USOOPP15769P2 (12) United States Plant Patent (10) Patent No.: US PP15,769 P2 Robb (45) Date of Patent: May 17, 2005 (54) LAVENDER PLANT NAMED “BARCELONA (56) References Cited WHITE U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (50) Latin Name: Lavandula stoechas PP12,624 P2 * 5/2002 Cherry ....................... Plt./226 Varietal Denomination: Barcelona White (75) Inventor: John B. Robb, Kariong (AU) * cited by examiner (73) Assignee: Paradise Seed Company, Kulnura Primary Examiner Kent Bell ASSistant Examiner W C Haas (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-C. A. Whealy patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 7 days. (57) ABSTRACT A new and distinct cultivar of Lavender plant named Bar (21) Appl. No.: 10/820,501 celona White, characterized by its compact, upright and mounded plant habit; freely branching, dense and bushy (22) Filed: Apr. 7, 2004 plant form; and white-colored flowers with showy white (51) Int. Cl. .................................................. A01H 5/00 colored terminal flower bracts. (52) U.S. Cl. ....................................................... Pt/226 (58) Field of Search .................................. Plt./226, 263 1 Drawing Sheet 1 2 Botanical classification/cultivar designation: Lavandula White. These characteristics in combination distinguish Stoechas cultivar Barcelona White. Barcelona White as a new and distinct cultivar: 1. Compact, upright and mounded plant habit. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 2. Freely branching, dense and bushy plant form. The present Invention relates to a new and distinct culti 3. White-colored flowers with showy white-colored ter Var of Lavender plant, botanically known as Lavandula minal flower bracts. Stoechas, and hereinafter referred to by the name “Barcelona Plants of the new Lavender differ from plants of the White. female parent, the cultivar Madrid White, in the following The new Lavender is a product of a planned breeding characteristics: program conducted by the Inventor in Kulinura, New South 1. Plants of the new Lavender are more compact and more Wales, Australia. The objective of the breeding program was dense than plants of the cultivar Madrid White. to create new compact and freely branching Lavender cul 2. Plants of the new Lavender and the cultivar Madrid tivars with large and attractive flowers and good garden White differ in petal coloration as plants of the cultivar performance. 15 Madrid White had pale purple-colored petals. The new Lavender originated from a cross-pollination Plants of the new Lavender can be compared to plants of made by the Inventor in August, 1999, of the Lavandula the cultivar Kew Red, not patented. In Side-by-Side com Stoechas cultivar Madrid White, not patented, as the female, parisons conducted by the Inventor in Kulinura, New South or Seed, parent with an unknown Selection of Lavandula Wales, Australia, plants of the new Lavender differed from Stoechas, not patented, as the male, or pollen, parent. The plants of the cultivar Kew Red in the following character new Lavender was discovered and selected by the Inventor istics: as a Single flowering plant with the progeny of the Stated 1. Plants of the new Lavender were denser and bushier croSS-pollination grown in a controlled environment in than plants of the cultivar Kew Red. Kulnura, New South Wales, Australia in 1999. 2. Plants of the new Lavender and the cultivar Kew Red ASexual reproduction of the new cultivar by terminal 25 differed in petal and terminal flower bract coloration as cuttings taken at Kulinura, New South Wales, Australia, Since plants of the cultivar Kew Red had dark pink-colored October, 2000, has shown that the unique features of this petals and pink-colored terminal flower bracts. new Lavender are stable and reproduced true to type in Successive generations. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PHOTOGRAPHS The accompanying colored photographs illustrate the SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION overall appearance of the new cultivar, showing the colors as true as it is reasonably possible to obtain in colored repro Plants of the cultivar Barcelona White have not been ductions of this type. Colors in the photographs may differ observed under all possible environmental conditions. The slightly from the color values cited in the detailed botanical phenotype may vary Somewhat with variations in environ 35 description which accurately describe the actual colors of ment Such as temperature and light intensity without, the new Lavender. however, any variance in genotype. The photograph at the bottom of the sheet comprises a The following traits have been repeatedly observed and Side perspective view of a typical flowering plant of Bar are determined to be the unique characteristics of Barcelona celona White grown in a one-gallon container. US PP15,769 P2 3 4 The photograph at the top of the sheet comprises a lar with five lobes; inflorescences with showy ter close-up view of typical leaves and inflorescences of Bar minal bracts. celona White. Natural flowering SeaSOn.