Sommario Rassegna Stampa Pagina Testata Data Titolo Pag. Rubrica Anica Web Variety.com 05/08/2020 ITALY'S FREE SUMMER ARENAS DRAW LARGE CROWDS WITH 3 CREATIVE SOLUTIONS Rubrica Cinema 23 Corriere della Sera 06/08/2020 PASTA, CINEMA E FAMIGLIA TRE REGISTI-ATTORI PER BARILLA 9 "SOGNIAMO LA RIPARTENZA" (D.Pollai) 36 Corriere della Sera 06/08/2020 "MULAN" SU DISNEY+ POLEMICHE SUI SOCIAL PER IL PREZZO 11 2 Il Foglio 06/08/2020 CARI REGISTI, SE SENTIAMO IL BISOGNO DI VELOCIZZARE I VOSTRI 12 FILM E' PERCHE' SONO LENTI 6 Il Giornale - Ed. Milano 06/08/2020 GRANDE CINEMA AL LIDO DI MILANO 13 35 Il Messaggero - Cronaca di Roma 06/08/2020 CIAK SUL TEVERE C'E' EDOARDO LEO CHE "GIRA" IN BICICLETTA 14 25 Il Secolo XIX 06/08/2020 DOPO 26 ANNI TORNA IL CINEMA NEL ROSETO (L.Compagnino) 15 1 La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno 06/08/2020 BENIGNI PREMIATO NEL BIF&ST D'AGOSTO (M.Rongo) 16 I La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno 06/08/2020 MOLA DI BARI LE CHIAVI DELLA CITTA' ALLA REGISTA VANGINI 18 (A.Galizia) 17 La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno 06/08/2020 "MULAN" SOLO A PAGAMENTO SU DISNEY TV, NIENTE CINEMA 19 10/11 Trovaroma (La Repubblica) 06/08/2020 I GRANDI FILM DELL'ESTATE (F.Montini) 20 Rubrica Audiovisivo & Multimedia 30 Corriere della Sera 06/08/2020 MEDIASET A VIVENDI: APERTI A PROGETTI INDUSTRIALI (F.R.) 22 13 Il Mattino 06/08/2020 Int. a W.Veltroni: "ERA UN MAESTRO CHE ASCOLTAVA" (G.Di Fiore) 23 1 Il Messaggero 06/08/2020 1923-2020 SERGIO ZAVOLI IL GIORNALISMO TV PIANGE IL SUO 24 PADRE NOBILE (P.Severini Melograni) 17 Il Messaggero 06/08/2020 MEDIASET BOCCIA LA PROPOSTA DI PACE DI VIVENDI PRONTA AD 26 APRIRE UN NUOVO TAVOLO DI CONFRONTO (R.Amo.) 21 Il Messaggero 06/08/2020 Int. a P.Baudo: "UN UOMO CHE SAPEVA ASCOLTARE E CREDEVA NEL 27 SERVIZIO PUBBLICO" (I.Ravarino) 24 Il Messaggero 06/08/2020 ASCOLTI 28 14 Il Sole 24 Ore 06/08/2020 E STRAFFI SOGNA L'EUROALLEANZA DEI CARTONI (S.Filippetti) 29 18 Italia Oggi 06/08/2020 DISNEY VA DIRETTO AL CONSUMATORE (C.Plazzotta) 30 18 La Repubblica 06/08/2020 MEDIASET AI FRANCESI: "SU MFE APERTI A PROGETTO 31 ALTERNATIVO" 22 La Stampa 06/08/2020 "MULAN" VA SU DISNEY+ IL 4 SETTEMBRE 32 11 MF - Milano Finanza 06/08/2020 DISNEY PERDE QUASI 5 MILIARDI PER IL COVID (A.Ladisi) 33 Rubrica Internazionale Web Deadline.com 06/08/2020 GEORGIA STREAMLINES MULTIBILLION-DOLLAR FILM & TV TAX 34 CREDIT PROCESS: CLEARER GUIDELINES, REQUIRED A Screendaily.com 05/08/2020 UK-IRELAND BOX OFFICE GAINS MOMENTUM AS MORE CINEMAS 36 REOPEN TheWrap.com 05/08/2020 AMAZON PRIME VIDEO TOPS STREAMING SERVICES IN NEW 38 SUBSCRIBERS FOR Q2, DISNEY+ AND ESPN+ FALL BACK Variety.com 05/08/2020 GEORGIA MANDATES AUDITS FOR FILM AND TV TAX CREDIT 40 Rubrica Internazionale 46 El Pais 06/08/2020 EL MEJOR FUNERAL DE LA ANTIGUA TELEVISIO'N 41 46 El Pais 06/08/2020 UNA DE TERROR EN LA ESPANA RURAL 42 5 Financial Times 06/08/2020 CULT INVESTOR WAS ONE OF VERY FEW TO GRASP INTERNET STOCK 43 POTENTIAL (M.Johnson) 9 Financial Times 06/08/2020 THE DAY IN THE MARKETS (R.Douglas) 44 Sommario Rassegna Stampa Pagina