CODE LIST STATE CODE - 13 Sl.No District Code Sl.No Census Circle Code Village Code 1 Kohima

CODE LIST STATE CODE - 13 Sl.No District Code Sl.No Census Circle Code Village Code 1 Kohima

CODE LIST STATE CODE - 13 Sl.No District Code Sl.No Census Circle Code Village Code 1 Kohima. 1 Tseminyu Circle 0001 to 0035 2 Chiephobozou Circle 0036 to 0060 3 Kezocha Circle 0061 to 0069 4 Jakhama Circle 0070 to 0079 5 Kohima Sadar Circle 0080 to 0082 6 Sechu Circle 0083 to 0094 2 Peren 1 Pedi Census Circle 0095 to 0104 2 Jalukie Circle 0105 to 0127 3 Athibung Circle 0128 to 0143 4 Nsong Circle 0144 to 0151 5 Tening Circle 0152 to 0168 6 Peren Sardar Circle 0169 to 0180 3 Dimapur 1 Niuland Census Circle 0181 to 0251 2 Kuhoboto Circle 0252 to 0274 3 Nihokhu Circle 0275 to 0283 4 Dimapur Sadar Circle 0284 to 0295 5 Chumukedima Circle 0296 to 0345 6 Dansiripar Circle 0346 to 0372 7 Msdziphema Circle 0373 to 0396 4 Phek 1 Sekruzu Census Circle 0397 to 0404 2 Phek Sadar Circle 0405 to 0423 3 Meluri Circle 0424 to 0444 4 Phokhungri Circle 0445 to 0455 5 Chozuba Circle 0456 to 0462 6 Chetheba Circle 0463 to 0469 7 Sakraba Circle 0470 to 0478 8 Pfutsero Circle 0479 to 0488 9 Khezhakeno Circle 0489 to 0490 10 Chizami Circle 0491 to 0500 5 Zunheboto 1 V.K Census Circle 0501 to 0509 2 Akuluto Circle 0510 to 0519 3 Suruhuto Circle 0520 to 0533 4 Asuto Circle 0534 to 0559 5 Aghunato Circle 0560 to 0587 6 Zunheboto Circle 0588 to 0609 7 Atoizu Circle 0610 to 0630 8 Pughoboto Circle 0631 to 0639 9 Ghathashi Circle 0640 to 0652 10 Satakha Circle 0653 to 0676 11 Satoi Circle 0677 to 0687 7 Wokha 1 Changpang Circle 0688 to 0705 2 Aitepyong Circle 0706 to 0712 3 Bandari Circle 0713 to 0737 4 Baghty Circle 0738 to 0740 5 Sungro Circle 0741 to 0745 6 Sanis Circle 0746 to 0753 Sl.No District Code Sl.No Census Circle Code Village Code 7 Lotsu Circle 0754 to 0760 8 Ralan Circle 0761 to 0776 9 Wozhuro Circle 0777 to 0786 10 Wokha Sadar Circle 0787 to 0811 11 Chukitong Circle 0812 to 0815 8 Mokokchung 1 Longchem Census Circle 0816 to 0829 2 Alongkima Circle 0830 to 0838 3 Tuli Circle 0839 to 0849 4 Changtongya Circle 0850 to 0859 5 Chuchuyimlang Circle 0860 to 0870 6 Kubolong Circle 0871 to 0878 7 Mangkolemba Circle 0879 to 0989 8 Ongpangkong Circle 0990 to 0917 9 Tuensang 1 Noksen Census Circle 0918 to 0929 2 Chare Circle 0930 to 0941 3 Longkhim Circle 0942 to 0953 4 Tuensang Sadar Circle 0954 to 0979 5 Noklak Circle 0980 to 0994 6 Panso Circle 0995 to 1001 7 Shamator Circle 1002 to 1011 8 Tsurung Circle 1012 to 1017 9 Chessore Circle 1018 to 1027 10 Thonoknyu Circle 1028 to 1041 10 Kiphire 1 Seyoching Census Circle 1042 to 1058 2 Amahator Circle 1059 to 1069 3 Kiphire Sadar Circle 1070 to 1078 4 Kiusam Circle 1079 to 1086 5 Sitimi Circle 1087 to 1097 6 Longmatra Circle 1098 to 1107 7 Pungro Circle 1108 to 1133 11 Longleng 1 Tamlu Census Circle 1134 to 1142 2 Yongya Circle 1143 to 1149 3 Longleng Circle 1150 to 1168 12 Mon 1 Naginimora Circle 1169 to 1174 2 Tizit Circle 1175 to 1188 3 Hunta Circle 1189 to 1196 4 Shangnyu Circle 1197 to 1201 5 Mon Sardar Circle 1202 to 1217 6 Wakching Circle 1218 to 1224 7 Aboi Circle 1225 to 1231 8 Longshen Circle 1232 to 1238 9 Phomching Circle 1239 to 1244 10 Chen Circle 1245 to 1252 11 Longching 1253 to 1260 12 Mopong Circle 1261 to 1267 13 Tobu Circle 1268 to 