World Percussion • Latin America Project Book Name: Grade/Class: Copyright © MMXIII, by QuaverMusic.com, LLC All rights reserved. Project Overview Welcome! Dear Friends, Latin America is a diverse, artistic, and exciting part of the world. The Latin Percussion project explores the indigenous musical styles of three Latin American countries: Brazil, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic. The Samba is a Brazilian music style and the soundtrack to the Carnaval of Brazil. The Salsa is one of Cuba’s greatest exports. The Merengue, a music style of the Dominican Republic, is now played all over the world. In ad- dition to creating Latin style drums and colorful Carnaval masks, you will learn about the culture, geography, and people of these three amazing Latin countries. It’s going to be spectacu-LATIN! Copyright © MMXIII, by QuaverMusic.com, LLC All rights reserved. World Percussion • Latin America Project Book • page 2 Project Overview Project Goals Goal 1: Learn about the area of Latin America and the countries of Brazil, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic. Goal 2: Make a Latin percussion rhythm instrument. Goal 3: Learn and play the rhythms of samba. Goal 4: Learn and play the rhythms of salsa. Goal 5: Learn and play the rhythms of merengue. Goal 6: Perform a samba, salsa, and merengue in front of a live audience. Copyright © MMXIII, by QuaverMusic.com, LLC All rights reserved. World Percussion • Latin America Project Book • page 3 Project Overview Rubric EXEMPLARY PROFICIENT PROGRESSING Not Meeting (10 points) (8 points) (6 points) Expectations (4 points) Is on task and actively partici- Is on task and participates in all Is on task and rarely participates in class pates in all class percussion Is on task and participates in all class percussion pieces. Needs percussion pieces. Rarely attempts Class to complete work independently and pieces. Oers assistance to class percussion pieces. monitoring throughout Participation needs constant monitoring throughout others in the class. many steps of the project. all steps of the project. The part played for salsa, The part played for salsa,mam- The part played for salsa, The part played for salsa, mambo, and merengue was bo, and merengue was mambo, and merengue was mambo, and merengue was Rhythmic accurately prepared for the moderately prepared for the fairly prepared for the poorly prepared for the Accuracy performance, including rhythm, performance, including rhythm, performance, including performance, including form, and technique. form, and technique. rhythm, form, and technique. rhythm, form, and technique. Ideas for instruments, masks, Ideas for instruments, masks, Ideas for instruments, masks, and decorations greatly and decorations enhanced the and decorations somewhat enhanced the percussion No ideas for instruments, percussion pieces and made enhanced the percussion pieces and made them very masks, or decorations. them very enjoyable to watch. pieces and made them very Creativity enjoyable to watch. enjoyable to watch. Musical ideas presented Includes very original, unusual, are not original and had Includes very original, unusual, or imaginative ideas and a Includes some original ideas, little to no variety. or imaginative ideas and a great deal of variety. but some “familiar” ideas or great deal of variety. sounds and some variety. Music blended together well Music blended together some of Music blended together well Music did not blend well most of the time and was mostly the time and was not well and was well executed. together and was not well well executed. balanced and executed. balanced. Great stage presence. Good stage presence. Stage presence was fair. Stage presence was poor. Final All students in the class Most students in the class Some of the class participated Most of the class did not participated. Performance participated all of the time. more than others (or at all). participate equally. Song was well prepared for Song was grossly unprepared Song was mostly well prepared Song was not well prepared for performance. for performance. for performance. performance. Copyright © MMXIII, by QuaverMusic.com, LLC All rights reserved. World Percussion • Latin America Project Book • page 4 LESSON 1 Where is Latin America? Copyright © MMXIII, by QuaverMusic.com, LLC All rights reserved. World Percussion • Latin America Project Book • page 5 LESSON 3 Facts about Brazil 1. On which European country is Brazil’s language and culture based? 2. Brazil gets its name from what tree? 3. What is the most common sport played in Brazil? 