Testata Data Titolo Pag. Rubrica Internazionale 26 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 06/08/2020 DISNEY FLIEHT AUS KINOS 46 26 Le Figaro 06/08/2020 DISNEY MISE SUR LE STREAMING (A.Deboute) 47 16 Le Monde 06/08/2020 CINEMA 48 16 Le Monde 06/08/2020 SPIKE LEE, NAOMI KAWASE ET THOMAS VINTERBERG 49 SELECTIONNES AU FESTIVAL DE TORONTO 7 Les Echos 06/08/2020 " L'ARLEQUIN " DE STREHLER, UN DIAMANT E'TERNEL (P.Chevilley) 50 17 Les Echos 06/08/2020 DISNEY+, RAYON DE SOLEIL DU GROUPE PAR TEMPS DE COVID 51 (V.Le Billon) 1 Wall Street Journal Usa 05/08/2020 BUSINESS & FINANCE DEALS GOOGLE'S $2.1 BILLION FITBIT DEAL 52 FACES HURDLES IN EUROPE, 1 Wall Street Journal Usa 05/08/2020 BUSINESS & FINANCE DISNEY POSTS $5 BILLION LOSS FOR QUARTER 53 FROM PANDEMIC SHUTDOWN'S 5 Wall Street Journal Usa 05/08/2020 BUSINESS & FINANCE STREAMING PROPS UP WARNER MUSIC 55 14 Wall Street Journal Usa 05/08/2020 HEARD OF THE STREET 56 VARIETY.COM Data 05-08-2020 Pagina Foglio 1 / 6 HAVE A NEWS TIP? NEWSLETTERS SUBSCRIBE LOGIN U.S. EDITION FILM TV WHAT TO WATCH MUSIC TECH THEATER REAL ESTATE AWARDS VIDEO VIP HOME FILM GLOBAL Aug 5, 2020 6:49am PT MOST POPULAR Italy’s Free Summer Arenas Draw ‘Ellen DeGeneres Show’s’ DJ Tony Okungbowa Says He Large Crowds With Felt ‘Toxicity’ on Set Creative Solutions By Nick Vivarelli ‘Mulan’ to Premiere on Disney Plus as Streamer Surpasses 60.5 0 Million Subscribers With ‘Mulan,’ Disney Tests Out Entirely New Early VOD Model ADVERTISEMENT Andrea Littera/Courtesy Piccolo America Must Read Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in early July quietly made a surprise appearance at an open-air film screening in Rome’s central Piazza San Cosimato, where the country’s leader and his girlfriend wore masks and sat on pillows in a socially distanced spot on the pavement. They attended the thriving “Il Cinema in Piazza” summer arena amid 1,000 spectators who had each passed a thermoscanner before settling down on TV their free, pre-booked spot to watch Paolo Virzì’s 1994 dramedy “La Bella ‘Mulan’ to Premiere on Disney Plus as Vita,” presented by the director. Streamer Surpasses 60.5 Million Subscribers The event is run by the Piccolo America nonprofit association, a feisty FILM group of young film buffs who have been shaking things up for years after Can Johnny Depp’s Career occupying the nearby shuttered Cinema America movie theater. Survive His Salacious Trial? ADVERTISEMENT TV 125121 There’s greater significance to the org’s summer screenings this year, given Jonathan Swan Interviewed Trump in 2018, and Critics a recent legal fight to secure content from local distributors who were wary Frowned. Now They're Cheering of films being shown for free in a trying economic climate. Pag. 3 VARIETY.COM Data 05-08-2020 Pagina Foglio 2 / 6 DIGITAL Piccolo America took legal action against Italy’s motion picture association Why Emma Chamberlain Isn’t ANICA, claiming they engaged in anticompetitive behavior by trying to get Worried About TikTok Getting Banned distributors — including Universal, Warner Bros., Disney, 20th Century, and RAI Cinema — to hold back movies that are at the end of their BIZ theatrical cycle, for which Piccolo America normally pays a screening fee Dwayne Johnson Buys XFL for $15 Million with funding from sponsors. A few days after the Prime Minister’s visit, Piccolo America won a favorable sentence from the country’s anti-trust regulator, which ruled that Piccolo Sign Up for Variety Newsletters America had been subjected to a boycott by Anica and the country’s exhibitors org Anec. Anica and Anec have denied wrongdoing. Enter your email address SIGN UP Anica president Francesco Rutelli in a statement has pointed out that after Italian movie theaters were allowed to reopen on June 15, local box office has suffered a 98% drop compared with last year. Two-thirds of Italian movie theaters are still shuttered following the coronavirus crisis. The first weekend in August saw 87,000 admissions on 516 screens — including outdoor arenas that charge for a ticket — a screen average of roughly 23 spectators per screen. Piccolo America spokesman and chief organizer Valerio Carocci says Conte’s visit was “certainly a recognition for what we do,” but did not sway the anti-trust regulator’s decision. Nonetheless, the sentence prompted plenty of titles to be unlocked for WHAT WE'RE BUYING more than 100 free screenings through Aug. 30 in Piccolo America’s three venues, each with 1,000 spots. Oscar-winning filmmaker Pawel Pawlikowski is now expected to come to Rome to present “Cold War” for Piccolo America crowds. “American History X” director Tony Kaye will be introducing that film via Skpe and will also sing a song he wrote for the occasion. Meanwhile, German director Dennis Gansel is planning to present his film “The Wave,” and France’s Mathieu SheKnows Val Kilmer Opens Up About Working Kassovitz has already presented a screening of “Amélie,” in which he stars, with Daughter Mercedes After His and “Rebellion,” which he directed. Tracheotomy on 'GMA' 125121 Pag. 4 VARIETY.COM Data 05-08-2020 Pagina Foglio 3 / 6 SheKnows The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Has Finally Arrived — Here's What You Need to Know & What to Shop Robb Report Robb Recommends: A Next-Level Facial Cleanser That Won’t Dry Out Your Skin ADVERTISEMENT So far, all screenings have been fully booked, Carocci tells Variety. “I believe that cinema can be a great tool after COVID-19 to teach people to THE BIG live collectively again in the public spaces in our city,” he notes. TICKET ADVERTISEMENT WITH MARC MALKIN Piccolo America isn’t the only association using creative solutions to bring Romans back in front of big screens. Another outside-the-box summer cinema initiative is being hatched by Fabia Bettini and Gianluca Giannelli, artistic directors of the city’s Alice nella Città children’s film festival, an independently-run section of the Rome Film Festival. After launching an initiative during lockdown to screen classic films onto Rome buildings that travelled around the world, they more recently opened a summer arena in Rome’s Tor Bellamonaca quarter.
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