2 COMMUNITY THE NATIONAL HERALD, OCTOBER 31-NOVEMBER 6, 2009 In the Spotlight: Debbie Riga GOINGS ON... ■ OCTOBER 29-31 clude four distinguished and By Eleni Kostopoulos DR: In my 'partying' days, I fre- outlook changes. You sometimes LIGONIER, Penn. – Orthodox Christ- award-winning Greek Americans: The National Herald Staff Writer quented Studio 54 (never guessing will grow into liking things you dis- ian Laity (OCL) will hold its annual George Chakiris, Michael Chiklis, that I would one day work for Ian liked as a person when you were conference in Ligonier, Pennsylva- Nicholas Gage and Marilu Henner; NEW YORK - New York City-based Schrager). As a New York Hotel younger. I would say relax about nia on October 29-31. Focusing on Greek American singer Kalomira Debbie Riga is the general manager Manager, I get many invitations to things. Never say never. Orthodox unity in America, it is ti- will receive the Elios Spotlight of Morgan’s, New York’s first bou- great restaurants and events and I Because I work with a lot a tled, “The Road to Unity: From Vi- Award, and television personality tique hotel. Morgan’s was founded have had the privilege of meeting younger people, I admire their hon- sion to Action.” Metropolitan Jon- Maria Menounos will serve as Mis- 25 years ago by Ian Schrager and many celebrities. (But my favorite esty about things; if they don’t like ah, Primate of the Orthodox Church tress of Ceremonies. Proceeds from Steve Rubell, who also founded the thing to do is to go to a local taver- something, they say they don’t like in America, will present the keynote the Hellenic Charity Ball provide fi- popular nightclub, Studio 54. Ms. na in Astoria with my husband fol- that- there’s no beating around the address. Other hierarchs joining nancial support for select Bay Area Riga, whose parents are of Greek- lowed by a quiet evening at home bush. What unnerves me a little him include: Archbishop Nathaniel organizations dedicated to the pro- Cypriot heritage, has been with the with our five pets: two dogs and about youth, however, is that there of the Romanian Orthodox Episco- motion and preservation of Hel- company for 17 years. three cats!) soft and I’m from the school of hard pate of America; Bishop Thomas lenic culture and heritage, which TNH: How does your Greek- TNH: What is your greatest knocks; you can do with out your Fitzgerald, Dean of Holy Cross this year includes, “The Eye of the Cypriot heritage affect your career? achievement thus far, and what do cell phone for 24 hours. Everyone’s School of Theology; author, Frederi- Painter: Ancient Greek Pottery Art,” DR: Where my heritage influ- you hope to achieve in the future? become so accustomed to gadgets ca Matthews-Green; John Maddex, a project in conjunction with The enced me most in what I do is in the DR: Writing plays in the Greek- and the gadgets run their life, and CEO of Councilor Media Ministries; Legion of Honor Fine Arts Muse- area of hospitality; just the basics Cypriot dialect. To me, my greatest you have to give yourself a break and author/lecturer, Kyriaki Fitzger- ums of San Francisco in Spring of being gracious and welcoming to joy comes in thinking of a story from those things and enjoy other ald. Panelists include Fr. Johannes 2010. This year’s Ball will begin people, always providing for them, line, actually writing the play and things in life. L. Jocabse, Fr. Justin Mathews, Peter with a festive cocktail reception at the idea that they should be treated seeing it performed. We’ve done TNH: What are you most proud Marudas and George Michalopou- 6 p.m. at the Fairmont Hotel’s Ter- as a guest in your home- this is two so far and are walking on a of? los. For more information, visit, race and Vanderbilt Rooms, fol- what I spread through the hotel. third. It’s a matter of bringing to life DR: I’m happy I’m a Greek. I just ocl.org/roadtounity/, or call: 877- lowed by a sumptuous dinner at 7 Our goal is to make people feel at the Greek-Cypriot character and feel so privileged to be Greek. I en- 585-0245; e-mail: p.m. in the ornate Grand Ballroom. home so that they come back. I heritage. The first play was called joy so many things about our cul- [email protected]. For tickets, call (415) 561.9214 or think the Greek heritage played a “To Horkon” (the village), the sec- ture, our heritage, our history, our www.elios.org big role in that, because no matter ond one was “O Xenos” (the for- cuisine. I think Greece is truly the ■ OCTOBER 30 how little you had, you