1271 14 Monyakxhu Circle 1272 to 1278 TABLE - I DISTRICT-WISE DATA ON DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS AS ON 31-2-2008 STATE : NAGALAND According to 2001 Census No. of Village in the district having basic facilities Population Road School Name of District Bank S/T Total Total Male Angawadi Post Office Bus Service Bus Others Others Female No.of Villages No. of water supply water of No. Community Hall Pucca Road High School High Kutcha Road No.of Village electified Telephone facility Middle School Middle Hospital (CHC/PHC) Primary School No. of the House hold of No. Veterinary dispensary Veterinary Village Education Board during the last 12 months 12 last the during Dispensary/Sub-health centre Dispensary/Sub-health Whether pupil work programme work up Whether taken pupil 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 Kohima 94 24282 73948 68340 142288 134011 8277 94 94 41 53 78 77 32 2 94 40 28 11 52 18 87 87 82 79 2 Peren 86 15270 46642 44124 90766 87395 3371 84 84 18 57 78 76 14 4 81 24 12 6 27 5 82 83 84 84 3 Dimapur 216 34881 104263 90161 194424 144356 50068 199 126 58 158 160 72 17 7 200 62 26 11 53 5 200 202 140 146 4 Phek 104 26258 69818 65513 135331 132575 2756 99 95 25 73 74 71 13 3 99 41 15 6 41 9 97 94 95 97 5 Zunheboto 187 23245 66438 64436 130874 127662 3212 187 187 41 146 186 158 24 7 187 60 48 36 45 29 187 187 187 183 6 Wokha 128 20719 63259 60328 123587 119821 3766 127 127 32 95 107 86 8 2 127 54 8 6 40 4 127 127 127 127 7 Mokokchung 102 30948 103748 97123 200871 192606 8265 102 102 56 46 98 90 28 5 102 77 36 10 62 8 102 102 102 102 8 Tuensang 124 25115 84211 77822 162033 158051 3982 124 80 29 95 82 61 31 6 124 35 28 36 53 18 123 124 89 121 9 Kiphire 92 16094 42450 58982 101432 98541 2891 89 86 25 74 30 23 17 2 89 26 12 8 22 6 86 85 44 87 10 Longleng 35 14378 64371 57210 121581 118485 3096 35 25 18 17 17 21 6 2 35 12 5 4 8 2 35 35 22 35 11 Mon 110 31939 81470 162592 244062 230821 13241 108 102 41 69 32 48 8 2 108 57 17 25 61 28 106 106 72 107 Total 1278 263129 800618 846631 1647249 1544324 102925 1248 1108 384 883 942 783 198 42 1246 488 235 159 464 132 1232 1232 1044 1168 TABLE - II CENSUS CIRCLE-WISE DATA ON DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS AS ON 31-2-2008 STATE : NAGALAND According to 2001 Census No. of Village in the district having basic facilities Population Road School Name of the District Bank S/T Total Total Male Angawadi Others Others Post Office Female Bus Service Bus No.of Villages Pucca Road No. of water supply water of No. High School High Community Hall Kutcha Road Middle School Middle No.of Village electified Telephone facility Primary School Hospital (CHC/PHC) No. of the House hold of No. Veterinary dispensary Veterinary Village Education Board up during the last 12 months 12 last the during up Dispensary/Sub-health centre Dispensary/Sub-health Whether pupil work programme work Whether taken pupil 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Kohima District 1 Tseminyu 35 7600 26936 25928 52864 52306 558 35 35 12 23 26 28 6 2 35 12 7 3 15 3 31 31 31 31 2 Chiephobozou 25 4848 12500 11833 24333 23254 1079 25 25 10 15 24 23 6 - 25 13 10 1 14 4 23 23 23 23 3 Kezocha 9 1830 6715 5501 12216 11210 1006 9 9 2 7 7 8 6 9 6 2 1 9 2 9 9 9 9 4 Jakhama 10 4597 12421 11566 23987 21758 