PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL FACULDADE DE LETRAS PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM LETRAS STÉPHANE RODRIGUES DIAS AGENCY VIA DIALOGUE: A PRAGMATIC, DIALOGUE-BASED APPROACH TO AGENTS Advisor: Prof. Jorge Campos da Costa, Ph.D. Coadvisor: Prof. Felipe de Matos Müller, Ph.D. Porto Alegre 2016 1 STÉPHANE RODRIGUES DIAS AGENCY VIA DIALOGUE: A PRAGMATIC, DIALOGUE-BASED APPROACH TO AGENTS Tese de Doutorado apresentada ao Programa de Pós- graduação em Letras/Linguística, da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, como parte dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do título de Doutora em Letras. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jorge Campos da Costa Coadvisor: Prof. Dr. Felipe de Matos Müller Porto Alegre 2016 2 Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação ( CIP ) D541a Dias, Stéphane Rodrigues Agency via dialogue : a pragmatic, dialogue-based approach to agents / Stéphane Rodrigues Dias. - Porto Alegre, 2016. 202 f. : il. Tese (Doutorado) – Faculdade de Letras, PUCRS. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Jorge Campos da Costa. Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Felipe de Matos Müller. 1. Linguística. 2. Diálogo - Análise. 3. Comunicação. 4. Linguagem. 5. Cognição. 6. Emoções. I. Costa, Jorge Campos da. II. Müller, Felipe de Matos. III.Título. CDD 410 . Ficha Catalográfica elaborada por Vanessa Pinent CRB 10/1297 3 I'm nothing special, in fact I'm a bit of a bore If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before But I have a talent, a wonderful thing 'cause everyone listens when I start to sing I'm so grateful and proud All I want is to sing it out loud So I say Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing Thanks for all the joy they're bringing Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty What would life be? Without a song or a dance what are we? So I say thank you for the music For giving it to me Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk She says I began to sing long before I could talk And I've often wondered, how did it all start? Who found out that nothing can capture a heart Like a melody can? Well, whoever it was, I'm a fan I've been so lucky, I am the girl with golden hair I wanna sing it out to everybody What a joy, what a life, what a chance! "Thank You for The Music" is track #7 on the album The Album, by Abba. It was written by Andersson, Benny Goran Bror / Ulvaeus, Bjoern K. 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I have many agents to thank. This work is a result of much deliberation on the theoretical realm. Core aspects of it have been discussed in conferences and workshops in the area of Linguistics, Dialogue Studies and Philosophy, one of which was held in Lebanon (Beirut, Dialogue Under Occupation VI) another in Portugal (Lisbon, 1st European Conference on Argumentation) and the others in Brazil (especially, in Curitiba, I Workshop de Pragmática; in Fortaleza, 3rd Latin American Analytic Philosophy Conference; in João Pessoa, Projeto 15 da ALFAL, "Estudios del diálogo"; in Porto Alegre, Symposium on Justice and DUO VII) and in the United States (in Los Angeles, 3rd International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association; in Princeton, Penn-Rutgers- Princeton Social Epistemology Workshop 2015). Thus, again, I have many agents to thank. I will make use of the levels of agency I take as central, starting by the members of the group closer to us as individuals, our family. For all love and support, I thank my family members and my husband, Luis. They are the base of my agency as human being, thus being central in all roles I assume as a social kind. I, then, thank my friends; in special Jefferson, Marlon, Daisy, Aline and Nana, for their complicity in life, close or far from each other, we share a motivation. I also thank my advisor, Jorge Costa, who has taken many roles in my social life since I was an Undergrad student: a friend, a professor, a guru. I also thank my co-advisor Felipe Muller for his enthusiasm for this research and his confidence in my work. I thank PUCRS, Rutgers, CNPq, Capes, Fulbright, One to World, as collective agents, by thanking their former and current members. I specially thank Prof. Ernie Lepore, for all his support during my visit at Rutgers University, for making my stay a wonderful period, and also Sue Cosentino and Jo'Ann, whose kindness, help and competence made me feel incredibly happy. At PUCRS, I thank many agents. PUCRS has been my second home for almost 11 years. Many professors, colleagues, friends and secretaries have made a difference. I thank them all, especially Yuri Penz and Tatiana Carré. I want to thank Yuri Penz and Martha Brito for proofreading parts of this material. I am deeply thankful to my evaluation committee for so many enriching comments: Dr. Candida Jaci de Sousa Melo, Dr. Ernie Lepore, Dr. Fábio Rauen and Dr. Carlos Gerbase. It is so rewarding to see our work taken seriously. I also would like to thank Prof. Edda Weigand for reading and making comments on a draft of a paper included here. Finally, I would like to thank Paulo Soares for