Motif-Index of Southeast Asian Folk- Literature according to the system of Stith Thompson: Motif-Index of Folk-Literature Kristina Lindell Lund University 1 In Commemoration Of Kristina Lindell (1928 – 2005) She opened the door To the treasury of sout-east Asian folklore and made the Kammu culture Known to scholars all over the world Damrong Tayanin Jan-Öjvind Swahn 2 A. MYTHOLOGICAL MOTIFS A32.2. Creator's daughter. China: Bäcker 1988: 1 (Manchu); A120.1. God as shape-shifter. Vietnam: Terada 1989 p. 50; *A123.3.3. God with 12 eyebrows. Laos: FTK 4: 7.c. (Kammu), 7.d. (Kammu), 7.f. (Kammu); A132. God in animal form.Vietnam: Dang 1992 (Dao), Terada 1989 p. 50; A132. God in animal form. China: Bäcker 1988: 3 (Manchu), Cf. 7 (Manchu); A132.5. Bear-god (goddess). China: Bäcker 1988: 29 (Nanay); *A132.6.3.1. God takes form of cock (to destroy man's house). Vietnam: Dang 1992 (Dao); A132.10. Tiger-god. China: Bäcker 1988: 3 (Manchu), 29 (Nanay); A151.1. Home of gods on high mountain. China: Bäcker 1988: 29 (Nanay); A151.1.2. Home of gods in cave. China: Bäcker 1988: 29 (Nanay); A151.2. Garden of the gods. Laos: FTK 4: 7.h. (Kammu); A157.1. Thunderweapon. Laos: FTK 3: 6.a. (Kammu); A159.1. Deity's special drum. Philippines: Wrigglesworth 1981: 13, 14 (Ilianen Manobo); A162. Conflicts of the gods. China: Eberhard 1965: A180. Gods in relation to mortals.Vietnam: Terada 1989 p. 42, p. 54 (Dao); A183.1. Male god invoked in east; female in west. China: Bäcker 1988: 13 (Manchu); A185. Deity cares for favourite individuals. Laos: FTK 3: 1.b. (Kammu); *A185.2.2.1. God mutilates thieving brother's fingers. Laos: FTK 3: 1.b. (Kammu); A185.13. God puts mortal to test. Vietnam: Terada 1989 p. 42; A185.16. God pities mortal. China: Bäcker 1988: 10 (Manchu); Laos: FTK 6: 7.h.(Kammu); 3 A189.1.1. Man as helper of thundergod. Vietnam: Dang 1992 (Dao); A189.2. God summoned by weeping. Laos: FTK 6: 7.h. (Kammu) A189.9. Early period when gods and men lived together, gods ruling men, ordaining how they should live and originating various customs. Laos: FTK 3: Cf. 1.b. (Kammu); A189.12. Goddess protects animals from hunters. China: Bäcker 1988: Cf. 18 (Manchu); Laos: FTK 3: Cf. 13.B.g. (Kammu); *A192.1.2.1. Man plans to kill and eat god. Vietnam: Terada 1989 p. 54 (Dao); *A192.1.3. Man catches god in form of cock and prepares to eat him. Vietnam: Dang 1992 (Dao); A194. Divinity's emotions. Vietnam: Dang 1992 (Tai); A194.2. God's vengeance. Laos: FTK 3: 1.b. (Kammu); *A194.2.1. God's vengeance: sends man to moon. Vietnam: Terada p. 54 (Dau); *A194.5. Divinity's anger as big as three buffaloes. Vietnam: Dang 1992 (Tai); *A194.5.1. Divinity's anger as big as seven elephants. Vietnam: Dang 1992 (Tai); A210. Sky-god. Laos: FTK 4: 7.d. (Kammu), FTK 6: 7.h. (Kammu); A211. God of Heaven. Laos: FTK 3: 1.b. (Kammu), 6.b. (Kammu), FTK 4: Cf. 2.a. (Kammu), FTK 6: 7.h. (Kammu); China: Bäcker 1988: 1 (Manchu),18 (Manchu); A282.0.1. Wind-goddess. China: Bäcker 1988: 5 (Manchu), 18 (Manchu); *A285.2. Why lightning