Volume 1, Issue 38 January 29, 2010 54 Soldiers ‘Stay Army Strong’ By Spc. Cassandra Monroe “You all represent a commitment of 135th Mobile Public Affairs Det. more than 290 years to the United States Army.” Fifty-four Task Force Marne Soldiers recommitted themselves to -Major General Tony Cucolo, TF Marne commander serving in the Army during a mass re- mixed representation of Soldiers quitting, never accepting defeat and enlistment ceremony on Contingency throughout the task force. never leaving a fallen comrade. The Operating Base Speicher, Jan. 27. “You all represent a commitment fact that you are re-enlisting in this Those who re-enlisted were hon- of more than 290 years to the United difficult, complex and dangerous envi- ored by TF Marne’s commanding States Army,” said Maj. Gen. Cucolo. ronment just gives me and command general, Maj. Gen. Tony Cucolo, who “All of you are fighting the good fight sergeant major even greater pride.” administered the Oath of Re-enlist- with us here at Task Force Marne. We The ceremony was brief, but the ment, along with TF Marne’s senior all come from 14 different major Army commander made poignant comments enlisted advisor, Command Sgt. Maj. units, 14 different patches, 14 differ- that resonated with his audience. Staff Jesse Andrews. ent unit mottos, an we’re all pulling Sergeant Richard Jadick said that he’s “This is the first re-enlistment of together as one. hoping to make a statement by re- this size for Task Force Marne,” said “We’re in this one together, no mat- enlisting for indefinite service while at Sgt. Maj. Luis Rivera, the Task Force ter what unit patch or motto we have. combat. Marne command career counselor, 3rd We’re in a combat zone, and that’s “When it came to my 14th year Infantry Division. when the Warrior Ethos comes into mark, I wanted to go indefinite and The group of 54 Soldiers were a override, placing missions first, never continue my service to my country and complete my 20 years,” said Staff Sgt. Jadick, a military policeman, who has deployed five times, and is a squad leader with Headquarters and Head- quarters Company, 2-3 Brigade Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division. Staff Sergeant Jadick, who is stationed at Forward Operating Base Marez, re-enlisted for six more years. He said that his inspiration for re- enlisting came from the support of his wife. “My wife wanted me to do it when I left Fort Stewart, and here, the op- portunity arose with Maj. Gen. Cucolo, Photo by Sgt Chad Nelson, 135th Mobile Public Affairs Det. and I thought, ‘let’s do it,’” said Staff (lower left corner) Major General Tony Cucolo, TF Marne commanding general, administers the Oath of Re-enlistment during a re-enlistment ceremony with Command Sgt. Maj. Jesse Andrews, TF Marne command sergeant major, standing by his side, at COB Speicher, Jan. 27. See Re-up, Page 3 The North Star Page 2 • January 29, 2010 Photo by Spc. Cassandra Monroe, 135th Mobile Public Affairs Det. Dyna Shirasaki, lead vocalist for the all-female AC/DC tribute band, Thund ‘Her’ Struck, sings into her microphone during a performance, Jan. 25. The band, who is on their U.S. Armed Services tour, dedicated the song “Girl’s Got Rhythm,” to the females in the crowd and asked for a few volunteers to come to the stage. Thund ‘Her’ Struck rocks COB Speicher By Spc. Cassandra Monroe commendation from Dianne Feinstien, ladies dedicated the song “Girl’s Got 135th Mobile Public Affairs Det. Senator of California. Rhythm,” to the females in the crowd While at COB Speicher, the band and asked for a few volunteers to come Thund ‘Her’ Struck, an all female first stopped by the Division Main to the stage, which was met with great AC/DC tribute band, performed for Headquarters, greeting Soldiers as response. servicemembers at the COB Speicher they enthusiastically approached the Female servicemembers ran up to gym, Jan. 25. The band, which is band for handshakes and photos in the the stage, not letting their chance to named after the AC/DC song “Thun- main foyer. show what they could do slip. derstruck,” performed a selection of The “Thund ‘Her’ Struck” female A female Marine imitated the gui- songs such as “Hells Bells” and “TNT,” band also signed band flyers for the tarist and garnered cheers from her as well as older AC/DC hits. Soldiers, cracked a few jokes with a peers. Thund ‘Her’ Struck is composed of few high spirited fans. “I had a blast,” said Army Sgt. five musically accomplished women One Soldier even printed a recently Patricia Leal, a vehicle mechanic with who spread their motto “Let There Be taken photo of himself and the band the 209th Aviation Support