Brussels, 26 July 2000 10181/00 (Presse 258) APPOINTMENTS TO T E COURT OF JUSTICE On 26 July 2000 the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States appointed the following Judges to the Court of Justice of the Eur pean Communities for the period from 7 Oct ber 2000 to 6 Oct ber 2006: Mrs Ninon COLNERIC 1 Mr Jos( Narciso DA CUN A RODRIGUES 2 Mr David A.O. EDWARD 1 Mr Peter JANN 1 Mr Antonio Mario LA PERGOLA 1 Mr Jean-Pierre PUISSOC ET 1 Mr Christiaan W. A. TIMMERMANS 2 Mr Stig VON BA R 2 and the following .dvocates/eneral to the Court of Justice of the Eur pean Communities for the period from 7 Oct ber 2000 to 6 Oct ber 2006: Mr L.A. GEEL OED 2 Mr Philippe LEGER 1 Mrs Christine STI2- AC3L 2 Mr Antonio TI44ANO 2 * See anne1ed curricula vitae. 1 Renewal 2 3irst app intment _______________________ Internet: http://ue.eu.int/Newsroom E-mail: [email protected] 10181/00 (Presse 258 - G) 1 EN C5RRIC575M VIT.E Prof. Ninon COLNERIC Date and place of birth- 29.8.1948, Oer-Erkenschwick, Kreis Recklinghausen Nationality- German since 1954 Education 1967 Abitur , St@dtisches neusprachliches M@dchengymnasium Datteln 1967/1968 General studies at the LeibniA-Kolleg TBbingen; German and Philos phy at TBbingen University 1968-1972 7aw studies at TBbingen, Geneva (specialising in international and comparative law) and Munich Universities 14.12.1972 3irst State law examination (result- good), Munich 1973 and 1974 Research for dissertation in Great Britain, guest student at the London School of Economics from 1.3.1974 7egal traineeship in Bavaria 1974-1975 Technical assistant at the Institute for Eur pean and Internati nal Economic Law at Munich University 13.9.1976 Second state law e1amination (result- wholly satisfact ry), Munich 19.7.1977 PhD (result- summa cum laude ), Munich University scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes f r degree and PhD 2.8.1978 3aculty priAe of Munich University Law Faculty 31.10.1985 Post-doctoral lecturing qualificati n ( Habilitation ) at Bremen UniversityC authorisation to teach at university ( venia legendi ) in the subFects labour law, the soci logy of law and s cial law 10181/00 (Presse 258 - G) 2 EN Work experience 1.2.1977-14.4.1977 JudgeGs assistant at the Higher Industrial Tribunal of Lower Sa1 ny from 15.4.1977 Presiding Fudge of a divisi n of Oldenburg Industrial Tribunal 23.4.1980 7ife app intment as Fudge 1.10.1981-30.9.1984 Chair f r the legal training course at Bremen UniversityC special leave from duties as Fudge 1.10.1984-30.9.1985 Judge at Oldenburg Industrial Tribunal 1.10.1985-31.10.1986 Chair in the Law Faculty of Frankfurt UniversityC special leave from duties as Fudge 1.11.1986-31.5.1989 Judge at Oldenburg Industrial Tribunal since 1.6.1989 President of the Higher Industrial Tribunal of Schleswig-Holstein 1988-1993 Member of the scientific advisory board of the Centre for Eur pean Legal P licy at Bremen University since 1993 J int publisher of the Fournal Informationsdienst Europäisches Arbeits- und So ialrecht - EuroAS (Information Service on Eur pean Labour Law and Social Law) 10/1994-5/1995 Participati n as e1perienced manager in the Eur pean E1pertise Service (E5) pr Fect IRepublic of Kyrgyzstan: Labour Legislation and its Institutional FrameworkI (Specialisations- labour case-law and employment protection) since 14.5.1996 