2229 10 10 8 2 9 9 8 10 5 5 3 9 6 10 10 10 10 5 Kohima Sadar 3 2591 7179 6873 14052 13015 1037 3 3 3 - 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 6 Sechu 12 2810 8197 6639 14836 12468 2368 12 12 6 6 12 6 4 - 12 4 3 3 4 2 11 11 11 5 Peren District 1 Pedi 10 1536 4370 4041 8411 8136 275 9 9 5 3 8 8 5 - 9 4 3 2 7 9 9 9 9 2 Jalukie 23 4308 11910 11364 23274 21414 1860 23 23 9 14 23 23 7 2 22 7 3 2 6 2 23 23 23 23 3 Athibung 16 2086 6277 6033 12310 12305 5 16 16 2 14 13 12 2 - 14 2 - - 3 2 15 15 16 16 4 Nsong 8 1117 4199 3972 8171 8170 1 8 8 - 8 8 8 2 - 8 3 1 - 1 - 8 8 8 8 5 Tening 17 4434 15345 14394 29739 29096 643 16 16 - 17 14 13 3 1 17 4 2 1 6 - 15 16 15 15 6 Peren Sadar 12 1789 4541 4320 8861 8274 587 12 12 2 10 12 12 1 1 11 4 1 1 6 1 12 12 12 12 Dimapur District 1 Niuland 71 5920 16116 15363 31479 30053 1426 56 35 11 56 42 14 2 1 61 17 7 3 11 - 63 64 37 45 2 Kuhoboto 23 2314 6462 6237 12699 10780 1919 23 13 1 22 18 8 2 - 23 7 5 1 3 - 21 22 15 15 3 Nihokhu 9 1936 6287 5868 12155 8037 4118 9 7 2 7 6 4 - - 9 2 1 - 1 - 9 8 6 6 4 Dimapur 12 4940 17880 11982 29862 15615 13747 12 9 10 7 10 5 3 1 11 6 4 3 7 1 11 12 9 9 5 Chumukedima 50 12327 36287 30953 67240 45408 21832 49 32 23 26 43 27 7 4 47 17 4 1 16 1 46 48 38 37 6 Dansiripar 27 3118 8924 8164 17088 15000 2088 26 12 3 22 21 9 1 27 5 3 3 10 1 26 24 17 12 7 Msdziphema 24 4326 12807 11594 24401 19463 4938 24 18 8 18 20 5 2 1 22 8 2 1 6 2 24 24 18 22 Phek District 1 Sekruzu 7 1978 4757 4489 9246 9194 52 8 8 - 8 3 6 1 - 8 3 1 - 3 1 7 7 7 7 2 Phek 19 3184 8485 8073 16558 16395 163 19 17 2 16 13 15 3 - 19 8 3 - 6 1 16 16 18 19 3 Meluri 21 2877 7912 6999 14911 13947 964 21 21 10 11 16 17 3 1 21 10 2 2 10 2 21 21 21 21 4 Phokhungri 11 585 1861 1641 3502 3459 93 8 8 - 8 6 2 - - 8 1 - - 2 - 8 8 8 8 5 Chozuba 7 2460 7111 6429 13540 13460 80 7 7 2 5 6 4 1 - 7 4 2 1 4 1 7 7 7 7 6 Chetheba 7 2823 7144 7155 14299 14114 185 7 5 3 4 6 4 1 - 7 4 2 1 5 1 7 7 7 7 7 Sakraba 9 1971 5034 4642 9676 9567 109 8 8 7 6 6 1 2 8 3 1 - 2 1 8 8 8 8 8 Pfutsero 10 6487 17539 16642 34181 33127 1054 9 9 4 5 7 7 2 1 9 2 2 1 5 1 8 8 8 8 9 Khezhakeno 2 712 2108 2021 4129 4125 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 - 2 2 1 - 2 1 2 2 2 2 10 Chizami 10 3181 7867 7422 15289 15187 102 10 10 2 8 8 8 1 1 10 4 1 1 5 1 10 10 10 10 Zunheboto District 1 V.K 9 1173 2887 2748 5635 5620 15 9 9 1 8 9 9 1 - 9 4 4 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 2 Akuluto 10 1256 3469 3196 6665 6459 206 10 10 5 5 10 10 1 - 10 6 6 3 4 4 10 10 10 10 3 Suruhuto 14 2536 7462 7198 14660 14546 114 14 14 3 11 14 12 2 - 14 4 4 3 3 3 14 14 14 12 4 Asuto 26 1480 3878 3567 7445 7415 30 26 26 15 11 26 26 4 1 26 6 4 3 5 2 26 26 26 24 5 Aghunato 28 2923 8390 8323 16713 16544 169 28 28 5 23 28 28 1 1 28 8 5 5 6 6 28 28 28 28 6 Zunheboto 22 2349 7658 7830 15488 15071 417 22 22 - 22 22 19 - - 22 5 - - - - 22 22 22 22 7 Atoizu Circle 21 2358 7214 7246 14460 13616 844 21 21 5 16 21 21 2 - 21 3 3 1 2 - 21 21 21 21 8 Pughoboto 9 2911 7643 7445 15088 14935 153 9 9 1 8 8 6 5 4 9 9 9 8 9 5 9 9 9 9 9 Ghathashi 12 1829 4856 4691 9547 9456 91 13 13 1 12 13 4 3 - 13 9 8 7 8 3 13 13 13 13 10 Satakha 24 3451 10303 9546 19849 18691 1158 24 24 4 20 24 15 3 - 24 4 3 2 3 2 24 24 24 24 11 Satoi 11 979 2678 2646 5324

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