і ISautaiiatt ffilntrrlt (ClirmitrU’ “For Christ and His Church” Entered at the Post Office at Honolulu, Hawaii, as Second-class Matter. T h e R t . R ev. S. H a r r in g t o n , L it t e l l , S.T.D., Editor. V o l . XX. H o n o l u l u , H a w a i i , A u g u s t , 1930 No. 6 BISHOP LA MOTHE 1921— 1928 2 HAWAIIAN CHURCH CHRONICLE August, 1930 CLERGY LIST—MISSIONARY DISTRICT OE HONOLULU IOLANI SCHOOL T h e R t . R ev. S. H a r r in g t o n L it t e e e , S.T.D., BishoP’s House, E m m a Nuuanu Valley Square, Honolulu. A CHURCH SCHOOL FOR BOYS T h e R t . R ev . H e n r y B. R e s t a r ic k , Re­ tired BishoP. 1715 AnaPuni St.. Honolulu. Boarding DePartment and Day School T h e V ery R ev. W m . A u g t, St. An­ drew’s Cathedral, Honolulu. Elementary, College PreParatory and Commercial Courses T h e R e v . C a n o n D o u gea s W a e e a c e , SPecial English DePartment for Adults beginning the study of English Kealakekua, Hawaii. T h e R e v . P h i e i p T a i j i F u k a o , Holy Catalogue on request Trinity, Honolulu. T h e R e v . F. N. C u e e En , Iolani School, Address inquiries to the PrinciPal Honolulu. T h e R ev. F r a n k N. C o c k c r o f t, La- Nuuanu and Judd Streets TelePhone 4332 haina, Maui. T h e R e v . C a n o n J a m e s F. K ie b , St. Elizabeth’s, Honolulu. T h e R ev . J. L a m b D oty, EPiPhany Mission, Honolulu. T h e R e v . C a n o n D. R. O t t m a n n , Ha­ waiian Congregation, Honolulu. ST. ANDREW’S PRIORY T h e R ev . J a m e s W a l k e r , Kohala, Ha­ w aii. A CHURCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS T h e R e v . H e n r y A. W il e Ey , KaPaa, Kauai. Founded 1867 T h e Rev. J. L. M a r t i n , Waimea, Kauai. Rt. Rev. S. Harrington Littell, S.T.D. T h e R e v . 'Г. R. M a c C e Ea n , Paauilo, Hawaii. Warden T h e R ev . T . R . H in c k l e y , Iolani School, Honolulu. First to Eighth Grades, Inclusive, and High School Course T h e R e v . Y . S a n g M a r k , St. Peter’s Church, Honolulu. Accredited T h e R e v . N o a h K. C h o , St. Luke’s Mission. Honolulu. Art, Music, Dancing, Dramatics, Commercial Course, Domestic T h e R ev. H. H. C o r ey, Hilo, Hawaii. Science, SuPervised Outdoor Activities, Christian and T h e R ev. A . B . C l a r k , Wailuku, Maui. C h a p l a in J. B u r t W e b s t e r , St. Cle­ Cultural Influence and Training. Resident ment’s, Honolulu. and Day PuPils Received. The last two are officiating by Per­ mission. 45 « « Moderate Rates. HAWAII FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF A BISHOP For Particulars Please aPPly to the by the SISTER SUPERIOR R t. Rev. H e n r y B ond R e s t a r ic k , D.D. Retired Bishop St. Andrew’s Priofy, Emma Square, Honolulu BishoPs Gailor, Tucker and Lloyd and others wrote enthusiastically about the book as a valuable contribution to our history. Sir JosePh Carruthers of Australia wrote: “It is the best book I have seen on Hawaii. I like it exceedingly.” THE CLUETT HOUSE Hon. Curtis P. Iaukea, high official un­ der the monarchy and RePublic: “Your Emma Square book is the most interesting I have seen or read of similar Productions.” A Boarding Home for young women who are emPloyed in the city, The late Sanford B. Dole: “It is a book of great value. It should be widely and for students. For terms aPPly Jo read.” BishoP Restarick has a few coPies left MISS CHARLOTTE TEGGART which he will sell at $2.50 each. Original­ Cluett House, Emma Square, Honolulu ly the book sold at $4.00. It may be obtained at his residence, 1715 AnaPuni Street. ti a mat tan Clutrrh (Elirmttrlr Devoted to the interests of the Missionary District of Honolulu Vol XX. H o n o l u l u , H a w a i i , A u g u s t , 1930 No. 6 A MEMORIAL TO —boys of Christian character going out Щ а ш ш ш п BISHOP LA MOTHE into a new world where they too may (Eljurrlf (Ulrnmtrlr serve. “Where There Is No Vision The If you have read this far you know Successor to the Anglican Church Chronicle PeoPle Perish” our PurPose, and what we offer you. A ugust, 1930 BishoP La Mothe was your friend and He who helps