'j . -:. : ..... 8 I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I Ii Is There i -~-~---' - ..., ... ~lt.e atnmmrntator . _.. __________ Official Und~rgradaate Newspaper of Yeshiva· College_ Vol. LVI NEW YORK CITY, MONDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1962 Two out of every; three rabb~ ordained at Yeshiva's Rabbi Isaac YC Has Unique Approach Elchanan _Seminary :are actively ~batlna' Team President Bay engaged in full time service to the Bloch discusses upcomlnc tours Jewish ·- community, . - survey of with Secretary Nat Dembln. To Its Ad_,n·issions Policy the 900 living rabbinic alumni <>f Traveling to the Midwest to the U niiversity has d~osed. "AdmlSS· 1°ons olY!ces do not con- body n--1·tates a un1·que ap- ican religion" w·as not ,.ompat1°ble m "-.-- M · f 1. I ··-41 debate schools such as the Uni- · ... "d C II E t E · ·. proach .to -..11e- adm1·ss1·on. "Mo- ost O t,,e a umria •S per- versity of \Visconsin and North­ with _,t_hc organized reli,aion, in par- Sl er O ege n ranee xamma- ""' •"' . al lead' e· tion Board scores alone sufficiently tivation, for example," stated Rab- cent-are servmg as spintu -• western University will be Mike ticula_r, Judaism. Th1S·_• "American ers of conOTP02t1·o·ns.. '- thr:ou..1..-..,t Goodman '64 and Alan Shapiro reliaio_· n" does not rec_ognize She- potent indicators of ability to sue- bi Hochbaum, "not generally ack- -th. •--•- - pvu e· ceed in college work," stated Rab- nowledged adequately by ac:lmis- e United States and; abroad. l\n- '64. chitah as the most hu~ane way of - other 10.3 percent are workin1 h . d , . h h bi Jerry Hochbaum, assistant di- .sions offices at other colleges, may on a -fu._ ll_-tlDl· e bas1S· • •._Jewish eel•._ Debating in the area of the s1 aug term_g, nor ~ it ave t e rector of admissions. be an important component of aca- 10 ..- nation's capital will be David Le­ same laws'' of divorce as does Ju- demic success at Yeshiva." cation;' 5.6 perc:mt are members. vine '63 and a pre-varsity member daism. He added that many college ~f Yesl~iva's faculty. : , who will be elevated in the near Mr. Radinsky delivered his ad- admissions officials are realizing At yeshiva, standardized test . -3.2· percent are chaplains in the th r future. _ , dress at a Fonun sponsored by the more and more e importance of score, such as college boa cls, and United; States Armed! Forces-; 4.2 . New Flflb Team Yeshiva and Stem :College Stu- intangible, non-academic factors in the high school transcript are sup- percent' are in Jcw~h organ~­ The fifth team is an innovation dent • Councils. The topic of the making a valid assessment of a po- plcmented wherever possible by as tional _work and 1_6 ; percent ari: by the Debating. Society. It will Forum was: "Is There Really tential student's abilitY to rope many non-academie ~dicaton as working in Israel. :2.3 percerit consist of two debaters from Stem Freedom of Religion 'in the Unit- with the de1t1ands of college. - possible; the personal interview is _ are cumndy enpeed in graduat1e th College for Women who will face ed _States?" Members•of the panel This is also the preliminary therefore an essential part of e .studies, 22 percent are in buiineiil colleges in the Boston area. The who, later debated th~ validity of finding of a_s~dy, now in its sec- admusion procedure. "l:lowever," ~d am,fasional life, •d 9.3 :pe-;. Sterri Debating Team was formed Mr.: Rad1· ......1...'s th-:_..-_, w- M!L- ond year, being· conducted by the -he concluded, "there will never . t , .th -= _,;1 ill - • -.7 - -... l&.IC be -a· . ~_oolproof meth.od o· f p-~edict- cend,_ 81S1i6•~~-e _ei er ....... rcu_, or . un- this year under the direction of ~an '64, Miriam Radinsky Office of Admisw,ns to determine :ii • cu. the Yeshiva I)ebating Society. '64: and Sylvia Barred '64: Mr. the most dfective predictors of ing the amount of sweat and hard ·The: recently com'p1etec1 ~net Mr. Bloch also noted that next Al Mannon '63 ~crated the college achievement at Yeshiva. - work essential to collece SUCCCIL" WU mnducted by Vactor B. 'Gel.: month two debaters will speak be­ discusion. ,. ._ Specific statistics in the correla- To further lilpplemcnt eumio- ~. ~r of rabbk-Jc pllCffllfilt. fore Congregation Shaaray Tefila The purpose of :the Forum, · tion of colleae board grades and ation 10l)..., acl,rieeiM clinclDn •~It thquld he~•, lrfr. Geller in Far Rockaway. Also planned stated Je».eph Rapapcjrt, praidmt · hi&h acbool avenpl will not he try to classify schools' by quality points -; out, "that • have W that ~nth is a trip to Brandeis of yeshiva Studmt Council, wa avail&'- 'until alarpr number of of instn;action. and. padin1 ·-,. Ctowiuc D11ta11Ce1 of ~ for pre-varsity members and a de­ 11to i promote doeer ~ relationship cases AR eumioed. tans. This is po1111,le for Y ~ -wbae 'both the rabbi of the bate with Columbia University be­ between students of )Yeshiva and · Rabbi · Hochbaum emphasir.cd . ~ -_ICMOII. 