strikes trees. Laos: FTK 3: 6.a. (Kammu); A287.1. Rain-goddess. China: Bäcker 1988: 5 (Manchu); A417.1. Beast guardians of the four quarters. China: Bäcker 1988: 23 (Daghur); A420. God of water. Vietnam: Terada 1989 p. 50; A421. Sea-god. Vietnam: Terada 1989 p. 50; A435. God of trees and forests. China: Bäcker 1988: 29 (Nanay); A468. The three Graces. China: Bäcker 1988: Cf. 23 (Daghur); A493. God of fire. China: Bäcker 1988: 20 (Daghur); 4 A493.1. Goddess of fire. China: Bäcker 1988: 26 (Daghur); A495. Mountain-god. China: Bäcker 1988: 29 (Nanay); *A511.3.3. Culture hero raises self. Philippines: Wrigglesworth 1981: 10 (Ilianen Manobo); A511.4.1. Miraculous growth of culture hero. China: Bäcker 1988: 3 (Manchu); A512.3. Culture hero as son of god. China: Bäcker 1988: 3 (Manchu); A515.1. Culture heroes brothers. China: Bäcker 1988: 3 (Manchu); Laos: FTK 3: 1.b. (Kammu), FTK 5: 1.a. (Kammu); A515.1.2. Sworn brothers as culture heroes. Philippines: Wrigglesworth 1981: 11 (Ilianen Manobo); A521. Culture hero as dupe or trickster. Philippines: Wrigglesworth 1981: 16 (Ilianen Manobo), Wrigglesworth 1993: 35 (Ilianen Manobo); A527.3.1. Culture hero can transform self. Philippines: Wrigglesworth 1981: 9 (Ilianen Manobo); A530. Culture hero establishes law and order. Philippines: Wrigglesworth 1981: 9 (Ilianen Manobo); Laos: FTK 6: 1.a. (Kammu); A531. Culture hero (demigod) overcomes monsters. China: Bäcker 1988: 3 (Manchu); A546. Culture hero establishes social system. China: Bäcker 1988: 3 (Manchu); A547. Culture hero dispenses food and hospitality. Philippines: Wrigglesworth 1981: 9 (Ilianen Manobo); *A563. Culture hero departs carrying away saltpits. Laos: FTK 5: 1.a. (Kammu); *A568. Culture hero killed. Laos: FTK 5: 1.a. (Kammu); *A568.1. Culture hero's body ripped open (to see whether he has eaten rice prematurely). Laos: FTK 5: 1.a. (Kammu); A605.1. Primeval darkness. China: Bäcker 1988: 1 (Manchu); A605.2. Primeval cold. China: Bäcker 1988: 1 (Manchu); A614. Universe from parts of creator's body. China: Bäcker 1988: 1 (Manchu); 5 A632. Succession of creations and caraclysms. Vietnam: Dang 1992 (Tai); *A634. Earlier conditions on earth. Vietnam: Dang 1992 (Sedang, Tai); *A634.1. Conditions on earth before world calamity. Vietnam: Dang 1992 (Sedang, Tai); A651. Hierarchy of worlds. China: Bäcker 1988: 23 (Daghur); A651.1.4. Seven heavens. Laos: FTK 4: 7.h. (Kammu); *A651.1.13. The world has three levels. Laos: FTK 3: 14.I.A.a. (Kammu); *A651.3.3. Men live on the lowest of world's three levels. Laos: FTK 3: 14.I.A.a. (Kammu); A665.2.0.1. Pillars supporting sky. Vietnam: Dang 1992 (Tai); Laos: FTK 6: 7.g. *A665.2.1.4. God gives culture heroes eight brass pillars to support the sky. Vietnam: Dang 1992 (Tai); *A665.2.2. Eight pillars support sky. Vietnam: Dang 1992 (Tai); *A665.7. Heaven has a foot. Laos: FTK 3: 14.I.A.a. (Kammu); *A666.3. Thread (as ladder) from heaven to earth: used by couple who wants to return to earth. Laos: FTK 4: 7.h. (Kammu); *A669.3. In upper world souls of