U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1857-E AVAILABILITY OF BOOKS AND MAPS OF THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Instructions on ordering publications of the U.S. Geological Survey, along with prices of the last offerings, are given in the cur­ rent-year issues of the monthly catalog "New Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey." Prices of available U.S. Geological Sur­ vey publications released prior to the current year are listed in the most recent annual "Price and Availability List" Publications that are listed in various U.S. Geological Survey catalogs (see back inside cover) but not listed in the most recent annual "Price and Availability List" are no longer available. Prices of reports released to the open files are given in the listing "U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Reports," updated month­ ly, which is for sale in microfiche from the U.S. Geological Survey, Books and Open-File Reports Section, Federal Center, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225. Reports released through the NTIS may be obtained by writing to the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161; please include NTIS report number with inquiry. Order U.S. Geological Survey publications by mail or over the counter from the offices given below. BY MAIL OVER THE COUNTER Books Books Professional Papers, Bulletins, Water-Supply Papers, Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, Circulars, publications of general in­ Books of the U.S. Geological Survey are available over the terest (such as leaflets, pamphlets, booklets), single copies of Earthquakes counter at the following Geological Survey Public Inquiries Offices, all & Volcanoes, Preliminary Determination of Epicenters, and some mis­ of which are authorized agents of the Superintendent of Documents: cellaneous reports, including some of the foregoing series that have gone out of print at the Superintendent of Documents, are obtainable by mail from WASHINGTON, D.C.-Main Interior Bldg., 2600 corridor, 18th and CSts.,NW. U.S. Geological Survey, Books and Open-File Reports DENVER, Colorado-Federal Bldg., Rm. 169,1961 Stout St. Federal Center, Box 25425 LOS ANGELES, California-Federal Eldg.. Rm. 7638,300 N. Denver, CO 80225 Los Angeles St. MENLO PARK, California-Bldg. 3 (Stop 533), Rm. 3128, Subscriptions to periodicals (Earthquakes & Volcanoes and 345MiddlefieldRd. Preliminary Determination of Epicenters) can be obtained ONLY from RESTON, Virginia-503 National Center, Rm. 1C402,12201 the Sunrise Valley Dr. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah-Federal Bldg., Rm. 8105,125 Superintendent of Documents South State St. Government Printing Office SAN FRANCISCO, California-Customhouse, Rm. 504,555 Washington, D.C. 20402 Battery St. SPOKANE, Washington-US. Courthouse, Rm. 678, West (Check or money order must be payable to Superintendent of Docu­ 920 Riverside Ave.. ments.) ANCHORAGE, Alaska-Rm. 101,4230 University Dr. ANCHORAGE, Alaska-Federal Bldg, Rm. E-146,701 C St. Maps For maps, address mail orders to U.S. Geological Survey, Map Distribution Maps Federal Center, Box 25286 Maps may be purchased over the counter at the U.S. Geologi­ Denver, CO 80225 cal Survey offices where books are sold (all addresses in above list) and at the following Geological Survey offices: Residents of Alaska may order maps from ROLLA, Missouri-1400 Independence Rd. Alaska Distribution Section, U.S. Geological Survey, DENVER, Colorado-Map Distribution, Bldg. 810, Federal New Federal Building - Box 12 Center 101 Twelfth Ave., Fairbanks, AK 99701 FAIRBANKS, Alaska-New Federal Bldg., 101 Twelfth Ave. Chapter E Gold in Porphyry Copper Systems Gold in the Bingham District, Utah By EDWIN W. TOOKER Gold in the Butte District, Montana By EDWIN W. TOOKER Gold in the Ely (Robinson) Copper District, White Pine County, Nevada By LAURENCE P.JAMES The Tomboy-Minnie Gold Deposits at Copper Canyon, Lander County, Nevada By TED G. THEODORE, STEPHEN S. HOWE, and DAVID W. BLAKE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1857 GEOLOGY AND RESOURCES OF GOLD IN THE UNITED STATES DANIEL R. SHAWE and ROGER P. ASHLEY, Scientific Editors LM.H. CARTER, Technical Editor DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR MANUEL LUJAN, JR., Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L Peck, Director Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1990 For sale by the Books and Open-File Reports Section U.S. Geological Survey Federal Center Box 25425 Denver, CO 80225 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Gold in porphyry copper systems. p. cm. (Geology and resources of gold in the United States ; ch. E) (U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin ; 1857) Includes bibliographical references. Contents: Gold in the Bingham District, Utah / by Edwin W. looker Gold in the Butte District, Montana / by Edwin W. looker Gold in the Ely (Robinson) Copper District, White Pine County, Nevada / by Laurence P. James The Tomboy-Minnie deposits at Copper Canyon, Lander County, Nevada / by Ted G. Theodore, Stephen S. Howe, and David W. Blake. 