Published by the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Volume 40, Number 7 April 2020 Nissan 5780 PASSOVER Inside: Bill Mandating Holocaust and Genocide Education New Hampshire and the Coronavirus by Sails Through Senate Infectious Disease By Board Member Dina Michael Specialist Alexander Chaitowitz Granok, MD, Senate Bill 727 is on its way. On March 3, page 14. the Senate Education and Workforce De- velopment Committee passed Senate Bill 727, a bill that, if passed into law, would mandate Holocaust and genocide educa- Due to the current tion in New Hampshire schools. The pri- state of emergency in mary sponsor of the bill is State Senator New Hampshire, Jay Kahn. The Reporter has printed the bill as it currently stands. scheduled events may On March 12, the bill passed, unanimous- be postponed or ly, in the Senate. It will go to the House on cancelled. Please Crossover Day, March 26. This is the day check with organizers when bills cross over to the other cham- to confirm up-to-date ber. We anticipate that a hearing will be Back row: Attorney Robert Dunn of the Diocese of Manchester, and Tom White of the Cohen Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies. Front row: Babette Rittmeyer of the Lantos schedules. scheduled for sometime in April. Once the hearing is scheduled, we will need your sup- Foundation; Laurie Kagan Medrek, daughter of Holocaust survivor; Dina Michael Chaitowitz, port in advocating for this bill, which we be- Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Board of Directors member; State Senator Jay Kahn, lieve will help create an informed and toler- primary sponsor of bill; Kati Preston; Jenna Kate Bisbee, assistant to Kati Preston; and Guo, ant citizenry. Stay tuned for a legislative Kati’s son-in-law. alert via email asking you to write letters cation committee are republished here. As Federation Voices 3 For complete text of Bill 727 and and otherwise support SB 727. you can see, we have great support from Fed- letters from the community, please see Calendar 4 In addition to the text of the bill, some of eration members and the interfaith commu- pages 10-12. Your Federation at Work 5 the letters that were sent to the Senate edu- Bill continued on page 3 From the Bimah 7 Education 8 In the Community 10 Our Choice for Tzedakah: JFNH Arts & Entertainment 22-26 support Federation because of its support ed according to our community’s needs, re- By Rick Sirvint Book Review 23 of our New Hampshire Jewish community. gardless of levels of observance, political Kids' Corner 26 Required giving of tzedakah is a funda- Jews are all part of one family, descendants beliefs, or cultural practices. That’s why we Jewish Journeys 27 mental principle of the Jewish reli- of our Matriarchs and Patriarchs. give to Federation. Opinion 28 gion. Tzedakah is often translated Jewish law is very reasonable. Israel News and Events 29 as charity, but it is more than that. There are limits to our giving. We Rick Sirvint is a retired history teacher. He Recent Events 31 Charity implies voluntary giving should never give away enough writes a monthly column for the Monadnock or an expectation of giving. All re- money to make ourselves poor and Ledger-Transcript covering social, political, Tributes 33 ligions support charity. Our faith a burden to the community. The and historical issues. He lives in Rindge and Business & Professional mandates it. Talmud states that if you save one is a member of Congregation Agudat Achim Services 34 Even a poor person is expected Jewish life, you save the whole in Leominster, MA. Sources for this article to give tzedakah. There are verifi- Rick Sirvint world. However, Halacha, Jewish include The Laws of Tzedakah and Maaser, able cases of Jews in concentration camps Law, encourages giving tzedakah to non- A comprehensive Guide by Rabbi Shimon giving away meager food rations as tzeda- Jews also. Taub and The Tzedakah Treasury (Torah kah. My wife and I are glad to be able to Money given to Federation is distribut- Teachings) by Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer. Change Service Requested Service Change PERMIT NO. 1174 NO. PERMIT MANCHESTER, NH MANCHESTER, Bedford, NH 03110 NH Bedford, PAID 273 South River Rd. Unit #5 Unit Rd. River South 273 US POSTAGE US Jewish Federation of New Hampshire New of Federation Jewish ORGANIZATION The New Hampshire Jewish Reporter Jewish Hampshire New The NON-PROFIT JRF: Jewish Reconstructionist Federation URJ: Union for Reform Judaism The New Hampshire CONGREGATIONS USCJ: United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Jewish Reporter VVolumeolume 40,3, NumberNumber 7 AMHERST HANOVER TEMPLE ADATH YESHURUN . Rabbi Beth D. Davidson APRIL 2020 CONGREGATION BETENU * THE ROHR CHABAD CENTER 152 Prospect Street, Manchester Nissan 5780 Sam Blumberg (Rabbinic Intern) AT DARTMOUTH Reform, Affiliated URJ PublishedPublished by thethe 5 Northern Blvd., Unit 1, Amherst Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Rabbi Moshe Gray (603) 