Battal- Rock.” They also have performed at and had them sign it, while another ion, who took photos with her digital numerous events and venues, have held up a home-made sign and pre- camera while on stage with the band been featured on many radio and sented it to the foyer full of apprecia- members. “It was really awesome to television programs and in many tive fans. see people break out of their shells and magazines. After a brief media conference, to let a little piece of them out,” said They have performed at many and a couple of guitar tune-ups, the Sgt. Leal. national and international festivals, women hit the stage with wide smiles The band members would agree that fundraisers, trade shows and corpo- on their faces and guitars strapped at being on stage brings out a different rate and military events. the ready. side of them. The band plays material from both The first guitar riffs broke the “I can go crazy, it’s like an alter AC/DC eras, and has been recognized silence and the crowd roared as the ego,” said Thund ‘Her’ Struck lead gui- as “Best Tribute Band” by All Access band played their first song. Magazine, and has received a letter of Halfway through the set, the See Concert, Page 3 The North Star Page 3 • January 29, 2010 Continued from Re-up, Page 1 Sgt. Jadick. ceremony to support 25 Soldiers from dictable the game might be. Today the Coincidently, Staff Sgt. Jimmy her unit. 3rd Infantry Division honors those key Punzo also wanted to make a point “It’s nice to see your Soldiers dedi- players -- those who chose to stay on with his re-enlistment. cating a few more years of their life to the team and go long”. “For me, it’s a way to show Soldiers serve their country,” that the Army has given me a lot, and said Master Sgt. it’s time to give my time back to the Windham. Army,” said Staff Sgt. Punzo, a brigade Prior to the cere- schools noncommissioned officer sta- mony the re-enlisting tioned at FOB Warrior with Headquar- Soldiers along with ters and Headquarters Company, 1st Maj. Gen. Cucolo and Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Command Sgt. Maj. Division, Fort Bliss, Texas. Andrews recorded “Because we’re actually here in a a retention com- line of combat, it means just a little bit mercial. The theme more. for the commercial We’re out here making a difference, was “Team”, and the and it makes this re-enlistment a little 60-second message more special also,” he added. was summed up with Career counselors, who escorted these words from the Soldiers from their brigade to the commanding gen- ceremony, were proud that they were eral, “Some folks go able to keep in quality Soldiers. Mas- long, and keep play- Photo by Sgt Chad Nelson, 135th Mobile Public Affairs Det. ter Sergeant Brenda Windham, the ing no matter how Major General Tony Cucolo, TF Marne commander and Com- mand Sgt. Maj. Jesse Andrews, TF Marne command sergeant brigade career counselor with HHC, tough the opposing major, and re-enlistees record a “Stay Army Strong” commercial 2BCT, 3rd Inf. Div., attended the team is or how unpre- during a mass re-enlistment ceremony at COB Speicher, Jan. 27. Continued from Concert, Page 2 tarist, Tina Wood. “I can do goofy stuff some of their Led Zeppelin tunes. for the crowd and myself,” said 1st Lt. and everyone thinks it’s cool.” “I expected to have a good time Odom. The excited male servicemembers and rock out, which I did,” said Army “The countries that are in conflict in the crowd had their chance of fame 1st Lieutenant Jason Odom, a cav- are the most special to us, because too. alry officer with the 1st Battalion, that’s where we feel the entertainment During “Back in Black,” the service- 98th Cavalry Regiment, a Mississippi is most needed, “said Zermeno. members sang along with the band, National Guard unit. First Lieutenant The band concluded their evening rocking their heads, bodies and arms Odom and a group of male Soldiers with a meet and greet with those who back and forth. went on stage to rock out, and even attended the show, and signed posters, During the rest of the set, the crowd crowd surfed. posed for photos with servicemembers surpassed previous energy levels, “It’s a really good stress reliever and exchanged hugs and smiles. with fists and “rock on” “These tours are special hand symbols rocking back and unique and the recep- and forth in the air to the tion is like no other,” said rhythm. Zermeno. “People out here are a However, one thing is lot louder and the energy is for sure for servicemem- just amazing,” said An- bers here in Iraq: their drea Zermeno, the band’s autographed posters will bassist.
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