'but it is ·. im~ ; p-eptiba .and_ita ---- .,Ja," _. psa·= fore a Masonic Lodge in New Stern Colleges on ~ intellectual . · that' the .,,.;eJ educatiaa cdraed _to apply this ~ - to students en- are _,..____. _.. are -padu-- --1." at "-L. !..-.• . dent t • ·f bl. hi......, ..;,__L.--1- . - o1· "-L~ - York. 1~•" :a auaY11 an~u _....=-.-.;.:_,- - 7..-- _..-· · enn1 l'OIII pu ac ...- a;iiuua. ata . • auwa. j ·._ : ' Monday, Dec.r! . 17, 1962 . ' . Letters To The Editor .Rachln RetorlS · but I · find your reasoning rather I am studying English' hopirtg . Blood From!Benevolent To the Editor: incomplete, and, admittedly,: your to be able to do justice' to this Very frankly, A-Iiss Frank, l attitude rather offensive from my beautiful language. ~ have~a great _ !- The Bloodmobile is making the first of its two annual think you missed the point. standpoint as a Jew who is a hu­ love , for the English language :visits to Yeshiva on Wednesday, December 19. The center of Somehow, I get the impression man being. which I speak and write to a cer- opetations will be Furst Hall instead of Klein Hall, but all from your letter that I should Sincerely, tain degree. · Bruce Rachlin ·other factors are unchanged i and Drive Chairman Robert have: consulted you before choosing I should like to know. more :Feiilerman anticipates- a record attendance. a topic. about young American people's Had I done · so, I imagine you '. - : : The reason for giving blood at any time is compelling Loan Report activities; it would help all of us would have _told _me to discuss To the Editor: to have a better un~erst-ding of -saving another human's life is given highest priority among Jerusalem. However, I was dis­ I believe you will be interested each other's customs~ legends, and : the' mitzvot. 'But the Yeshiva College Blood Bank does more cussing Berlin and would have in the enclosed annual report of so forth. · ' · · , tha~ help· th~ Red · Cross fight emergencies of all kinds all appreciated your criticism in re­ ·The Student Free Loan Fund in I hope this will- be starting . over the world, for only one-third of the donated blood goes _ lation to that topic. memory of lHendel Gott~man, point · in ·strengthening ou1· heart- Furthermore, I wonder if our to that organiza~on. _· _ established by E. M. Black, Class felt friendship. ~'.• greatness is so vitiated that we can ; Two-thirds of the bank is accredited to the donors and of 1940, for the year ended June Thanking you in advai~ce for · their families for an -- ~ntire year. Should an emergency aiise, no longer look past ourselves. _ 30, 1962. I wonder if you mean to say : your very kind consideration, I re- - blood is supplied free of charge ( it is usually $25 a pint) to Since the organization of The mam,. that we should condemn the men­ -Student Loan Fund eight years : the; donor anywher~ in the United States or Canada. The tality that produced the German Yours faithfully, donor also receives a certificate with his blood type and gets ago, the trustees have granted, tragedy or every individual who 1,536 loans totaling $34,26S to Yera Moor Alarques : a- free medical examination. was 'there--th~ two year old as students of Yeshiva and Stem col­ Addr~: . In order _to encourage student participation, the Dean well as the thirty year old. leges. During the last fiscal year Miss Vera Moor Marques - has announced that no tests are to be scheduled for Decem- Destl'oJ' BaablmdsT of the Fund which ended June Caixa Postal, 362 Would you have us destroy - her- 19, and all donor absences will be excused. Every student 30, 1962, 228 loans totaling. Porto Alegre · their · husbands, their wives, their who is physically able should make every attempt to donate. $5,260 were granted. · Rio Grande do Sul. children? Should we sink to their Although the loans were grant­ Brasil · level . of beastiality ? If you tell ed without guarantors, red tape -Sweat From Students me that, I refuse to succumb. or embarrassment, uncollectable You will complain that you See And.Ski loans during the _entire eight-year THE COMMENTATOR is pleased with the recent resolu- have not asked me to commit Dear Editor: period amounted to only $192, •tiops passed by the faculty of the Teachers Institute.
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