NEWSLETTER Vol. 33, No. 1 February, 1988 Animal Behavior Society A quarterly publication 'DarN! Cliiszar, ~'BS Secretary :Department ofPsy:fwfoay, 'Unifltrsity ofCoWrru4I, Campus 'B()~345, 'Bou1tfer, CoWrru4I, 80309 ABS NATIONAL CONVENTION. 1988 2nd PRESIDENT-ELECT: Patrick Colgan, Biology Dept, Queen's Univ Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada B3H 411 To be held at the University of Montana, Missoula, MT., 7-13 PAST-PRESIDENT: Gordon Burghardt, Dept of Psych. Aug 1988. Deadline for abstracts and transmittal forms is 25 Univ of Tennessee Knoxville TN 37916 March 1988. These materials (see November Newsletter) SECRETARY: (1987-1990) David Chiszar, Dept Psych, should be sent to ABS Program Officer, Susan E. Riechert, Univ of Colorado Boulder CO 80309 Bioi Dept, Univ Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996. In TREASURER: (1985-88) H. Jane Brockmann, Dept accordance with the practices of other societies, ABS now Zoology, Univ of Florida Gainesville FL 32611 requires that individuals pre-register at the time of submitting PROGRAM OFFICER: (1986-89) Susan Riechert, Dept an Abstract. (persons not submitting abstracts may register by Zoology, Univ of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37916 June 10 without penalty.) See November Newsletter for PARLIAMENTARIAN: (1986-89) Edward H. Burtt, Jr., registration form. Dept ZOOlogy, Ohio Wesleyan Univ Delaware OH 43015 EDITOR: (1985-88) Charles Snowdon, Dept ANIMAL BEHAVIOR SOCIETY DIRECTION OF Psychology, Univ of Wisconsin Madison WI 53706 CORRESPONDENCE MEMBER-AT-LARGE: (1985-88) Gail Michener, Dept Bioi Sci, Univ of Lethbridge Lethbridge, Alberta, ABS NEWSLETTER & general correspondence to the Canada IlK 3M4 Society: MEMBER-AT-LARGE: (1986-89) Jan Randall, BioI Dept, David Chiszar, Dept of Psych, Campus Box 345. San Francisco State Univ San Francisco CA 94132 Univ of Colorado, Boulder CO 80309 MEMBER-AT-LARGE: (1987-90) Julia Chase, BioI Dept, ANIMAL BEHA VIOUR--Manuscripts and editorial matters: Barnard College Columbia Univ, New York NY 10027 Charles Snowdon, Dept of Psychology. Univ of Wisconsin. Madison WI 53706 ABS STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND ANIMAL BEHA VIOUR--Missing, defective, or back issues; DISBURSEMENTS changes of address: 1 JULY 1986 TO 30 JUNE 1987 H. Jane Brockmann, Dept of Zoology, Univ of Florida, Gainesville FL 32611 BEGINNING BALANCE First City Bank, Gainesville, FL PRINTING COSIS Checking account ..................... $ 12,586 Money Management account.. ... $ 13,146 The last newsletter used newsprint at a considerable saving to F10qda Federal Savings and Loan ABS. and I received about thirty comments on this decision. Association. Gainesville. FL ­ Only four of these were negative. Accordingly, I will continue Certificate of Deposit............. $ 69.618 to use newsprint-oat least until the 1988 meeting when I1l have Empire of American Savings Bank, a chance to hear from more of you. Don't hesitate to drop me a Gainesville, FL ­ note about your feelings in this matter. My printer is trying to Certificate of Deposit...... ........ $ 27,906 acquire better grades of paper that will still give ABS a Editor's Fund (cash)................... $ - 160 considerable savings. Accordingly, I will make every attempt Secretary's Fund (cash)............... $ 0 to use the best quality paper that my budget will allow. TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE $123,096 Incidentally, savings in this area will permit us to upgrade the postage on newsletters for foreign members. REVENUE RECEIVED Membership Dues ABS OFFICERS Regular................................. $ 53,400 Student and emeritus ................ $ 14,360 PRESIDENT: Sydney Gauthreaux, Jr., Dept of Zoology, Spouse. ....... .................... ...... $ 667 Clemson Univ Clemson, SC 29631 Subscriptions to Publications 1st PRESIDENT-ELECT: John Fentress, Depts of Journal. ................................. $ 1,116 Psychology. and Biology, Dalhousie Univ Halifax, Newsletter .............................. $ 7 Nova Scoua B3H 4J 1 Canada Interest .................................... $ 10,012 Late Fees ................................. $ 2,168 Mailing Labels ......................... $ 1,434 1 Graduate Programs in profitable. Lakeside Lab is in northwestern Iowa on recent Behavior Pamphlet ................. $ 417 glacial terrain, with adjacent lakes, wetlands, virgin prairie, Film Lists ............................... $ 43 prairie rivers, and pockets of forest. The lakes country is Advertisements in Annual continuous to the north and the Great Plains to the west. Our Meeting Program ........ ...... ..... $ 200 own 55 ha grounds border large and deep West Okoboji Lake, Donation from ASAB we have forest and manipulable grassland. Conditions: rustic for Editorial Office ..... ..... .... ... $ 1,000 but not primitive, an air of relaxed intensity, food unbelievable. Other Misc. Donations .............. $ 40 Research labs are relatively new and we have a small library. Reim bursement from IEC Interested applicants should write the director for more about to Secretary........................... $ 350 the area and facilities: Dr. Richard V. Bovbjerg. Director, Dept Return from NCSU BioI, Univ of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242. Application will Annual Meeting ...... .......... ..... S 138 contain cover letter, vitae, and a I or 2 page synopsis of TOTAL REVENUE RECEIVED $ 85.352 proposed project. Specific reasons why our station is so suitable are critical to the application. Two letters arc TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE $208,448 requested, including one from the research sponsor. Applications will be considered up to 1 April 1988. EXPENDITURES ASAB for Journal GRADUATE STUDENT FELLOWSHIPS- Fall 1988. Animal Behaviour ................... $ 33,670 Through a grant from the Louisiana Education Quality Support First President Elect Fund, three fellowships for outstanding graduate students will (Founder's Award) ................... $ 0 be offered. Fellowships include a waiver of tuition and fees and Second President Elect a stipend of $12,000/yr, renewable over 4 years. Renewal will (Allee Award) ........................ $ 250 be dependent upon progress in graduate study, especially in Secretary Christianson ................ $ 5,727 research. Teaching Assistantships of $5,200 to $7,200 plus Secretary Chiszar ...................... $ 1,299 tuition scholarships are also available to qualified applicants. Treasurer .................................. $ 9,590 Criteria for consideration for support include GRE scores, GPA Editor of Animal Behaviour ......... $ 23,546 (overall and in psychology), and other factors including Program Officer ........................ $ 3,498 demonstrated research commitment and skill. We are Member-at-Large (research grants). $ 200 particularly interested in reaching members of underreprcscnted Education Committee ................. $ 194 groups. Doctoral Programs in research specialize in ANIMAL Film Committee ....................... $ 469 BEHA VIOR, Cognition, Developmental Psychology, Animal Care CommiHee ............. $ 0 Learning, Physiological Psychology, Sensory, Social Membership Committee ............. $ 354 Psychology, and StatisticslExperimental Design. Doctoral AIBS Dues ............. ...... ....... ..... $ 1,063 Programs in IndustriaVOrganizational Psychology and School TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 79,860 Psychology are also offered, as well as Master's level programs in Applied Psychological Research and (in collaboration with ENDING BALANCE the Department of Education) Early Childhood Education. For First City Bank, Gainesville, FL more information and application forms call or write: Dr. C. Checking account .................. ~, 1,026 Chrisman Wilson, Chair, Department of Psychology, Tulane Money Management account .... $ 23,730 University, New Orleans, LA 70118. Phone (504) 865-5331. Florida Federal Savings and Loan Association, Gainesville, FL ­ POSTDOCTORAL TRAINEESHIPS IN ETHOLOGY - I Sept Certificate of Deposit .............. $ 73,750 1988. NIH graduate Program traineeships at the University of Empire of America Savings Bank, Tennessee. Trainees are expected to establish a research Gainesville, FL ­ program in human or nonhuman ethology focusing on Certificate of Deposit .............. $ 29,954 communication (development, genetics, or physiology), A list Editor's Fund (cash) ................... $ - 5,027 of faculty, current research interests, and application guidelines Secretary Chiszar's Fund (cash) .... $ 5,000 are available upon request. Application deadline is I March Education Committee Fund 1988. Direct inquiries to: Dr. Richard Sa'1dargas, Ethology (Matthews) ........................... S 155 Selection Committee, Department of Psychology, Univ of TOTAL ENDING BALANCE $128,588 Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996. RESEARCH ASSISTANTS- Spring and Summer 1988. Two OPPORTUNITIES positions are available for undergraduate students to participate in research concerned with mate choice, intraspecific LABORATORY FELLOWSHIPS- Summer, 1988. competition, and kin recognition in frogs and toads. Research Announcing the Founder's Fellowship in field studies for pre­ is carried out in Cambridge and at 2 field sites in Massachusetts doctoral students--a summer at The Iowa Lakeside Laboratory. and New York, and affords an excellent opportunity to learn The stipend is $2,000, tuition free; fel1o',vs pay modest fees for field methods as well as an introduction to the use of molecular room/board and lab space. Fellowships honor founder, Thomas techniques for studying problems in behavioral ecology. Salary H. Macbride. Applicants will be doctoral candidates at the level provided and
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