shared it eigner) and the third one is called motherland. It will always be that LONDON, UK - The 2nd London ■ NOVEMBER 7 and you always welcomed guest in “I Pakira”, which is an Cypriot coin. way. When I go to Greece, I feel like Greek Film Festival will be held on NEW YORK, N.Y. – The Hellenic the best way possible. In general, Debbie Riga, seen here, is a man- The plays are performed in Astoria I’m home. I feel very strongly about October 30 to November 1. The American Women's Council will host Greeks tend to be, without stereo- ager at Morgan’s, a company locally. (I am currently the second the fact that we’re coming to the film festival begins on October 30 their 16th annual conference, typing, friendly people who are she’s been a part of for 17 years. Vice President of the Panpaphian third and fourth generations in this at 12:00 p.m. and ends on Novem- “Oikonomia,” Women as Pillars of gregarious. As far as our ancient Association of America. I was one country, and I do hope they retain ber 1 at 7:30 p.m. For more infor- the Home, on November 7 at the heritage go, many years ago, the gracious to them and that’s why of the founding members of this As- that connection, because it’s a very, mation, visit: www.londongreek- Union League Club in New York City. Ancient Greeks were extremely people would come back to his sociation a number of years ago very rich culture and we also know filmfestival.com/ Keynote speaker will be, Margaret progressive in their outlook and shop. So I think he taught me a lot and really enjoy participating in how to have fun; our music, our Ajemian Ahnert, best-selling author that is something we should hold because I spent a lot of time in the their cultural events. The Panpa- dancing- we should always keep ■ OCTOBER 30 of, The Knock at the Door – A Jour- on to today. shop when I was growing up and I phian Association has graciously that. And in spite of hating Greek TORONTO, CANADA – Celebrate the ney Through the Darkness of the Ar- TNH: Do you have any role was on holiday; he wasn’t a very produced two of my plays and is school at the time (at St. Spyridon 100-year anniversary of the Greek menian Genocide; Aristeon Award models? highly-educated person, but he currently producing “I Pakira”.) in Washington Heights- there were community of Toronto at the Cen- Honoree, Angeliki Frangou CEO and DR: I have a lot of role models, learned enough French, German, TNH: Share with us some words a lot of Greeks there during the tennial Gala on October 30. The Chairman of Navios Maritime Hold- but as far as my career goes, I have English, Spanish and Italian to be of wisdom. 1960s) I wouldn’t be able to write Centennial Gala will be held at the ings, and the Honorable Dora an uncle who ran a shop in Limas- able to converse with people and DR: I think the biggest advice I’d my plays in the Greek-Cypriot di- Crystal Fountain Banquet Hall. Bakoyianni will be presenting this sol in Cyprus and he owned the make them feel very at home in his give, especially to a young person alect if I didn’t go to Greek school. Cocktails will begin at 7:00 p.m. and award to Ms. Frangou. Speakers will shop for many years. When his cus- shop. who says, “I’d never do that…” is So to all the kids who go to Greek dinner is at 8:00 p.m. For more in- be Anne Erni, Dr. Catie Mihalopou- tomers walked in, whether they TNH: What’s the most enter- don’t think that, because your taste school, eventually you might ap- formation, visit: www.greekcommu- los, Ph.D, Dr. Fay Kastrinos, M.D., bought anything or not, he was so taining aspect of your profession? changes, your life changes, your preciate it! nity.org. Tickets are $100. To pur- M.P.H., Dr. C. Christine Wheeler, chase tickets, call: 416.425.2485 Ph.D., Dr. Charles Calomiris, Ph.D., x299 or email: fundraising@greek- and conference sponsors: Dr. C. community.org. Crystal Fountain Christine Wheeler and Robert J. Banquet Hall is located at 60 Mc- Pierot, Jr. The event will be held Dowell Gate, Markham, Ontario. from 12:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Direc- Innovative Doctors Lead Educational Presentation tions: The Union League Club, 38 ■ OCTOBER 30-NOVEMBER 6 East 37th Street, New York, New By Eleni Kostopoulos FAIRFIELD, Conn. - An Archaeolo- York. Additional Information: Stacey The National Herald Staff Writer gist’s Eye: The Photographs and Sava at (201) 944-6432 or staceysa- Parthenon Drawings of Katherine [email protected].
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