ad to work together with the non- ly trying to hold onto a way you advertise in the REGIS­ thanksgiving in St. Joseph’s more than half the people of of life that is no longer com­ begin TER?” White African majority church. The Rev. James the world, despite the mil­ (3,800,000) in establishing a patible with the times.” and Merchant: “ No, slree. I did Hamblin, pastor of Annuncia­ lions of pounds of foodstuffs strong, democratic nation as Father Brem has heard tion parish, Leadville, will de­ 5 the once and it pretty near distributed each year by a prelude to eventual inde­ many, many times the ar­ liver the sermon. There will nver- ruined me.” Catholic Relief Services and pendence? Or will friction be­ gument that the .■\frican is he a reception from 3 to 4 in from J.M.: “ How was that?" other voluntary agencies. Welcome to Number 14 tween the two groups flare up the afternoon in the Leadville vege- Merchant: “Why, people “basically inferior” and into bloody, internal strife Elks hall. If they are “cheaper by the dozen,” Mrs. Mrs. Kreutzer, their nine sons, and five came in and bought all the “ emerging too fast,” but he THE FREEDOM from aided and abetted by Commu­ is convinced that current re­ Hunger campaign aims at in­ Daniel Kreutzer told a “ Register” reporter, daughters live at 6691 E. 77th place, Com- stuff I had.” Born in Marble, Colo, in man. nist agitators? strictive “ apartheid” policies creasing food production, to a family of 14 children is even better. Young mcrce City, and arc members of St. Calhe- 1915, Father Spehur studied have will only aggravate the fric­ bring enough high - protein Michael Lomas Kreutzer, shown here with rinc’s parish in (he suburban community, at St. Thomas seminary and FATHER BREM SAYS tion that exists. nourishment within reach of his mother, was born last Thursday. Mr. and at the American College, that the African in Southern “ At one seminary near Jo­ all mankind. Mike Kleine, 11, of Littleton Rhodesia and the Union of hannesburg, non-A f r i c a n Rome where he was ordained was confirmed recently by in 1940. Affiliate foreign relief Mother Teaches To Keep Busy /irgin South Africa is emerging al­ priests have to commute chairmen are asked to for­ Auxiliary Bishop David M. most overnight from a primi­ from the city to the semina­ ion of Maloney in St. Mary’s Following ordination. Father ward amounts collected to tive existence in the bush to ry,” he said. “ You see the se­ Spehar was assigned to St. their district chairmen at the ph as church, Littleton. Near the a new role in areas consi­ minary is eight miies away in '14th Addition No Problem; Catherine’s parish, Denver end of Lent, for transmission end of the ceremony Mike, dered to be the most industri­ an African zone.” for five years before being to Miss Anne Laughlin, with dizziness coming on and ally advanced on the con­ Iways THE BETHLEHEM FA­ named pastor in Leadville in D.\CCW foreign relief chair­ a pain in his stomach, left his tinent. ther,” THER contend.s that the two 1946 after short assignments man, .3040 Colorado botile- pew and darted outside for “The non-White African is groups are going to have to Every One Has Been a Joy' jnera- in Calhan and Stratton. varri, Denver. some fresh air. He was developing a new concept of sacrifice their self-interests bundled up and rushed home. self-respect and human digni­ for the sake of unity. He feels By Ed Smith would With a soaring temperature ty,” Father Brem declares. that responsible African lead­ Sociologists worried about the population explosion and the problems of large 3 with indicating an obvious attack “ His tribal customs are un­ ers will have to stifle de­ families should talk to Mrs. Daniel Kreutzer. puta- of flu, the youngster had little dergoing change, his stan­ mands for immediate control Remember Ladies: Reserve Mrs. Kreutzer made a hurried trip to Mercy hospital in the wee hours of the :alled. to say in his bed, but obvious­ dard of living is changing — of the government by radi­ morning last Thursday to have a baby— her 14th. ly was disturbed about some­ everything is changing favor­ cals. On the other hand, he Her main problem with a large family? It is the old story of too many cooks. ather” thing. “ What’s the matter, ably but his social and politi­ firmly believes that the Eu- March 16 as 'Erin" Day Every day, Mrs. Kreutzer reports, there is a heated discussion among the older Mike, is something bothering cal status in the eyes of the vropean must recognize the in­ imself you?” , his mother inquired. With singing and dancing and Irish food, the heroic story children over who is going to be chef. European,” he added. evitability and right of the But the variety of cooks in 1 mar- “ Well,” said Mike after a bit, of Catholic Ireland will be told in Denver on Tuesday, March Father Brem sees the African to a voice in his the Kreutzer household do not What does Mrs. Kreutzer church affair.s. Her oldest d this “ I’m wondering if Bishop 16. Church in southern Africa as government. spoil the broth. “ We’re eating think of life with such a house­ son, 18-year-old Michael is a enient Maloney is upset with me a catalyst that can help unify Father Brem' contends that On that day the doors will open at convention center in so well we’re all getting over­ ful of children? member of the Newman club is: Jo- leaving the pew. Will he un­ the two groups. He sees no the American press is not the Denver Hilton hotel, where the Denver Archdiocesan Cath­ weight,” the mother says. •TVE NEVER regretted it at Colorado State college in confirm me now?” of the solution to the dilemma un­ presenting the “in-depth” olic Parent-Teacher league will present its tribute to the The newest arrival, Mi- for a moment,” she declared. Greeley, where he is a fresh­ I order less the European and Afri­ story of the problems of South­ Emerald Isle under the inviting theme: “ Come Back to Erin.” chael Lomas Kreutzer, “ They’re a wonderful bunch man, and spends a good deal )f God. can cooperate in settling ern Africa. He called the weighing in at a hefty 10 of kids. Every one of them of his free time visiting the their differences in an order­ “ sneering” attitude of some aged and ill. EDUCATIONAL exhibits from the 66 elementary and 18 pounds iy 2 ounces, joined his has been a delight.” From Father Frank Mor- ly way. American columnists detri­ eight brothers and five sis­ She is especially proud of secondary schools of the archdiocese will depict various pha­ The next two boys, Dan feld: “ What you don’ t know “ Many Europeans are find­ mental to this nation. ters at 5:40 a m. Feb. 25. the children’s activities in Jr., 17 and Edward 16, are ind re- ses of the curriculum.
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