Honorary profess r at Bremen University for the subFect I7ab ur law with special emphasis on Eur pean lab ur lawI since 10/1997 Member of the advisory b ard of the Fournal Arbeit und Recht (7abour and Law) since 9/1999 Deputy Chairman of the Federati n of German Trade 5nions Arbitration Court since 2/2000 Member of the netw rk of legal e1perts on the application of Community law on equal treatment f r women and men set up by the Eur pean Commission Chair of numerous conciliation committees in the private and public sectors. Languages German: mother t ngueC English: very good; French and Latin: good; Spanish and Italian- basic. Membership of professional organisations inter alia - International Society f r Lab ur Law and S cial Security, German-Spanish Lawyers Association, German-Japanese Society for Lab ur Law, International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms, .ssociation for the Sociol gy of Law, founding member of the Eur Woman Lawyers Association Other Member of the ZD3 television b ard 1992-1996, member of the advis ry board of the Kiel Climate Protecti n 3und, founding member of the Association for the Pr motion of Crime Preventi n in the Land capital Kiel 1997-1998. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 10181/00 (Presse 258 - G) 3 EN C5RRIC575M VIT.E Jos( Narciso DA CUN A RODRIGUES • Born on 30 Oct ber 1940 in Penafiel, Op rt C • Graduated in 1963 from the Faculty of Law at the University of C imbra • Entered the Fudiciary in 1964, holding office as agent of the Attorney of the Republic, Fudge, assistant to the Attorney of the Republic and Deputy Solicit r GeneralC • Charged by the Government in 1977, 1978 and 1982 t carry out and c rdinate studies on the ref rm of the Fudicial systemC • 3rom 1980 to 1984, discharged functions as Government Agent to the Eur pean Human Rights Commission and the Eur pean Human Rights CourtC • E1pert from 1980 to 1985 on the Human Rights Steering C mmittee of the Council of Eur peC • Member of the Review C mmission of the Code of Criminal Pr cedureC • Member of the Review C mmission of the Criminal CodeC • .ctive member of the International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation; • Member of the Eur pean Union‘s O7.3 Inspection CommitteeC • .part from scattered lectures, studies and articles, published the following works- A Constitui&'o e os Tribunais Representações da Justi&a em Miguel Torga Comunicar e Julgar Em Nome do ,ovo Lugares do Direito. • .ttorney General of the Republic since September 1984 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 10181/00 (Presse 258 - G) 4 EN C5RRIC575M VIT.E David A. O. EDWARD 5The on. %udge Da,id Edward6 C.M.G., 8.C., M.A., LL.D., F.R.S.E. Judge f the C urt f Justice f the Eur pean C mmunities, 1992- Judge of the Court of /irst Instance of the EC0 1282-22 C urt f Justice f the EC 7-2925 75MEMBO5RG Tel- N352 4303 2203 3a1- N352 4303 2040 BORN- Perth, Sc tlandC 14 N vember 1934 ED5C.TED- Sedbergh Sch l 5niversity C llege, O1f rd, 1953-55C 5,-59 Edinburgh 5niversity, 1959-62 DEGREES- Master f .rts (M...) O1f rd, 1960 Bachel r f 7aws (77.B.) Edinburgh, 1962 D ct r f 7aws (77.D.) honoris causa Edinburgh, 1993 D ct r f 7aws (77.D.) honoris causa .berdeen, 199, D ct r f 7aws (77.D.) honoris causa Napier, 1998 HONO5RS- C mpani n f the Order f St Michael O St