BANCA SELLA GROUP CONSOLIDATED REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2013 Drawn up by the Parent Company BANCA SELLA HOLDING S.p.A. Index Map of the Banca Sella Group 4 Main corporate boards and committees of the parent company Banca Sella Holding S.p.A 5 Consolidated Report on Operations at 31 December 2013 7 Main figures and indicators 8 Rating 8 Macroeconomic reference scenario 11 Strategic issues 16 Changes in the framework of the group and equity investments 18 Commercial and distribution channels 21 Human resources 28 Operational structure 31 Results for the year - Income data 44 Results for the year - Balance sheet data 55 Group companies 72 Treasury shares 84 Outlook 84 Event subsequents to the balance sheet date 85 Statement of reconciliation between shareholders’ equity and net profit of the Parent company and consolidated Shareholders’ equity and profit pertaining to Parent company 86 Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors 87 Consolidated Financial Statements at 31 December 2013 92 Consolidated balance sheet 93 Consolidated income statement 94 Statement of consolidated comprehensive income 95 Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity 96 Consolidated cash flow statement 98 Notes to the financial statements 99 Part A – Accounting policies 100 Part B – Information on the consolidated balance sheet - Assets 133 Part B – Information on the consolidated balance sheet - Liabilities 186 Part C – Information on the consolidated income statement 208 Part D – Consolidated comprehensive income 240 Part E – Information on risks and associated hedging policies 242 Part F – Information on consolidated Capital 306 Part G – Aggregation operations regarding companies or business lines 315 Part H – Related party transactions 317 Part I – Payment agreements based on own equity instruments 320 Part L – Segment reporting 321 Independent Auditors’ report 325 Annual Report 2013 | 3 Map of the Banca Sella Group at the December 31, 2013 BANCA SELLA HOLDING S.P.A. FINANZIARIA 2010 BIELLA LEASING CONSEL S.P.A. S.P.A. S.P.A. BANCA PATRIM ONI SELLA GESTIONI SGR MIRET S.A. SELIR S.R.L. BANCA SELLA S.P.A. SELLA & C. S.P.A. S.P.A. SELLA SYNERGY FAMILY ADVISORY SIM SELFID S.P.A. EASY NOLO S.P.A. INDIA P.LTD. SELLA & PARTNERS IMMOBILIARE IMMOBILIARE SELLA LANIFICIO MAURIZIO S.P.A. SELLA S.P.A. C.B.A. VITA S.P.A. BROSEL S.P.A. SELLA CAPITAL SE LLA LI FE LTD. MANAGEMENT SGR S.P.A. in liquidazione Controlled companies but not included in the Group's perimeter Other line by line consolidated companies: MARS 2600 S.r.l. (special purpose vehicle for the Group's securization transaction). Monviso 2013 S.r.l (special purpose vehicle for the Group's securization transaction). SELVIMM DUE S.A. Net equity method consolidated companies MARTIN MAUREL SELLA BANQUE PRIVEE MONACO S.A.M. HI-M TF SIM S.p.A. INCHIARO ASSICURAZIONI S.P.A. S.C.P. VDP 1 ENERSEL S.p.A. 4 | Banca Sella Group Banca Sella Holding S.p.A. Main corporate boards and committees BOARD OF DIRECTORS In office up to the approval of the 2015 financial statements Chairman Maurizio Sella Deputy Chairman Franco Sella “ “ Lodovico Sella Chief Executive Officer Pietro Sella Director Mario Bonzano “ Franco Cavalieri Anna Maria Ceppi “ Massimo Condinanzi “ Mario Deaglio “ Giovanni Petrella Ernesto Rizzetti “ Caterina Sella “ Federico Sella “ Giacomo Sella “ Sebastiano Sella “ Giovanni Zanetti “ AUDIT COMMITTEE Member – Chairman Anna Maria Ceppi “ Mario Deaglio “ Giovanni Zanetti REMUNERATION COMMITTEE Member – Chairman Mario Deaglio “ Mario Bonzano “ Giovanni Zanetti APPOINTMENT COMMITTEE Member – Chairman Maurizio Sella “ Anna Maria Ceppi “ Giovanni Zanetti Annual Report 2013 | 5 BOARD OF STATUTORY AUDITORS In office up to the approval of the 2014 financial statements Auditor - Chairman Mario Pia “ “ Paolo Piccatti “ “ Daniele Frè Alternate Auditor Riccardo Foglia Taverna “ “ Pierangelo Ogliaro GENERAL DIRECTION Generale Manager Pietro Sella Co - Generale Manager Attilio Viola INDEPENDENT AUDITORS Deloitte & Touche S.p.A. 6 | Banca Sella Group REPORT ON CONSOLIDATED OPERATIONS AT 31 DECEMBER 2013 Annual Report 2013 | 7 BANCA SELLA GROUP – MAIN FIGURES AND INDICATORS Rating The ratings assigned by the agency Moody’s Investors Service and indicated in the table below refer to the latest Credit Opinion published in February 2014: Rating Long Term Global local currency deposit rating Ba1 Short term Not - prime Bank F ina ncial Stre ngth R a ting D Outlook Negative 8 | Banca Sella Group In June 2013, the sale by Banca Sella of the Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige distribution business unit to Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano Sudtiroler-Sparkasse