INDEX N° 272 He becameb ec am e popoor,or , so thatt ha t by hhisis APRIL 2014 povertypo ve rty you mightmi gh t bebecomeco me rrichic h - 01 MessageMe ss agagee of our HHolyol y FaFatherther FFrancisra nc is for He became poor, so that by his poverty Message LentLe nt 2014201014 of our Holy Father Francis ThThee General MiMinisterni st er aandnd other for Lent 2014 you might become rich CaCapuchinspu chins in thet he CCongregationongr eg ation foforr ReligiousRe ligious […] In imitation of our Master, we drugs, gambling or pornography! How Christians are called to confront the pov- many people no longer see meaning 02 SpiritualSp iritual Exercises:Exer ci se s: retreturnur n to erty of our brothers and sisters, to touch in life or prospects for the future, how interiorityin teriority it, to make it our own and to take prac- many have lost hope! And how many SpiritualSp iritual exercisesexerci se s of tthehe General tical steps to alleviate it. Destitution is are plunged into this destitution by un- Curia in AssisiAssis i not the same as poverty: destitution just social conditions, by unemploy- is poverty without faith, without sup- ment, which takes away their dignity Meeting of thet he InternaInternationalti on al port, without hope. There are three as breadwinners, and by lack of equal 03 CommissionCommissi on ofo f Justice, PPeace,eace, and types of destitution: material, moral and access to education and health care. In Integrity of CCreationreation spiritual. Material such cases, moral destitution Ethiopia: a newne w school iiss destitution is what is can be considered impending inaugurateinauguratedd normally called pov- suicide. This type of destitu- erty, and affects those tion, which also causes fi nan- InternationalInternat io na l symposiumsymposiu m on living in conditions cial ruin, is invariably linked ecclesiasticalecclesiast ic al goods opposed to human to the spiritual destitution 2015 – yeary ea r of consecrconsecratedat ed life: dignity: those who which we experience when principalprinci pa l eventsev ents lack basic rights and we turn away from God and needs such as food, reject his love. If we think we India: TheT he General MinisterM in is ter water, hygiene, work don’t need God who reaches 04 blesses anandd inaugurates an electric and the opportunity out to us through Christ, be- generatorgene ra to r to develop and grow cause we believe we can make culturally. In response FranciscansFr an ci scans in India: No to socialso ci al to this destitution, do on our own, we are head- exclusion, no to the caste system the Church offers ed for a fall. God alone can truly save and free us. A Franciscan Missionary at sixty: her help, her diako- Taekwondo for children with nia, in meeting these The Gospel is the real anti- tumors needs and binding dote to spiritual destitution: these wounds which wherever we go, we are called disfi gure the face of humanity. In the as Christians to proclaim the liberating Dear brothers and sisters, may this Lent- poor and outcast we see Christ’s face; news that forgiveness for sins commit- by loving and helping the poor, we love en season fi nd the whole Church ready ted is possible, that God is greater than to bear witness to all those who live in and serve Christ. Our efforts are also our sinfulness, that he freely loves us at directed to ending violations of human material, moral and spiritual destitution all times and that we were made for com- the Gospel message of the merciful love dignity, discrimination and abuse in the munion and eternal life. The Lord asks world, for these are so often the cause of God our Father, who is ready to em- us to be joyous heralds of this message brace everyone in Christ. We can do this of destitution. When power, luxury and of mercy and hope! It is thrilling to ex- money become idols, they take priority to the extent that we imitate Christ who perience the joy of spreading this good became poor and enriched us by his pov- over the need for a fair distribution of news, sharing the treasure entrusted to wealth. Our consciences thus need to be erty. Lent is a fi tting time for self-denial; us, consoling broken hearts and offering we would do well to ask ourselves what converted to justice, equality, simplicity hope to our brothers and sisters experi- and sharing. we can give up in order to help and enrich encing darkness. It means following and others by our own poverty. Let us not No less a concern is moral destitution, imitating Jesus, who sought out the poor forget that real poverty hurts: no self- which consists in slavery to vice and sin. and sinners as a shepherd lovingly seeks denial is real without this dimension How much pain is