4. São Vicente is the oldest city in Brazil. What year was it established? 5. What product does Brazil export more than any other? Copyright © MMXIII, by QuaverMusic.com, LLC All rights reserved. World Percussion • Latin America Project Book • page 6 LESSON 3 & 4 Carnaval & Samba Music CARNAVAL 1. Carnaval is a famous music festival in what South American country? 2. List two of the four things performers are judged on during Carnaval performances. 3. What are “sambadromes”? SAMBA 1. In what meter is samba music usually written? 2. What is the typical form of samba music? 3. True or False: Samba music has very little vocal harmony. TRUE FALSE Copyright © MMXIII, by QuaverMusic.com, LLC All rights reserved. World Percussion • Latin America Project Book • page 7 LESSON 3 Samba Instruments Percussion Instruments Melodic Instruments Copyright © MMXIII, by QuaverMusic.com, LLC All rights reserved. World Percussion • Latin America Project Book • page 8 LESSON 3 Samba Celebration Original Andante / Energetic = 96 q Section A Tamborim 2 ã 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ . Don't you ev- er jump in- to the lake. Caixa 2 œ@. œ œ@. œ œ@. œ œ@. œ . ã 4 Buzz bee,> buzz bee,> buzz bee,> buzz bee> . Surdo 2 œ œ œ œ . ã 4 Sit down,> sit down> Ganza 2 >œ œ œ >œ >œ œ œ >œ >œ œ œ >œ >œ œ œ >œ ã 4 . Can----------- o py, ca can o py, ca can o py, ca can o py, ca Section B Tamborim 2 ã 4 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ . Don't you ev- er jump in- to the lake. Caixa 2 œ@. œ œ@. œ œ@. œ œ@. œ . ã 4 Buzz bee,> buzz bee,> buzz bee,> buzz bee> . Surdo 2 œ œ œ œ . ã 4 Sit down,> sit down> Agogo 2 j ã 4 œ œ œ œ œ . œ œ . Sam- ba, it's sam - ba, sam- ba Copyright © MMXIII, by QuaverMusic.com, LLC All rights reserved. World Percussion • Latin America Project Book • page 9 LESSON 3 Samba Celebration Modified Andante / Energetic = 96 q Section A Tamborim 2 ã 4 œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ . Do not chase the rhi--- noc er os Caixa 2 @ @ @ @ . ã 4 Buzz,œ buzz,œ buzz,œ buzzœ . Surdo 2 œ œ œ œ . ã 4 Sit down,> sit down> Ganza 2 >œ œ >œ œ >œ œ >œ œ ã 4 . Eat the pick- le, eat the pick- le Section B Tamborim 2 ã 4 œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ œ . Do not chase the rhi--- noc er os Caixa 2 @ @ @ @ . ã 4 Buzz,œ buzz,œ buzz,œ buzzœ . Surdo 2 œ œ œ œ . ã 4 Sit down,> sit down> j Agogo 2 œ œ . ã 4 œ œ œ . œ œ . Sam- ba, it's sam - ba, sam- ba Copyright © MMXIII, by QuaverMusic.com, LLC All rights reserved. World Percussion • Latin America Project Book • page 10 LESSON 5 Facts about Cuba 1. Which famous explorer landed in Cuba in 1492? 2. Cuba is the largest island in what group of islands? 4. What year did Cuba gain its independence? 5. What is Cuba’s main crop? Copyright © MMXIII, by QuaverMusic.com, LLC All rights reserved. World Percussion • Latin America Project Book • page 11 LESSON 5 Salsa Music 1. List two of the countries where salsa music is popular. 2. In what meter is salsa music commonly played? 3. What is “clave” in regards to salsa music? 4. What is the overall rhythm played by the bass called? 5. Bombo emphasizes the “and” of 2. Circle the “and of 2” in the measures below. 6. What beat does “ponche” emphasize? Circle that beat in the measures below. Copyright © MMXIII, by QuaverMusic.com, LLC All rights reserved. World Percussion • Latin America Project Book • page 12 LESSON 5 Salsa Instruments Percussion Instruments Melodic Instruments Copyright © MMXIII, by QuaverMusic.com, LLC All rights reserved. World Percussion • Latin America Project Book • page 13 LESSON 5 Salsa City Original Allegro / Energetic = 75 h Section A Conga > > ã C œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ . Wake up, get mov- in'. Wake up, get mov- in'. Timbales j C ¿ ¿¿ ¿ ‰ ¿ ¿¿ ¿ ‰¿ ‰¿ . ã Stair- case, climb- ing the stairs, step- ping up the . Bongo ã C œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ . Add> - ing on a cal> --- cu la> tor, add> - ing on a cal> --- cu la> tor Maraca ã C œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ . Back & forth & back & forth & back & forth & back & forth & Section B Conga > C œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ . ã œ ‰ J . Let's all go to the foot- ball game to-- mor row. Timbal Bell j C œ œ œ œ œ œ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ . ã >I have> nev-- er, ev> er> been to the> Grand> Can- yon. Bongo Bell œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ã C œ œ œ œ . Sal- sa time, here we go, here we go, peo- ple Güiro @ @ @ @ ã C œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ .
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