took place (for more details, please refer to the chapter “Changes in the Framework of the Group”). This sale influenced the degree to which the equity and economic aggregates indicated below can be compared. Please refer to the chapter “Results for the year, income and equity data” for a more in-depth analysis of the changes. Data relative to the comparison period in the summary figure statements and in that of the alternative performance indicators, differ from those published in the financial statements as at 31 December 2012 in that, in those financial statements, to improve the comparability of the data, economic and equity components relative to Sella Bank AG had been individually reassigned to the relevant items, while in the financial statements at 31 December 2013, with the sale complete, they were moved to the appropriate item 150. Non-current assets and asset groups held for sale and 310. Profits/(losses) on asset disposal groups held for sale after tax. BANCA SELLA GROUP SUMMARY DATA (euro millions) Variation Item 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 absolute % BALAN CE SHEET Total assets 13.360,5 13.135,7 224,8 1,7% Cash loans (excluding reverse repurchase agreements) 8.208,4 8.560,4 (352,0) -4,1% Reverse repurchase agreements 107,1 61,7 45,4 73,6% G uar antees given 267,6 324,0 (56,4) -17,4% Financial assets 3.694,1 3.046,9 647,2 21,2% Equity investments 13,4 13,0 0,4 3,1% Non-current assets and asset groups held for sale - 114,6 (114,6) - Tangible and intangible fixed assets 274,7 280,3 (5,6) -2,0% Direct deposit(1) (excluding repurchase agreements) 9.305,6 9.350,1 (44,5) -0,5% Repurchase agreements 54,1 122,2 (68,1) -55,7% Indirect deposit (2) 14.494,5 14.059,8 434,7 3,1% Total deposit 23.854,2 23.532,1 322,1 1,4% Tier 1 675,7 644,8 30,9 4,8% Regulatory capital 1.057,8 1.034,1 23,7 2,3% INCOME STATEMENT (3 ) (4) Net interest income 291,2 285,9 5,3 1,9% Net income from services 246,8 259,6 (12,8) -5,0% Net banking income 8,1 9,9 (1,8) -18,5% Net banking and insurance income 546,1 555,4 (9,3) -1,7% Operating costs 357,6 374,3 (16,7) -4,5% Operating profit 188,6 181,1 7,5 4,1% Net value adjustments for impairment losses 138,2 127,5 10,7 8,4% Income tax 25,9 16,7 9,2 54,6% Profit for the year (net) pertaining to the Parent Company 34,9 21,0 13,9 66,4% (1 ) The aggregate represents the sum of the following items from the Liabilities section of the Balance Sheet: 20 “Due to Customers” and 30 “Securities in issue” (2 ) The aggregate, wich does not include the item "cash" component (included under "direct deposit"), represents the sum of the following items of the "Other information" section of the Notes to the Statements - Balance Sheet: "Asset management", "Third party securities held in deposit connected with the role of Depositary Bank", "Other third party securities held in deposit (net of securities issued by companies included in the consolidation)" the item related to income from insurance activities, as indicated in the note at the foot of the table on Management and Broking for third parties. (3 ) As per items reported in the reclassified consolidated income statement. (4 ) The aggregate does not include the component related to the insurance sector. Annual Report 2013 | 9 ALTERNATIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS BANCA SELLA GROUP Item 31/12/2013 31/12/2012 PROFITABILITY RATIOS (%) R.O.E. (return on equity) (8) 5,1% 3,2% R.O.A.A. (return on average assets) (9) 0,29% 0,17% Net interest income / Net banking and insurance income 53,3% 51,5% Net income from service ( 10) / Net banking and insurance income (1 0) 45,2% 46,7% Net income from insurance activity(1 0) / Net banking and insurance income(10 ) 1,5% 1,8% Cost to income (11 ) 63,5% 64,8% PRODUCTIVITY RATIOS (in euro thousand) Net banking and insurance income (10) / Average number of employees 133,5 133,7 Gross operating profit ( 10) / Average number of employees 46,1 43,6 Cash loans / Number of employees at year end 2.030,8 2.066,7 Direct deposit / Number of employees at year end 2.302,2 2.257,4 Total deposit / Number of employees at year end 5.901,6 5.681,3 BALAN CE SHEET RATI OS (%) Cash loans / Direct deposit 88,2% 91,6% Cash loans / Total assets 61,4% 65,2% Direct deposit / Total assets 69,6% 71,2% CREDIT RISK RATIOS (%) Impaired assets / Cash loans 7,8% 7,1% Net value adjustments to loans / Cash loans 1,7% 1,5% Coverage ratio non performing exposure 59,0% 60,8% Coverage ratio NPLs 43,7% 43,5% SOL VENCY R ATIOS (%) Tier 1 capital ratio 8,42% 7,80% Total Capital Ratio 13,18% 12,50% (8 ) Ratio between operating profit and equity, net of valuation reserves, both including minority interest.
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