1. Gold ores West (U.S.) 2. Copper ores West (U.S.) 3. Geology-West (U.S.) I. Tooker, Edwin Wilson, 1923- . II. Series. III. Series: U.S. Geological Survey bulletin ; 1857. QE75.B9 no. 1857-E [TN423.A5] 557.3 s-dc20 [553.4' 1 '0978] 89-600379 CIP CONTENTS Gold in the Bingham district, Utah Abstract El Introduction E2 Production and reserves E3 Geologic setting E4 Stratigraphy E5 Structure E7 Intrusive rocks E8 Alteration E8 Age of ore formation E9 Metallization environment E10 Gold deposits in the Bingham district E10 Dispersed porphyry gold Ell Vein and replacement gold £12 Skarn gold E14 Placer gold E14 Disseminated gold E14 Conclusions E14 References cited E15 Appendix 1990 update E16 Gold in the Butte district, Montana Abstract E17 Introduction E17 Production and reserves E17 Geologic features E19 Regional setting E19 District setting E20 Host rocks E20 Structures E21 Evolving environment of ore deposition E22 Zonal distribution of Main Stage base and precious metals E25 Precious metals in Butte ores E25 Conclusions E26 References cited E26 Appendix 1990 update E27 Contents III Gold in the Ely (Robinson) copper district, White Pine County, Nevada Abstract E28 Introduction E28 Acknowledgments E30 Geologic setting E32 Structure and igneous rocks E32 Hydrothermal alteration E33 Ore deposits E33 Characteristics of gold ores E37 Ore fluids E40 Conclusions E40 References cited E41 Appendix 1990 update E42 The Tomboy-Minnie gold deposits at Copper Canyon, Lander County, Nevada Abstract E43 Introduction E43 History of reserves and mine development E43 Ore processing E45 Metal production E45 Significance of skarn-associated gold systems E46 Geologic setting of the Copper Canyon deposits E46 Tomboy-Minnie gold deposits E47 Metal zoning and Au:Ag ratios E50 Studies of fluid inclusions and stable isotopes of sulfur E52 Conclusions E54 References cited E54 FIGURES El. Map showing location of Bingham mining district, Utah, and of section A-A' of figure E4 E2 E2. Graph comparing relative cumulative amounts of gold produced from the four types of gold deposits during their respective eras of production, and estimates of available (or inferred) reserves E5 E3. Map showing surface projections of dispersed, vein and replacement, skarn, and placer ore bodies in the Bingham district E6 E4. Northeast-trending cross section A-A', Oquirrh Mountains, from Soldier Canyon to the Bingham mining district E7 E5. Section of Paleozoic rocks exposed in the Bingham allochthon in the Bing­ ham district E8 E6. Map showing general geologic setting of the Bingham mining district E9 IV Contents E7. Sketch showing inferred paths of Sevier foreland thrust nappe movement against the craton promontory, Bingham Canyon quadrangle E10 E8. Plan map showing distribution of types of silicate alteration of intrusive rocks at Bingham Ell E9. North-south cross section B-B' of figure E3 through the BP Minerals America (Kennecott) deposit in the Bingham district, showing distribution of host rocks and sulfide mineral zones Ell E10. Map of western Montana, showing location of the Butte mining district and its regional geologic setting E18 Ell. Generalized map showing location of main mining shafts and open pits, principal lithologies, and vein structures of the Butte mining district E21 E12. Generalized plan of the 2800 level of the Butte district, Montana, showing the main vein, fault, and dike systems in Butte Quartz Monzonite, and the Main Stage mineral zones E23 E13. Generalized north-south cross section through the Butte district, vicinity of the Berkeley pit, showing location of molybdenum dome, domain of pervasive biotitic alteration, the Main Stage vein zone, supergene chalcocite enrichment blanket, and zone of surface oxidation E24 E14. Map showing location of the Ely (Robinson) mining district, Nevada E29 E15. Generalized geologic map of the Ely district, Nevada, showing localities of dated igneous rock samples E30 E16. Map of Ely district showing intensely altered ground, copper- and gold- mineralized areas, and mine locations E34 E17. Cross section through the northwest end of the Tripp porphyry copper pit, Ely district, southwest of New Ruth, Nevada E36 E18. Generalized geologic map of the Star Pointer disseminated gold deposit E38 El9. Generalized cross section of the Star Pointer gold deposit E39 E20. Geologic sketch map of Copper Canyon area, Nevada E44 E21. Generalized geologic map and cross section of Tomboy-Minnie area, Nevada E48 E22. Idealized northeast-trending cross section through the Tomboy-Minnie deposits E49 E23. Map showing zonal distribution of metals and Au:Ag ratios in the Copper Canyon area E51 E24. Geologic sketch map of the Tomboy-Minnie deposits showing areas that include Au:Ag ratios > 1 E53 TABLES El. Production and average grade of gold deposits, Bingham mining district, Utah E3 E2. Gold production, Bingham district E4 E3. Gold produced from types of ore mined, Bingham district E4 E4. Average modal composition of Bingham stock intrusives E8 E5.
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