working on a project of peacemaking that calls artists to unite for a better world. His work motivated me to pursue the proposal I present here. 5 ABSTRACT This work addresses human communicative agency. The competence to instantiate a set of communicative procedures is taken as a component of human rationality that meets a key role of regulating our cognitive environment (a set of mental states, centrally assumptions and emotions), in order to maximize practical goals and sociability. The linguistic-inferential approach offered here for such scope of rationality covers two levels: cognitive and practical, treated hierarchically, according to the assumed regulations. We consider that the cognitive apparatus (the inferential, representational and metarepresentational basis), along with the linguistic apparatus (computation plus interpretable expressions), allows us to operate from the most basic levels of linguistic processing to higher levels (where agents consider assumptions about other minds). In the practical domain, we consider that the linguistic and communicative behavior is used by agents to affect mental states and others’ courses of action, thus being in the basis of our social cognition. In this scenario, we not only interact with agents, but we also create a social agency via language. We, therefore, consider a communicative agency framework in which acts are performed within a dialogical structure. The general thesis is that communication requires the use of skills that incorporate practical rationality parameters. This regulation would be dependent on a cognitive and practical structure of agency in which human cognition represents three types of agents: individuals, group members and groups (collectives or representatives). Each of these levels presents characteristic features of communicative agency. In all of them, however, there is the possibility of disagreement among agents, cognitive or practical, in dialogue situations. We illustrate this aspect with a scenario of conflict between agents that are supposed to reach a peace agreement. The illustrative analysis focuses on real negotiation dialogues between group members and representatives of the State of Israel and of Palestine. We observe how practical goals of agents of these types regulate their cognitive and dialogical goals. As a result, we present an alternative proposal to the standard scenario of negotiation, or conflict mediation. As a theoretical benefit, ad hoc pragmatic issues (relevance to the individual qua agent, conflicts between agents) are given prominence and effective treatment. As a practical benefit, the model can be applied to the area of conflict mediation, given the downsizing of a biosocial disposition: our cognitive states are particularly affected by stimuli from a class of agents (artists), with potential effect on individual and collective agencies. Keywords: Agency. Dialogue. Rationality. Social facts. Conflict mediation 6 RESUMO Este trabalho tem como tema agência comunicativa humana. A competência para instanciar um conjunto de procedimentos comunicativos é tomada como um componente da racionalidade humana que cumpre a função central de regulação de nosso ambiente cognitivo (um conjunto de estados mentais, destacadamente suposições e emoções) tendo em vista maximizar metas práticas e sociabilidade. A abordagem linguístico-inferencial desse escopo de racionalidade que oferecemos abarca dois níveis: cognitivo e prático, tratados hierarquicamente em função das regulações supostas. Primeiramente, consideramos que o aparato cognitivo (base inferencial, representacional e matarrepresentacional), junto com o aparato linguístico (computação mais expressões interpretáveis), nos permite operar do nível mais básico de processamento linguístico a níveis mais altos (em que se consideram suposições sobre outras mentes). No domínio prático, por sua vez, consideramos que o comportamento linguístico-comunicativo é usado por agentes para agir sobre estados mentais e/ou cursos de ação de outros, estando na base de nossa cognição social. Nesse domínio, não apenas interagimos com agentes como também criamos uma agência social via linguagem. Consideramos, assim, um quadro de agência comunicativa em que atos são performados dentro de uma estrutura dialógica. A tese geral é a de que a comunicação exige o uso de habilidades que incorporam parâmetros de racionalidade prática. Essa regulação estaria dependente de uma estrutura cognitiva e prática de agência, segundo a qual a cognição humana representaria agentes de três tipos: indivíduos, membros de grupos (integrantes) e grupos (agentes coletivos ou representantes). Cada um desses níveis apresenta traços de agência comunicativa característicos. Em todos eles, porém, há a possibilidade do desacordo, cognitivo ou prático, em situações de diálogo. Ilustramos esse quadro com um cenário de conflito entre agentes que supostamente visam a chegar a um acordo de paz. A análise ilustrativa se foca em diálogos reais de negociação entre membros de grupos e representantes do Estado de Israel e da Palestina que estão encarregados do processo de paz.
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