Ge rge (C.M.G.), 1981 Distinguished Cr ss, first class, Order f St Raym nd f Penaf rt (Spain, 19,9 POrden de San Raimund de Penaf rt, CruA Distinguida (Primera Clase)Q N.TION.7 SER8ICE- Sub 7ieutenant, R yal Naval 8 lunteer Reserve (HMS H rnet - m t r t rped b at sEuadr ns), 1955-5, PRO3ESSION.7 R5.7I3IC.TIONS- .dv cate (Sc tland), 1962 RueenSs C unsel (R.C.) (Sc tland), 19,4 .SSOCI.TE ST.T5S- H n rary Bencher, GraySs Inn, 7 nd n, 1992 Member f Chambers at 2 Hare C urt, Temple, 7 nd n Member f the .ss ciati n f the Bar f the City f New T rk 3E77OWSHIP- 3ell w f the R yal S ciety f Edinburgh, 1990 5NI8ERSITT .PPOINTMENTS- 5NIVERSIT6 O/ EDIN75R8H - Salvesen Pr fess r f Eur pean Instituti ns and Direct r f the Eur pa Institute 1985-89C H n rary Pr fess r since 1990C I.lumnus f the TearI 1992 5NIVERSIT6 O/ O9/ORD - H n rary 3ell w, 5niversity C llege (since 1995)C Member f .dvis ry C uncil, Centre f r the .dvanced Study f Eur pean and C mparative 7aw (since 1995) E5RO,A-5NIVERSIT:T VIADRINA0 /RANK/5RT-AN-DER-ODER - Member, 3 undati n Senate, (1991-93) TRIER ACADEM6 O/ E5RO,EAN LAW - Member, B ard f Trustees (since 1993) 5NIVERSIT6 COLLE8E0 LONDON - Chairman, Centre f r the 7aw f the Eur pean 5ni n (since 1994) 5NIVERSIT6 O/ D5RHAM - B ard member, Durham Eur pean 7aw Institute (since 1992) 10181/00 (Presse 258 - G) 5 EN PRE8IO5S PRO3ESSION.7 .PPOINTMENTS- Clerk f the 3aculty f .dv cates (Sc tland), 196,-,0 Treasurer f 3aculty, 19,0-,, President f the C nsultative C mmittee (n w C uncil) f the Bars O 7aw S cieties f the E.C. (C.C.B.E.), 19,8-80 PRE8IO5S J5DICI.7 .PPOINTMENTS- Judge f the C urt f 3irst Instance f the EC, 1989-92 H n rary Sheriff f the Sheriffd m f Tayside, Central and 3ife at Perth (Sc tland) Chairman, Medical .ppeals Tribunals (Sc tland), 1985-89 TR5STEESHIPS- Industry and Parliament Trust (since 1995) Carnegie Trust f r the 5niversities f Sc tland (since 1995) H pet un 3 undati n (since 1995) OTHER .PPOINTMENTS- President, 3ranc -Sc ttish S ciety H n rary President (f rmerly Chairman), Sc ttish C uncil f r Internati nal .rbitrati n H n rary 8ice President, Sc ttish 7awyersS Eur pean Gr up 8ice President, 5nited Kingd m .ss ciati n f r Eur pean 7aw H n rary President, .dv cates Eur pean 7aw Gr up E.R7IER .PPOINTMENTS- Trustee, Nati nal 7ibrary f Sc tland, 1966-95 H n rary President, The David Hume Institute, 1993-95 President, The J hns n S ciety (7ichfield), 1995 Member, Panel f .rbitrat rs, Internati nal Centre f r Settlement f Investment Disputes, 1981-1989 Member, 7aw .dvis ry C mmittee, British C uncil, 19,4-88 Member, Dunpark C mmittee n Judicial Review in Sc tland, 1984 Specialist .dviser t the H use f 7 rds Select C mmittee n the Eur pean C mmunities, 1985 (Eur pean 5ni n, 14th Rep rt, Sessi n 1984-85)C 1986 (Mutual Rec gniti n f Higher Educati n Dipl mas, 22nd Rep rt, Sessi n 1985-86)C and 198,-88 (Staffing f the C mmunity Instituti ns, 11th Rep rt, Sessi n 198,-88) Chairman, .dv catesS Business 7aw Gr up until 1989 Trustee, H pet un H use Preservati n Trust (198,-9,C Chairman 198,-91) B5SINESS EMPERIENCE- Chairman, C ntinental .ssets Trust plc, 1985-89 Direct r, .dam O C mpany Gr up plc, 1983-89 Direct r, The Harris Tweed .ss ciati n 7td, 1984-89 PROCEEDINGS BE3ORE THE E5ROPE.N CO5RT O3 J5STICE- Represented C.C.B.E.
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