caused in families his lost sheep. In union with Jesus, we of penance . I distrust a charity that costs because one of their members – often can courageously open up new paths of nothing and does not hurt. a young person - is in thrall to alcohol, evangelization and human promotion. May the Holy Spirit, through whom we are “as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing ev- erything” (2 Cor 6:10), sustain us in our The General Minister and other Capuchins resolutions and increase our concern and responsibility for human destitution, so in the Congregation for Religious that we can become merciful and act with mercy. In expressing this hope, I likewise ATICAN CITY – On March 29, Pope Francis named our General Minister, Br. pray that each individual member of the VMauro Jöhri, to the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and So- faithful and every Church community will cieties of Apostolic Life, together with our brother bishops: Francisco Chimoio, Arch- undertake a fruitful Lenten journey. I ask bishop of Maputo (Mozambique) and John Corriveau, Bishop of Nelson (Canada). all of you to pray for me. May the Lord The Pope also reappointed Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley, OFM Cap., Archbishop of bless you and Our Lady keep you safe. Boston (USA) to the same dicastery. HIGHLIGHTS SPIRITUAL EXERCISES: RETURN TO INTERIORITY piritual exercises, independent of rion of success or lack thereof in life. Sthe theme chosen for the occasion However, where is authenticity for a by the preacher, are above all a privi- Christian? When is it that a person is leged occasion to ‘re-enter oneself,’ to truly himself? Only when he has God check up on and renew one’s own rela- as his measure. “There is so much talk tionship with God. St. Augustine made – writes the philosopher Kierkegaard – this famous appeal: “Re-enter into your of wasted lives. However, wasted only heart: there examine him whom you is the life of a man who never realized perceived as God, because the image that a God exists and that he, his very of God is there, Christ dwells in man’s self, stands before this God. St. Francis interior.” said the same thing in simpler words: “What a man is before God, that he is To return to the heart means, there- and nothing more.” fore, to return to what is most per- Br. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFMCap sonal and interior to us. Unfortunately, Persons consecrated to the service Preacher to the Papal Household Spiritual Exercises return to interiority andd every titime we so wish ish we can, as interiority is a value in crisis. Some of God are the ones who above all hermits, re-enter in this hermitage. causes of this crisis are old and inher- are in need of a return to interiority. “Brother body is the hermitage and the ent to our nature itself. Our “compo- In an address given to Superiors of a soul is the hermit that dwells within sition,” that is, our being constituted contemplative religious Order, Paul VI to pray to God and to meditate.” It is of fl esh and spirit, inclines us toward said: like having a desert “in the house,” in 02 the external, the visible, the multiplic- which one can withdraw in thought at ity. Like the universe, after the initial “Today we are in a world which seems every moment, even while walking on explosion (the famous Big Bang), we to be gripped by a fever that infi ltrates the street. are also in a phase of expansion and itself even in the sanctuary and in solitude. Noise and din have invaded We conclude this fi rst part of our of moving away from the center. We meditation listening, as addressed to are perennially “going out” through almost everything. Persons are no longer able to be recollected. They us, the exhortation that Saint Anselm those fi ve doors or windows which are of Aosta addresses to the reader in one our senses. are prey of a thousand distractions, they habitually dissipate their energies of his famous works: How many of us must make our own behind the different forms of modern “Come now, miserable mortal, fl ee for the bitter observation that Augustine culture. Newspapers, magazines, books a brief time from your occupations, made in regard to his life before his invade the intimacy of our homes and leave for a while your tumultuous conversion: “Late have I loved Thee, of our hearts. It is more diffi cult to thoughts. Move away at this moment beauty so ancient and so new, late have fi nd the opportunity for the recollec- from your grave anxieties and put aside I loved Thee! Lo, you were within, but tion in which the soul is able to be fully your exhausting activities.
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