i I :1 arianas %riet~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ evvs Vol. 24 ·-No.·199 . · _;~· ' . • · · . : . ·, · . Saipan, MP 96950 · s· 0¢ ©1995 Marianasyariety . '. Friday II ~~cemb,er 1 5, ,1995 ' Serving CNMlfor·23,Years ,, I a e By Rick Alberto Variety News Staff Saipan tycoon found positive for 'ice A PROMINENT businessman Sablan group of companies, Sablan was routinary while he's amine inside his pants' pocket. was arrested yesterday after he waived his right to contest the on probation. He was acquitted of the charge. had been found to have used meth­ federal government's allegation Also in 1992, the millionnaire Yesterday Sablan effectively amphetamine, or "ice," a viola­ before the district court in Guam son-in-law of former Gov. admitted his addiction to drug af­ tion ofone of the conditions while which tried and put him on proba­ Lorenzo I. Guerrero was sum­ ter he asked the court to allow him under probation in connection tion. moned by the Superior Court to to undergo a 28-day drug reha­ 1 with his conviction for ammuni­ The ammunition charges date answer a drug importation charge bilitation program in Napa Val­ tion importation charges. back to 1992. after authorities allegedly found ley in California. The in-patient, John T. Sablan, owner of JG The drug test conducted on one-half gram of methamphet- intensive program will start Dec. l 18. _: : ~. : : . Showing concern, District ' Judge Alex Munson allowed him to undergo treatment. Sablan was scheduled to depart last night at 8:40. Munson observed in court that John T. Sablan Sablan appeared dissipated com­ concerned about Sablan's addic­ pared with his appearance six tion during the days that he is not months ago, when he last saw under the eyes of the court when him. he arrives in the US and before he Munson, however, was equally Continued on page 10 Hyatt election,.today camps as they prepared for today's election. · Some 304 eligible voters are expected to cast votes. Election starts at 6 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. About 50 anti-union employ­ ees yesterday picketed in front of the Hyatt Hotel, pushing for the rejection of the union. They were bearing placards that read "No to Union, No to Students from Mt. Carmel School scramble for candies and other goodies tossed by Santa Claus from atop Headache." · a firetruck yesterday at Chalan Kanoa field. DPS has been been making the rounds of schools as part of the 3D's prevention month. Union leaders and supporters were not perturbed. "We will win," said Elwood Mott Jr., an officer of the Hotel Em­ HK firm waits but may turn ployees and Restaurant Employ­ Elwood Mott Jr., ees Local 5. By Mar-Vic C. Munar Also involved in the election is to Guam for its casino plans Variety News Staff the Commonwealth Labor Fed­ PROPONENTS and critics of eration. By Rafael H. Arroyo Vicente M. Sablan, said it has started pay the fees and acquire land," said union at the Hyatt Regency In a letter to local workers, Variety News Staff touching base with Taotao Guam, a Henry. Hotel yesterday exerted their Mott said "the union is here to A HONGKONG firm is waiting in non-profit organization pushing for "We are all set. In fact we have last-ditch efforts to persuade help stop exploitation, to get the legalization of casino gaming in the wings to build a casino hotel on received support from Swan Air­ employees to their respective Continued on page 16 Saipan but is likely to consider Guam Guam. lines, which has assured us of flying as an alternative site should casino "Our company is very serious in in at least 300,000 tourists in our gaming not be legalized here. putting up a hotel and a mini-casino first year of operation," the other Hongkong Entertainment Over­ here on Saipan but it seems the Leg­ Sablan, Vicente, said. seas Investment Ltd., through its islature doesn't know we' re that se­ But in light of the current snags in Tenorio leaves for local consultants, brothers Henry and rious with our plans," said Henry. the passage of casino legislation, the Right now, the Hongkong firm is Sablans said the company is getting awaiting action on a gaming bill restless and may set its sights on Korea, Hongkong pending at the House of Representa­ Guam instead. tives. Guamanians are currently in the GOVERNOR Froilan C. Tenorio tion of the Chalan Pale Arnold and House Bill 9-371, which already thick of plans to legalize casino gam­ yesterday jetted to Korea on an the Cross-island back road. Under passed the Senate, provides for the bling in the island. investment-related trip and will be the deal, the CNMI government licensing and operation of one mini­ Although there has been strong flying to Hongkong on the way would later pay World out of an­ casino on Saipan and an unlimited opposition by the Catholic Church, back, the Public Information Office