669-5650 Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Reform, Affiliated URJ 19 Allen Street, Hanover (603) 886-1633 698 Beech Street Orthodox, Chabad [email protected] 273 South River Rd. Unit #5 Manchester, NH 03104 (603) 643-9821 Services: Shabbat services the first Friday Bedford, NH 03110 Services: Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat Tel: (603) 627-7679Tel: (603) 627-7679Fax: (603) 627-7963 of the month at 6 PM services at 7:30 PM [email protected] All other Friday nights at 7 PM Saturday morning twice a month, 9:30 AM Services: Friday Evening Shabbat services Editor: HannahFran Ber Boydman with some exceptions. Layout and Design: Tim Gregory BETHLEHEM and Dinner Alternating Shabbat services or Torah Layout and Design: 5JN(SFHPSZ Shabbat morning services study Saturday mornings at 10 AM Advertising Sales: BETHLEHEM HEBREW CONGREGATION Call for times Ad603-627-7679vertising Sales: Rabbi Donna Kirshbaum TEMPLE ISRAEL KOL HA'EMEK UPPER VALLEY [email protected] 39 Strawberry Hill Road Rabbi Jeremy Szczepanski JEWISH COMMUNITY [email protected] PO Box 395, Bethlehem 66 Salmon Street, Manchester Rabbi Mark Melamut The objectives of The New Hampshire Unaffiliated-Egalitarian Conservative The objectives of The New Hampshire Roth Center for Jewish Life Jewish Reporter are to foster a sense of (603) 869-5465 (603) 622-6171 communityJewish Reporter among ar thee Jewishto foster people a sense of New of 5 Occom Ridge, Hanover [email protected] Hampshirecommunity amongby sharing the Je ideas,wish people information, of New Nondenominational, Unaffiliated experiencesHampshire andby opinions,sharing andideas to, promoteinformation, the [email protected] (603) 646-0460 agencies,experiences projects and opinions and mission, and to of pr theomote Jewish the Services: Contact for Date/Time Info Services: Fridays at 6 PM Federation of New Hampshire. agencies, projects and mission of the Jewish President Dave Goldstone - (516) 592-1462 Saturday at 9:30 AM FederaThe Newtion of Hampshire New Hampshir Jewishe. Reporter is [email protected]. published monthly ten times per year, with a or Eileen Regen – (603) 823-7711 Minyans: Mon.-Fri. 7 AM. Call Stephen The New Hampshire Jewish Reporter is Services: Friday night Shabbat service at deadlinepublished for monthl submissionsy ten times of the per 10th year of, withthe Weekly Services: July through Simchat Torah Singer 603-774-4048 for info. month before publication. There are no 6 PM a deadline for submissions of the 10th of Friday: 6:30 PM; Saturday: 10 AM Januarythe month or Junebefor eissues. publica Alltion. items, Ther includinge are no calendar events, for the December-January Saturday morning Shabbat service at 10 AM NASHUA February or August issues. An “Upcoming or May-June newspaper must be submitted CLAREMONT TEMPLE BETH ABRAHAM byEv ent”Nov. 10(Calendar) or April 10,submission respectively. for those KEENE months should be submitted by December TEMPLE MEYER DAVID Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett CONGREGATION AHAVAS ACHIM 10th or JPleaseune 10th, send respect all materialsively. to: 25 Putnam Street, Claremont 4 Raymond Street, Nashua Rabbi Amy Loewenthal [email protected] send all materials to: Conservative Conservative, Affiliated USCJ 84 Hastings Avenue, Keene [email protected] (603) 542-6773 (603) 883-8184 To submit Calendar items for the print and Reconstructionist, Affiliated JRF online JFNH Calendar and E-News, go Services: Generally the second Friday of (603) 352-6747 to,6HQGLWHPVIRUWKHSULQWDQGRQOLQH click the month, 6:15 PM, April to November. [email protected] the red "Suggest an Event" button, then fill in -)1+&DOHQGDUDQG(1HZVWR [email protected] HYHQWVthe form with your#MHZLVKQKRUJ event information. CONCORD [email protected] Services: Friday night services 8 PM Opinions presented in the paper do [email protected] 1st Friday family service 7 PM notOpinions necessaril presentedy represent in thethe paperviews doof notthe TEMPLE BETH JACOB Services: Regular Friday night services at necessarilyFederation. represent the views of the Saturday morning 9:30 AM Federation. Photos submitted by individuals Rabbi Robin Nafshi 7 PM Neither the publisher nor the editor can 67 Broadway, Concord Mon. - Thur. minyan 7:30 PM andassume organizations any responsibility are published for the with kashrut their Monthly Shabbat morning services at permission. Reform, Affiliated URJ of the services or merchandise advertised in 10 AM NORTH CONWAY thisNeither paper .the If publisheryou have norquestions the editor regar dingcan assume any responsibility for the kashrut of (603) 228-8581 Check the website for time variations kashrut please consult your rabbi. KEHILAT HAR LAVAN theThe services New or Hampshirmerchandisee Jeadvertisedwish R eporterin this paper. If you have questions regarding is overseen by the JFNH Publications [email protected] LACONIA Hazzan Marlena Fuerstman kashrut please consult your rabbi.
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