-Continuous throughout the Spring. DETAILED BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION Flower longevity On the plant.-Individual inflores cences last about two weeks on the plant and indi In the following description, color references are made to vidual flowers last about three to four days on the The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart, 1995 Edition, plant. Flowers not persistent, terminal flower bracts except where general terms of ordinary dictionary signifi persistent. cance are used. Plants used for the aforementioned photo Flower buds.-Length: About 5 mm. Diameter: About graphs and following description were grown under condi 2 mm. Shape: Oblong. Color: 155A. tions which closely approximate commercial production Inflorescence size.-Length: About 2.4 cm. Diameter: conditions during the winter in a polycarbonate-covered About 1.4 cm. greenhouse in Lompoc, Calif. for about 37 weeks in 1-gallon Flowers.-Length: About 2.5 mm. Width: About 3 containers. During the production of the plants, day tem mm. Depth (height): About 4 mm. peratures ranged from 18 to 24 C., night temperatures Petals.-Arrangement: Five, fused into a tube. Length, ranged from 16 to 18°C., and light levels ranged from 4,000 lobes: About 1 mm. Width, lobes: About 1 mm. to 8,000 foot-candles. Shape: Roughly spatulate. Apex: Rounded. Margin: Botanical classification: Lavandula Stoechas cultivar Barce Entire. Texture, upper and lower Surfaces: Smooth, lona White. velvety. Color: When opening and fully opened, Parentage: upper surface: 155A. When opening and fully Female parent.-Lavandula Stoechas cultivar Madrid opened, lower surface: 155A. White, not patented. Terminal flower bracts.-Arrangement: About four in a Male parent.-Unknown selection of Lavandula Single whorl at inflorescence apex. Length: About 8 Stoechas, not patented. mm. Width: About 6 mm. Shape: Obovate. Apex: Propagation: Cordate. Base: Attenuate. Margin: Entire. Texture, Type cutting.-Terminal vegetative cuttings. upper and lower Surfaces: Smooth. Color, immature, Time to initiate roots.-Summer: About one week at upper and lower Surfaces: 155A. Color, mature, 25 C. Winter: About two weeks at 20° C. upper and lower surfaces: 155D. Time to produce a rooted young plant.-Summer: Flower bracts.-Arrangement: Each whorl of flowers About six weeks at 25 C. Winter: About seven Subtended by a flower bract. Length: About 4 mm. weeks at 20° C. Width: About 5 mm. Shape: Tri-lobed. Apex: ROOt description.-Fine, fibrous, and freely branching. Rounded. Base: Truncate. Margin: Entire. Texture, Plant description: upper and lower Surfaces: Smooth. Color, upper and Form.-Perennial. Compact, upright and mounded lower Surfaces: 194D; venation, 191A. plant form. Freely branching, about Six main stems Calyx.-Arrangement: Five Sepals fused into a tube. each with about Six to eight lateral branches, dense Length: About 4 mm. Width: About 2 mm. Sepal and bushy plant habit; vigorous growth habit. Flow apex: Acute. Color, upper and lower Surfaces: 194A. erS in Verticillasters on crowded Spikes with showy Peduncle.-Strength: Strong. Length: About 1.3 cm. terminal flower bracts. Diameter: About 2 mm. Aspect: Mostly upright. Plant height.-About 21 cm. Color: 194A. Texture: Smooth. Plant width.-About 30 cm. Reproductive OrganS.-Stamens: Quantity per flower: Lateral branch description.-Length: About 19 cm. Four. Anther shape: Oval. Anther length: Less than 1 Diameter: About 6 mm. Internode length: About 1.5 mm. Anther color: 23A. Pollen amount: Scarce. cm. Strength: Strong. Aspect: Mostly upright. Tex Pollen color: 23A. Pistils: Quantity per flower: One. ture: Fine pubescence. Color: Developing Stems: Pistillength: About 5 mm. Stigma shape: Rounded. 194A. Older woody stems: 199A. Stigma color: 155A. Style length: About 4 mm. Style Foliage description.-Arrangement: Opposite, simple, color: 155D. Ovary color: 194D. sessile. Length: About 3 cm. Width: About 3 mm. Seed fruit.-Seed and fruit production has not been Shape: Linear. Apex: Nearly round. Base: Attenuate, observed. clasping. Margin: Entire. Texture, upper and lower Disease/pest resistance: Plants of the new Lavender have not Surfaces: Pubescence. Fragrance: Very aromatic, been noted to be resistant to pathogens and pests common pungent. Venation pattern: Pinnate. Color: Develop to Lavender. ing foliage, upper and lower Surfaces: 189A. Fully Weather tolerance: Plants of the new Lavender have exhib expanded foliage, upper and lower Surfaces: 189A. ited good tolerance to rain and wind and have been Venation, upper and lower Surfaces: 194A. observed to tolerate temperatures from -2 to 40 C. Flower description: It is claimed: Flower arrangement and Shape.--Small single flowers 1. A new and distinct cultivar of Lavender plant named in compact verticillasters on crowded Spikes. Freely “Barcelona White, as illustrated and described. flowering, about 140 flowers per spike; flowers tubu k k k k k U.S. Patent May 17, 2005 US PP15,769 P2 .
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