nual grants from the Federal High­ number of similar casincs on Rota a group of Guam citizens have disclosed yesterday. way Administration. and Tinian. formed Taotao Guam with the intent Public Information Officer Bruce The FHA on Monday approved According to the Sablan brothers, oflegalizing casino gaming through Lloyd in an interview yesterday, the road deal on the condition thl!,t the hotel Hongkong Entertainment initiative. confirmed Tenorio's departure but the contract, which had been ap­ is envisioning would be worth $ I 00 A Guam Business News report said he is not privy to details about proved much earlier by the CNMI million at a minimum, with at least indicates that 52' percent of regis­ the trip. government, would be revised to 300-rooms. tered Guamanian voters surveyed Tenorio' strip came a day after he ensure participation of local con­ "We have identified three pos­ by MRD, Inc. support casino gam­ signed the revised contract for tractors in the project. sible sites on Saipan and have been bling. World Corporation to do improve­ The new revised contract, will Mostly sunny with talking with Gov. Tenorio about our There are also reports that similar ments on two vital Saipan roads. now be forwarded to World isolated showers. plans. Right now, we.believe we are moves to legalize casinos are on in The Korean firm has proposed to Corporation's Korea office for sig­ most ready to put in our investment, Continued on page 16 finance and undertake the construe- Conti nued on page 16 PAC NEWSPAPER STACKS · 2-MARIANAS. VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-DECEMBER 15, 1995 FRIDAY.DECEMBER 15, 1995-MARIAN:As·vARIETYNEWS·ANDVIEWS-3 i I 'Serious' talks on budget impasse Bill proposes greyhound racing 'I By DAVID ESPO between President Clinton and Sen- ernment, butitcouldshutdownagain merous other issues. They both say thin~. the problems are that diffi- WASIIlNGTON (AP)-Aftermore ate Majority Leader Bob Dole. if agreement is not reached. their plans would clear the U.S. bud- cult. By Rafael H. Arroyo The 16-page draft legisla­ ernment revenues," Tenorio "Other than cultural dances, we posed activity is a relatively be­ lhan two weeks of false starts, con- At !he White House, spokesman One Republican official, speak- get deficit in seven years. &u:l!er, the White House and con- Variety News Staff tion, transmitted to both told the presiding officers of don't have evening activities for nign form of public gaming gressional Republicans said BarryToiv said, "we expect serious ing on condition of anonymity, said The announcement appeai:ed to gr_ess1?nal Democrat~ had assailed WITH HIS casino bill taking houses of Legislature on Tues­ the House and the Senate. tourist families," Tenorio stressed. which will not have major Wednesday night that "serious ne- negotiations on Friday.1bis is what both sides were expected to arrive at representprogress,andRepubhcans, Gmgnch for threatenmg to P!unge the back seat in the House of day, seeks to bring the new "We have already received The draft legislation takes note negative side effects and gotiations" toward a balanced bud- the president has wanted." Friday's meeting prepared to make at least, seemed optimistic they were port.10ns ot: the govemme~t mto a Representatives' agenda, Gov. gaming activity to Saipan, inquiries from potential inves­ at how greyhound racing has which is not inconsistent with get will begin Friday with the White Officials said numerous details a serious offer, meaning it would moving closer to theiryear-longgoal Chnstmast11!1e shutdO\.vn m order Froilan C. Tenorio has sub­ similar to that currently draw­ tors who would be interested provided a steady flow of in­ the culture of the Mariana Is­ House and continue unintemipted remain to be worked out, and the achieve a balanced budget in seven of producing a seven-year balanced to force Clinton to yield on the mitted draft legislation seek­ ing evening crowds in Guam. in bringing such racing here," come to the Guam govern­ lands. through the weekend. two sides offered differing interpre- years using economic forecasts of budget. Clinton is a Democrat. broader balanced budget. ing to legalize another form "As you know, Guam has said the governor. "We have a long way to go, and tations of how talks might proceed. the Congressional Budget Office, After months of tumult, House Any govern.ment. shutdown ment, both directly through "Although these races would of gaming - greyhound rac­ found greyhound racing to be they have a long way to go," Sen. Disagreement on how to balance which evaluates financial matters Speaker Newt Gingrich said ~e would.be less .d1sru~uve than last Tenorio said dog racing taxes and fees and indirectly not generate as much income PeteDomenici,chairmanoftheSen- the U.S.
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