to honor a great ours. soul, also honors himself; for it We have felt you would be Pleased to The Rt. Rev. S. H arrington L ittell, S.T.D. takes greatness to know great­ join in the movement to keeP alive that Editor ness. It is, then, to the great­ friendly sPirit and make it effective and THE HAWAIIAN CHURCH CHRONICLE is hearted, great-minded, great- I forceful and worth while, as he had such published once in each month. The subscription price is One Dollar a year. Remittances, orders, and souled citizens of Hawaii that a haPPy way of doing. other business communications, should be addressed we must look for friends with to the Rt. Rev. S. Harrington Littell, S.T.D., Emma The Plan Presented by the committee Square, Honolulu. which fittingly to perpetuate cooPerating with BishoP Littell calls Advertising rates made known upon application. the memory of the late Right for a fund of $300,000, to be used in Reverend John Dominique La CALENDAR the following Practical manner, a living M othe. memorial to John Dominique La Mothe August 3—7th Sunday after Trinity. —-who lived with us as BishoP from 1921 August 6—Transfiguration. The Missionary SPirit still lives. to 1928. August 10—8th Sunday after Trinity. BishoP La Mothe lived it, saw it grow, August 17—9th Sunday after Trinity. insPired it to new enterPrise, measured Brief History of Iolani School August 24—St. Bartholomew. its values in what men and women did The first BishoP, Dr. Staley, arrived 10th Sunday after Trinity. in days gone by. in October of 1862. He at once saw the August 31—11th Sunday after Trinity. BishoP La Mothe believed Iolani School necessity of schools if the Anglican « A to be a sPecial medium for carrying the Church was to make its contributions to gosPel of self-sacrifice and high ideals the life of the PeoPle of Hawaii. The Read what the BishoP says in his that build character and develoP men of existing Public schools were taught in column about the need of back numbers balance, strength and Christian influence. Hawaiian, and in consequence the officials of the Hawaiian Church Chronicle. The In his service to Hawaii, through his of the kingdom from the lowest to the demand has been greater than was church, his judgment Pointed to the great highest were largely English-sPeaking exPected. oPPortunity, the great resPonsibility of foreigners as English was a necessity Iolani School to go forward, aiding, for the transaction of business, and of The subscription price to the Chronicle insPiring youth to right living and the much that came before the courts. is one dollar a year and it may be sent achievement of the best, for each one in The BishoP at once started a school to the BishoP’s office or to BishoP his chosen or accePted sPhere of life. for boys with Archdeacon Mason in Restarick, Treasurer, 1715 AnaPuni BishoP La Mothe was a godly man of charge. It was named St. Alban’s and Street. great faith that was contagious. With was situated at the oPening of Pauoa it all he had what the Practical men call Valley. In this school many Part- judgment. Hawaiians and boys of foreign Parentage This special Iolani number of the His was a leadershiP good to follow were educated, some rising to eminence Chronicle has an issue of 2500 coPies while he was here in Person. Those in the kingdom, a number of whom are and will be sent far and wide to the associated with him believe that his still living. Mainland and to countries in EuroPe sPiritual leadershiP should be more de­ On an official visit to the school, and in Asia. finitely PerPetuated, that he should con­ Kamehameha V gave it the name of tinue to live not alone in the hearts of Iolani. his Parishioners but in Iolani, the Chris­ When, in 1872, BishoP Willis came as ,s‘ И- M. von Holt, we are glad to tian school that will keeP the Faith, teach, the successor of BishoP Staley, he bought sa7> is interested in Preserving the old serve, and enthuse our boys, generation a Piece of land on Bates Street and Armstrong House.
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