CASS C TY C HI ONICL, E @ Vol. 19, No. 42, CASS C~F~, MICR., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1924 8 PAGES _ .... _ • ..... IIIItY 1tt11[ ry Ford, Thomas A. Edison, and Or- j in Chicago last fall with a heave of ville Wright. The men named were Welcome!! 194 feet, 7½ inches. selected because of their service to I The third selection £o represent Iiii RIIIIio Ill ~,~er~T society. 'Michigan on the All-eolleFe ~eam i~ James ~rooker, star pole vaulter on I~ | [=0 | his invent,re genius; Mr. Ford be- the Varsity squad for the pa~t two cause of his industrial achievements seasons. Last season he was regard- and the sociological value of his ed as the foremost college performer TO BE CONDUCTED IN THE FOUR !product; Roosevelt for his statesman- in America and is expected to be a IIMPORTANT POINTS IN NEW l ship and ability as a leader of men; consistent point winner for the Mich- SUNDAY SCHOOLS OF land Mr. Wright for his creative igan squad during the coming season. t ULING GIVEN BY SCHOOL CASS CITY. l achievement in the scientific field in He was not defeated in a single meet I COMMISSIONER. the development of the flying machine. last year up until the Western Confer- ! • [ President Burton feels ~hat the War ence outdoor meet last spring and was ~J ......... _:,is too recent to enable one accurately a consistent 12 foot jumper. At the ~eenng ~na~ ~nere ~s a great neea !÷~ ~, a~ ÷h~ ,-~ ~ ~ ~-~,~ ~- I W. H. Sparling, Huron county's National Collegiate Athletic associa- i sehool commissioner, in response to ~Tmm:refkn~jledgl ,of the good old lcerne d with it. ,He considered WilsOn ~ ~nr s~lan church, the I tion meet held at Stagy field last June, i letters received at his office regarding ............ arid Lloyd George, however, dose con- he tied McKnown, of the Kansas State ithe nev¢ teachers' certificate law, ~ass wxzy ~wusxe umD nas preparea ten~ero f~r ~ ~o~i~i~ ~-,,o~ ÷- ÷h~ .~ Teachers college at 12 feet, 11 inches. ~tans for a local cavapaign to be the~ournam ~' ...... ~ ............ gives the salient points of the new called "The Sunday School Hymn Con- ca. His only defeat of the season came at ruling' which becomes operative Sept. test." This is to be conducted in the the Big Ten meet at Ferry field when 1, 1925. Brownell of Illinois leaped 13 feet, four Sunday Schools of the village in N[W T~K [1~[ ~K~ The iaw provides that on and after much the same way that the schools 3-4 inch, breaking an intercolle.~ate that date, to receive a certificate a record. have been sponsoring the regular IN IYAT£ IIIIWAYI person must have had at least one memory contests during the past few year of professional training in addi- years. tion to the completion of an approved Twenty-five hymns have been chosen State Highway Department Putting ITAIIIII IINIIHIII four-year high school course. This for study which represent the great- Up New Signs. does not mean, however, that alt per- est and best hymns of the Christian IPIIilKI IV IIIIII[IT ~ons who have not complied with the ehurch. They should be known by above requirements by Sept. 1, 1925, every child in the home as welt as in Frank F. Rogers, state highway Mrs. A. D. Gillies Announced Men- must quit teaching. There are impor- the Sunday School. commissioner, has announced a new tant exceptions as follows: burs at Last :Meeting of Woman's For this contest, the children will system of trunk line warning signs IYIII IF INKIIIY Illl COMING AUCTIONS. 1. Any teacher who can furnish be divided into three groups as fol-which will be put up in the lower pen- ! Study Club. proof of having taugoht five years pre- lows: 1st Fourth and fifth grades, insula beginning Apr. 1 and in the IIIIY$ Ii YI! TII!III Because of the ill health of his vious to August 1925, the last three wife, James Spencer will quit farm- 2nd~Sixth, seventh, eighth grades, upper peninsula beginning March I. i At the last meeting- of the Woman s years ef which were continuous, may 3rd h " " ing" and will sell his personal m'oper- High so_ oo~. If the Sunday Twenty thousand of the s~ig,ns will be otuay e~,.~o, lvxrs. ~. ~. Glmes, the have a renewal of a cert~cate with- Doings in Neighboring Towns as Re- auction t mile and i~ mile School is not graded as to the school posted, the work to be completed July ty at east President, appointed the following cut completing the professional train- lated in the Chroniele's south Deford Friday, 7, g~ades, it sheu!d be remembered that to of on March standing co~umittees for the ensuing ing if such teacher has been co~siinu- rFI : . 