the unborn are waiting to descend to earth. Laos: FTK 3: 1.b. (Kammu); *A669.3. Peep-hole in heaven's floor. Laos: FTK 4: 7.h. (Kammu); A671.2.11. Birds made of iron in hell. Burma: Esche 1982 p. 122 (Mon); A714.2. Sun and moon placed in top of tree. China: Bäcker 1988: 16 (Manchu); A714.7. Sun and moon as eyes of Rama. China: Bäcker 1988: 1 (Manchu); *A720.1.1. Formerly ten suns. China: Eberhard 1976: 18; A720.2. Formerly great heat of sun causes distress to mankind. Laos: FTK 6: 1.a. *A720.3. Two suns make it so hot that all people die. Laos: FTK 6: 1.a. (Kammu); 6 A721.3. Stolen sun restored to sky. Japan: Hammitzsch 1972: 107 (Ainu); *A733.6. Sun is redhot because Foot of Heaven is burning. Laos: FTK 3: 14.I.A.a. (Kammu); A736.1.3. Sun and moon as lovers. China: Eberhard 1976: 11; A736.1.4. Sun and moon married. Philippines: Wrigglesworth 1993: 37 (Tagabawa); *A736.3.4. Sun and moon once belonged to one another. Philippines: Wrigglesworth 1993: 37 (Tagabawa); A736.4. Sun and moon as sisters. China: Eberhard 1976: 13; *A736.12. Why the sun shines in daytime and the moon at night. Philippines: Wrigglesworth 1993: 37 (Tagabawa); A737. Causes of eclipses (sun or moon). Korea: Zaborowski 1975: 38; A737.0.1. Origin of eclipse of moon. Philippines: Wrigglesworth 1993: 37 (Tagabawa); A737.1. Eclipse caused by monster devouring sun or moon. Philippines: Wrigglesworth 1993: 37 (Tagabawa); A737.3. Toad causes eclipses of the sun. Laos: FTK 2: 14 (Kammu); A738.1.1. Moon is ball of feathers. Philippines: Wrigglesworth 1993: 9 (CalamianTagbanwa); A751. Man in the moon. Vietnam: Terada 1989 p. 54 (Dao); A751.1. Man in moon is person thrown or sent there as punishment. China: Eberhard 1976: 54; *A751.1.2. Man in the moon put there as punishment for threatening (to eat) god. Vietnam: Terada 1989 p. 54 (Dao); A751.8. Woman in the moon. China: Eberhard 1976: 52; *A751.9.1.1. Ficus tree in the moon. Laos: FTK 3: 14.i.A.b. (Kammu); *A753.0.1. The moon is male. Philippines: Wrigglesworth 1993: 37 (Tagabawa); A761. Ascent to stars. China: Bäcker 1988: 2 (Manchu); A761.3. Stars as transformed lovers. China: Eberhard 1976: 23; A761.6. Stars thought of as living beings. China: Bäcker 1988: 2 7 (Manchu), 31 (Nanay); A762.1. Star-husband. Japan: Hammitzsch 1973: 2; A763. Stars from objects thrown into sky. China: Bäcker 1988: 1 (Manchu); A771. Origin of the Great Bear (Ursa Major). China: Bäcker 1988: 30 (Nanay); A773. Origin of the Pleiades. Indonesia: Kratz 1973: 59 (Roti); Thailand: Velder 1974: 1; A774. Origin of the North Star. China: Bäcker 1988: 2 (Manchu); A778.3. Milky way as river. China: Eberhard 1965: 23; Bäcker 1988: 12 (Manchu); A791. Origin of the Rainbow. China: Bäcker 1988: 9 (Manchu); A791.9.1. Origin of rainbow: transformed bamboo stems (souls of lovers). China: Eberhard 1965: 15. (Kammu); A797. Origin of colors at sunrise and sunset. China: Bäcker 1988: 9 (Manchu); Indonesia: Kratz 1973: 36 (Sulawesi); Laos: FTK 3: 14.I.A.a.
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