1 ~ • t&e day school grading is the one used[ The present d~amond shaped mark- Exchanges. x. B. Tyre~ ~s the auctioneer and club year: " ~us]y and successfu~ay~ tea.mug- r ~1 " o ana~ in the contest, i ers and mileage posts will not be Ifull particulars are printed on page 85 i Lecture Covrse~Mrs. A. J. Knapn, has attained an average of per At the contest, the hymns will be changed and with the addition of the 17. Mrs. H. D. Schiede!, Mrs. S. Charnpi- cent on two previous examh~ationso L. E. Bedeil, of l%omeo, has in his :: Raymond Spencer will quit farm- played by a single instrument such as new wa.rning signs Michigan wi11 have ,ore Mrs. L. L. Wheeler. 2. Any person holding a thira ing and wit1 sol1 his personat property a piano or organ. Children will be a new system .of state trunk line )ossession a letter written to his aunt I DeWitt, Mrs. grade, a second grade or a first grade at auction 2 miles west and ~ mile Library~Miss Lura asked to write down the title of the markers second to none. The sign by Abraham Lincoln. This letter was R. A. McNamee, Mrs. Geo. certificate, renewable because the per- north of Cumber on Monday, Mar. 10. Hooper, hymn, author and composer. The just adopted by the state highway read last week at a Lincoln church Mrs. Norman Gillies, Mrs. Z. Stafford. son has had the required average as i Full particulars witl be printed in the ~hildren will also be asked to learn department has been approved by banquet. Reception Mrs. Chas. Robinson, stated above, may have a third grade Chronicle next week. the first two verses of the hymns, the eight other state members of the R. H. Bravender, superintendent of Mrs. Bert Knight, Mrs. Roy Bricker, or a second grade renewed by corn- verses only being required in three or Mississippi Valley association of high- the Deckerville school for the past five i Mrs. Wm. Wetters. Fluting twelve weeks of professional four hymns, which will be seleete4 by way departments. G. G. Dillman, de- years, has resigned to take effect at i Child Weifare~Mrs. J. Cathcart, training and may have a first grade ,he examiner. This contest will fall puty commissioner, has been active the end of the year, that he may com-i I, I, ~, I, Nil PI!IIIKI Mrs. A. Rawson, Mrs. L. Law-. e~.dficate renewed by compmting" 18 during the last of May but drilling at recent meetings of the association Flute his education. Program--Mrs. I. A. Fritz, Mrs. S. weeks of professional training. and preparation will begin at the in support of this type of sign. t The Huron County Bank at Harbor I WITH L£YTIII ~OI~AY G. Benkelman, Mrs. Elizabeth Pinney, Who will be compelled to quit on several churches next Sunday. i The signs will have a white back-,' Beach has announced that it will give l Mrs. J. H. Hotcomb. Sept. 1~ 19257 A persol~ who cannot The list below gives first the title ground with black up-raised letter- a $5' savings account to all the babies %fekens Were Presented by President qualify under any of the above re- ef the hymn and then the tune. int. Twenty-one different signs will born in that city or surrounding" town- quirements. Or in other words, any 1. Abide With Me--Eventide. be used. :ships on Feb. 29 this year. Burton Wayne to Club MRS. ELLEN ATWELL. person who has not taught five years 2. How Firm a Foundation Portu-i Square signs mean caution, such as previous to August 1925 or who does I Files of the Lexington Jeffersonian Members. guese, no parking, loose gravel, school build- ~ot hold a renewable certificate under :from 1858 to 1898 will be placed in the Mrs. Ellen AF,veli passed away 3. All Hail the Power of Jesus ings, etc. February 23 at the home of her son, (2) above. Name~Coronation. DiagonM signs mean a warning Detroit Public Library as souvenirs of At a meeting of the Cuss City Ath- Arthur C. Atwell, of Cuss City. She One important feature of the law 4. Blest Be the Tie That Binds.-- such as Mow curves, trunk line junc- the newspaper of long ago, and also letic dub on Monday afternoon, Presi- had been in poor health for severat is that after September I, 1925, no Boylston. tion, hills, narrow roads, etc. for the purpose of assistance in the dent Wayne presented "letters" to 22 regular teachers' examinations shall historical interest.~. months and became worse suddenly 5. Come Thou Almighty King.
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